Prove that the image of an ideal under a ring homomorphism $mathbb Z[x]/Ito M_2(mathbb Z)$ is not an ideal

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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Let $R=mathbb Z[x]/I$ where $I=(x^2-5x-2)$ and $S=M_2(mathbb Z)$. Let $B$ be the matrix with rows $(1,2), (3,4)$. The kernel of the ring homomorphism $mathbb Z[x]to S$ that sends $p(x)$ to $p(B)$ contains $x^2-5x-2$, so this homo factors through $R$ by the universal property of ring homomorphism, and there is a unique ring homomorphism $f:Rto S$ with $f(x+I)=B$ defined by $p(x)+Imapsto p(B)$.

I want to show that the image of the ideal $J=((x-1)+I)subset R$ under $f$ is not an ideal in $S$.

My thoughts are: the matrix with rows $(0,2), (3,3)$ lies in the image. If the image were an ideal, then multiplication by an elementary matrix would result in a matrix that lies in the image of $f$. E.g. the matrix with rows $(3,3),(0,2)$ would be in the image of $f$. But I'm not sure how to show that it isn't in the image of $f$. The image of $f$ is all elements of the form $f(overline p(x)overline(x-1))=p(B)(B-I)$ if I understand correctly.

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  • What do you mean by $p(B)$?
    – Javi
    Aug 6 at 18:59

  • @Javi $p(x)$ evaluated at $x=B$
    – user437309
    Aug 6 at 19:00

  • Sorry, I don't know what you mean by evaluating a polynomial at a matrix. You said that $x^2-5x-2$ is contained in the kernel, so it's not evaluation at each of the entries, since $1$ is not a root of that polynomial.
    – Javi
    Aug 6 at 19:03

  • 4

    @Javi If $p(x)=x^2-5x-2$, then $p(B)=B^2-5B-2I=0$ ($0$ is the zero matrix in this case).
    – user437309
    Aug 6 at 19:04

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down vote


Let $R=mathbb Z[x]/I$ where $I=(x^2-5x-2)$ and $S=M_2(mathbb Z)$. Let $B$ be the matrix with rows $(1,2), (3,4)$. The kernel of the ring homomorphism $mathbb Z[x]to S$ that sends $p(x)$ to $p(B)$ contains $x^2-5x-2$, so this homo factors through $R$ by the universal property of ring homomorphism, and there is a unique ring homomorphism $f:Rto S$ with $f(x+I)=B$ defined by $p(x)+Imapsto p(B)$.

I want to show that the image of the ideal $J=((x-1)+I)subset R$ under $f$ is not an ideal in $S$.

My thoughts are: the matrix with rows $(0,2), (3,3)$ lies in the image. If the image were an ideal, then multiplication by an elementary matrix would result in a matrix that lies in the image of $f$. E.g. the matrix with rows $(3,3),(0,2)$ would be in the image of $f$. But I'm not sure how to show that it isn't in the image of $f$. The image of $f$ is all elements of the form $f(overline p(x)overline(x-1))=p(B)(B-I)$ if I understand correctly.

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  • What do you mean by $p(B)$?
    – Javi
    Aug 6 at 18:59

  • @Javi $p(x)$ evaluated at $x=B$
    – user437309
    Aug 6 at 19:00

  • Sorry, I don't know what you mean by evaluating a polynomial at a matrix. You said that $x^2-5x-2$ is contained in the kernel, so it's not evaluation at each of the entries, since $1$ is not a root of that polynomial.
    – Javi
    Aug 6 at 19:03

  • 4

    @Javi If $p(x)=x^2-5x-2$, then $p(B)=B^2-5B-2I=0$ ($0$ is the zero matrix in this case).
    – user437309
    Aug 6 at 19:04

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down vote


up vote
down vote


Let $R=mathbb Z[x]/I$ where $I=(x^2-5x-2)$ and $S=M_2(mathbb Z)$. Let $B$ be the matrix with rows $(1,2), (3,4)$. The kernel of the ring homomorphism $mathbb Z[x]to S$ that sends $p(x)$ to $p(B)$ contains $x^2-5x-2$, so this homo factors through $R$ by the universal property of ring homomorphism, and there is a unique ring homomorphism $f:Rto S$ with $f(x+I)=B$ defined by $p(x)+Imapsto p(B)$.

I want to show that the image of the ideal $J=((x-1)+I)subset R$ under $f$ is not an ideal in $S$.

