Common root question on quadratics equations to show that $a+b+c=0$

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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If $f(x)=ax^2+bx-c$ and $g(x)=ax^2+cx+b$ have a common root , show that $a+b+c=0$.

I tried this by thinking that $alpha$ is the common root and then I got by substituting and solving ,


how can I proceed from here ? Any ideas ?

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  • Note that $g(1)=0.$
    – prog_SAHIL
    15 hours ago

  • @Angelo Mark You can not change the given after answer on your question. Ask new question.
    – Michael Rozenberg
    15 hours ago

  • i missed to mention that f is not identical to g. Really sorry. I'll mark your answer correct and ask this again, :D
    – Angelo Mark
    15 hours ago

  • Open new topic, please. Thank you!
    – Michael Rozenberg
    15 hours ago

  • The necessary and sufficient condition for $f$ and $g$ having a common root is that $a(b+c)^2+b(b^2-c^2)-c(b-c)^2=0$. In fact, a common root is a roots of $(f-g)(x)=(b-c)x-(b+c)$. The condition above is equivalent to this root being a root of $f$, but being also a root of $f-g$, it is equivalent to being a root of $g$ too. This condition is not equivalent to $a+b+c=0$, even when $b,cneq 0$.
    – spiralstotheleft
    15 hours ago

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down vote


If $f(x)=ax^2+bx-c$ and $g(x)=ax^2+cx+b$ have a common root , show that $a+b+c=0$.

I tried this by thinking that $alpha$ is the common root and then I got by substituting and solving ,


how can I proceed from here ? Any ideas ?

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  • Note that $g(1)=0.$
    – prog_SAHIL
    15 hours ago

  • @Angelo Mark You can not change the given after answer on your question. Ask new question.
    – Michael Rozenberg
    15 hours ago

  • i missed to mention that f is not identical to g. Really sorry. I'll mark your answer correct and ask this again, :D
    – Angelo Mark
    15 hours ago

  • Open new topic, please. Thank you!
    – Michael Rozenberg
    15 hours ago

  • The necessary and sufficient condition for $f$ and $g$ having a common root is that $a(b+c)^2+b(b^2-c^2)-c(b-c)^2=0$. In fact, a common root is a roots of $(f-g)(x)=(b-c)x-(b+c)$. The condition above is equivalent to this root being a root of $f$, but being also a root of $f-g$, it is equivalent to being a root of $g$ too. This condition is not equivalent to $a+b+c=0$, even when $b,cneq 0$.
    – spiralstotheleft
    15 hours ago

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


If $f(x)=ax^2+bx-c$ and $g(x)=ax^2+cx+b$ have a common root , show that $a+b+c=0$.

I tried this by thinking that $alpha$ is the common root and then I got by substituting and solving ,


how can I proceed from here ? Any ideas ?

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If $f(x)=ax^2+bx-c$ and $g(x)=ax^2+cx+b$ have a common root , show that $a+b+c=0$.

I tried this by thinking that $alpha$ is the common root and then I got by substituting and solving ,


how can I proceed from here ? Any ideas ?

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edited 11 hours ago




asked 15 hours ago

Angelo Mark



  • Note that $g(1)=0.$
    – prog_SAHIL
    15 hours ago

  • @Angelo Mark You can not change the given after answer on your question. Ask new question.
    – Michael Rozenberg
    15 hours ago

  • i missed to mention that f is not identical to g. Really sorry. I'll mark your answer correct and ask this again, :D
    – Angelo Mark
    15 hours ago

  • Open new topic, please. Thank you!
    – Michael Rozenberg
    15 hours ago

  • The necessary and sufficient condition for $f$ and $g$ having a common root is that $a(b+c)^2+b(b^2-c^2)-c(b-c)^2=0$. In fact, a common root is a roots of $(f-g)(x)=(b-c)x-(b+c)$. The condition above is equivalent to this root being a root of $f$, but being also a root of $f-g$, it is equivalent to being a root of $g$ too. This condition is not equivalent to $a+b+c=0$, even when $b,cneq 0$.
    – spiralstotheleft
    15 hours ago

  • Note that $g(1)=0.$
    – prog_SAHIL
    15 hours ago

  • @Angelo Mark You can not change the given after answer on your question. Ask new question.
    – Michael Rozenberg
    15 hours ago

  • i missed to mention that f is not identical to g. Really sorry. I'll mark your answer correct and ask this again, :D
    – Angelo Mark
    15 hours ago

  • Open new topic, please. Thank you!
    – Michael Rozenberg
    15 hours ago

  • The necessary and sufficient condition for $f$ and $g$ having a common root is that $a(b+c)^2+b(b^2-c^2)-c(b-c)^2=0$. In fact, a common root is a roots of $(f-g)(x)=(b-c)x-(b+c)$. The condition above is equivalent to this root being a root of $f$, but being also a root of $f-g$, it is equivalent to being a root of $g$ too. This condition is not equivalent to $a+b+c=0$, even when $b,cneq 0$.
    – spiralstotheleft
    15 hours ago

Note that $g(1)=0.$
– prog_SAHIL
15 hours ago

Note that $g(1)=0.$
– prog_SAHIL
15 hours ago

@Angelo Mark You can not change the given after answer on your question. Ask new question.
– Michael Rozenberg
15 hours ago

