Dr. : a good nickname or a “professional cancer”?

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Is the informal Dr. <first name> something a starting academic should avoid?

As my father was Dr. <my last name>, I have, since receiving my PhD, cultivated Dr. <my first name>. A senior colleague recently advised me to stop: she called this unprofessional, and suggested that over time it would be a significant drain on my academic career. She went so far as to label this kind of informality a "professional cancer".

Context: I am an engineer and social scientist based in the USA, but I work with colleagues in Europe and Asia regularly.

While I feel that is hyperbole, I have discussed this with several trusted advisers. The responses have been polarized. Concerns raised include sacrificing respect, confusing personal branding (I have a memorable last name), and making more formal colleagues uncomfortable. Is this a real mistake I'm in the process of making? Is this a simple age division issue? Might the informal name actually be a benefit?

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  • 30

    Which country? Which context? To me personally it seems extremely strange.
    – quid
    2 days ago

  • 28

    A country tag might be helpful as in many countries using the Dr prefix is very formal and most people just go by first names.
    – astronat
    2 days ago

  • 9

    I tried to write up an answer, but I can not continue unless you explain to us why you want to be addressed as "Dr." at all (instead of just using your regular first or last name).
    – koalo
    2 days ago

  • 34

    Let me echo and amplify the earlier comments: this is a purely cultural question. As such it cannot be answered adequately without knowing more about in which part of academic culture you reside: please include information about your geographic area, subject area and kind of institution (e.g. liberal arts colleges in the US will be less formal than many research universities).
    – Pete L. Clark
    2 days ago

  • 4

    I've just got my PhD and I never heard "Dr. <last name>" in person. This is totally culture dependent.
    – lvella
    2 days ago

up vote
down vote


Is the informal Dr. <first name> something a starting academic should avoid?

As my father was Dr. <my last name>, I have, since receiving my PhD, cultivated Dr. <my first name>. A senior colleague recently advised me to stop: she called this unprofessional, and suggested that over time it would be a significant drain on my academic career. She went so far as to label this kind of informality a "professional cancer".

Context: I am an engineer and social scientist based in the USA, but I work with colleagues in Europe and Asia regularly.

While I feel that is hyperbole, I have discussed this with several trusted advisers. The responses have been polarized. Concerns raised include sacrificing respect, confusing personal branding (I have a memorable last name), and making more formal colleagues uncomfortable. Is this a real mistake I'm in the process of making? Is this a simple age division issue? Might the informal name actually be a benefit?

share|improve this question

  • 30

    Which country? Which context? To me personally it seems extremely strange.
    – quid
    2 days ago

  • 28

    A country tag might be helpful as in many countries using the Dr prefix is very formal and most people just go by first names.
    – astronat
    2 days ago

  • 9

    I tried to write up an answer, but I can not continue unless you explain to us why you want to be addressed as "Dr." at all (instead of just using your regular first or last name).
    – koalo
    2 days ago

  • 34

    Let me echo and amplify the earlier comments: this is a purely cultural question. As such it cannot be answered adequately without knowing more about in which part of academic culture you reside: please include information about your geographic area, subject area and kind of institution (e.g. liberal arts colleges in the US will be less formal than many research universities).
    – Pete L. Clark
    2 days ago

  • 4

    I've just got my PhD and I never heard "Dr. <last name>" in person. This is totally culture dependent.
    – lvella
    2 days ago

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote



Is the informal Dr. <first name> something a starting academic should avoid?

As my father was Dr. <my last name>, I have, since receiving my PhD, cultivated Dr. <my first name>. A senior colleague recently advised me to stop: she called this unprofessional, and suggested that over time it would be a significant drain on my academic career. She went so far as to label this kind of informality a "professional cancer".

Context: I am an engineer and social scientist based in the USA, but I work with colleagues in Europe and Asia regularly.

While I feel that is hyperbole, I have discussed this with several trusted advisers. The responses have been polarized. Concerns raised include sacrificing respect, confusing personal branding (I have a memorable last name), and making more formal colleagues uncomfortable. Is this a real mistake I'm in the process of making? Is this a simple age division issue? Might the informal name actually be a benefit?

share|improve this question

Is the informal Dr. <first name> something a starting academic should avoid?

As my father was Dr. <my last name>, I have, since receiving my PhD, cultivated Dr. <my first name>. A senior colleague recently advised me to stop: she called this unprofessional, and suggested that over time it would be a significant drain on my academic career. She went so far as to label this kind of informality a "professional cancer".

Context: I am an engineer and social scientist based in the USA, but I work with colleagues in Europe and Asia regularly.

While I feel that is hyperbole, I have discussed this with several trusted advisers. The responses have been polarized. Concerns raised include sacrificing respect, confusing personal branding (I have a memorable last name), and making more formal colleagues uncomfortable. Is this a real mistake I'm in the process of making? Is this a simple age division issue? Might the informal name actually be a benefit?

