What is the Euclidean inner product intuition? [duplicate]

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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This question already has an answer here:

  • What does the dot product of two vectors represent?

    7 answers

The Euclidean inner product $<x,y>$ of the vectors $x , y in mathbbR^n$ is defined by:

$langle x,yrangle = x_1y_1 + x_2y_2 + x_3y_3 + ... + x_ny_n$

I am unable to find the intuition behind this? Why do we need this inner product? What happens to the vectors under equation and what does the scalar answer tell us?

P.S. I have already seareched it, most the articles take it into geometric terms and introduce $costheta$. Can anybody help me visualize thing without angular stuff?

Edit: Question addressed here uses the angle to explain geometric dot product. I am wondering if there exist some explanation for dot product in Vector Space.

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marked as duplicate by Lee Mosher, Travis, JavaMan, Parcly Taxel, user223391 Jul 29 at 22:01

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

  • 2

    Well, the intuition one must have of the inner product precisely is this "angular stuff", to my opinion.
    – Suzet
    Jul 24 at 1:24

  • 1

    Small $LaTeX$ note: "langle" and "rangle" look nicer than the greater than/less than symbol: They typeset as $langle -, - rangle$.
    – JavaMan
    Jul 24 at 2:07

  • I'm answering this here rather than calling it a duplicate because it explicitly asks for explanations that are not "angular." I think @LeeMosher's answer to the other question actually is such an answer but the others mostly are not.
    – David K
    Jul 24 at 2:14

up vote
down vote


This question already has an answer here:

  • What does the dot product of two vectors represent?

    7 answers

The Euclidean inner product $<x,y>$ of the vectors $x , y in mathbbR^n$ is defined by:

$langle x,yrangle = x_1y_1 + x_2y_2 + x_3y_3 + ... + x_ny_n$

I am unable to find the intuition behind this? Why do we need this inner product? What happens to the vectors under equation and what does the scalar answer tell us?

P.S. I have already seareched it, most the articles take it into geometric terms and introduce $costheta$. Can anybody help me visualize thing without angular stuff?

Edit: Question addressed here uses the angle to explain geometric dot product. I am wondering if there exist some explanation for dot product in Vector Space.

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marked as duplicate by Lee Mosher, Travis, JavaMan, Parcly Taxel, user223391 Jul 29 at 22:01

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

  • 2

    Well, the intuition one must have of the inner product precisely is this "angular stuff", to my opinion.
    – Suzet
    Jul 24 at 1:24

  • 1

    Small $LaTeX$ note: "langle" and "rangle" look nicer than the greater than/less than symbol: They typeset as $langle -, - rangle$.
    – JavaMan
    Jul 24 at 2:07

  • I'm answering this here rather than calling it a duplicate because it explicitly asks for explanations that are not "angular." I think @LeeMosher's answer to the other question actually is such an answer but the others mostly are not.
    – David K
    Jul 24 at 2:14

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote



This question already has an answer here:

  • What does the dot product of two vectors represent?

    7 answers

The Euclidean inner product $<x,y>$ of the vectors $x , y in mathbbR^n$ is defined by:

$langle x,yrangle = x_1y_1 + x_2y_2 + x_3y_3 + ... + x_ny_n$

I am unable to find the intuition behind this? Why do we need this inner product? What happens to the vectors under equation and what does the scalar answer tell us?

P.S. I have already seareched it, most the articles take it into geometric terms and introduce $costheta$. Can anybody help me visualize thing without angular stuff?

Edit: Question addressed here uses the angle to explain geometric dot product. I am wondering if there exist some explanation for dot product in Vector Space.

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This question already has an answer here:

  • What does the dot product of two vectors represent?

    7 answers

The Euclidean inner product $<x,y>$ of the vectors $x , y in mathbbR^n$ is defined by:

$langle x,yrangle = x_1y_1 + x_2y_2 + x_3y_3 + ... + x_ny_n$

I am unable to find the intuition behind this? Why do we need this inner product? What happens to the vectors under equation and what does the scalar answer tell us?