@Angelo Mark You can not change the given after answer on your question. Ask new question.
– Michael Rozenberg
15 hours ago

i missed to mention that f is not identical to g. Really sorry. I'll mark your answer correct and ask this again, :D
– Angelo Mark
15 hours ago

i missed to mention that f is not identical to g. Really sorry. I'll mark your answer correct and ask this again, :D
– Angelo Mark
15 hours ago

Open new topic, please. Thank you!
– Michael Rozenberg
15 hours ago

Open new topic, please. Thank you!
– Michael Rozenberg
15 hours ago

The necessary and sufficient condition for $f$ and $g$ having a common root is that $a(b+c)^2+b(b^2-c^2)-c(b-c)^2=0$. In fact, a common root is a roots of $(f-g)(x)=(b-c)x-(b+c)$. The condition above is equivalent to this root being a root of $f$, but being also a root of $f-g$, it is equivalent to being a root of $g$ too. This condition is not equivalent to $a+b+c=0$, even when $b,cneq 0$.
– spiralstotheleft
15 hours ago

The necessary and sufficient condition for $f$ and $g$ having a common root is that $a(b+c)^2+b(b^2-c^2)-c(b-c)^2=0$. In fact, a common root is a roots of $(f-g)(x)=(b-c)x-(b+c)$. The condition above is equivalent to this root being a root of $f$, but being also a root of $f-g$, it is equivalent to being a root of $g$ too. This condition is not equivalent to $a+b+c=0$, even when $b,cneq 0$.
– spiralstotheleft
15 hours ago

9 Answers




up vote
down vote


Your problem is WRONG.

Let $a=2,b=0,c=2$, then $f(x)=2x^2-2, g(x)=2x^2+2x$. It's clear that $-1$ is the common root, but $a+b+c=4neq 0$.

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    up vote
    down vote

    It's wrong.

    Try $b=c=0$ and $a=1$.

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • 1

      Thanks :) BUT f is not equal to g
      – Angelo Mark
      15 hours ago

    • @Angelo Mark But $x^2$ and $x^2$ have common root. You can not change the given now. Ask another question.
      – Michael Rozenberg
      15 hours ago

    • Okay . Do not worry. I'll mark your answer as the correct one. Thanks. And really sorry that I missed to mention that f and g are not identical
      – Angelo Mark
      15 hours ago

    • @Angelo Mark This happens. All correct.
      – Michael Rozenberg
      15 hours ago

    • Why someone down voted?
      – Michael Rozenberg
      14 hours ago

    up vote
    down vote


    Vieta's formulas.

    Let the roots of $f$ be $p$ and $q$. Let the roots of $g$ be $p$ and $r$.

    Then $$p+q=-frac ba,quad pq=-frac ca$$ and $$p+r=-frac ca,quad pr=frac ba$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      Counterexample: $a=c, b=0$. That is:
      $$f(x)=ax^2+bx-c=ax^2-a=0 Rightarrow x=pm 1;\
      g(x)=ax^2+cx+b=ax^2+ax=0 Rightarrow x=-1;0.$$

      Backwards checking: if $c=-(a+b)$, then:
      $$f(x)= ax^2+bx-c=0 iff ax^2+bx+a+b=0 (1) \
      g(x)=ax^2+cx+b=0 iff ax^2-ax-bx+b=0 iff (x-1)(ax+a-b)=0 (2) $$
      Then, from $(2)$:
      $$x-1=0 stackrel(1)Rightarrow a=-b.\
      ax+a-b=0 Rightarrow x=fracb-aa Rightarrow afrac(b-a)^2a^2+bfracb-aa+a+b=0 Rightarrow a^2+b^2=ab.$$

      share|cite|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote


        If $f,g$ has one same root, then it is also a root of $f-g$. Since
        f(x) - g(x) = (b-c)x -(b+c),
        then common root should be
        r = frac b+c b-c quad [b neq c].
        Plug this into $f(x)$:
        a (b+c)^2 + b (b+c)(b-c) - c(b-c)^2 =0,
        which is
        a(b+c)^2 + b^3 -c^3 +bc^2 -cb^2 =0.
        a + b + c = frac 1 (b+c)^2 (2c^3 + 4b^2c + 2bc^2) = frac 2c (b+c)^2 (c^2 + 2b^2 + bc).
        If $c = 0$, and if $bneq 0$, then $a+b + c = 0$. If $c neq 0$ and $b +c neq 0$, then
        |a +b +c| = frac 2 (b+c)^2 left( left( c+frac b2right)^2 +frac 74 b^2right) > 0.
        Now a counterexample: take $b=0$, then $a = c $. Pick $a =c =1$, then
        f(x) = x^2 - 1= (x+1)(x-1),quad g(x)= x^2+x =x(x+1),
        clearly they have a common root $-1$ but $a+b+c = g(1)=2neq 0$.

        Conclusion: such claim fails.

        share|cite|improve this answer

          up vote
          down vote

          Hint: the roots of $f$ are $x = frac-b pm sqrtb^2 + 4ac2a$. (Why? What happened to the minus sign in the quadratic formula?)

          What are the roots of $g$?

          Now suppose that the first root of $f$ equals the first root of $g$, and three other cases.

