Solving matrix exponential of 4x4 matrix

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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Wondering how to find the matrix exponential of the following matrix without having to do through the long process of finding eigenvalues/eigenvectors and Jordan forms. Is there a quicker way to do it using Sine/Cosine ?

A = $$beginpmatrix0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \
1 & 0 & 1 & 1 \
1 & 1 & 0 & 1 \
1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \

Find beginequation e^tA endequation

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  • I'm afraid I am unfamiliar
    – Culliton Andrew
    12 hours ago

  • you want a quicker way involving only pen and paper or computer based would also work for you?
    – pointguard0
    12 hours ago

  • Apologies, I should have specified this is a question that appeared on my Differential Equations Exam so it would have to be pen and paper. I am looking for a different way to do it because the 'long way' calculating the characteristic polynomial etc. took too long in the exam causing me to run out of time.
    – Culliton Andrew
    12 hours ago

  • Pen and paper work implies that such matrix has some particular properties that could be exploited. In this question, all-1 matrix has an easily calculated powers.
    – xbh
    12 hours ago

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down vote


Wondering how to find the matrix exponential of the following matrix without having to do through the long process of finding eigenvalues/eigenvectors and Jordan forms. Is there a quicker way to do it using Sine/Cosine ?

A = $$beginpmatrix0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \
1 & 0 & 1 & 1 \
1 & 1 & 0 & 1 \
1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \

Find beginequation e^tA endequation

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  • I'm afraid I am unfamiliar
    – Culliton Andrew
    12 hours ago

  • you want a quicker way involving only pen and paper or computer based would also work for you?
    – pointguard0
    12 hours ago

  • Apologies, I should have specified this is a question that appeared on my Differential Equations Exam so it would have to be pen and paper. I am looking for a different way to do it because the 'long way' calculating the characteristic polynomial etc. took too long in the exam causing me to run out of time.
    – Culliton Andrew
    12 hours ago

  • Pen and paper work implies that such matrix has some particular properties that could be exploited. In this question, all-1 matrix has an easily calculated powers.
    – xbh
    12 hours ago

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down vote


up vote
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Wondering how to find the matrix exponential of the following matrix without having to do through the long process of finding eigenvalues/eigenvectors and Jordan forms. Is there a quicker way to do it using Sine/Cosine ?

A = $$beginpmatrix0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \
1 & 0 & 1 & 1 \
1 & 1 & 0 & 1 \
1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \

Find beginequation e^tA endequation

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Wondering how to find the matrix exponential of the following matrix without having to do through the long process of finding eigenvalues/eigenvectors and Jordan forms. Is there a quicker way to do it using Sine/Cosine ?

A = $$beginpmatrix0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \
1 & 0 & 1 & 1 \
1 & 1 & 0 & 1 \
1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \

Find beginequation e^tA endequation

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asked 12 hours ago

Culliton Andrew



  • I'm afraid I am unfamiliar
    – Culliton Andrew
    12 hours ago

  • you want a quicker way involving only pen and paper or computer based would also work for you?
    – pointguard0
    12 hours ago

  • Apologies, I should have specified this is a question that appeared on my Differential Equations Exam so it would have to be pen and paper. I am looking for a different way to do it because the 'long way' calculating the characteristic polynomial etc. took too long in the exam causing me to run out of time.
    – Culliton Andrew
    12 hours ago

  • Pen and paper work implies that such matrix has some particular properties that could be exploited. In this question, all-1 matrix has an easily calculated powers.
    – xbh
    12 hours ago

  • I'm afraid I am unfamiliar
    – Culliton Andrew
    12 hours ago

  • you want a quicker way involving only pen and paper or computer based would also work for you?
    – pointguard0
    12 hours ago

  • Apologies, I should have specified this is a question that appeared on my Differential Equations Exam so it would have to be pen and paper. I am looking for a different way to do it because the 'long way' calculating the characteristic polynomial etc. took too long in the exam causing me to run out of time.
    – Culliton Andrew
    12 hours ago

  • Pen and paper work implies that such matrix has some particular properties that could be exploited. In this question, all-1 matrix has an easily calculated powers.
    – xbh
    12 hours ago

