The Classic Matching Problem in Probability

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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I have some questions about the solution to this problem for $n=3$. The problem goes:

"Suppose that each of three men at a party throws his
hat into the center of the room. The hats are first mixed up and then each man randomly selects a hat. What is the probability that none of the three men selects his own hat?"

One of the solutions reads Equation 1

$P($no man selects his hat$) = 1 - P($at least one man selects his own hat$) = 1 - P(E1∪E2∪E3)$

I am having a hard time understanding why

$P($at least one man selects his own hat$) = P(E1∪E2∪E3)$

I can understand the complement, basically if $E_i$ is the event that man $i$ picks his own hat, then we are looking for the complement of $cap E_i$ which equals $cup E_i^c$. However is the union of events to be used when we answer the question of at least one event occurring?

My second question is this:

while I was trying to solve this problem for $n=3$, I used the following reasoning:

$P($no man selects his hat $) = 1 - P(E_1) - P(E_1E_2) - P(E_1E_2E_3)$

where $E_1$ is the event that only one man picks his own hat
$E_1E_2$ is the event that two men pick their own hat, and $E_1E_2E_3$ the event that all did.

In my computations, I ended up with $1/3$, which is the same probability we get if we use $ $
Equation 1. Is my reasoning correct?

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  • That looks like the number of derangement divided by all permutations. To put into a formula $$frac!nn!~=~sum_k=0^n frac(-1)^kk!$$ In your case $n=3$. Derangements are permutations without fixed points (See
    – mrtaurho
    Jul 23 at 23:16

  • For your first question: Yes, when you consider the union of two elements $x,y$ as another way to say $x$ or $y$. In a context of probability this equals to that the union of events denotes that at least on event is occurring. For your second I want to clarify something: Do you want to verify the equation $P(E_1cup E_2 cup E_3)~=~P(E_1)+P(E_1cap E_2)+P(E_1cap E_2 cap E_3)$?
    – mrtaurho
    Jul 23 at 23:49

  • @mrtaurho, yes. Does the equation make sense?
    – Note
    Jul 24 at 0:28

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I have some questions about the solution to this problem for $n=3$. The problem goes:

"Suppose that each of three men at a party throws his
hat into the center of the room. The hats are first mixed up and then each man randomly selects a hat. What is the probability that none of the three men selects his own hat?"

One of the solutions reads Equation 1

$P($no man selects his hat$) = 1 - P($at least one man selects his own hat$) = 1 - P(E1∪E2∪E3)$

I am having a hard time understanding why

$P($at least one man selects his own hat$) = P(E1∪E2∪E3)$

I can understand the complement, basically if $E_i$ is the event that man $i$ picks his own hat, then we are looking for the complement of $cap E_i$ which equals $cup E_i^c$. However is the union of events to be used when we answer the question of at least one event occurring?

My second question is this:

while I was trying to solve this problem for $n=3$, I used the following reasoning:

$P($no man selects his hat $) = 1 - P(E_1) - P(E_1E_2) - P(E_1E_2E_3)$

where $E_1$ is the event that only one man picks his own hat
$E_1E_2$ is the event that two men pick their own hat, and $E_1E_2E_3$ the event that all did.

In my computations, I ended up with $1/3$, which is the same probability we get if we use $ $
Equation 1. Is my reasoning correct?

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  • That looks like the number of derangement divided by all permutations. To put into a formula $$frac!nn!~=~sum_k=0^n frac(-1)^kk!$$ In your case $n=3$. Derangements are permutations without fixed points (See
    – mrtaurho
    Jul 23 at 23:16

  • For your first question: Yes, when you consider the union of two elements $x,y$ as another way to say $x$ or $y$. In a context of probability this equals to that the union of events denotes that at least on event is occurring. For your second I want to clarify something: Do you want to verify the equation $P(E_1cup E_2 cup E_3)~=~P(E_1)+P(E_1cap E_2)+P(E_1cap E_2 cap E_3)$?
    – mrtaurho
    Jul 23 at 23:49

  • @mrtaurho, yes. Does the equation make sense?
    – Note
    Jul 24 at 0:28

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I have some questions about the solution to this problem for $n=3$. The problem goes:

"Suppose that each of three men at a party throws his
hat into the center of the room. The hats are first mixed up and then each man randomly selects a hat. What is the probability that none of the three men selects his own hat?"