My thoughts are: the matrix with rows $(0,2), (3,3)$ lies in the image. If the image were an ideal, then multiplication by an elementary matrix would result in a matrix that lies in the image of $f$. E.g. the matrix with rows $(3,3),(0,2)$ would be in the image of $f$. But I'm not sure how to show that it isn't in the image of $f$. The image of $f$ is all elements of the form $f(overline p(x)overline(x-1))=p(B)(B-I)$ if I understand correctly.

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Let $R=mathbb Z[x]/I$ where $I=(x^2-5x-2)$ and $S=M_2(mathbb Z)$. Let $B$ be the matrix with rows $(1,2), (3,4)$. The kernel of the ring homomorphism $mathbb Z[x]to S$ that sends $p(x)$ to $p(B)$ contains $x^2-5x-2$, so this homo factors through $R$ by the universal property of ring homomorphism, and there is a unique ring homomorphism $f:Rto S$ with $f(x+I)=B$ defined by $p(x)+Imapsto p(B)$.

I want to show that the image of the ideal $J=((x-1)+I)subset R$ under $f$ is not an ideal in $S$.

My thoughts are: the matrix with rows $(0,2), (3,3)$ lies in the image. If the image were an ideal, then multiplication by an elementary matrix would result in a matrix that lies in the image of $f$. E.g. the matrix with rows $(3,3),(0,2)$ would be in the image of $f$. But I'm not sure how to show that it isn't in the image of $f$. The image of $f$ is all elements of the form $f(overline p(x)overline(x-1))=p(B)(B-I)$ if I understand correctly.

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asked Aug 6 at 18:35




  • What do you mean by $p(B)$?
    – Javi
    Aug 6 at 18:59

  • @Javi $p(x)$ evaluated at $x=B$
    – user437309
    Aug 6 at 19:00

  • Sorry, I don't know what you mean by evaluating a polynomial at a matrix. You said that $x^2-5x-2$ is contained in the kernel, so it's not evaluation at each of the entries, since $1$ is not a root of that polynomial.
    – Javi
    Aug 6 at 19:03

  • 4

    @Javi If $p(x)=x^2-5x-2$, then $p(B)=B^2-5B-2I=0$ ($0$ is the zero matrix in this case).
    – user437309
    Aug 6 at 19:04

  • What do you mean by $p(B)$?
    – Javi
    Aug 6 at 18:59

  • @Javi $p(x)$ evaluated at $x=B$
    – user437309
    Aug 6 at 19:00

  • Sorry, I don't know what you mean by evaluating a polynomial at a matrix. You said that $x^2-5x-2$ is contained in the kernel, so it's not evaluation at each of the entries, since $1$ is not a root of that polynomial.
    – Javi
    Aug 6 at 19:03

  • 4

    @Javi If $p(x)=x^2-5x-2$, then $p(B)=B^2-5B-2I=0$ ($0$ is the zero matrix in this case).
    – user437309
    Aug 6 at 19:04

What do you mean by $p(B)$?
– Javi
Aug 6 at 18:59

What do you mean by $p(B)$?
– Javi
Aug 6 at 18:59

@Javi $p(x)$ evaluated at $x=B$
– user437309
Aug 6 at 19:00

@Javi $p(x)$ evaluated at $x=B$
– user437309
Aug 6 at 19:00

Sorry, I don't know what you mean by evaluating a polynomial at a matrix. You said that $x^2-5x-2$ is contained in the kernel, so it's not evaluation at each of the entries, since $1$ is not a root of that polynomial.
– Javi
Aug 6 at 19:03

Sorry, I don't know what you mean by evaluating a polynomial at a matrix. You said that $x^2-5x-2$ is contained in the kernel, so it's not evaluation at each of the entries, since $1$ is not a root of that polynomial.
– Javi
Aug 6 at 19:03



@Javi If $p(x)=x^2-5x-2$, then $p(B)=B^2-5B-2I=0$ ($0$ is the zero matrix in this case).
– user437309
Aug 6 at 19:04

@Javi If $p(x)=x^2-5x-2$, then $p(B)=B^2-5B-2I=0$ ($0$ is the zero matrix in this case).
– user437309
Aug 6 at 19:04

2 Answers




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down vote


Let $T:=textim(f)$. Clearly, $T$ is not the whole $S$, as elements of $T$ commute with $B$. Observe that
Thus, the image of the ideal $J$ of $R$ under $f$ is $TC$. It is strictly contained in the left ideal $SC$ of $S$. This is because everything in $TC$ commutes with $B$, whereas the element
of $SC$ does not commute with $B$, as we can readily check
Thus, $TC$ is not even a left ideal of $S$.