          (Yes, that's a very pedestrian way to approach this problem, but it'll get you there.)

          share|cite|improve this answer

          • Tried this way , but its hard to get the answer
            – Angelo Mark
            15 hours ago

          • That's why it's an exercise. If it were easy, it'd just be a remark in the textbook. Why don't you show us your work on this approach (use the "edit" button below your question to fill in what you've done), and we can help you proceed. Yeah, it'll mean typing a lot of math...but that's what you're asking us to do, and you're the one getting the benefit, so perhaps you should be doing more of the work.
            – John Hughes
            15 hours ago

          • I did this whole day
            – Angelo Mark
            15 hours ago

          • Good for you. But we don't know what you've done, because you haven't bothered to show us. Sigh. We're really not here to do your homework for you.
            – John Hughes
            15 hours ago

          up vote
          down vote

          Hint 2: An alternative approach is to say that

          f(x) = a (x - u) (x - v)
          for some numbers $u$ and $v$ (the roots of $f$), and
          g(x) = a(x-u) (x - w)

          (the $u$ is repeated because $f$ and $g$ share a root; it's also possible that $v = w$, but not required by any means.)

          Now if you expand out $f$, you'll find a relation between $b$ and $u, v$, and between $c$ and $u, v$; similarly for $g$. See where that leads you.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          • did it but leads to the same place where I got stuck
            – Angelo Mark
            15 hours ago

          up vote
          down vote

          for f(x), the roots are given by:
          $$(1),x=frac-b+sqrtb^2+4ac2a textand, x=frac-b-sqrtb^2+4ac2a$$
          for g(x), the roots are given by:
          $$(2),x=frac-c+sqrtc^2-4ab2a textand,x=frac-c-sqrtc^2-4ab2a$$
          since $2a$ is common on the bottom you could remove this then make the two sides equal to each other?

          share|cite|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote

            If $f(x)=ax^2+bx-c$ and $g(x)=ax^2+cx+b$ have a common root , show that $a+b+c=0$.

            The statement is false, as pointed out in several answers already.

            The problem most likely has a typo, however, and the following statement is in fact true:

            If $b ne c$, then $f(x)=ax^2+bx colorred+c$ and $g(x)=ax^2+cx+b$ have a common root iff $a+b+c=0$.

            The proof follows immediately by subtracting the two equations, which gives $,(b-c)(x-1)=0,$, therefore the common root must be $,x=1,$.

            share|cite|improve this answer

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              9 Answers




              9 Answers










              up vote
              down vote


              Your problem is WRONG.

              Let $a=2,b=0,c=2$, then $f(x)=2x^2-2, g(x)=2x^2+2x$. It's clear that $-1$ is the common root, but $a+b+c=4neq 0$.

              share|cite|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote


                Your problem is WRONG.

                Let $a=2,b=0,c=2$, then $f(x)=2x^2-2, g(x)=2x^2+2x$. It's clear that $-1$ is the common root, but $a+b+c=4neq 0$.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote


                  up vote
                  down vote


                  Your problem is WRONG.

                  Let $a=2,b=0,c=2$, then $f(x)=2x^2-2, g(x)=2x^2+2x$. It's clear that $-1$ is the common root, but $a+b+c=4neq 0$.

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  Your problem is WRONG.

                  Let $a=2,b=0,c=2$, then $f(x)=2x^2-2, g(x)=2x^2+2x$. It's clear that $-1$ is the common root, but $a+b+c=4neq 0$.

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  answered 14 hours ago

                  Le Anh Dung



                      up vote
                      down vote

                      It's wrong.

                      Try $b=c=0$ and $a=1$.

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      • 1

                        Thanks :) BUT f is not equal to g
                        – Angelo Mark
                        15 hours ago

                      • @Angelo Mark But $x^2$ and $x^2$ have common root. You can not change the given now. Ask another question.
                        – Michael Rozenberg
                        15 hours ago

                      • Okay . Do not worry. I'll mark your answer as the correct one. Thanks. And really sorry that I missed to mention that f and g are not identical
                        – Angelo Mark
                        15 hours ago

                      • @Angelo Mark This happens. All correct.
                        – Michael Rozenberg
                        15 hours ago

                      • Why someone down voted?
                        – Michael Rozenberg
                        14 hours ago

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      It's wrong.

                      Try $b=c=0$ and $a=1$.

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      • 1

                        Thanks :) BUT f is not equal to g
                        – Angelo Mark
                        15 hours ago

                      • @Angelo Mark But $x^2$ and $x^2$ have common root. You can not change the given now. Ask another question.
                        – Michael Rozenberg
                        15 hours ago

                      • Okay . Do not worry. I'll mark your answer as the correct one. Thanks. And really sorry that I missed to mention that f and g are not identical
                        – Angelo Mark
                        15 hours ago

                      • @Angelo Mark This happens. All correct.
                        – Michael Rozenberg
                        15 hours ago

                      • Why someone down voted?
                        – Michael Rozenberg
                        14 hours ago

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      It's wrong.

                      Try $b=c=0$ and $a=1$.

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      It's wrong.

                      Try $b=c=0$ and $a=1$.

