ODE $ x(y+4)+fracdydx=0 $, with conditions leading to a log of negative number?

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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Trivial ODE and trivial question:

$$ x(y+4)+fracdydx=0 $$ with initial conditions $y=-5, x=0$

After we separate variables we get:
$$ -fracdyy+4=x,dx $$

Integrate left and write parts:

$$-ln(y+4)=frac12x^2 + C $$

Here we see that if $y=-5 $ we have a log of negative number.
Trying not to think about it, I proceed as follows:

Exponentiation of both parts:

$$y = e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$$
And then:
$$y = e^-1/2x^2e^-C - 4$$
$$y = e^-1/2x^2C - 4$$
(this new $C $ to $e^-C$ and cannot be negative)
$$-5 = e^0C - 4$$
(but we see that it is in fact negative under given initial conditions)

which gives us the correct answer:

$$y = -e^-1/2x^2 - 4$$

Now I feel that I've cheated somewhere. My only guess that I was able to deal with a log of a negative number and get negative $C $ (which shouldn't be negative) is because I have involved complex numbers between the lines. Is it so? If not, how can I make this solution rigorous?


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  • 4

    Re your first integration, remember that $int fracf'(y)f(y) dy$ on the left, is $ln(|f(y)| + C$. So in your case, the LHS should result in $-ln(|y+4|)$. Hence ...
    – amWhy
    Jul 23 at 21:47

  • @amWhy Thanks, I totally forgot about it. Then $ |y+4| = e^-1/2x^2-C $. Should I get rid of abs value by considering $ y<-4 $ and $ y ge-4 $ next ?
    – type2
    Jul 23 at 21:58

  • That would be a good idea!
    – amWhy
    Jul 23 at 22:01

  • @amWhy So if $ y<-4 $: $ -y-4=e^-1/2x^2-C $ and $ y= -e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$, then $ -5 = -e^-C - 4 $ and hence $ C=0 $ which gives the correct answer. Now if if $ y ge -4 $: $ y+4=e^-1/2x^2-C $ and and $ y= e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$ then $ -5= e^-C - 4$ which has no real solutions for $ C $, right?
    – type2
    Jul 23 at 22:16

  • @amWhy btw, feel free to post your first comment as an answer and I will accept it, thanks!
    – type2
    Jul 23 at 22:18

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down vote


Trivial ODE and trivial question:

$$ x(y+4)+fracdydx=0 $$ with initial conditions $y=-5, x=0$

After we separate variables we get:
$$ -fracdyy+4=x,dx $$

Integrate left and write parts:

$$-ln(y+4)=frac12x^2 + C $$

Here we see that if $y=-5 $ we have a log of negative number.
Trying not to think about it, I proceed as follows:

Exponentiation of both parts:

$$y = e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$$
And then:
$$y = e^-1/2x^2e^-C - 4$$
$$y = e^-1/2x^2C - 4$$
(this new $C $ to $e^-C$ and cannot be negative)
$$-5 = e^0C - 4$$
(but we see that it is in fact negative under given initial conditions)

which gives us the correct answer:

$$y = -e^-1/2x^2 - 4$$

Now I feel that I've cheated somewhere. My only guess that I was able to deal with a log of a negative number and get negative $C $ (which shouldn't be negative) is because I have involved complex numbers between the lines. Is it so? If not, how can I make this solution rigorous?


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  • 4

    Re your first integration, remember that $int fracf'(y)f(y) dy$ on the left, is $ln(|f(y)| + C$. So in your case, the LHS should result in $-ln(|y+4|)$. Hence ...
    – amWhy
    Jul 23 at 21:47

  • @amWhy Thanks, I totally forgot about it. Then $ |y+4| = e^-1/2x^2-C $. Should I get rid of abs value by considering $ y<-4 $ and $ y ge-4 $ next ?
    – type2
    Jul 23 at 21:58

  • That would be a good idea!
    – amWhy
    Jul 23 at 22:01

  • @amWhy So if $ y<-4 $: $ -y-4=e^-1/2x^2-C $ and $ y= -e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$, then $ -5 = -e^-C - 4 $ and hence $ C=0 $ which gives the correct answer. Now if if $ y ge -4 $: $ y+4=e^-1/2x^2-C $ and and $ y= e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$ then $ -5= e^-C - 4$ which has no real solutions for $ C $, right?
    – type2
    Jul 23 at 22:16

