How i can reformulate Riemann hypothesis in $3D=mathbbR^3$? [on hold]

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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Probably my question here is so bad , I'm really interesting to know what about zeta function in $3$ dimension , I meant the variable S be presented in the coordinate $(O,x,y,z)=mathbbR^3$ ( zeta function acts with 3 real variable ) , then my question here is :

Would be The Riemann hypothesis change or stay as it is ?

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put on hold as unclear what you're asking by anomaly, Chris Janjigian, G Tony Jacobs, Adrian Keister, Xander Henderson Aug 4 at 2:05

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • It's not at all clear what you're really asking for. Do you want to define an analog of the zeta function that acts on.... two real variables? Three real variables? Two complex variables?
    – G Tony Jacobs
    Aug 3 at 22:29

  • Three real variable
    – zeraoulia rafik
    Aug 3 at 22:29

  • 1

    Why are you including a $0$ in the expression $(0,x,y,z)$? Why do you think there's (a) a meaningful way, and (b) a unique way, to define a zeta function that takes three inputs instead of one?
    – G Tony Jacobs
    Aug 3 at 22:31

  • I meant by ( o, x,y,z) the plane of 3D and o is the origine of 3D plane
    – zeraoulia rafik
    Aug 3 at 22:32

  • The zeta function is already essentially 2D, as $s=a+bi$ makes its domain $mathbbR^2$. You could for example work with quaternions, which would look like $s=a+bi+cj+dk$.
    – Alex R.
    Aug 3 at 22:45

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Probably my question here is so bad , I'm really interesting to know what about zeta function in $3$ dimension , I meant the variable S be presented in the coordinate $(O,x,y,z)=mathbbR^3$ ( zeta function acts with 3 real variable ) , then my question here is :

Would be The Riemann hypothesis change or stay as it is ?

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put on hold as unclear what you're asking by anomaly, Chris Janjigian, G Tony Jacobs, Adrian Keister, Xander Henderson Aug 4 at 2:05

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • It's not at all clear what you're really asking for. Do you want to define an analog of the zeta function that acts on.... two real variables? Three real variables? Two complex variables?
    – G Tony Jacobs
    Aug 3 at 22:29

  • Three real variable
    – zeraoulia rafik
    Aug 3 at 22:29

  • 1

    Why are you including a $0$ in the expression $(0,x,y,z)$? Why do you think there's (a) a meaningful way, and (b) a unique way, to define a zeta function that takes three inputs instead of one?
    – G Tony Jacobs
    Aug 3 at 22:31

  • I meant by ( o, x,y,z) the plane of 3D and o is the origine of 3D plane
    – zeraoulia rafik
    Aug 3 at 22:32

  • The zeta function is already essentially 2D, as $s=a+bi$ makes its domain $mathbbR^2$. You could for example work with quaternions, which would look like $s=a+bi+cj+dk$.
    – Alex R.
    Aug 3 at 22:45

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up vote
down vote


Probably my question here is so bad , I'm really interesting to know what about zeta function in $3$ dimension , I meant the variable S be presented in the coordinate $(O,x,y,z)=mathbbR^3$ ( zeta function acts with 3 real variable ) , then my question here is :

Would be The Riemann hypothesis change or stay as it is ?

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Probably my question here is so bad , I'm really interesting to know what about zeta function in $3$ dimension , I meant the variable S be presented in the coordinate $(O,x,y,z)=mathbbR^3$ ( zeta function acts with 3 real variable ) , then my question here is :

Would be The Riemann hypothesis change or stay as it is ?

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edited Aug 3 at 22:58

asked Aug 3 at 22:20

zeraoulia rafik



put on hold as unclear what you're asking by anomaly, Chris Janjigian, G Tony Jacobs, Adrian Keister, Xander Henderson Aug 4 at 2:05

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

put on hold as unclear what you're asking by anomaly, Chris Janjigian, G Tony Jacobs, Adrian Keister, Xander Henderson Aug 4 at 2:05

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • It's not at all clear what you're really asking for. Do you want to define an analog of the zeta function that acts on.... two real variables? Three real variables? Two complex variables?
    – G Tony Jacobs
    Aug 3 at 22:29

  • Three real variable
    – zeraoulia rafik
    Aug 3 at 22:29

  • 1

    Why are you including a $0$ in the expression $(0,x,y,z)$? Why do you think there's (a) a meaningful way, and (b) a unique way, to define a zeta function that takes three inputs instead of one?
    – G Tony Jacobs
    Aug 3 at 22:31

  • I meant by ( o, x,y,z) the plane of 3D and o is the origine of 3D plane
    – zeraoulia rafik
    Aug 3 at 22:32

  • The zeta function is already essentially 2D, as $s=a+bi$ makes its domain $mathbbR^2$. You could for example work with quaternions, which would look like $s=a+bi+cj+dk$.
    – Alex R.
    Aug 3 at 22:45

  • It's not at all clear what you're really asking for. Do you want to define an analog of the zeta function that acts on.... two real variables? Three real variables? Two complex variables?
    – G Tony Jacobs
    Aug 3 at 22:29

  • Three real variable
    – zeraoulia rafik
    Aug 3 at 22:29

  • 1

    Why are you including a $0$ in the expression $(0,x,y,z)$? Why do you think there's (a) a meaningful way, and (b) a unique way, to define a zeta function that takes three inputs instead of one?
    – G Tony Jacobs
    Aug 3 at 22:31

  • I meant by ( o, x,y,z) the plane of 3D and o is the origine of 3D plane
    – zeraoulia rafik
    Aug 3 at 22:32

  • The zeta function is already essentially 2D, as $s=a+bi$ makes its domain $mathbbR^2$. You could for example work with quaternions, which would look like $s=a+bi+cj+dk$.
    – Alex R.
    Aug 3 at 22:45

It's not at all clear what you're really asking for. Do you want to define an analog of the zeta function that acts on.... two real variables? Three real variables? Two complex variables?
– G Tony Jacobs
Aug 3 at 22:29

It's not at all clear what you're really asking for. Do you want to define an analog of the zeta function that acts on.... two real variables? Three real variables? Two complex variables?
– G Tony Jacobs
Aug 3 at 22:29

Three real variable
– zeraoulia rafik
Aug 3 at 22:29

Three real variable
– zeraoulia rafik
Aug 3 at 22:29



Why are you including a $0$ in the expression $(0,x,y,z)$? Why do you think there's (a) a meaningful way, and (b) a unique way, to define a zeta function that takes three inputs instead of one?
– G Tony Jacobs
Aug 3 at 22:31

Why are you including a $0$ in the expression $(0,x,y,z)$? Why do you think there's (a) a meaningful way, and (b) a unique way, to define a zeta function that takes three inputs instead of one?
– G Tony Jacobs
Aug 3 at 22:31

I meant by ( o, x,y,z) the plane of 3D and o is the origine of 3D plane
– zeraoulia rafik
Aug 3 at 22:32

I meant by ( o, x,y,z) the plane of 3D and o is the origine of 3D plane
– zeraoulia rafik
Aug 3 at 22:32

The zeta function is already essentially 2D, as $s=a+bi$ makes its domain $mathbbR^2$. You could for example work with quaternions, which would look like $s=a+bi+cj+dk$.
– Alex R.
Aug 3 at 22:45

The zeta function is already essentially 2D, as $s=a+bi$ makes its domain $mathbbR^2$. You could for example work with quaternions, which would look like $s=a+bi+cj+dk$.
– Alex R.
Aug 3 at 22:45

















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