Note that the left ideal $SC$ of $S$ consists of matrices $beginbmatrixa&b\c&dendbmatrix$,
where $(a,b)$ and $(c,d)$ are in the $mathbbZ$-span of $(0,2)$ and $(3,3)$. The right ideal $CS$ of $S$ is composed by matrices $beginbmatrixa&b\c&dendbmatrix$, where $(a,c)$ and $(b,d)$ lie within the $mathbbZ$-span of $(0,3)$ and $(2,0)$. Finally, the two-sided ideal $SCS$ of $S$ equals $S$ itself.

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  • What do you mean by $TC$ (which is $operatornameim(f) C$)?
    – user437309
    Aug 6 at 19:38

  • This is just the set of $tcdot C$, where $tin T=textim(f)$. Note that $T$ is a commutative subalgebra of $S$.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 6 at 19:39

  • It seems I no longer understand this: why does every matrix in the image commute with $B$?
    – user437309
    Aug 7 at 22:16

  • Because everything in $T$ is a polynomial in $B$. Every matrix $X$ commutes with $p(X)$ for any polynomial $p$.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 22:18

  • 1

    But $B$ and $C$ do commute. $C$ is a polynomial in $B$.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 22:33

up vote
down vote

If $f(R/I)$ were an ideal, $C(B-I)$ should be an element of $f(R/I)$ for any $C in M_2(mathbbZ)$ and thus there should exist $p in mathbbZ[X]$ such that $p(B)(B-I) = C(B-I)$, that is,

p(B) = C

since $B-I$ is invertible. In particular, the eigenvalues of $C$ have to be those of $p(B)$ which in turn are the eigenvalues of $B$ via $p$. However, $B$ has real eigenvalues and therefore this would imply that any matrix with integer coefficients has real eigenvalues, which is not the case: take for example

left[ beginarraycc
0 & 1 \
-1 & 0 \
endarray right]

with characteristic polynomial $X^2 + 1$.

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    up vote
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    Let $T:=textim(f)$. Clearly, $T$ is not the whole $S$, as elements of $T$ commute with $B$. Observe that
    Thus, the image of the ideal $J$ of $R$ under $f$ is $TC$. It is strictly contained in the left ideal $SC$ of $S$. This is because everything in $TC$ commutes with $B$, whereas the element
    of $SC$ does not commute with $B$, as we can readily check
    Thus, $TC$ is not even a left ideal of $S$.

    Note that the left ideal $SC$ of $S$ consists of matrices $beginbmatrixa&b\c&dendbmatrix$,
    where $(a,b)$ and $(c,d)$ are in the $mathbbZ$-span of $(0,2)$ and $(3,3)$. The right ideal $CS$ of $S$ is composed by matrices $beginbmatrixa&b\c&dendbmatrix$, where $(a,c)$ and $(b,d)$ lie within the $mathbbZ$-span of $(0,3)$ and $(2,0)$. Finally, the two-sided ideal $SCS$ of $S$ equals $S$ itself.

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • What do you mean by $TC$ (which is $operatornameim(f) C$)?
      – user437309
      Aug 6 at 19:38

    • This is just the set of $tcdot C$, where $tin T=textim(f)$. Note that $T$ is a commutative subalgebra of $S$.
      – Batominovski
      Aug 6 at 19:39

    • It seems I no longer understand this: why does every matrix in the image commute with $B$?
      – user437309
      Aug 7 at 22:16

    • Because everything in $T$ is a polynomial in $B$. Every matrix $X$ commutes with $p(X)$ for any polynomial $p$.
      – Batominovski
      Aug 7 at 22:18

    • 1

      But $B$ and $C$ do commute. $C$ is a polynomial in $B$.
      – Batominovski
      Aug 7 at 22:33

    up vote
    down vote


    Let $T:=textim(f)$. Clearly, $T$ is not the whole $S$, as elements of $T$ commute with $B$. Observe that
    Thus, the image of the ideal $J$ of $R$ under $f$ is $TC$. It is strictly contained in the left ideal $SC$ of $S$. This is because everything in $TC$ commutes with $B$, whereas the element
    of $SC$ does not commute with $B$, as we can readily check
    Thus, $TC$ is not even a left ideal of $S$.

    Note that the left ideal $SC$ of $S$ consists of matrices $beginbmatrixa&b\c&dendbmatrix$,
    where $(a,b)$ and $(c,d)$ are in the $mathbbZ$-span of $(0,2)$ and $(3,3)$. The right ideal $CS$ of $S$ is composed by matrices $beginbmatrixa&b\c&dendbmatrix$, where $(a,c)$ and $(b,d)$ lie within the $mathbbZ$-span of $(0,3)$ and $(2,0)$. Finally, the two-sided ideal $SCS$ of $S$ equals $S$ itself.