P.S. I have already seareched it, most the articles take it into geometric terms and introduce $costheta$. Can anybody help me visualize thing without angular stuff?

Edit: Question addressed here uses the angle to explain geometric dot product. I am wondering if there exist some explanation for dot product in Vector Space.

This question already has an answer here:

  • What does the dot product of two vectors represent?

    7 answers

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edited Jul 24 at 2:50




asked Jul 24 at 1:22

Wasiq Noor



marked as duplicate by Lee Mosher, Travis, JavaMan, Parcly Taxel, user223391 Jul 29 at 22:01

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

marked as duplicate by Lee Mosher, Travis, JavaMan, Parcly Taxel, user223391 Jul 29 at 22:01

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

  • 2

    Well, the intuition one must have of the inner product precisely is this "angular stuff", to my opinion.
    – Suzet
    Jul 24 at 1:24

  • 1

    Small $LaTeX$ note: "langle" and "rangle" look nicer than the greater than/less than symbol: They typeset as $langle -, - rangle$.
    – JavaMan
    Jul 24 at 2:07

  • I'm answering this here rather than calling it a duplicate because it explicitly asks for explanations that are not "angular." I think @LeeMosher's answer to the other question actually is such an answer but the others mostly are not.
    – David K
    Jul 24 at 2:14

  • 2

    Well, the intuition one must have of the inner product precisely is this "angular stuff", to my opinion.
    – Suzet
    Jul 24 at 1:24

  • 1

    Small $LaTeX$ note: "langle" and "rangle" look nicer than the greater than/less than symbol: They typeset as $langle -, - rangle$.
    – JavaMan
    Jul 24 at 2:07

  • I'm answering this here rather than calling it a duplicate because it explicitly asks for explanations that are not "angular." I think @LeeMosher's answer to the other question actually is such an answer but the others mostly are not.
    – David K
    Jul 24 at 2:14



Well, the intuition one must have of the inner product precisely is this "angular stuff", to my opinion.
– Suzet
Jul 24 at 1:24

Well, the intuition one must have of the inner product precisely is this "angular stuff", to my opinion.
– Suzet
Jul 24 at 1:24



Small $LaTeX$ note: "langle" and "rangle" look nicer than the greater than/less than symbol: They typeset as $langle -, - rangle$.
– JavaMan
Jul 24 at 2:07

Small $LaTeX$ note: "langle" and "rangle" look nicer than the greater than/less than symbol: They typeset as $langle -, - rangle$.
– JavaMan
Jul 24 at 2:07

I'm answering this here rather than calling it a duplicate because it explicitly asks for explanations that are not "angular." I think @LeeMosher's answer to the other question actually is such an answer but the others mostly are not.
– David K
Jul 24 at 2:14

I'm answering this here rather than calling it a duplicate because it explicitly asks for explanations that are not "angular." I think @LeeMosher's answer to the other question actually is such an answer but the others mostly are not.
– David K
Jul 24 at 2:14

3 Answers




up vote
down vote

You are probably familiar with the following formula involving
a vector $x = (x_1, ldots, x_n) in mathbb R^n$
and $n$ constants $a_1, ldots, a_n$ that are not all zero:
a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2 + cdots + a_n x_n = 0.

This formula describes an $(n-1)$-dimensional hyperplane in $mathbb R^n.$
Let's call that hyperplane $A.$ That is, any vector $x$ that satisfies the formula lies in the hyperplane $A.$

If we define a vector $a = (a_1, ldots, a_n),$
then another way to write the formula is
$$ langle x, arangle = 0. $$

Now if we choose an arbitrary vector $x in mathbb R^n,$
it may happen that $langle x, arangle neq 0.$
If we have two such vectors, let's say $x'$ and $x'',$
such that $langle x', arangle > 0$ and $langle x'', arangle > 0,$
then $x'$ and $x''$ will be on the same side of the hyperplane $A.$
But if $langle x', arangle < 0 < langle x'', arangle$ then the vectors are on opposite sides.