I'm afraid I am unfamiliar
– Culliton Andrew
12 hours ago

I'm afraid I am unfamiliar
– Culliton Andrew
12 hours ago

you want a quicker way involving only pen and paper or computer based would also work for you?
– pointguard0
12 hours ago

you want a quicker way involving only pen and paper or computer based would also work for you?
– pointguard0
12 hours ago

Apologies, I should have specified this is a question that appeared on my Differential Equations Exam so it would have to be pen and paper. I am looking for a different way to do it because the 'long way' calculating the characteristic polynomial etc. took too long in the exam causing me to run out of time.
– Culliton Andrew
12 hours ago

Apologies, I should have specified this is a question that appeared on my Differential Equations Exam so it would have to be pen and paper. I am looking for a different way to do it because the 'long way' calculating the characteristic polynomial etc. took too long in the exam causing me to run out of time.
– Culliton Andrew
12 hours ago

Pen and paper work implies that such matrix has some particular properties that could be exploited. In this question, all-1 matrix has an easily calculated powers.
– xbh
12 hours ago

Pen and paper work implies that such matrix has some particular properties that could be exploited. In this question, all-1 matrix has an easily calculated powers.
– xbh
12 hours ago

3 Answers




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down vote

Let $boldsymbol A = boldsymbol U - boldsymbol I_4$. Simple calculations show that $boldsymbol U^n = 4^n-1 boldsymbol U$. Now for every $n in mathbb N^*$:
boldsymbol A^n =( boldsymbol U - boldsymbol I_4)^n &= sum_0^n binom n j boldsymbol U^j (-1)^n-j boldsymbol I \
&=(-1)^n boldsymbol I + sum_1^n binom n j 4^j-1(-1)^n-j boldsymbol U \
&= (-1)^nboldsymbol I + frac 14 sum_0^n binom n j 4^j (-1)^n-j boldsymbol U - (-1)^n boldsymbol U /4 \
&= frac 14 (4-1)^n boldsymbol U + (-1)^nboldsymbol I - (-1)^n boldsymbol U/4 \
&= frac 14 cdot (3^n - (-1)^n) boldsymbol U + (-1)^nboldsymbol I
exp(tboldsymbol A) &= sum_0^infty frac 1 n! t^nboldsymbol A^n \
&= sum_0^infty frac t^n4n! (3^n boldsymbol U - (-1)^n boldsymbol U + 4(-1)^nboldsymbol I) \
&= frac 14 (mathrm e^3t - mathrm e^-t) boldsymbol U + mathrm e^-tboldsymbol I.

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  • 1

    I don't think this can be right---$frac14 e^3t bf U$ is degenerate, but the exponential of a matrix is always invertible.
    – Travis
    12 hours ago

  • 1

    $U^n=4^n-1U$ is not true for $n=0$ (in the summation $sum_0^n$).
    – A.Γ.
    12 hours ago

  • 1

    @Travis Thanks, i fixed it!
    – xbh
    11 hours ago

  • @A.Γ. Thanks, i fixed it!
    – xbh
    11 hours ago

up vote
down vote

Let $u$ be the $4times 1$ matrix with all entries equal to $1$. Let $u'$ be its transpose. Then
A &=uu'-I ,\
A+I &=uu' ,\
4 &=u'u .
e^tA=e^-tI+t(A+I)=e^-tIcdot e^t(A+I)=e^-tcdot e^t,uu' .
Now the powers of $uu'$ are easily computed. For instance $(uu')^2=uu' uu'=u u'u u'=4uu'$, inductively $(uu')^n+1=4^n, uu'$. The exponential of $t,uu'$ is then
+frac 11!t, uu'
+frac 12!t^2, 4, uu'
+frac 13!t^3, 4^2, uu'
+frac 14!t^4, 4^3, uu'
+frac 15!t^5, 4^4, uu'
frac 14left(
frac 11!t, 4
+frac 12!t^2, 4^2
+frac 13!t^3, 4^3
+frac 14!t^4, 4^4
+frac 15!t^5, 4^5
right), uu'
I +
frac 14(e^4t-1),uu'
The above $uu'$ is the matrix with ones as entries.