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • What do you mean by $TC$ (which is $operatornameim(f) C$)?
      – user437309
      Aug 6 at 19:38

    • This is just the set of $tcdot C$, where $tin T=textim(f)$. Note that $T$ is a commutative subalgebra of $S$.
      – Batominovski
      Aug 6 at 19:39

    • It seems I no longer understand this: why does every matrix in the image commute with $B$?
      – user437309
      Aug 7 at 22:16

    • Because everything in $T$ is a polynomial in $B$. Every matrix $X$ commutes with $p(X)$ for any polynomial $p$.
      – Batominovski
      Aug 7 at 22:18

    • 1

      But $B$ and $C$ do commute. $C$ is a polynomial in $B$.
      – Batominovski
      Aug 7 at 22:33

    up vote
    down vote


    up vote
    down vote


    Let $T:=textim(f)$. Clearly, $T$ is not the whole $S$, as elements of $T$ commute with $B$. Observe that
    Thus, the image of the ideal $J$ of $R$ under $f$ is $TC$. It is strictly contained in the left ideal $SC$ of $S$. This is because everything in $TC$ commutes with $B$, whereas the element
    of $SC$ does not commute with $B$, as we can readily check
    Thus, $TC$ is not even a left ideal of $S$.

    Note that the left ideal $SC$ of $S$ consists of matrices $beginbmatrixa&b\c&dendbmatrix$,
    where $(a,b)$ and $(c,d)$ are in the $mathbbZ$-span of $(0,2)$ and $(3,3)$. The right ideal $CS$ of $S$ is composed by matrices $beginbmatrixa&b\c&dendbmatrix$, where $(a,c)$ and $(b,d)$ lie within the $mathbbZ$-span of $(0,3)$ and $(2,0)$. Finally, the two-sided ideal $SCS$ of $S$ equals $S$ itself.

    share|cite|improve this answer

    Let $T:=textim(f)$. Clearly, $T$ is not the whole $S$, as elements of $T$ commute with $B$. Observe that
    Thus, the image of the ideal $J$ of $R$ under $f$ is $TC$. It is strictly contained in the left ideal $SC$ of $S$. This is because everything in $TC$ commutes with $B$, whereas the element
    of $SC$ does not commute with $B$, as we can readily check
    Thus, $TC$ is not even a left ideal of $S$.

    Note that the left ideal $SC$ of $S$ consists of matrices $beginbmatrixa&b\c&dendbmatrix$,
    where $(a,b)$ and $(c,d)$ are in the $mathbbZ$-span of $(0,2)$ and $(3,3)$. The right ideal $CS$ of $S$ is composed by matrices $beginbmatrixa&b\c&dendbmatrix$, where $(a,c)$ and $(b,d)$ lie within the $mathbbZ$-span of $(0,3)$ and $(2,0)$. Finally, the two-sided ideal $SCS$ of $S$ equals $S$ itself.

    share|cite|improve this answer

    share|cite|improve this answer

    share|cite|improve this answer

    edited Aug 6 at 19:31

    answered Aug 6 at 19:24




    • What do you mean by $TC$ (which is $operatornameim(f) C$)?
      – user437309
      Aug 6 at 19:38

    • This is just the set of $tcdot C$, where $tin T=textim(f)$. Note that $T$ is a commutative subalgebra of $S$.
      – Batominovski
      Aug 6 at 19:39

    • It seems I no longer understand this: why does every matrix in the image commute with $B$?
      – user437309
      Aug 7 at 22:16

    • Because everything in $T$ is a polynomial in $B$. Every matrix $X$ commutes with $p(X)$ for any polynomial $p$.
      – Batominovski
      Aug 7 at 22:18

    • 1

      But $B$ and $C$ do commute. $C$ is a polynomial in $B$.
      – Batominovski
      Aug 7 at 22:33

    • What do you mean by $TC$ (which is $operatornameim(f) C$)?
      – user437309
      Aug 6 at 19:38

    • This is just the set of $tcdot C$, where $tin T=textim(f)$. Note that $T$ is a commutative subalgebra of $S$.
      – Batominovski
      Aug 6 at 19:39

    • It seems I no longer understand this: why does every matrix in the image commute with $B$?
      – user437309
      Aug 7 at 22:16