For a given vector $x,$ suppose you find a vector $y$ such that
$x - langle x, arangle y$ is in the hyperplane $A.$
Then $x' - langle x', arangle y$ also is in the hyperplane $A$
for any other vector $x'.$
That is, $langle x, arangle$ tells you how many times the length of $y$
you have to travel in the direction of $y$ to get from $x$ to the hyperplane,
or in other words, $langle x', arangle$ is a kind of measurement of the distance of $x$ from the hyperplane (measured in some particular units in some particular direction).

All of this works without any "angles" (unless you consider "parallel" to be a "zero angle").

You don't even need
$(x_1, ldots, x_n)$ to be coordinates over an orthonormal basis,
although if the basis is orthonormal then other nice results follow.
For example,
$$sqrtlangle x, xrangle = sqrtx_1^2 + x_2^2 + cdots + x_n^2,$$
which is the length of $x$ (according to the Pythagorean Theorem)
if the basis of $(x_1, ldots, x_n)$ is orthonormal.
Admittedly, to speak of "normals" one must have a concept of things being perpendicular, which starts to sound like we're dealing with angles again.
But they're right angles, which are especially simple to work with.

share|cite|improve this answer

    up vote
    down vote

    $<x,y>$ is positive if and only if the angle between $x$ and $y$ is less than 90 degrees. $<x,y>$ is sort of like a measure of how pointed in the same direction $x$ and $y$ are.

    The geometry of least squares problems and separating hyperplanes is useful for gaining intuition about inner products.

    share|cite|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      The intuition is gathered from the following, given by the Law of Cosines

      $$| a -b|^2 = | a|^2 + | b|^2 - 2| a|^2 | b|^2cos(theta) $$enter image description here

      $$ | a-b|^2 = (a-b)^2cdot(a-b)^2 $$
      $$ | a-b|^2 = acdot a - acdot b - bcdot a + b cdot b $$

      useful to note that $a cdot a = | a| $

      $$ | a-b|^2 = |a | - acdot b - bcdot a + | b|$$

      further more we have $ a cdot b = bcdot a $
      $$ | a-b|^2 = |a | - 2 acdot b + | b|$$

      so we have

      $$| a -b|^2 = | a|^2 + | b|^2 - 2| a|^2 | b|^2cos(theta) $$

      $$ | a|^2 - 2 a cdot b + | b|^2 = |a|^2 + |b|^2 - 2|a| |b| cos(theta) - 2 a cdot b = -2 |a | |b| cos(theta) $$

      yielding finally
      $$a cdot b = | a | | b| cos(theta) $$

      Now suppose that

      $$ |a| = |b| =1 $$
      $$ a cdot b = 1 cdot 1 cos(theta) = cos(theta)$$
      ok when is this negative. We have a unit circle here for vectors

      $$ a cdot b = cos( theta) < 0 implies fracnpi2 < theta < frac3npi2 $$

      that is we are in one part of the circle. However, it goes on forever.

      Note from lamar

      share|cite|improve this answer

        3 Answers




        3 Answers










        up vote
        down vote

        You are probably familiar with the following formula involving
        a vector $x = (x_1, ldots, x_n) in mathbb R^n$
        and $n$ constants $a_1, ldots, a_n$ that are not all zero:
        a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2 + cdots + a_n x_n = 0.

        This formula describes an $(n-1)$-dimensional hyperplane in $mathbb R^n.$
        Let's call that hyperplane $A.$ That is, any vector $x$ that satisfies the formula lies in the hyperplane $A.$

        If we define a vector $a = (a_1, ldots, a_n),$
        then another way to write the formula is
        $$ langle x, arangle = 0. $$

        Now if we choose an arbitrary vector $x in mathbb R^n,$
        it may happen that $langle x, arangle neq 0.$
        If we have two such vectors, let's say $x'$ and $x'',$
        such that $langle x', arangle > 0$ and $langle x'', arangle > 0,$
        then $x'$ and $x''$ will be on the same side of the hyperplane $A.$
        But if $langle x', arangle < 0 < langle x'', arangle$ then the vectors are on opposite sides.