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edited yesterday

asked 2 days ago




  • 30

    Which country? Which context? To me personally it seems extremely strange.
    – quid
    2 days ago

  • 28

    A country tag might be helpful as in many countries using the Dr prefix is very formal and most people just go by first names.
    – astronat
    2 days ago

  • 9

    I tried to write up an answer, but I can not continue unless you explain to us why you want to be addressed as "Dr." at all (instead of just using your regular first or last name).
    – koalo
    2 days ago

  • 34

    Let me echo and amplify the earlier comments: this is a purely cultural question. As such it cannot be answered adequately without knowing more about in which part of academic culture you reside: please include information about your geographic area, subject area and kind of institution (e.g. liberal arts colleges in the US will be less formal than many research universities).
    – Pete L. Clark
    2 days ago

  • 4

    I've just got my PhD and I never heard "Dr. <last name>" in person. This is totally culture dependent.
    – lvella
    2 days ago

  • 30

    Which country? Which context? To me personally it seems extremely strange.
    – quid
    2 days ago

  • 28

    A country tag might be helpful as in many countries using the Dr prefix is very formal and most people just go by first names.
    – astronat
    2 days ago

  • 9

    I tried to write up an answer, but I can not continue unless you explain to us why you want to be addressed as "Dr." at all (instead of just using your regular first or last name).
    – koalo
    2 days ago

  • 34

    Let me echo and amplify the earlier comments: this is a purely cultural question. As such it cannot be answered adequately without knowing more about in which part of academic culture you reside: please include information about your geographic area, subject area and kind of institution (e.g. liberal arts colleges in the US will be less formal than many research universities).
    – Pete L. Clark
    2 days ago

  • 4

    I've just got my PhD and I never heard "Dr. <last name>" in person. This is totally culture dependent.
    – lvella
    2 days ago



Which country? Which context? To me personally it seems extremely strange.
– quid
2 days ago

Which country? Which context? To me personally it seems extremely strange.
– quid
2 days ago



A country tag might be helpful as in many countries using the Dr prefix is very formal and most people just go by first names.
– astronat
2 days ago

A country tag might be helpful as in many countries using the Dr prefix is very formal and most people just go by first names.
– astronat
2 days ago



I tried to write up an answer, but I can not continue unless you explain to us why you want to be addressed as "Dr." at all (instead of just using your regular first or last name).
– koalo
2 days ago

I tried to write up an answer, but I can not continue unless you explain to us why you want to be addressed as "Dr." at all (instead of just using your regular first or last name).
– koalo
2 days ago



Let me echo and amplify the earlier comments: this is a purely cultural question. As such it cannot be answered adequately without knowing more about in which part of academic culture you reside: please include information about your geographic area, subject area and kind of institution (e.g. liberal arts colleges in the US will be less formal than many research universities).
– Pete L. Clark
2 days ago

Let me echo and amplify the earlier comments: this is a purely cultural question. As such it cannot be answered adequately without knowing more about in which part of academic culture you reside: please include information about your geographic area, subject area and kind of institution (e.g. liberal arts colleges in the US will be less formal than many research universities).
– Pete L. Clark
2 days ago



I've just got my PhD and I never heard "Dr. <last name>" in person. This is totally culture dependent.
– lvella
2 days ago

I've just got my PhD and I never heard "Dr. <last name>" in person. This is totally culture dependent.
– lvella
2 days ago

11 Answers




up vote
down vote

Going by "Dr. FirstName" is just confusing. If people aren't familiar with you, they will think it is your last name. If they do know you, it doesn't seem more casual, just odd.

It depends on the context and culture, but in the US it is standard to go by either "Dr. LastName" or just "FirstName." Like Solar Mike mentioned, a shortened form like "Dr. Initial" is sometimes used for students to refer to you.

share|improve this answer

  • 11

    My wife is a vet in the US, and the norm in that culture seems to be "Dr. <First Name>". I've never heard any of her colleagues call her "Dr. <Last Name>" (though some of the owners do).
    – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
    2 days ago

  • 17

    Culure is everything here: I once headed a team of bilingual German-English speakers. When the spoke to me in English I was invariably called "First Name" but if they were speaking to me in German they could not bring themselves to be so informal, it had to be "title surname".
    – JeremyC
    2 days ago

  • As an engineer working in Japan in both Japanese and English I second @JeremyC's comment. This is entirely culture. The safe default may be what the OP is really looking for here -- that would be "Dr. [Last Name]", cross culturally, at least as pertains to professional address. Unless the OP's father was profoundly influential it doesn't matter; and if he was maybe the mixup is a useful lever anyway. Meh.
    – zxq9
    12 hours ago

up vote
down vote

One of my friends chose to have students call him "Dr. R" (R was the initial of his first name) - he had a huge amount of respect from the students and his colleagues : personally, it's not the name that garners respect, but the attitude, character and spirit of the person.

Do what feels right for you - respect is earned and not necessarily based on a title alone - IMHO...