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      answered 15 hours ago

                      Michael Rozenberg



                      • 1

                        Thanks :) BUT f is not equal to g
                        – Angelo Mark
                        15 hours ago

                      • @Angelo Mark But $x^2$ and $x^2$ have common root. You can not change the given now. Ask another question.
                        – Michael Rozenberg
                        15 hours ago

                      • Okay . Do not worry. I'll mark your answer as the correct one. Thanks. And really sorry that I missed to mention that f and g are not identical
                        – Angelo Mark
                        15 hours ago

                      • @Angelo Mark This happens. All correct.
                        – Michael Rozenberg
                        15 hours ago

                      • Why someone down voted?
                        – Michael Rozenberg
                        14 hours ago

                      • 1

                        Thanks :) BUT f is not equal to g
                        – Angelo Mark
                        15 hours ago

                      • @Angelo Mark But $x^2$ and $x^2$ have common root. You can not change the given now. Ask another question.
                        – Michael Rozenberg
                        15 hours ago

                      • Okay . Do not worry. I'll mark your answer as the correct one. Thanks. And really sorry that I missed to mention that f and g are not identical
                        – Angelo Mark
                        15 hours ago

                      • @Angelo Mark This happens. All correct.
                        – Michael Rozenberg
                        15 hours ago

                      • Why someone down voted?
                        – Michael Rozenberg
                        14 hours ago



                      Thanks :) BUT f is not equal to g
                      – Angelo Mark
                      15 hours ago

                      Thanks :) BUT f is not equal to g
                      – Angelo Mark
                      15 hours ago

                      @Angelo Mark But $x^2$ and $x^2$ have common root. You can not change the given now. Ask another question.
                      – Michael Rozenberg
                      15 hours ago

                      @Angelo Mark But $x^2$ and $x^2$ have common root. You can not change the given now. Ask another question.
                      – Michael Rozenberg
                      15 hours ago

                      Okay . Do not worry. I'll mark your answer as the correct one. Thanks. And really sorry that I missed to mention that f and g are not identical
                      – Angelo Mark
                      15 hours ago

                      Okay . Do not worry. I'll mark your answer as the correct one. Thanks. And really sorry that I missed to mention that f and g are not identical
                      – Angelo Mark
                      15 hours ago

                      @Angelo Mark This happens. All correct.
                      – Michael Rozenberg
                      15 hours ago

                      @Angelo Mark This happens. All correct.
                      – Michael Rozenberg
                      15 hours ago

                      Why someone down voted?
                      – Michael Rozenberg
                      14 hours ago

                      Why someone down voted?
                      – Michael Rozenberg
                      14 hours ago

                      up vote
                      down vote


                      Vieta's formulas.

                      Let the roots of $f$ be $p$ and $q$. Let the roots of $g$ be $p$ and $r$.

                      Then $$p+q=-frac ba,quad pq=-frac ca$$ and $$p+r=-frac ca,quad pr=frac ba$$

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                        up vote
                        down vote


                        Vieta's formulas.

                        Let the roots of $f$ be $p$ and $q$. Let the roots of $g$ be $p$ and $r$.

                        Then $$p+q=-frac ba,quad pq=-frac ca$$ and $$p+r=-frac ca,quad pr=frac ba$$

                        share|cite|improve this answer

                          up vote
                          down vote

                          up vote
                          down vote


                          Vieta's formulas.

                          Let the roots of $f$ be $p$ and $q$. Let the roots of $g$ be $p$ and $r$.

                          Then $$p+q=-frac ba,quad pq=-frac ca$$ and $$p+r=-frac ca,quad pr=frac ba$$

                          share|cite|improve this answer


                          Vieta's formulas.

                          Let the roots of $f$ be $p$ and $q$. Let the roots of $g$ be $p$ and $r$.

                          Then $$p+q=-frac ba,quad pq=-frac ca$$ and $$p+r=-frac ca,quad pr=frac ba$$

                          share|cite|improve this answer

                          share|cite|improve this answer

                          share|cite|improve this answer

                          answered 15 hours ago




                              up vote
                              down vote

                              Counterexample: $a=c, b=0$. That is:
                              $$f(x)=ax^2+bx-c=ax^2-a=0 Rightarrow x=pm 1;\
                              g(x)=ax^2+cx+b=ax^2+ax=0 Rightarrow x=-1;0.$$

                              Backwards checking: if $c=-(a+b)$, then:
                              $$f(x)= ax^2+bx-c=0 iff ax^2+bx+a+b=0 (1) \
                              g(x)=ax^2+cx+b=0 iff ax^2-ax-bx+b=0 iff (x-1)(ax+a-b)=0 (2) $$
                              Then, from $(2)$:
                              $$x-1=0 stackrel(1)Rightarrow a=-b.\
                              ax+a-b=0 Rightarrow x=fracb-aa Rightarrow afrac(b-a)^2a^2+bfracb-aa+a+b=0 Rightarrow a^2+b^2=ab.$$

                              share|cite|improve this answer

                                up vote
                                down vote

                                Counterexample: $a=c, b=0$. That is:
                                $$f(x)=ax^2+bx-c=ax^2-a=0 Rightarrow x=pm 1;\
                                g(x)=ax^2+cx+b=ax^2+ax=0 Rightarrow x=-1;0.$$

                                Backwards checking: if $c=-(a+b)$, then:
                                $$f(x)= ax^2+bx-c=0 iff ax^2+bx+a+b=0 (1) \
                                g(x)=ax^2+cx+b=0 iff ax^2-ax-bx+b=0 iff (x-1)(ax+a-b)=0 (2) $$
                                Then, from $(2)$:
                                $$x-1=0 stackrel(1)Rightarrow a=-b.\
                                ax+a-b=0 Rightarrow x=fracb-aa Rightarrow afrac(b-a)^2a^2+bfracb-aa+a+b=0 Rightarrow a^2+b^2=ab.$$

                                share|cite|improve this answer

                                  up vote
                                  down vote

                                  up vote
                                  down vote

                                  Counterexample: $a=c, b=0$. That is:
                                  $$f(x)=ax^2+bx-c=ax^2-a=0 Rightarrow x=pm 1;\
                                  g(x)=ax^2+cx+b=ax^2+ax=0 Rightarrow x=-1;0.$$

