Complex set of linear equations
Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 0 down vote favorite I'm trying to find $beta$'s which solve the following problem: $sum Vi beta i = V$ Or that at least minimize ($sum Vi beta i - V)$ where $Vi$ are vectors. Additionally, there are a few other constraints/properties for these numbers. $sum beta i =1 $ and $beta i gt 0$ Also, the sum of the vector components is also 1. Another formulation is imagine you have a population of Things. For each one of these, you can apply some random input (from a set of 6 inputs, not necessarily equally likely), and you get some output that depends solely on the input, given the Thing. I need to find the best distribution of inputs so that, if I apply them to the entire population, my output match some control totals that are pre-established. In this case though, I don't need to exactly match everything, but find the solution which gives the closest (or close enough) set of outputs to my controls. I'm not really sure whe...