  • @amWhy btw, feel free to post your first comment as an answer and I will accept it, thanks!
    – type2
    Jul 23 at 22:18

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up vote
down vote


Trivial ODE and trivial question:

$$ x(y+4)+fracdydx=0 $$ with initial conditions $y=-5, x=0$

After we separate variables we get:
$$ -fracdyy+4=x,dx $$

Integrate left and write parts:

$$-ln(y+4)=frac12x^2 + C $$

Here we see that if $y=-5 $ we have a log of negative number.
Trying not to think about it, I proceed as follows:

Exponentiation of both parts:

$$y = e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$$
And then:
$$y = e^-1/2x^2e^-C - 4$$
$$y = e^-1/2x^2C - 4$$
(this new $C $ to $e^-C$ and cannot be negative)
$$-5 = e^0C - 4$$
(but we see that it is in fact negative under given initial conditions)

which gives us the correct answer:

$$y = -e^-1/2x^2 - 4$$

Now I feel that I've cheated somewhere. My only guess that I was able to deal with a log of a negative number and get negative $C $ (which shouldn't be negative) is because I have involved complex numbers between the lines. Is it so? If not, how can I make this solution rigorous?


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Trivial ODE and trivial question:

$$ x(y+4)+fracdydx=0 $$ with initial conditions $y=-5, x=0$

After we separate variables we get:
$$ -fracdyy+4=x,dx $$

Integrate left and write parts:

$$-ln(y+4)=frac12x^2 + C $$

Here we see that if $y=-5 $ we have a log of negative number.
Trying not to think about it, I proceed as follows:

Exponentiation of both parts:

$$y = e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$$
And then:
$$y = e^-1/2x^2e^-C - 4$$
$$y = e^-1/2x^2C - 4$$
(this new $C $ to $e^-C$ and cannot be negative)
$$-5 = e^0C - 4$$
(but we see that it is in fact negative under given initial conditions)

which gives us the correct answer:

$$y = -e^-1/2x^2 - 4$$

Now I feel that I've cheated somewhere. My only guess that I was able to deal with a log of a negative number and get negative $C $ (which shouldn't be negative) is because I have involved complex numbers between the lines. Is it so? If not, how can I make this solution rigorous?


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edited Jul 26 at 16:32




asked Jul 23 at 21:43




  • 4

    Re your first integration, remember that $int fracf'(y)f(y) dy$ on the left, is $ln(|f(y)| + C$. So in your case, the LHS should result in $-ln(|y+4|)$. Hence ...
    – amWhy
    Jul 23 at 21:47

  • @amWhy Thanks, I totally forgot about it. Then $ |y+4| = e^-1/2x^2-C $. Should I get rid of abs value by considering $ y<-4 $ and $ y ge-4 $ next ?
    – type2
    Jul 23 at 21:58

  • That would be a good idea!
    – amWhy
    Jul 23 at 22:01

  • @amWhy So if $ y<-4 $: $ -y-4=e^-1/2x^2-C $ and $ y= -e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$, then $ -5 = -e^-C - 4 $ and hence $ C=0 $ which gives the correct answer. Now if if $ y ge -4 $: $ y+4=e^-1/2x^2-C $ and and $ y= e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$ then $ -5= e^-C - 4$ which has no real solutions for $ C $, right?
    – type2
    Jul 23 at 22:16

  • @amWhy btw, feel free to post your first comment as an answer and I will accept it, thanks!
    – type2
    Jul 23 at 22:18

  • 4

    Re your first integration, remember that $int fracf'(y)f(y) dy$ on the left, is $ln(|f(y)| + C$. So in your case, the LHS should result in $-ln(|y+4|)$. Hence ...
    – amWhy
    Jul 23 at 21:47

  • @amWhy Thanks, I totally forgot about it. Then $ |y+4| = e^-1/2x^2-C $. Should I get rid of abs value by considering $ y<-4 $ and $ y ge-4 $ next ?
    – type2
    Jul 23 at 21:58