                                  Backwards checking: if $c=-(a+b)$, then:
                                  $$f(x)= ax^2+bx-c=0 iff ax^2+bx+a+b=0 (1) \
                                  g(x)=ax^2+cx+b=0 iff ax^2-ax-bx+b=0 iff (x-1)(ax+a-b)=0 (2) $$
                                  Then, from $(2)$:
                                  $$x-1=0 stackrel(1)Rightarrow a=-b.\
                                  ax+a-b=0 Rightarrow x=fracb-aa Rightarrow afrac(b-a)^2a^2+bfracb-aa+a+b=0 Rightarrow a^2+b^2=ab.$$

                                  share|cite|improve this answer

                                  Counterexample: $a=c, b=0$. That is:
                                  $$f(x)=ax^2+bx-c=ax^2-a=0 Rightarrow x=pm 1;\
                                  g(x)=ax^2+cx+b=ax^2+ax=0 Rightarrow x=-1;0.$$

                                  Backwards checking: if $c=-(a+b)$, then:
                                  $$f(x)= ax^2+bx-c=0 iff ax^2+bx+a+b=0 (1) \
                                  g(x)=ax^2+cx+b=0 iff ax^2-ax-bx+b=0 iff (x-1)(ax+a-b)=0 (2) $$
                                  Then, from $(2)$:
                                  $$x-1=0 stackrel(1)Rightarrow a=-b.\
                                  ax+a-b=0 Rightarrow x=fracb-aa Rightarrow afrac(b-a)^2a^2+bfracb-aa+a+b=0 Rightarrow a^2+b^2=ab.$$

                                  share|cite|improve this answer

                                  share|cite|improve this answer

                                  share|cite|improve this answer

                                  answered 14 hours ago




                                      up vote
                                      down vote


                                      If $f,g$ has one same root, then it is also a root of $f-g$. Since
                                      f(x) - g(x) = (b-c)x -(b+c),
                                      then common root should be
                                      r = frac b+c b-c quad [b neq c].
                                      Plug this into $f(x)$:
                                      a (b+c)^2 + b (b+c)(b-c) - c(b-c)^2 =0,
                                      which is
                                      a(b+c)^2 + b^3 -c^3 +bc^2 -cb^2 =0.
                                      a + b + c = frac 1 (b+c)^2 (2c^3 + 4b^2c + 2bc^2) = frac 2c (b+c)^2 (c^2 + 2b^2 + bc).
                                      If $c = 0$, and if $bneq 0$, then $a+b + c = 0$. If $c neq 0$ and $b +c neq 0$, then
                                      |a +b +c| = frac 2 (b+c)^2 left( left( c+frac b2right)^2 +frac 74 b^2right) > 0.
                                      Now a counterexample: take $b=0$, then $a = c $. Pick $a =c =1$, then
                                      f(x) = x^2 - 1= (x+1)(x-1),quad g(x)= x^2+x =x(x+1),
                                      clearly they have a common root $-1$ but $a+b+c = g(1)=2neq 0$.

                                      Conclusion: such claim fails.

                                      share|cite|improve this answer

                                        up vote
                                        down vote


                                        If $f,g$ has one same root, then it is also a root of $f-g$. Since
                                        f(x) - g(x) = (b-c)x -(b+c),
                                        then common root should be
                                        r = frac b+c b-c quad [b neq c].
                                        Plug this into $f(x)$:
                                        a (b+c)^2 + b (b+c)(b-c) - c(b-c)^2 =0,
                                        which is
                                        a(b+c)^2 + b^3 -c^3 +bc^2 -cb^2 =0.
                                        a + b + c = frac 1 (b+c)^2 (2c^3 + 4b^2c + 2bc^2) = frac 2c (b+c)^2 (c^2 + 2b^2 + bc).
                                        If $c = 0$, and if $bneq 0$, then $a+b + c = 0$. If $c neq 0$ and $b +c neq 0$, then
                                        |a +b +c| = frac 2 (b+c)^2 left( left( c+frac b2right)^2 +frac 74 b^2right) > 0.
                                        Now a counterexample: take $b=0$, then $a = c $. Pick $a =c =1$, then
                                        f(x) = x^2 - 1= (x+1)(x-1),quad g(x)= x^2+x =x(x+1),
                                        clearly they have a common root $-1$ but $a+b+c = g(1)=2neq 0$.

                                        Conclusion: such claim fails.

                                        share|cite|improve this answer

                                          up vote
                                          down vote

                                          up vote
                                          down vote


                                          If $f,g$ has one same root, then it is also a root of $f-g$. Since
                                          f(x) - g(x) = (b-c)x -(b+c),
                                          then common root should be
                                          r = frac b+c b-c quad [b neq c].
                                          Plug this into $f(x)$:
                                          a (b+c)^2 + b (b+c)(b-c) - c(b-c)^2 =0,
                                          which is
                                          a(b+c)^2 + b^3 -c^3 +bc^2 -cb^2 =0.
                                          a + b + c = frac 1 (b+c)^2 (2c^3 + 4b^2c + 2bc^2) = frac 2c (b+c)^2 (c^2 + 2b^2 + bc).
                                          If $c = 0$, and if $bneq 0$, then $a+b + c = 0$. If $c neq 0$ and $b +c neq 0$, then
                                          |a +b +c| = frac 2 (b+c)^2 left( left( c+frac b2right)^2 +frac 74 b^2right) > 0.
                                          Now a counterexample: take $b=0$, then $a = c $. Pick $a =c =1$, then
                                          f(x) = x^2 - 1= (x+1)(x-1),quad g(x)= x^2+x =x(x+1),
                                          clearly they have a common root $-1$ but $a+b+c = g(1)=2neq 0$.