One of the solutions reads Equation 1

$P($no man selects his hat$) = 1 - P($at least one man selects his own hat$) = 1 - P(E1∪E2∪E3)$

I am having a hard time understanding why

$P($at least one man selects his own hat$) = P(E1∪E2∪E3)$

I can understand the complement, basically if $E_i$ is the event that man $i$ picks his own hat, then we are looking for the complement of $cap E_i$ which equals $cup E_i^c$. However is the union of events to be used when we answer the question of at least one event occurring?

My second question is this:

while I was trying to solve this problem for $n=3$, I used the following reasoning:

$P($no man selects his hat $) = 1 - P(E_1) - P(E_1E_2) - P(E_1E_2E_3)$

where $E_1$ is the event that only one man picks his own hat
$E_1E_2$ is the event that two men pick their own hat, and $E_1E_2E_3$ the event that all did.

In my computations, I ended up with $1/3$, which is the same probability we get if we use $ $
Equation 1. Is my reasoning correct?

share|cite|improve this question

I have some questions about the solution to this problem for $n=3$. The problem goes:

"Suppose that each of three men at a party throws his
hat into the center of the room. The hats are first mixed up and then each man randomly selects a hat. What is the probability that none of the three men selects his own hat?"

One of the solutions reads Equation 1

$P($no man selects his hat$) = 1 - P($at least one man selects his own hat$) = 1 - P(E1∪E2∪E3)$

I am having a hard time understanding why

$P($at least one man selects his own hat$) = P(E1∪E2∪E3)$

I can understand the complement, basically if $E_i$ is the event that man $i$ picks his own hat, then we are looking for the complement of $cap E_i$ which equals $cup E_i^c$. However is the union of events to be used when we answer the question of at least one event occurring?

My second question is this:

while I was trying to solve this problem for $n=3$, I used the following reasoning:

$P($no man selects his hat $) = 1 - P(E_1) - P(E_1E_2) - P(E_1E_2E_3)$

where $E_1$ is the event that only one man picks his own hat
$E_1E_2$ is the event that two men pick their own hat, and $E_1E_2E_3$ the event that all did.

In my computations, I ended up with $1/3$, which is the same probability we get if we use $ $
Equation 1. Is my reasoning correct?

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asked Jul 23 at 23:09




  • That looks like the number of derangement divided by all permutations. To put into a formula $$frac!nn!~=~sum_k=0^n frac(-1)^kk!$$ In your case $n=3$. Derangements are permutations without fixed points (See
    – mrtaurho
    Jul 23 at 23:16

  • For your first question: Yes, when you consider the union of two elements $x,y$ as another way to say $x$ or $y$. In a context of probability this equals to that the union of events denotes that at least on event is occurring. For your second I want to clarify something: Do you want to verify the equation $P(E_1cup E_2 cup E_3)~=~P(E_1)+P(E_1cap E_2)+P(E_1cap E_2 cap E_3)$?
    – mrtaurho
    Jul 23 at 23:49

  • @mrtaurho, yes. Does the equation make sense?
    – Note
    Jul 24 at 0:28

  • That looks like the number of derangement divided by all permutations. To put into a formula $$frac!nn!~=~sum_k=0^n frac(-1)^kk!$$ In your case $n=3$. Derangements are permutations without fixed points (See
    – mrtaurho
    Jul 23 at 23:16

  • For your first question: Yes, when you consider the union of two elements $x,y$ as another way to say $x$ or $y$. In a context of probability this equals to that the union of events denotes that at least on event is occurring. For your second I want to clarify something: Do you want to verify the equation $P(E_1cup E_2 cup E_3)~=~P(E_1)+P(E_1cap E_2)+P(E_1cap E_2 cap E_3)$?
    – mrtaurho
    Jul 23 at 23:49

  • @mrtaurho, yes. Does the equation make sense?
    – Note
    Jul 24 at 0:28

That looks like the number of derangement divided by all permutations. To put into a formula $$frac!nn!~=~sum_k=0^n frac(-1)^kk!$$ In your case $n=3$. Derangements are permutations without fixed points (See
– mrtaurho
Jul 23 at 23:16