        For a given vector $x,$ suppose you find a vector $y$ such that
        $x - langle x, arangle y$ is in the hyperplane $A.$
        Then $x' - langle x', arangle y$ also is in the hyperplane $A$
        for any other vector $x'.$
        That is, $langle x, arangle$ tells you how many times the length of $y$
        you have to travel in the direction of $y$ to get from $x$ to the hyperplane,
        or in other words, $langle x', arangle$ is a kind of measurement of the distance of $x$ from the hyperplane (measured in some particular units in some particular direction).

        All of this works without any "angles" (unless you consider "parallel" to be a "zero angle").

        You don't even need
        $(x_1, ldots, x_n)$ to be coordinates over an orthonormal basis,
        although if the basis is orthonormal then other nice results follow.
        For example,
        $$sqrtlangle x, xrangle = sqrtx_1^2 + x_2^2 + cdots + x_n^2,$$
        which is the length of $x$ (according to the Pythagorean Theorem)
        if the basis of $(x_1, ldots, x_n)$ is orthonormal.
        Admittedly, to speak of "normals" one must have a concept of things being perpendicular, which starts to sound like we're dealing with angles again.
        But they're right angles, which are especially simple to work with.

        share|cite|improve this answer

          up vote
          down vote

          You are probably familiar with the following formula involving
          a vector $x = (x_1, ldots, x_n) in mathbb R^n$
          and $n$ constants $a_1, ldots, a_n$ that are not all zero:
          a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2 + cdots + a_n x_n = 0.

          This formula describes an $(n-1)$-dimensional hyperplane in $mathbb R^n.$
          Let's call that hyperplane $A.$ That is, any vector $x$ that satisfies the formula lies in the hyperplane $A.$

          If we define a vector $a = (a_1, ldots, a_n),$
          then another way to write the formula is
          $$ langle x, arangle = 0. $$

          Now if we choose an arbitrary vector $x in mathbb R^n,$
          it may happen that $langle x, arangle neq 0.$
          If we have two such vectors, let's say $x'$ and $x'',$
          such that $langle x', arangle > 0$ and $langle x'', arangle > 0,$
          then $x'$ and $x''$ will be on the same side of the hyperplane $A.$
          But if $langle x', arangle < 0 < langle x'', arangle$ then the vectors are on opposite sides.

          For a given vector $x,$ suppose you find a vector $y$ such that
          $x - langle x, arangle y$ is in the hyperplane $A.$
          Then $x' - langle x', arangle y$ also is in the hyperplane $A$
          for any other vector $x'.$
          That is, $langle x, arangle$ tells you how many times the length of $y$
          you have to travel in the direction of $y$ to get from $x$ to the hyperplane,
          or in other words, $langle x', arangle$ is a kind of measurement of the distance of $x$ from the hyperplane (measured in some particular units in some particular direction).

          All of this works without any "angles" (unless you consider "parallel" to be a "zero angle").

          You don't even need
          $(x_1, ldots, x_n)$ to be coordinates over an orthonormal basis,
          although if the basis is orthonormal then other nice results follow.
          For example,
          $$sqrtlangle x, xrangle = sqrtx_1^2 + x_2^2 + cdots + x_n^2,$$
          which is the length of $x$ (according to the Pythagorean Theorem)
          if the basis of $(x_1, ldots, x_n)$ is orthonormal.
          Admittedly, to speak of "normals" one must have a concept of things being perpendicular, which starts to sound like we're dealing with angles again.
          But they're right angles, which are especially simple to work with.

          share|cite|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            You are probably familiar with the following formula involving
            a vector $x = (x_1, ldots, x_n) in mathbb R^n$
            and $n$ constants $a_1, ldots, a_n$ that are not all zero:
            a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2 + cdots + a_n x_n = 0.