                                          Conclusion: such claim fails.

                                          share|cite|improve this answer


                                          If $f,g$ has one same root, then it is also a root of $f-g$. Since
                                          f(x) - g(x) = (b-c)x -(b+c),
                                          then common root should be
                                          r = frac b+c b-c quad [b neq c].
                                          Plug this into $f(x)$:
                                          a (b+c)^2 + b (b+c)(b-c) - c(b-c)^2 =0,
                                          which is
                                          a(b+c)^2 + b^3 -c^3 +bc^2 -cb^2 =0.
                                          a + b + c = frac 1 (b+c)^2 (2c^3 + 4b^2c + 2bc^2) = frac 2c (b+c)^2 (c^2 + 2b^2 + bc).
                                          If $c = 0$, and if $bneq 0$, then $a+b + c = 0$. If $c neq 0$ and $b +c neq 0$, then
                                          |a +b +c| = frac 2 (b+c)^2 left( left( c+frac b2right)^2 +frac 74 b^2right) > 0.
                                          Now a counterexample: take $b=0$, then $a = c $. Pick $a =c =1$, then
                                          f(x) = x^2 - 1= (x+1)(x-1),quad g(x)= x^2+x =x(x+1),
                                          clearly they have a common root $-1$ but $a+b+c = g(1)=2neq 0$.

                                          Conclusion: such claim fails.

                                          share|cite|improve this answer

                                          share|cite|improve this answer

                                          share|cite|improve this answer

                                          answered 14 hours ago




                                              up vote
                                              down vote

                                              Hint: the roots of $f$ are $x = frac-b pm sqrtb^2 + 4ac2a$. (Why? What happened to the minus sign in the quadratic formula?)

                                              What are the roots of $g$?

                                              Now suppose that the first root of $f$ equals the first root of $g$, and three other cases.

                                              (Yes, that's a very pedestrian way to approach this problem, but it'll get you there.)

                                              share|cite|improve this answer

                                              • Tried this way , but its hard to get the answer
                                                – Angelo Mark
                                                15 hours ago

                                              • That's why it's an exercise. If it were easy, it'd just be a remark in the textbook. Why don't you show us your work on this approach (use the "edit" button below your question to fill in what you've done), and we can help you proceed. Yeah, it'll mean typing a lot of math...but that's what you're asking us to do, and you're the one getting the benefit, so perhaps you should be doing more of the work.
                                                – John Hughes
                                                15 hours ago

                                              • I did this whole day
                                                – Angelo Mark
                                                15 hours ago

                                              • Good for you. But we don't know what you've done, because you haven't bothered to show us. Sigh. We're really not here to do your homework for you.
                                                – John Hughes
                                                15 hours ago

                                              up vote
                                              down vote

                                              Hint: the roots of $f$ are $x = frac-b pm sqrtb^2 + 4ac2a$. (Why? What happened to the minus sign in the quadratic formula?)

                                              What are the roots of $g$?

                                              Now suppose that the first root of $f$ equals the first root of $g$, and three other cases.

                                              (Yes, that's a very pedestrian way to approach this problem, but it'll get you there.)

                                              share|cite|improve this answer

                                              • Tried this way , but its hard to get the answer
                                                – Angelo Mark
                                                15 hours ago

                                              • That's why it's an exercise. If it were easy, it'd just be a remark in the textbook. Why don't you show us your work on this approach (use the "edit" button below your question to fill in what you've done), and we can help you proceed. Yeah, it'll mean typing a lot of math...but that's what you're asking us to do, and you're the one getting the benefit, so perhaps you should be doing more of the work.
                                                – John Hughes
                                                15 hours ago

                                              • I did this whole day
                                                – Angelo Mark
                                                15 hours ago

                                              • Good for you. But we don't know what you've done, because you haven't bothered to show us. Sigh. We're really not here to do your homework for you.
                                                – John Hughes
                                                15 hours ago

                                              up vote
                                              down vote

                                              up vote
                                              down vote

                                              Hint: the roots of $f$ are $x = frac-b pm sqrtb^2 + 4ac2a$. (Why? What happened to the minus sign in the quadratic formula?)

                                              What are the roots of $g$?

                                              Now suppose that the first root of $f$ equals the first root of $g$, and three other cases.

                                              (Yes, that's a very pedestrian way to approach this problem, but it'll get you there.)

                                              share|cite|improve this answer

                                              Hint: the roots of $f$ are $x = frac-b pm sqrtb^2 + 4ac2a$. (Why? What happened to the minus sign in the quadratic formula?)

                                              What are the roots of $g$?

                                              Now suppose that the first root of $f$ equals the first root of $g$, and three other cases.

                                              (Yes, that's a very pedestrian way to approach this problem, but it'll get you there.)