From here we get the needed formula, as confirmed by sage:

sage: A = matrix( QQ, 4,4, [0,1,1,1, 1,0,1,1, 1,1,0,1, 1,1,1,0] )
sage: A
[0 1 1 1]
[1 0 1 1]
[1 1 0 1]
[1 1 1 0]
sage: var('t');
sage: exp(t*A)
[1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t)]
[1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t)]
[1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t)]
[1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t)]
sage: latex(_)

frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) \
frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) \
frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) \
frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright)

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    up vote
    down vote

    Another way to do it is to use the minimal polynomial and Lagrange interpolation. Calculating $A^2$ we notice that $A^2=3I+2A$, hence, $A^2-2A-3I=0$. It means that
    annihilates $A$, i.e. $pi_A(A)=0$. Let's decompose the function $e^tx$ as
    If we manage to do that (with $q$, $r$ analytical near zeros of $pi_A$) then
    e^tA=q(A)pi_A(A)+r(A)=q(A)cdot 0+r(A)=r(A).
    Since $pi_A$ is of degree 2 it is enough to search for $r$ of degree 1 in the form $r(x)=ax+b$. To find $a,b$ we can use interpolation conditions at $x=-1$ and $x=3$:
    e^-t=r(-1)=-a+b,qquad e^3t=r(3)=3a+b.
    Solving the system of 2 equations and 2 unknowns gives
    a=frace^3t-e^-t4,qquad b=frace^3t-e^-t4+e^-t,
    that is
    Finally (with $x=A$)

    share|cite|improve this answer

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      3 Answers




      3 Answers










      up vote
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      Let $boldsymbol A = boldsymbol U - boldsymbol I_4$. Simple calculations show that $boldsymbol U^n = 4^n-1 boldsymbol U$. Now for every $n in mathbb N^*$:
      boldsymbol A^n =( boldsymbol U - boldsymbol I_4)^n &= sum_0^n binom n j boldsymbol U^j (-1)^n-j boldsymbol I \
      &=(-1)^n boldsymbol I + sum_1^n binom n j 4^j-1(-1)^n-j boldsymbol U \
      &= (-1)^nboldsymbol I + frac 14 sum_0^n binom n j 4^j (-1)^n-j boldsymbol U - (-1)^n boldsymbol U /4 \
      &= frac 14 (4-1)^n boldsymbol U + (-1)^nboldsymbol I - (-1)^n boldsymbol U/4 \
      &= frac 14 cdot (3^n - (-1)^n) boldsymbol U + (-1)^nboldsymbol I
      exp(tboldsymbol A) &= sum_0^infty frac 1 n! t^nboldsymbol A^n \
      &= sum_0^infty frac t^n4n! (3^n boldsymbol U - (-1)^n boldsymbol U + 4(-1)^nboldsymbol I) \
      &= frac 14 (mathrm e^3t - mathrm e^-t) boldsymbol U + mathrm e^-tboldsymbol I.

      share|cite|improve this answer

      • 1

        I don't think this can be right---$frac14 e^3t bf U$ is degenerate, but the exponential of a matrix is always invertible.
        – Travis
        12 hours ago

      • 1

        $U^n=4^n-1U$ is not true for $n=0$ (in the summation $sum_0^n$).
        – A.Γ.
        12 hours ago

      • 1

        @Travis Thanks, i fixed it!
        – xbh
        11 hours ago

      • @A.Γ. Thanks, i fixed it!
        – xbh
        11 hours ago

      up vote
      down vote

      Let $boldsymbol A = boldsymbol U - boldsymbol I_4$. Simple calculations show that $boldsymbol U^n = 4^n-1 boldsymbol U$. Now for every $n in mathbb N^*$:
      boldsymbol A^n =( boldsymbol U - boldsymbol I_4)^n &= sum_0^n binom n j boldsymbol U^j (-1)^n-j boldsymbol I \
      &=(-1)^n boldsymbol I + sum_1^n binom n j 4^j-1(-1)^n-j boldsymbol U \
      &= (-1)^nboldsymbol I + frac 14 sum_0^n binom n j 4^j (-1)^n-j boldsymbol U - (-1)^n boldsymbol U /4 \
      &= frac 14 (4-1)^n boldsymbol U + (-1)^nboldsymbol I - (-1)^n boldsymbol U/4 \
      &= frac 14 cdot (3^n - (-1)^n) boldsymbol U + (-1)^nboldsymbol I
      exp(tboldsymbol A) &= sum_0^infty frac 1 n! t^nboldsymbol A^n \
      &= sum_0^infty frac t^n4n! (3^n boldsymbol U - (-1)^n boldsymbol U + 4(-1)^nboldsymbol I) \
      &= frac 14 (mathrm e^3t - mathrm e^-t) boldsymbol U + mathrm e^-tboldsymbol I.