            This formula describes an $(n-1)$-dimensional hyperplane in $mathbb R^n.$
            Let's call that hyperplane $A.$ That is, any vector $x$ that satisfies the formula lies in the hyperplane $A.$

            If we define a vector $a = (a_1, ldots, a_n),$
            then another way to write the formula is
            $$ langle x, arangle = 0. $$

            Now if we choose an arbitrary vector $x in mathbb R^n,$
            it may happen that $langle x, arangle neq 0.$
            If we have two such vectors, let's say $x'$ and $x'',$
            such that $langle x', arangle > 0$ and $langle x'', arangle > 0,$
            then $x'$ and $x''$ will be on the same side of the hyperplane $A.$
            But if $langle x', arangle < 0 < langle x'', arangle$ then the vectors are on opposite sides.

            For a given vector $x,$ suppose you find a vector $y$ such that
            $x - langle x, arangle y$ is in the hyperplane $A.$
            Then $x' - langle x', arangle y$ also is in the hyperplane $A$
            for any other vector $x'.$
            That is, $langle x, arangle$ tells you how many times the length of $y$
            you have to travel in the direction of $y$ to get from $x$ to the hyperplane,
            or in other words, $langle x', arangle$ is a kind of measurement of the distance of $x$ from the hyperplane (measured in some particular units in some particular direction).

            All of this works without any "angles" (unless you consider "parallel" to be a "zero angle").

            You don't even need
            $(x_1, ldots, x_n)$ to be coordinates over an orthonormal basis,
            although if the basis is orthonormal then other nice results follow.
            For example,
            $$sqrtlangle x, xrangle = sqrtx_1^2 + x_2^2 + cdots + x_n^2,$$
            which is the length of $x$ (according to the Pythagorean Theorem)
            if the basis of $(x_1, ldots, x_n)$ is orthonormal.
            Admittedly, to speak of "normals" one must have a concept of things being perpendicular, which starts to sound like we're dealing with angles again.
            But they're right angles, which are especially simple to work with.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            You are probably familiar with the following formula involving
            a vector $x = (x_1, ldots, x_n) in mathbb R^n$
            and $n$ constants $a_1, ldots, a_n$ that are not all zero:
            a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2 + cdots + a_n x_n = 0.

            This formula describes an $(n-1)$-dimensional hyperplane in $mathbb R^n.$
            Let's call that hyperplane $A.$ That is, any vector $x$ that satisfies the formula lies in the hyperplane $A.$

            If we define a vector $a = (a_1, ldots, a_n),$
            then another way to write the formula is
            $$ langle x, arangle = 0. $$

            Now if we choose an arbitrary vector $x in mathbb R^n,$
            it may happen that $langle x, arangle neq 0.$
            If we have two such vectors, let's say $x'$ and $x'',$
            such that $langle x', arangle > 0$ and $langle x'', arangle > 0,$
            then $x'$ and $x''$ will be on the same side of the hyperplane $A.$
            But if $langle x', arangle < 0 < langle x'', arangle$ then the vectors are on opposite sides.

            For a given vector $x,$ suppose you find a vector $y$ such that
            $x - langle x, arangle y$ is in the hyperplane $A.$
            Then $x' - langle x', arangle y$ also is in the hyperplane $A$
            for any other vector $x'.$
            That is, $langle x, arangle$ tells you how many times the length of $y$
            you have to travel in the direction of $y$ to get from $x$ to the hyperplane,
            or in other words, $langle x', arangle$ is a kind of measurement of the distance of $x$ from the hyperplane (measured in some particular units in some particular direction).

            All of this works without any "angles" (unless you consider "parallel" to be a "zero angle").