                                              share|cite|improve this answer

                                              share|cite|improve this answer

                                              share|cite|improve this answer

                                              edited 15 hours ago

                                              Ángel Mario Gallegos



                                              answered 15 hours ago

                                              John Hughes



                                              • Tried this way , but its hard to get the answer
                                                – Angelo Mark
                                                15 hours ago

                                              • That's why it's an exercise. If it were easy, it'd just be a remark in the textbook. Why don't you show us your work on this approach (use the "edit" button below your question to fill in what you've done), and we can help you proceed. Yeah, it'll mean typing a lot of math...but that's what you're asking us to do, and you're the one getting the benefit, so perhaps you should be doing more of the work.
                                                – John Hughes
                                                15 hours ago

                                              • I did this whole day
                                                – Angelo Mark
                                                15 hours ago

                                              • Good for you. But we don't know what you've done, because you haven't bothered to show us. Sigh. We're really not here to do your homework for you.
                                                – John Hughes
                                                15 hours ago

                                              • Tried this way , but its hard to get the answer
                                                – Angelo Mark
                                                15 hours ago

                                              • That's why it's an exercise. If it were easy, it'd just be a remark in the textbook. Why don't you show us your work on this approach (use the "edit" button below your question to fill in what you've done), and we can help you proceed. Yeah, it'll mean typing a lot of math...but that's what you're asking us to do, and you're the one getting the benefit, so perhaps you should be doing more of the work.
                                                – John Hughes
                                                15 hours ago

                                              • I did this whole day
                                                – Angelo Mark
                                                15 hours ago

                                              • Good for you. But we don't know what you've done, because you haven't bothered to show us. Sigh. We're really not here to do your homework for you.
                                                – John Hughes
                                                15 hours ago

                                              Tried this way , but its hard to get the answer
                                              – Angelo Mark
                                              15 hours ago

                                              Tried this way , but its hard to get the answer
                                              – Angelo Mark
                                              15 hours ago

                                              That's why it's an exercise. If it were easy, it'd just be a remark in the textbook. Why don't you show us your work on this approach (use the "edit" button below your question to fill in what you've done), and we can help you proceed. Yeah, it'll mean typing a lot of math...but that's what you're asking us to do, and you're the one getting the benefit, so perhaps you should be doing more of the work.
                                              – John Hughes
                                              15 hours ago

                                              That's why it's an exercise. If it were easy, it'd just be a remark in the textbook. Why don't you show us your work on this approach (use the "edit" button below your question to fill in what you've done), and we can help you proceed. Yeah, it'll mean typing a lot of math...but that's what you're asking us to do, and you're the one getting the benefit, so perhaps you should be doing more of the work.
                                              – John Hughes
                                              15 hours ago

                                              I did this whole day
                                              – Angelo Mark
                                              15 hours ago

                                              I did this whole day
                                              – Angelo Mark
                                              15 hours ago

                                              Good for you. But we don't know what you've done, because you haven't bothered to show us. Sigh. We're really not here to do your homework for you.
                                              – John Hughes
                                              15 hours ago

                                              Good for you. But we don't know what you've done, because you haven't bothered to show us. Sigh. We're really not here to do your homework for you.
                                              – John Hughes
                                              15 hours ago

                                              up vote
                                              down vote

                                              Hint 2: An alternative approach is to say that

                                              f(x) = a (x - u) (x - v)
                                              for some numbers $u$ and $v$ (the roots of $f$), and
                                              g(x) = a(x-u) (x - w)

                                              (the $u$ is repeated because $f$ and $g$ share a root; it's also possible that $v = w$, but not required by any means.)

                                              Now if you expand out $f$, you'll find a relation between $b$ and $u, v$, and between $c$ and $u, v$; similarly for $g$. See where that leads you.

                                              share|cite|improve this answer

                                              • did it but leads to the same place where I got stuck
                                                – Angelo Mark
                                                15 hours ago

                                              up vote
                                              down vote

                                              Hint 2: An alternative approach is to say that

                                              f(x) = a (x - u) (x - v)
                                              for some numbers $u$ and $v$ (the roots of $f$), and
                                              g(x) = a(x-u) (x - w)

                                              (the $u$ is repeated because $f$ and $g$ share a root; it's also possible that $v = w$, but not required by any means.)

                                              Now if you expand out $f$, you'll find a relation between $b$ and $u, v$, and between $c$ and $u, v$; similarly for $g$. See where that leads you.

                                              share|cite|improve this answer

                                              • did it but leads to the same place where I got stuck
                                                – Angelo Mark
                                                15 hours ago

                                              up vote
                                              down vote

                                              up vote
                                              down vote

                                              Hint 2: An alternative approach is to say that

                                              f(x) = a (x - u) (x - v)
                                              for some numbers $u$ and $v$ (the roots of $f$), and
                                              g(x) = a(x-u) (x - w)

                                              (the $u$ is repeated because $f$ and $g$ share a root; it's also possible that $v = w$, but not required by any means.)

                                              Now if you expand out $f$, you'll find a relation between $b$ and $u, v$, and between $c$ and $u, v$; similarly for $g$. See where that leads you.

                                              share|cite|improve this answer

                                              Hint 2: An alternative approach is to say that

                                              f(x) = a (x - u) (x - v)
                                              for some numbers $u$ and $v$ (the roots of $f$), and
                                              g(x) = a(x-u) (x - w)

                                              (the $u$ is repeated because $f$ and $g$ share a root; it's also possible that $v = w$, but not required by any means.)

                                              Now if you expand out $f$, you'll find a relation between $b$ and $u, v$, and between $c$ and $u, v$; similarly for $g$. See where that leads you.