      share|cite|improve this answer

      • 1

        I don't think this can be right---$frac14 e^3t bf U$ is degenerate, but the exponential of a matrix is always invertible.
        – Travis
        12 hours ago

      • 1

        $U^n=4^n-1U$ is not true for $n=0$ (in the summation $sum_0^n$).
        – A.Γ.
        12 hours ago

      • 1

        @Travis Thanks, i fixed it!
        – xbh
        11 hours ago

      • @A.Γ. Thanks, i fixed it!
        – xbh
        11 hours ago

      up vote
      down vote

      up vote
      down vote

      Let $boldsymbol A = boldsymbol U - boldsymbol I_4$. Simple calculations show that $boldsymbol U^n = 4^n-1 boldsymbol U$. Now for every $n in mathbb N^*$:
      boldsymbol A^n =( boldsymbol U - boldsymbol I_4)^n &= sum_0^n binom n j boldsymbol U^j (-1)^n-j boldsymbol I \
      &=(-1)^n boldsymbol I + sum_1^n binom n j 4^j-1(-1)^n-j boldsymbol U \
      &= (-1)^nboldsymbol I + frac 14 sum_0^n binom n j 4^j (-1)^n-j boldsymbol U - (-1)^n boldsymbol U /4 \
      &= frac 14 (4-1)^n boldsymbol U + (-1)^nboldsymbol I - (-1)^n boldsymbol U/4 \
      &= frac 14 cdot (3^n - (-1)^n) boldsymbol U + (-1)^nboldsymbol I
      exp(tboldsymbol A) &= sum_0^infty frac 1 n! t^nboldsymbol A^n \
      &= sum_0^infty frac t^n4n! (3^n boldsymbol U - (-1)^n boldsymbol U + 4(-1)^nboldsymbol I) \
      &= frac 14 (mathrm e^3t - mathrm e^-t) boldsymbol U + mathrm e^-tboldsymbol I.

      share|cite|improve this answer

      Let $boldsymbol A = boldsymbol U - boldsymbol I_4$. Simple calculations show that $boldsymbol U^n = 4^n-1 boldsymbol U$. Now for every $n in mathbb N^*$:
      boldsymbol A^n =( boldsymbol U - boldsymbol I_4)^n &= sum_0^n binom n j boldsymbol U^j (-1)^n-j boldsymbol I \
      &=(-1)^n boldsymbol I + sum_1^n binom n j 4^j-1(-1)^n-j boldsymbol U \
      &= (-1)^nboldsymbol I + frac 14 sum_0^n binom n j 4^j (-1)^n-j boldsymbol U - (-1)^n boldsymbol U /4 \
      &= frac 14 (4-1)^n boldsymbol U + (-1)^nboldsymbol I - (-1)^n boldsymbol U/4 \
      &= frac 14 cdot (3^n - (-1)^n) boldsymbol U + (-1)^nboldsymbol I
      exp(tboldsymbol A) &= sum_0^infty frac 1 n! t^nboldsymbol A^n \
      &= sum_0^infty frac t^n4n! (3^n boldsymbol U - (-1)^n boldsymbol U + 4(-1)^nboldsymbol I) \
      &= frac 14 (mathrm e^3t - mathrm e^-t) boldsymbol U + mathrm e^-tboldsymbol I.

      share|cite|improve this answer

      share|cite|improve this answer

      share|cite|improve this answer

      edited 11 hours ago

      answered 12 hours ago




      • 1

        I don't think this can be right---$frac14 e^3t bf U$ is degenerate, but the exponential of a matrix is always invertible.
        – Travis
        12 hours ago

      • 1

        $U^n=4^n-1U$ is not true for $n=0$ (in the summation $sum_0^n$).
        – A.Γ.
        12 hours ago

