Show that a mapping is a contraction in $ mathbbR^2 $ [closed]

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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Consider $ mathbbR^2 $ with the usual Euclidean distance $ d$. I have to show that the equation $ v = M(v)$ where

$$ M(v) = (1,1) + beta(x,y), quad beta in [0,1) $$

for all $ v=(x,y)$, has a unique fixed point $v^star$, by using the contraction mapping theorem (see here). Clearly $ mathbbR^2 $ is complete and $M:mathbbR^2 to mathbbR^2$. But how can I show that $M$ is a contraction?

Using the definition of contraction, I have to show that:

$$ lVert M(v) - M(v^prime) rVert leq beta lVert v - v^prime rVert $$

for some $beta in [0,1) $, and for all $v,v^prime in mathbbR^2$.

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closed as off-topic by Clayton, ThomasGrubb, Isaac Browne, Shailesh, Claude Leibovici Jul 24 at 8:11

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – Clayton, ThomasGrubb, Isaac Browne, Shailesh, Claude Leibovici
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 2

    Have you tried anything at all yet? (Hint: using the definition of a contraction gets you pretty far.....)
    – ThomasGrubb
    Jul 23 at 23:00

  • 1

    @Thomas I computed the fixed point, $ v^star = ( dfrac11-beta, dfrac11-beta) $ :)
    – Alessandro
    Jul 23 at 23:23

  • @Alessandro: Nicely done! You've shown that a fixed point (if it exists) has the form $leftlanglefrac11-beta,frac11-betarightrangle.$ Now, you are supposed to use the CMT to prove that a fixed point exists. You've taken an end-around approach, which (while valid) will not get you full credit on your assignment.
    – Cameron Buie
    Jul 23 at 23:34

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Consider $ mathbbR^2 $ with the usual Euclidean distance $ d$. I have to show that the equation $ v = M(v)$ where

$$ M(v) = (1,1) + beta(x,y), quad beta in [0,1) $$

for all $ v=(x,y)$, has a unique fixed point $v^star$, by using the contraction mapping theorem (see here). Clearly $ mathbbR^2 $ is complete and $M:mathbbR^2 to mathbbR^2$. But how can I show that $M$ is a contraction?

Using the definition of contraction, I have to show that:

$$ lVert M(v) - M(v^prime) rVert leq beta lVert v - v^prime rVert $$

for some $beta in [0,1) $, and for all $v,v^prime in mathbbR^2$.

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closed as off-topic by Clayton, ThomasGrubb, Isaac Browne, Shailesh, Claude Leibovici Jul 24 at 8:11

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – Clayton, ThomasGrubb, Isaac Browne, Shailesh, Claude Leibovici
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 2

    Have you tried anything at all yet? (Hint: using the definition of a contraction gets you pretty far.....)
    – ThomasGrubb
    Jul 23 at 23:00

  • 1

    @Thomas I computed the fixed point, $ v^star = ( dfrac11-beta, dfrac11-beta) $ :)
    – Alessandro
    Jul 23 at 23:23

  • @Alessandro: Nicely done! You've shown that a fixed point (if it exists) has the form $leftlanglefrac11-beta,frac11-betarightrangle.$ Now, you are supposed to use the CMT to prove that a fixed point exists. You've taken an end-around approach, which (while valid) will not get you full credit on your assignment.
    – Cameron Buie
    Jul 23 at 23:34

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Consider $ mathbbR^2 $ with the usual Euclidean distance $ d$. I have to show that the equation $ v = M(v)$ where

$$ M(v) = (1,1) + beta(x,y), quad beta in [0,1) $$

for all $ v=(x,y)$, has a unique fixed point $v^star$, by using the contraction mapping theorem (see here). Clearly $ mathbbR^2 $ is complete and $M:mathbbR^2 to mathbbR^2$. But how can I show that $M$ is a contraction?

Using the definition of contraction, I have to show that:

$$ lVert M(v) - M(v^prime) rVert leq beta lVert v - v^prime rVert $$

for some $beta in [0,1) $, and for all $v,v^prime in mathbbR^2$.

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Consider $ mathbbR^2 $ with the usual Euclidean distance $ d$. I have to show that the equation $ v = M(v)$ where

$$ M(v) = (1,1) + beta(x,y), quad beta in [0,1) $$

for all $ v=(x,y)$, has a unique fixed point $v^star$, by using the contraction mapping theorem (see here). Clearly $ mathbbR^2 $ is complete and $M:mathbbR^2 to mathbbR^2$. But how can I show that $M$ is a contraction?

Using the definition of contraction, I have to show that:

$$ lVert M(v) - M(v^prime) rVert leq beta lVert v - v^prime rVert $$

for some $beta in [0,1) $, and for all $v,v^prime in mathbbR^2$.