    • Because everything in $T$ is a polynomial in $B$. Every matrix $X$ commutes with $p(X)$ for any polynomial $p$.
      – Batominovski
      Aug 7 at 22:18

    • 1

      But $B$ and $C$ do commute. $C$ is a polynomial in $B$.
      – Batominovski
      Aug 7 at 22:33

    What do you mean by $TC$ (which is $operatornameim(f) C$)?
    – user437309
    Aug 6 at 19:38

    What do you mean by $TC$ (which is $operatornameim(f) C$)?
    – user437309
    Aug 6 at 19:38

    This is just the set of $tcdot C$, where $tin T=textim(f)$. Note that $T$ is a commutative subalgebra of $S$.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 6 at 19:39

    This is just the set of $tcdot C$, where $tin T=textim(f)$. Note that $T$ is a commutative subalgebra of $S$.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 6 at 19:39

    It seems I no longer understand this: why does every matrix in the image commute with $B$?
    – user437309
    Aug 7 at 22:16

    It seems I no longer understand this: why does every matrix in the image commute with $B$?
    – user437309
    Aug 7 at 22:16

    Because everything in $T$ is a polynomial in $B$. Every matrix $X$ commutes with $p(X)$ for any polynomial $p$.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 22:18

    Because everything in $T$ is a polynomial in $B$. Every matrix $X$ commutes with $p(X)$ for any polynomial $p$.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 22:18



    But $B$ and $C$ do commute. $C$ is a polynomial in $B$.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 22:33

    But $B$ and $C$ do commute. $C$ is a polynomial in $B$.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 22:33

    up vote
    down vote

    If $f(R/I)$ were an ideal, $C(B-I)$ should be an element of $f(R/I)$ for any $C in M_2(mathbbZ)$ and thus there should exist $p in mathbbZ[X]$ such that $p(B)(B-I) = C(B-I)$, that is,

    p(B) = C

    since $B-I$ is invertible. In particular, the eigenvalues of $C$ have to be those of $p(B)$ which in turn are the eigenvalues of $B$ via $p$. However, $B$ has real eigenvalues and therefore this would imply that any matrix with integer coefficients has real eigenvalues, which is not the case: take for example

    left[ beginarraycc
    0 & 1 \
    -1 & 0 \
    endarray right]

    with characteristic polynomial $X^2 + 1$.

    share|cite|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      If $f(R/I)$ were an ideal, $C(B-I)$ should be an element of $f(R/I)$ for any $C in M_2(mathbbZ)$ and thus there should exist $p in mathbbZ[X]$ such that $p(B)(B-I) = C(B-I)$, that is,

      p(B) = C

      since $B-I$ is invertible. In particular, the eigenvalues of $C$ have to be those of $p(B)$ which in turn are the eigenvalues of $B$ via $p$. However, $B$ has real eigenvalues and therefore this would imply that any matrix with integer coefficients has real eigenvalues, which is not the case: take for example

      left[ beginarraycc
      0 & 1 \
      -1 & 0 \
      endarray right]

      with characteristic polynomial $X^2 + 1$.

      share|cite|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        If $f(R/I)$ were an ideal, $C(B-I)$ should be an element of $f(R/I)$ for any $C in M_2(mathbbZ)$ and thus there should exist $p in mathbbZ[X]$ such that $p(B)(B-I) = C(B-I)$, that is,

        p(B) = C

        since $B-I$ is invertible. In particular, the eigenvalues of $C$ have to be those of $p(B)$ which in turn are the eigenvalues of $B$ via $p$. However, $B$ has real eigenvalues and therefore this would imply that any matrix with integer coefficients has real eigenvalues, which is not the case: take for example

        left[ beginarraycc
        0 & 1 \
        -1 & 0 \
        endarray right]

        with characteristic polynomial $X^2 + 1$.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        If $f(R/I)$ were an ideal, $C(B-I)$ should be an element of $f(R/I)$ for any $C in M_2(mathbbZ)$ and thus there should exist $p in mathbbZ[X]$ such that $p(B)(B-I) = C(B-I)$, that is,

        p(B) = C

        since $B-I$ is invertible. In particular, the eigenvalues of $C$ have to be those of $p(B)$ which in turn are the eigenvalues of $B$ via $p$. However, $B$ has real eigenvalues and therefore this would imply that any matrix with integer coefficients has real eigenvalues, which is not the case: take for example

        left[ beginarraycc
        0 & 1 \
        -1 & 0 \
        endarray right]

        with characteristic polynomial $X^2 + 1$.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        answered Aug 6 at 19:41

        Guido A.




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