      • 1

        @Travis Thanks, i fixed it!
        – xbh
        11 hours ago

      • @A.Γ. Thanks, i fixed it!
        – xbh
        11 hours ago

      • 1

        I don't think this can be right---$frac14 e^3t bf U$ is degenerate, but the exponential of a matrix is always invertible.
        – Travis
        12 hours ago

      • 1

        $U^n=4^n-1U$ is not true for $n=0$ (in the summation $sum_0^n$).
        – A.Γ.
        12 hours ago

      • 1

        @Travis Thanks, i fixed it!
        – xbh
        11 hours ago

      • @A.Γ. Thanks, i fixed it!
        – xbh
        11 hours ago



      I don't think this can be right---$frac14 e^3t bf U$ is degenerate, but the exponential of a matrix is always invertible.
      – Travis
      12 hours ago

      I don't think this can be right---$frac14 e^3t bf U$ is degenerate, but the exponential of a matrix is always invertible.
      – Travis
      12 hours ago



      $U^n=4^n-1U$ is not true for $n=0$ (in the summation $sum_0^n$).
      – A.Γ.
      12 hours ago

      $U^n=4^n-1U$ is not true for $n=0$ (in the summation $sum_0^n$).
      – A.Γ.
      12 hours ago



      @Travis Thanks, i fixed it!
      – xbh
      11 hours ago

      @Travis Thanks, i fixed it!
      – xbh
      11 hours ago

      @A.Γ. Thanks, i fixed it!
      – xbh
      11 hours ago

      @A.Γ. Thanks, i fixed it!
      – xbh
      11 hours ago

      up vote
      down vote

      Let $u$ be the $4times 1$ matrix with all entries equal to $1$. Let $u'$ be its transpose. Then
      A &=uu'-I ,\
      A+I &=uu' ,\
      4 &=u'u .
      e^tA=e^-tI+t(A+I)=e^-tIcdot e^t(A+I)=e^-tcdot e^t,uu' .
      Now the powers of $uu'$ are easily computed. For instance $(uu')^2=uu' uu'=u u'u u'=4uu'$, inductively $(uu')^n+1=4^n, uu'$. The exponential of $t,uu'$ is then
      +frac 11!t, uu'
      +frac 12!t^2, 4, uu'
      +frac 13!t^3, 4^2, uu'
      +frac 14!t^4, 4^3, uu'
      +frac 15!t^5, 4^4, uu'
      frac 14left(
      frac 11!t, 4
      +frac 12!t^2, 4^2
      +frac 13!t^3, 4^3
      +frac 14!t^4, 4^4
      +frac 15!t^5, 4^5
      right), uu'
      I +
      frac 14(e^4t-1),uu'
      The above $uu'$ is the matrix with ones as entries.

      From here we get the needed formula, as confirmed by sage:

      sage: A = matrix( QQ, 4,4, [0,1,1,1, 1,0,1,1, 1,1,0,1, 1,1,1,0] )
      sage: A
      [0 1 1 1]
      [1 0 1 1]
      [1 1 0 1]
      [1 1 1 0]
      sage: var('t');
      sage: exp(t*A)
      [1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t)]
      [1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t)]
      [1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t)]
      [1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t)]
      sage: latex(_)

      frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) \
      frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) \
      frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) \
      frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright)

      share|cite|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        Let $u$ be the $4times 1$ matrix with all entries equal to $1$. Let $u'$ be its transpose. Then
        A &=uu'-I ,\
        A+I &=uu' ,\
        4 &=u'u .
        e^tA=e^-tI+t(A+I)=e^-tIcdot e^t(A+I)=e^-tcdot e^t,uu' .
        Now the powers of $uu'$ are easily computed. For instance $(uu')^2=uu' uu'=u u'u u'=4uu'$, inductively $(uu')^n+1=4^n, uu'$. The exponential of $t,uu'$ is then
        +frac 11!t, uu'
        +frac 12!t^2, 4, uu'
        +frac 13!t^3, 4^2, uu'
        +frac 14!t^4, 4^3, uu'
        +frac 15!t^5, 4^4, uu'
        frac 14left(
        frac 11!t, 4
        +frac 12!t^2, 4^2
        +frac 13!t^3, 4^3
        +frac 14!t^4, 4^4
        +frac 15!t^5, 4^5
        right), uu'
        I +
        frac 14(e^4t-1),uu'
        The above $uu'$ is the matrix with ones as entries.

