Reference Request: Klingenberg's Lectures on closed geodesics $§4.3.4$

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 1 down vote favorite Would anyone be able to provide Klingenberg's claimed proof in his " Lectures on closed geodesics " of the existence of infinitely many prime closed geodesics on any closed simply connected Riemannian manifold (contingent on the divisibility lemma). I believe it is around $ç4.3.4$ in his book. Thanks in advance! reference-request geodesic loop-spaces share | cite | improve this question edited Jul 23 at 18:49 asked Jul 23 at 18:39 Multivariablecalculus 495 3 13 add a comment  | up vote 1 down vote favorite Would anyone be able to provide Klingenberg's claimed proof in his " Lectures on closed geodesics " of the existence of infinitely many prime closed geodesics on any closed simply connected Riemannian manifold (contingent on the divisibility lemma). I believe it is around $ç4.3.4$ in h...