  • That would be a good idea!
    – amWhy
    Jul 23 at 22:01

  • @amWhy So if $ y<-4 $: $ -y-4=e^-1/2x^2-C $ and $ y= -e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$, then $ -5 = -e^-C - 4 $ and hence $ C=0 $ which gives the correct answer. Now if if $ y ge -4 $: $ y+4=e^-1/2x^2-C $ and and $ y= e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$ then $ -5= e^-C - 4$ which has no real solutions for $ C $, right?
    – type2
    Jul 23 at 22:16

  • @amWhy btw, feel free to post your first comment as an answer and I will accept it, thanks!
    – type2
    Jul 23 at 22:18



Re your first integration, remember that $int fracf'(y)f(y) dy$ on the left, is $ln(|f(y)| + C$. So in your case, the LHS should result in $-ln(|y+4|)$. Hence ...
– amWhy
Jul 23 at 21:47

Re your first integration, remember that $int fracf'(y)f(y) dy$ on the left, is $ln(|f(y)| + C$. So in your case, the LHS should result in $-ln(|y+4|)$. Hence ...
– amWhy
Jul 23 at 21:47

@amWhy Thanks, I totally forgot about it. Then $ |y+4| = e^-1/2x^2-C $. Should I get rid of abs value by considering $ y<-4 $ and $ y ge-4 $ next ?
– type2
Jul 23 at 21:58

@amWhy Thanks, I totally forgot about it. Then $ |y+4| = e^-1/2x^2-C $. Should I get rid of abs value by considering $ y<-4 $ and $ y ge-4 $ next ?
– type2
Jul 23 at 21:58

That would be a good idea!
– amWhy
Jul 23 at 22:01

That would be a good idea!
– amWhy
Jul 23 at 22:01

@amWhy So if $ y<-4 $: $ -y-4=e^-1/2x^2-C $ and $ y= -e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$, then $ -5 = -e^-C - 4 $ and hence $ C=0 $ which gives the correct answer. Now if if $ y ge -4 $: $ y+4=e^-1/2x^2-C $ and and $ y= e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$ then $ -5= e^-C - 4$ which has no real solutions for $ C $, right?
– type2
Jul 23 at 22:16

@amWhy So if $ y<-4 $: $ -y-4=e^-1/2x^2-C $ and $ y= -e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$, then $ -5 = -e^-C - 4 $ and hence $ C=0 $ which gives the correct answer. Now if if $ y ge -4 $: $ y+4=e^-1/2x^2-C $ and and $ y= e^-1/2x^2-C - 4$ then $ -5= e^-C - 4$ which has no real solutions for $ C $, right?
– type2
Jul 23 at 22:16

@amWhy btw, feel free to post your first comment as an answer and I will accept it, thanks!
– type2
Jul 23 at 22:18

@amWhy btw, feel free to post your first comment as an answer and I will accept it, thanks!
– type2
Jul 23 at 22:18

1 Answer




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Re: your first integration: remember that $$int fracf'(y)f(y)dy = ln(|f(y)|) + C$$

So in your case, the LHS should result in $−ln(|y+4|).$ Hence ...

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    Re: your first integration: remember that $$int fracf'(y)f(y)dy = ln(|f(y)|) + C$$

    So in your case, the LHS should result in $−ln(|y+4|).$ Hence ...

    share|cite|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote



      Re: your first integration: remember that $$int fracf'(y)f(y)dy = ln(|f(y)|) + C$$

      So in your case, the LHS should result in $−ln(|y+4|).$ Hence ...

      share|cite|improve this answer

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        up vote
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        Re: your first integration: remember that $$int fracf'(y)f(y)dy = ln(|f(y)|) + C$$

        So in your case, the LHS should result in $−ln(|y+4|).$ Hence ...

        share|cite|improve this answer


        Re: your first integration: remember that $$int fracf'(y)f(y)dy = ln(|f(y)|) + C$$

        So in your case, the LHS should result in $−ln(|y+4|).$ Hence ...

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        answered Jul 23 at 22:24





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