            You don't even need
            $(x_1, ldots, x_n)$ to be coordinates over an orthonormal basis,
            although if the basis is orthonormal then other nice results follow.
            For example,
            $$sqrtlangle x, xrangle = sqrtx_1^2 + x_2^2 + cdots + x_n^2,$$
            which is the length of $x$ (according to the Pythagorean Theorem)
            if the basis of $(x_1, ldots, x_n)$ is orthonormal.
            Admittedly, to speak of "normals" one must have a concept of things being perpendicular, which starts to sound like we're dealing with angles again.
            But they're right angles, which are especially simple to work with.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            answered Jul 24 at 2:09

            David K



                up vote
                down vote

                $<x,y>$ is positive if and only if the angle between $x$ and $y$ is less than 90 degrees. $<x,y>$ is sort of like a measure of how pointed in the same direction $x$ and $y$ are.

                The geometry of least squares problems and separating hyperplanes is useful for gaining intuition about inner products.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  $<x,y>$ is positive if and only if the angle between $x$ and $y$ is less than 90 degrees. $<x,y>$ is sort of like a measure of how pointed in the same direction $x$ and $y$ are.

                  The geometry of least squares problems and separating hyperplanes is useful for gaining intuition about inner products.

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    $<x,y>$ is positive if and only if the angle between $x$ and $y$ is less than 90 degrees. $<x,y>$ is sort of like a measure of how pointed in the same direction $x$ and $y$ are.

                    The geometry of least squares problems and separating hyperplanes is useful for gaining intuition about inner products.

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    $<x,y>$ is positive if and only if the angle between $x$ and $y$ is less than 90 degrees. $<x,y>$ is sort of like a measure of how pointed in the same direction $x$ and $y$ are.

                    The geometry of least squares problems and separating hyperplanes is useful for gaining intuition about inner products.

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    answered Jul 24 at 1:29




                        up vote
                        down vote

                        The intuition is gathered from the following, given by the Law of Cosines

                        $$| a -b|^2 = | a|^2 + | b|^2 - 2| a|^2 | b|^2cos(theta) $$enter image description here

                        $$ | a-b|^2 = (a-b)^2cdot(a-b)^2 $$
                        $$ | a-b|^2 = acdot a - acdot b - bcdot a + b cdot b $$

                        useful to note that $a cdot a = | a| $

                        $$ | a-b|^2 = |a | - acdot b - bcdot a + | b|$$

                        further more we have $ a cdot b = bcdot a $
                        $$ | a-b|^2 = |a | - 2 acdot b + | b|$$

                        so we have

                        $$| a -b|^2 = | a|^2 + | b|^2 - 2| a|^2 | b|^2cos(theta) $$

                        $$ | a|^2 - 2 a cdot b + | b|^2 = |a|^2 + |b|^2 - 2|a| |b| cos(theta) - 2 a cdot b = -2 |a | |b| cos(theta) $$

                        yielding finally
                        $$a cdot b = | a | | b| cos(theta) $$

                        Now suppose that

                        $$ |a| = |b| =1 $$
                        $$ a cdot b = 1 cdot 1 cos(theta) = cos(theta)$$
                        ok when is this negative. We have a unit circle here for vectors

                        $$ a cdot b = cos( theta) < 0 implies fracnpi2 < theta < frac3npi2 $$

                        that is we are in one part of the circle. However, it goes on forever.

                        Note from lamar

                        share|cite|improve this answer

                          up vote
                          down vote

                          The intuition is gathered from the following, given by the Law of Cosines

                          $$| a -b|^2 = | a|^2 + | b|^2 - 2| a|^2 | b|^2cos(theta) $$enter image description here

                          $$ | a-b|^2 = (a-b)^2cdot(a-b)^2 $$
                          $$ | a-b|^2 = acdot a - acdot b - bcdot a + b cdot b $$

                          useful to note that $a cdot a = | a| $

                          $$ | a-b|^2 = |a | - acdot b - bcdot a + | b|$$

                          further more we have $ a cdot b = bcdot a $
                          $$ | a-b|^2 = |a | - 2 acdot b + | b|$$