That looks like the number of derangement divided by all permutations. To put into a formula $$frac!nn!~=~sum_k=0^n frac(-1)^kk!$$ In your case $n=3$. Derangements are permutations without fixed points (See
– mrtaurho
Jul 23 at 23:16

For your first question: Yes, when you consider the union of two elements $x,y$ as another way to say $x$ or $y$. In a context of probability this equals to that the union of events denotes that at least on event is occurring. For your second I want to clarify something: Do you want to verify the equation $P(E_1cup E_2 cup E_3)~=~P(E_1)+P(E_1cap E_2)+P(E_1cap E_2 cap E_3)$?
– mrtaurho
Jul 23 at 23:49

For your first question: Yes, when you consider the union of two elements $x,y$ as another way to say $x$ or $y$. In a context of probability this equals to that the union of events denotes that at least on event is occurring. For your second I want to clarify something: Do you want to verify the equation $P(E_1cup E_2 cup E_3)~=~P(E_1)+P(E_1cap E_2)+P(E_1cap E_2 cap E_3)$?
– mrtaurho
Jul 23 at 23:49

@mrtaurho, yes. Does the equation make sense?
– Note
Jul 24 at 0:28

@mrtaurho, yes. Does the equation make sense?
– Note
Jul 24 at 0:28

1 Answer




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You have to think about what kind of outcomes are possible when we say "at least one man selects his own hat." If $E_i$ represents the outcome that man $i$ selects his own hat, then $E_1 cup E_2 cup E_3$ includes the outcome where all three select their own hat; it also includes the outcome where exactly one man selects his own hat. Note it is impossible for exactly two men to select their own hat--since if this happens, the remaining hat is necessarily selected by its owner. So it just so happens in this case that $$beginalign*
Pr[E_1 cup E_2 cup E_3] &= Pr[E_1 cap bar E_2 cap bar E_3] + Pr[bar E_1 cap E_2 cap bar E_3] + Pr[bar E_1 cap bar E_2 cap E_3] \ &quad + Pr[E_1 cap E_2 cap E_3].
I recommend that you draw a Venn diagram to understand this.

In regard to your second question, you are being sloppy with your notation, and as a result, you are not enumerating all of the relevant outcomes. Your calculation worked only because of coincidence. A correct calculation requires you to consider the outcomes of all three men's selections, so if you write $Pr[E_1]$, this is just the unconditional probability of the first man selecting his own hat, which is $1/3$. But this probability also counts the event where all three men select their own hat, since $$E_1 cap E_2 cap E_3 subset E_1.$$

As an exercise, try to perform the same computation for four men.

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  • heropup Thank you
    – Note
    Jul 30 at 5:36

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You have to think about what kind of outcomes are possible when we say "at least one man selects his own hat." If $E_i$ represents the outcome that man $i$ selects his own hat, then $E_1 cup E_2 cup E_3$ includes the outcome where all three select their own hat; it also includes the outcome where exactly one man selects his own hat. Note it is impossible for exactly two men to select their own hat--since if this happens, the remaining hat is necessarily selected by its owner. So it just so happens in this case that $$beginalign*
Pr[E_1 cup E_2 cup E_3] &= Pr[E_1 cap bar E_2 cap bar E_3] + Pr[bar E_1 cap E_2 cap bar E_3] + Pr[bar E_1 cap bar E_2 cap E_3] \ &quad + Pr[E_1 cap E_2 cap E_3].
I recommend that you draw a Venn diagram to understand this.

In regard to your second question, you are being sloppy with your notation, and as a result, you are not enumerating all of the relevant outcomes. Your calculation worked only because of coincidence. A correct calculation requires you to consider the outcomes of all three men's selections, so if you write $Pr[E_1]$, this is just the unconditional probability of the first man selecting his own hat, which is $1/3$. But this probability also counts the event where all three men select their own hat, since $$E_1 cap E_2 cap E_3 subset E_1.$$

As an exercise, try to perform the same computation for four men.