        From here we get the needed formula, as confirmed by sage:

        sage: A = matrix( QQ, 4,4, [0,1,1,1, 1,0,1,1, 1,1,0,1, 1,1,1,0] )
        sage: A
        [0 1 1 1]
        [1 0 1 1]
        [1 1 0 1]
        [1 1 1 0]
        sage: var('t');
        sage: exp(t*A)
        [1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t)]
        [1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t)]
        [1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t)]
        [1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t)]
        sage: latex(_)

        frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) \
        frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) \
        frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) \
        frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright)

        share|cite|improve this answer

          up vote
          down vote

          up vote
          down vote

          Let $u$ be the $4times 1$ matrix with all entries equal to $1$. Let $u'$ be its transpose. Then
          A &=uu'-I ,\
          A+I &=uu' ,\
          4 &=u'u .
          e^tA=e^-tI+t(A+I)=e^-tIcdot e^t(A+I)=e^-tcdot e^t,uu' .
          Now the powers of $uu'$ are easily computed. For instance $(uu')^2=uu' uu'=u u'u u'=4uu'$, inductively $(uu')^n+1=4^n, uu'$. The exponential of $t,uu'$ is then
          +frac 11!t, uu'
          +frac 12!t^2, 4, uu'
          +frac 13!t^3, 4^2, uu'
          +frac 14!t^4, 4^3, uu'
          +frac 15!t^5, 4^4, uu'
          frac 14left(
          frac 11!t, 4
          +frac 12!t^2, 4^2
          +frac 13!t^3, 4^3
          +frac 14!t^4, 4^4
          +frac 15!t^5, 4^5
          right), uu'
          I +
          frac 14(e^4t-1),uu'
          The above $uu'$ is the matrix with ones as entries.

          From here we get the needed formula, as confirmed by sage:

          sage: A = matrix( QQ, 4,4, [0,1,1,1, 1,0,1,1, 1,1,0,1, 1,1,1,0] )
          sage: A
          [0 1 1 1]
          [1 0 1 1]
          [1 1 0 1]
          [1 1 1 0]
          sage: var('t');
          sage: exp(t*A)
          [1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t)]
          [1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t)]
          [1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t)]
          [1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t)]
          sage: latex(_)

          frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) \
          frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) \
          frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) \
          frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright)

          share|cite|improve this answer

          Let $u$ be the $4times 1$ matrix with all entries equal to $1$. Let $u'$ be its transpose. Then
          A &=uu'-I ,\
          A+I &=uu' ,\
          4 &=u'u .
          e^tA=e^-tI+t(A+I)=e^-tIcdot e^t(A+I)=e^-tcdot e^t,uu' .
          Now the powers of $uu'$ are easily computed. For instance $(uu')^2=uu' uu'=u u'u u'=4uu'$, inductively $(uu')^n+1=4^n, uu'$. The exponential of $t,uu'$ is then
          +frac 11!t, uu'
          +frac 12!t^2, 4, uu'
          +frac 13!t^3, 4^2, uu'
          +frac 14!t^4, 4^3, uu'
          +frac 15!t^5, 4^4, uu'
          frac 14left(
          frac 11!t, 4
          +frac 12!t^2, 4^2
          +frac 13!t^3, 4^3
          +frac 14!t^4, 4^4
          +frac 15!t^5, 4^5
          right), uu'
          I +
          frac 14(e^4t-1),uu'
          The above $uu'$ is the matrix with ones as entries.

          From here we get the needed formula, as confirmed by sage:

          sage: A = matrix( QQ, 4,4, [0,1,1,1, 1,0,1,1, 1,1,0,1, 1,1,1,0] )
          sage: A
          [0 1 1 1]
          [1 0 1 1]
          [1 1 0 1]
          [1 1 1 0]
          sage: var('t');
          sage: exp(t*A)
          [1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t)]
          [1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t)]
          [1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t)]
          [1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) - 1)*e^(-t) 1/4*(e^(4*t) + 3)*e^(-t)]
          sage: latex(_)

          frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) \
          frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) \
          frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) \
          frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) - 1right) e^left(-tright) & frac14 , left(e^left(4 , tright) + 3right) e^left(-tright)