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edited Jul 24 at 15:40

asked Jul 23 at 22:35




closed as off-topic by Clayton, ThomasGrubb, Isaac Browne, Shailesh, Claude Leibovici Jul 24 at 8:11

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – Clayton, ThomasGrubb, Isaac Browne, Shailesh, Claude Leibovici
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as off-topic by Clayton, ThomasGrubb, Isaac Browne, Shailesh, Claude Leibovici Jul 24 at 8:11

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – Clayton, ThomasGrubb, Isaac Browne, Shailesh, Claude Leibovici
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 2

    Have you tried anything at all yet? (Hint: using the definition of a contraction gets you pretty far.....)
    – ThomasGrubb
    Jul 23 at 23:00

  • 1

    @Thomas I computed the fixed point, $ v^star = ( dfrac11-beta, dfrac11-beta) $ :)
    – Alessandro
    Jul 23 at 23:23

  • @Alessandro: Nicely done! You've shown that a fixed point (if it exists) has the form $leftlanglefrac11-beta,frac11-betarightrangle.$ Now, you are supposed to use the CMT to prove that a fixed point exists. You've taken an end-around approach, which (while valid) will not get you full credit on your assignment.
    – Cameron Buie
    Jul 23 at 23:34

  • 2

    Have you tried anything at all yet? (Hint: using the definition of a contraction gets you pretty far.....)
    – ThomasGrubb
    Jul 23 at 23:00

  • 1

    @Thomas I computed the fixed point, $ v^star = ( dfrac11-beta, dfrac11-beta) $ :)
    – Alessandro
    Jul 23 at 23:23

  • @Alessandro: Nicely done! You've shown that a fixed point (if it exists) has the form $leftlanglefrac11-beta,frac11-betarightrangle.$ Now, you are supposed to use the CMT to prove that a fixed point exists. You've taken an end-around approach, which (while valid) will not get you full credit on your assignment.
    – Cameron Buie
    Jul 23 at 23:34



Have you tried anything at all yet? (Hint: using the definition of a contraction gets you pretty far.....)
– ThomasGrubb
Jul 23 at 23:00

Have you tried anything at all yet? (Hint: using the definition of a contraction gets you pretty far.....)
– ThomasGrubb
Jul 23 at 23:00



@Thomas I computed the fixed point, $ v^star = ( dfrac11-beta, dfrac11-beta) $ :)
– Alessandro
Jul 23 at 23:23

@Thomas I computed the fixed point, $ v^star = ( dfrac11-beta, dfrac11-beta) $ :)
– Alessandro
Jul 23 at 23:23

@Alessandro: Nicely done! You've shown that a fixed point (if it exists) has the form $leftlanglefrac11-beta,frac11-betarightrangle.$ Now, you are supposed to use the CMT to prove that a fixed point exists. You've taken an end-around approach, which (while valid) will not get you full credit on your assignment.
– Cameron Buie
Jul 23 at 23:34

@Alessandro: Nicely done! You've shown that a fixed point (if it exists) has the form $leftlanglefrac11-beta,frac11-betarightrangle.$ Now, you are supposed to use the CMT to prove that a fixed point exists. You've taken an end-around approach, which (while valid) will not get you full credit on your assignment.
– Cameron Buie
Jul 23 at 23:34

1 Answer




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down vote

It was pretty easy :)
Let $ lVert cdot rVert $ denote the Euclidean distance between two vectors. Then

$$ lVert M(v) - M(v^prime) rVert = lVert beta (v_1,v_2)- beta(v^prime_1,v^prime_2) rVert = beta lVert v - v^prime rVert $$

This shows that $M$ is a contraction with modulus $ beta $. Therefore I can apply the CMT, as suggested above, and this buys me the fixed point.

Thanks @Thomas for the advice!

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    1 Answer




    1 Answer










    up vote
    down vote

    It was pretty easy :)
    Let $ lVert cdot rVert $ denote the Euclidean distance between two vectors. Then

    $$ lVert M(v) - M(v^prime) rVert = lVert beta (v_1,v_2)- beta(v^prime_1,v^prime_2) rVert = beta lVert v - v^prime rVert $$

    This shows that $M$ is a contraction with modulus $ beta $. Therefore I can apply the CMT, as suggested above, and this buys me the fixed point.

    Thanks @Thomas for the advice!

    share|cite|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      It was pretty easy :)
      Let $ lVert cdot rVert $ denote the Euclidean distance between two vectors. Then

      $$ lVert M(v) - M(v^prime) rVert = lVert beta (v_1,v_2)- beta(v^prime_1,v^prime_2) rVert = beta lVert v - v^prime rVert $$

      This shows that $M$ is a contraction with modulus $ beta $. Therefore I can apply the CMT, as suggested above, and this buys me the fixed point.

      Thanks @Thomas for the advice!

      share|cite|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        It was pretty easy :)
        Let $ lVert cdot rVert $ denote the Euclidean distance between two vectors. Then

        $$ lVert M(v) - M(v^prime) rVert = lVert beta (v_1,v_2)- beta(v^prime_1,v^prime_2) rVert = beta lVert v - v^prime rVert $$

        This shows that $M$ is a contraction with modulus $ beta $. Therefore I can apply the CMT, as suggested above, and this buys me the fixed point.

        Thanks @Thomas for the advice!

        share|cite|improve this answer

        It was pretty easy :)
        Let $ lVert cdot rVert $ denote the Euclidean distance between two vectors. Then

        $$ lVert M(v) - M(v^prime) rVert = lVert beta (v_1,v_2)- beta(v^prime_1,v^prime_2) rVert = beta lVert v - v^prime rVert $$

        This shows that $M$ is a contraction with modulus $ beta $. Therefore I can apply the CMT, as suggested above, and this buys me the fixed point.

        Thanks @Thomas for the advice!

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        answered Jul 24 at 0:47





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