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  • heropup Thank you
    – Note
    Jul 30 at 5:36

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You have to think about what kind of outcomes are possible when we say "at least one man selects his own hat." If $E_i$ represents the outcome that man $i$ selects his own hat, then $E_1 cup E_2 cup E_3$ includes the outcome where all three select their own hat; it also includes the outcome where exactly one man selects his own hat. Note it is impossible for exactly two men to select their own hat--since if this happens, the remaining hat is necessarily selected by its owner. So it just so happens in this case that $$beginalign*
Pr[E_1 cup E_2 cup E_3] &= Pr[E_1 cap bar E_2 cap bar E_3] + Pr[bar E_1 cap E_2 cap bar E_3] + Pr[bar E_1 cap bar E_2 cap E_3] \ &quad + Pr[E_1 cap E_2 cap E_3].
I recommend that you draw a Venn diagram to understand this.

In regard to your second question, you are being sloppy with your notation, and as a result, you are not enumerating all of the relevant outcomes. Your calculation worked only because of coincidence. A correct calculation requires you to consider the outcomes of all three men's selections, so if you write $Pr[E_1]$, this is just the unconditional probability of the first man selecting his own hat, which is $1/3$. But this probability also counts the event where all three men select their own hat, since $$E_1 cap E_2 cap E_3 subset E_1.$$

As an exercise, try to perform the same computation for four men.

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  • heropup Thank you
    – Note
    Jul 30 at 5:36

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You have to think about what kind of outcomes are possible when we say "at least one man selects his own hat." If $E_i$ represents the outcome that man $i$ selects his own hat, then $E_1 cup E_2 cup E_3$ includes the outcome where all three select their own hat; it also includes the outcome where exactly one man selects his own hat. Note it is impossible for exactly two men to select their own hat--since if this happens, the remaining hat is necessarily selected by its owner. So it just so happens in this case that $$beginalign*
Pr[E_1 cup E_2 cup E_3] &= Pr[E_1 cap bar E_2 cap bar E_3] + Pr[bar E_1 cap E_2 cap bar E_3] + Pr[bar E_1 cap bar E_2 cap E_3] \ &quad + Pr[E_1 cap E_2 cap E_3].
I recommend that you draw a Venn diagram to understand this.

In regard to your second question, you are being sloppy with your notation, and as a result, you are not enumerating all of the relevant outcomes. Your calculation worked only because of coincidence. A correct calculation requires you to consider the outcomes of all three men's selections, so if you write $Pr[E_1]$, this is just the unconditional probability of the first man selecting his own hat, which is $1/3$. But this probability also counts the event where all three men select their own hat, since $$E_1 cap E_2 cap E_3 subset E_1.$$

As an exercise, try to perform the same computation for four men.

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You have to think about what kind of outcomes are possible when we say "at least one man selects his own hat." If $E_i$ represents the outcome that man $i$ selects his own hat, then $E_1 cup E_2 cup E_3$ includes the outcome where all three select their own hat; it also includes the outcome where exactly one man selects his own hat. Note it is impossible for exactly two men to select their own hat--since if this happens, the remaining hat is necessarily selected by its owner. So it just so happens in this case that $$beginalign*
Pr[E_1 cup E_2 cup E_3] &= Pr[E_1 cap bar E_2 cap bar E_3] + Pr[bar E_1 cap E_2 cap bar E_3] + Pr[bar E_1 cap bar E_2 cap E_3] \ &quad + Pr[E_1 cap E_2 cap E_3].
I recommend that you draw a Venn diagram to understand this.

In regard to your second question, you are being sloppy with your notation, and as a result, you are not enumerating all of the relevant outcomes. Your calculation worked only because of coincidence. A correct calculation requires you to consider the outcomes of all three men's selections, so if you write $Pr[E_1]$, this is just the unconditional probability of the first man selecting his own hat, which is $1/3$. But this probability also counts the event where all three men select their own hat, since $$E_1 cap E_2 cap E_3 subset E_1.$$

As an exercise, try to perform the same computation for four men.

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answered Jul 24 at 5:59




  • heropup Thank you
    – Note
    Jul 30 at 5:36

  • heropup Thank you
    – Note
    Jul 30 at 5:36

heropup Thank you
– Note
Jul 30 at 5:36

heropup Thank you
– Note
Jul 30 at 5:36


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