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          answered 11 hours ago




              up vote
              down vote

              Another way to do it is to use the minimal polynomial and Lagrange interpolation. Calculating $A^2$ we notice that $A^2=3I+2A$, hence, $A^2-2A-3I=0$. It means that
              annihilates $A$, i.e. $pi_A(A)=0$. Let's decompose the function $e^tx$ as
              If we manage to do that (with $q$, $r$ analytical near zeros of $pi_A$) then
              e^tA=q(A)pi_A(A)+r(A)=q(A)cdot 0+r(A)=r(A).
              Since $pi_A$ is of degree 2 it is enough to search for $r$ of degree 1 in the form $r(x)=ax+b$. To find $a,b$ we can use interpolation conditions at $x=-1$ and $x=3$:
              e^-t=r(-1)=-a+b,qquad e^3t=r(3)=3a+b.
              Solving the system of 2 equations and 2 unknowns gives
              a=frace^3t-e^-t4,qquad b=frace^3t-e^-t4+e^-t,
              that is
              Finally (with $x=A$)

              share|cite|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                Another way to do it is to use the minimal polynomial and Lagrange interpolation. Calculating $A^2$ we notice that $A^2=3I+2A$, hence, $A^2-2A-3I=0$. It means that
                annihilates $A$, i.e. $pi_A(A)=0$. Let's decompose the function $e^tx$ as
                If we manage to do that (with $q$, $r$ analytical near zeros of $pi_A$) then
                e^tA=q(A)pi_A(A)+r(A)=q(A)cdot 0+r(A)=r(A).
                Since $pi_A$ is of degree 2 it is enough to search for $r$ of degree 1 in the form $r(x)=ax+b$. To find $a,b$ we can use interpolation conditions at $x=-1$ and $x=3$:
                e^-t=r(-1)=-a+b,qquad e^3t=r(3)=3a+b.
                Solving the system of 2 equations and 2 unknowns gives
                a=frace^3t-e^-t4,qquad b=frace^3t-e^-t4+e^-t,
                that is
                Finally (with $x=A$)

                share|cite|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  Another way to do it is to use the minimal polynomial and Lagrange interpolation. Calculating $A^2$ we notice that $A^2=3I+2A$, hence, $A^2-2A-3I=0$. It means that
                  annihilates $A$, i.e. $pi_A(A)=0$. Let's decompose the function $e^tx$ as
                  If we manage to do that (with $q$, $r$ analytical near zeros of $pi_A$) then
                  e^tA=q(A)pi_A(A)+r(A)=q(A)cdot 0+r(A)=r(A).
                  Since $pi_A$ is of degree 2 it is enough to search for $r$ of degree 1 in the form $r(x)=ax+b$. To find $a,b$ we can use interpolation conditions at $x=-1$ and $x=3$:
                  e^-t=r(-1)=-a+b,qquad e^3t=r(3)=3a+b.
                  Solving the system of 2 equations and 2 unknowns gives
                  a=frace^3t-e^-t4,qquad b=frace^3t-e^-t4+e^-t,
                  that is
                  Finally (with $x=A$)

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  Another way to do it is to use the minimal polynomial and Lagrange interpolation. Calculating $A^2$ we notice that $A^2=3I+2A$, hence, $A^2-2A-3I=0$. It means that
                  annihilates $A$, i.e. $pi_A(A)=0$. Let's decompose the function $e^tx$ as
                  If we manage to do that (with $q$, $r$ analytical near zeros of $pi_A$) then
                  e^tA=q(A)pi_A(A)+r(A)=q(A)cdot 0+r(A)=r(A).
                  Since $pi_A$ is of degree 2 it is enough to search for $r$ of degree 1 in the form $r(x)=ax+b$. To find $a,b$ we can use interpolation conditions at $x=-1$ and $x=3$:
                  e^-t=r(-1)=-a+b,qquad e^3t=r(3)=3a+b.
                  Solving the system of 2 equations and 2 unknowns gives
                  a=frace^3t-e^-t4,qquad b=frace^3t-e^-t4+e^-t,
                  that is
                  Finally (with $x=A$)

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  edited 3 hours ago

                  answered 10 hours ago





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