                          so we have

                          $$| a -b|^2 = | a|^2 + | b|^2 - 2| a|^2 | b|^2cos(theta) $$

                          $$ | a|^2 - 2 a cdot b + | b|^2 = |a|^2 + |b|^2 - 2|a| |b| cos(theta) - 2 a cdot b = -2 |a | |b| cos(theta) $$

                          yielding finally
                          $$a cdot b = | a | | b| cos(theta) $$

                          Now suppose that

                          $$ |a| = |b| =1 $$
                          $$ a cdot b = 1 cdot 1 cos(theta) = cos(theta)$$
                          ok when is this negative. We have a unit circle here for vectors

                          $$ a cdot b = cos( theta) < 0 implies fracnpi2 < theta < frac3npi2 $$

                          that is we are in one part of the circle. However, it goes on forever.

                          Note from lamar

                          share|cite|improve this answer

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            The intuition is gathered from the following, given by the Law of Cosines

                            $$| a -b|^2 = | a|^2 + | b|^2 - 2| a|^2 | b|^2cos(theta) $$enter image description here

                            $$ | a-b|^2 = (a-b)^2cdot(a-b)^2 $$
                            $$ | a-b|^2 = acdot a - acdot b - bcdot a + b cdot b $$

                            useful to note that $a cdot a = | a| $

                            $$ | a-b|^2 = |a | - acdot b - bcdot a + | b|$$

                            further more we have $ a cdot b = bcdot a $
                            $$ | a-b|^2 = |a | - 2 acdot b + | b|$$

                            so we have

                            $$| a -b|^2 = | a|^2 + | b|^2 - 2| a|^2 | b|^2cos(theta) $$

                            $$ | a|^2 - 2 a cdot b + | b|^2 = |a|^2 + |b|^2 - 2|a| |b| cos(theta) - 2 a cdot b = -2 |a | |b| cos(theta) $$

                            yielding finally
                            $$a cdot b = | a | | b| cos(theta) $$

                            Now suppose that

                            $$ |a| = |b| =1 $$
                            $$ a cdot b = 1 cdot 1 cos(theta) = cos(theta)$$
                            ok when is this negative. We have a unit circle here for vectors

                            $$ a cdot b = cos( theta) < 0 implies fracnpi2 < theta < frac3npi2 $$

                            that is we are in one part of the circle. However, it goes on forever.

                            Note from lamar

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                            The intuition is gathered from the following, given by the Law of Cosines

                            $$| a -b|^2 = | a|^2 + | b|^2 - 2| a|^2 | b|^2cos(theta) $$enter image description here

                            $$ | a-b|^2 = (a-b)^2cdot(a-b)^2 $$
                            $$ | a-b|^2 = acdot a - acdot b - bcdot a + b cdot b $$

                            useful to note that $a cdot a = | a| $

                            $$ | a-b|^2 = |a | - acdot b - bcdot a + | b|$$

                            further more we have $ a cdot b = bcdot a $
                            $$ | a-b|^2 = |a | - 2 acdot b + | b|$$

                            so we have

                            $$| a -b|^2 = | a|^2 + | b|^2 - 2| a|^2 | b|^2cos(theta) $$

                            $$ | a|^2 - 2 a cdot b + | b|^2 = |a|^2 + |b|^2 - 2|a| |b| cos(theta) - 2 a cdot b = -2 |a | |b| cos(theta) $$

                            yielding finally
                            $$a cdot b = | a | | b| cos(theta) $$

                            Now suppose that

                            $$ |a| = |b| =1 $$
                            $$ a cdot b = 1 cdot 1 cos(theta) = cos(theta)$$
                            ok when is this negative. We have a unit circle here for vectors

                            $$ a cdot b = cos( theta) < 0 implies fracnpi2 < theta < frac3npi2 $$

                            that is we are in one part of the circle. However, it goes on forever.

                            Note from lamar

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                            answered Jul 24 at 2:17





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