                                              share|cite|improve this answer

                                              share|cite|improve this answer

                                              share|cite|improve this answer

                                              answered 15 hours ago

                                              John Hughes



                                              • did it but leads to the same place where I got stuck
                                                – Angelo Mark
                                                15 hours ago

                                              • did it but leads to the same place where I got stuck
                                                – Angelo Mark
                                                15 hours ago

                                              did it but leads to the same place where I got stuck
                                              – Angelo Mark
                                              15 hours ago

                                              did it but leads to the same place where I got stuck
                                              – Angelo Mark
                                              15 hours ago

                                              up vote
                                              down vote

                                              for f(x), the roots are given by:
                                              $$(1),x=frac-b+sqrtb^2+4ac2a textand, x=frac-b-sqrtb^2+4ac2a$$
                                              for g(x), the roots are given by:
                                              $$(2),x=frac-c+sqrtc^2-4ab2a textand,x=frac-c-sqrtc^2-4ab2a$$
                                              since $2a$ is common on the bottom you could remove this then make the two sides equal to each other?

                                              share|cite|improve this answer

                                                up vote
                                                down vote

                                                for f(x), the roots are given by:
                                                $$(1),x=frac-b+sqrtb^2+4ac2a textand, x=frac-b-sqrtb^2+4ac2a$$
                                                for g(x), the roots are given by:
                                                $$(2),x=frac-c+sqrtc^2-4ab2a textand,x=frac-c-sqrtc^2-4ab2a$$
                                                since $2a$ is common on the bottom you could remove this then make the two sides equal to each other?

                                                share|cite|improve this answer

                                                  up vote
                                                  down vote

                                                  up vote
                                                  down vote

                                                  for f(x), the roots are given by:
                                                  $$(1),x=frac-b+sqrtb^2+4ac2a textand, x=frac-b-sqrtb^2+4ac2a$$
                                                  for g(x), the roots are given by:
                                                  $$(2),x=frac-c+sqrtc^2-4ab2a textand,x=frac-c-sqrtc^2-4ab2a$$
                                                  since $2a$ is common on the bottom you could remove this then make the two sides equal to each other?

                                                  share|cite|improve this answer

                                                  for f(x), the roots are given by:
                                                  $$(1),x=frac-b+sqrtb^2+4ac2a textand, x=frac-b-sqrtb^2+4ac2a$$
                                                  for g(x), the roots are given by:
                                                  $$(2),x=frac-c+sqrtc^2-4ab2a textand,x=frac-c-sqrtc^2-4ab2a$$
                                                  since $2a$ is common on the bottom you could remove this then make the two sides equal to each other?

                                                  share|cite|improve this answer

                                                  share|cite|improve this answer

                                                  share|cite|improve this answer

                                                  answered 15 hours ago

                                                  Henry Lee



                                                      up vote
                                                      down vote

                                                      If $f(x)=ax^2+bx-c$ and $g(x)=ax^2+cx+b$ have a common root , show that $a+b+c=0$.

                                                      The statement is false, as pointed out in several answers already.

                                                      The problem most likely has a typo, however, and the following statement is in fact true:

                                                      If $b ne c$, then $f(x)=ax^2+bx colorred+c$ and $g(x)=ax^2+cx+b$ have a common root iff $a+b+c=0$.

                                                      The proof follows immediately by subtracting the two equations, which gives $,(b-c)(x-1)=0,$, therefore the common root must be $,x=1,$.

                                                      share|cite|improve this answer

                                                        up vote
                                                        down vote

                                                        If $f(x)=ax^2+bx-c$ and $g(x)=ax^2+cx+b$ have a common root , show that $a+b+c=0$.

                                                        The statement is false, as pointed out in several answers already.

                                                        The problem most likely has a typo, however, and the following statement is in fact true:

                                                        If $b ne c$, then $f(x)=ax^2+bx colorred+c$ and $g(x)=ax^2+cx+b$ have a common root iff $a+b+c=0$.

                                                        The proof follows immediately by subtracting the two equations, which gives $,(b-c)(x-1)=0,$, therefore the common root must be $,x=1,$.

                                                        share|cite|improve this answer

                                                          up vote
                                                          down vote

                                                          up vote
                                                          down vote

                                                          If $f(x)=ax^2+bx-c$ and $g(x)=ax^2+cx+b$ have a common root , show that $a+b+c=0$.

                                                          The statement is false, as pointed out in several answers already.

                                                          The problem most likely has a typo, however, and the following statement is in fact true:

                                                          If $b ne c$, then $f(x)=ax^2+bx colorred+c$ and $g(x)=ax^2+cx+b$ have a common root iff $a+b+c=0$.

                                                          The proof follows immediately by subtracting the two equations, which gives $,(b-c)(x-1)=0,$, therefore the common root must be $,x=1,$.

                                                          share|cite|improve this answer

                                                          If $f(x)=ax^2+bx-c$ and $g(x)=ax^2+cx+b$ have a common root , show that $a+b+c=0$.

                                                          The statement is false, as pointed out in several answers already.

                                                          The problem most likely has a typo, however, and the following statement is in fact true:

                                                          If $b ne c$, then $f(x)=ax^2+bx colorred+c$ and $g(x)=ax^2+cx+b$ have a common root iff $a+b+c=0$.

                                                          The proof follows immediately by subtracting the two equations, which gives $,(b-c)(x-1)=0,$, therefore the common root must be $,x=1,$.

                                                          share|cite|improve this answer

                                                          share|cite|improve this answer

                                                          share|cite|improve this answer

                                                          answered 9 hours ago





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