I have some colleagues whose family name is almost never pronounced correctly by many nationalities (with students from over 90 different countries this is normal for us...), then some easy form of Dr and first name or initial is very common with no detriment to respect.

share|improve this answer

  • 16

    I have such an unpronounceable last name. I choose to let them call me first name instead of Dr. first name. The reason is that there are clear rules here (Germany) on the correct use of the Dr. title, and Dr. first name is unequivocally incorrect. It would cause more confusion then it is worth. Once you use the title you enter a formal mode of communication, and then those formal rules are important. Unless absolutely necessary I just avoid the formal by using just my first name.
    – Maarten Buis
    2 days ago

  • @MaartenBuis “Buis” is unpronounceable in Germany? Yikes.
    – aeismail♦
    14 hours ago

  • 4

    @aeismail ui is one sound in Dutch is pronounced as /œy̯/ That sound does not exist in German. My wife tried quite hard, but when we married she chose not to take my name, with the argument that she would like to be able to pronounce her own name. I thought that that was a valid argument.
    – Maarten Buis
    11 hours ago

up vote
down vote

In the middle east and some other parts of Asia, it is standard to address someone this way (title + first name), including in academia.

share|improve this answer

    up vote
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    There are multiple contexts in academia and what is suitable for one context doesn’t necessarily work for others.

    1. For students, there’s great variation in what faculty prefer to be called - from first name only, to title only, to title and first name, to title and last name, etc. And this will differ between students in a large lecture class, in a seminar, grad students, lab students etc.

    2. What faculty call each other in departmental faculty meetings may differ what faculty call each other in faculty senate meetings, etc

    3. What faculty call each at academic meetings also varies greatly

    If I were you, I’d feel free to ask students to call me Dr. Firstname as is your preference but to also keep this compartmentalized and go with the cultural norm in other settings.

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
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      I have a doctorate. Well into our marriage right after my wife got hers my daughter happened to answer the telephone when a caller asked to speak to "Dr. Bolker". Without missing a beat she asked "which one?" Now she and her brother are Dr. Bolkers too and no one mixes us up.

      Don't worry about sharing both the title and the name with your father.

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
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        This of course depends on cultural context (field, country, department), but you could simply go by your first name. To me, this would be much less odd. In my area (mathematics), I know several well respected people who are widely known and referred to by their first name. In one case, actually, she uses a shortened version of her first name!

        share|improve this answer

          up vote
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          There is no reason why you need to be referred to in the same way in every context. Some are naturally more formal than others and your relationship with some people is more formal than with others. One of the highly respected people I know is "Uncle Bob". I was often Dr. B. But my department chair would naturally be more formal and I wouldn't write any papers with that moniker as author.

          Informality can often be good with students. But even then, not in all cases. If you need to admonish students and are normally referred to informally, using your complete name and list of titles can put the student on notice that they need to pay attention.

          Of course, if you are in a very formal academic culture, you need to be more formal. Israel, for example tends to be quite informal, but I assume not in all contexts. Their prime minister is known by a nickname, for example. Germany, historically, was the opposite.

          I would suggest, however, that for a young academic, building a career, being a bit more formal in public is probably the better way.

          share|improve this answer

            up vote
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            I assume your Senior colleague is a member of your department. If so, you should follow this senior colleague’s advice. The norms of the department should supersede personal preferences, unless your personal preferences are strongly held. In this case, it seems like if you are ambivalent. Following the department norms will avoid confusion for students and others.

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
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              I would find it very weird to call myself "Dr. $FIRSTNAME". As the reason for your choice seems to be to avoid confusion with your father's name, how about using "Dr. I. $LASTNAME", where I. is the initial of your firstname. Over time, this would be your trademark of sorts; people who know the difference between you and your father will immediately know who is who; and people who don't know you or your father will at least guess with a high likelihood that you have done that due to a name clash, and not due to some (in)formal/casual issue.

              share|improve this answer

              • 1

                I think we can agree that Dr. $FIRSTNAME is a nicer way to express the variable... ;)
                – Industrademic

              up vote
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              In my experience in the UK it feels odd to use the "Dr" in an academic setting at all. Nearly everybody has a doctorate, so rather than brag about it we just use names.

              share|improve this answer

                up vote
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                Title FirstName is certainly more informal than Title LastName. I don't know if it would be "professional cancer" for a doctor, though. I would say stick with Title LastName.

                share|improve this answer

                • Depends where. In Brazil, Dr. FirstName is completely normal (the norm, matter of fact...)
                  – Fábio Dias

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                11 Answers




                11 Answers










                up vote
                down vote

                Going by "Dr. FirstName" is just confusing. If people aren't familiar with you, they will think it is your last name. If they do know you, it doesn't seem more casual, just odd.

                It depends on the context and culture, but in the US it is standard to go by either "Dr. LastName" or just "FirstName." Like Solar Mike mentioned, a shortened form like "Dr. Initial" is sometimes used for students to refer to you.

                share|improve this answer

                • 11

                  My wife is a vet in the US, and the norm in that culture seems to be "Dr. <First Name>". I've never heard any of her colleagues call her "Dr. <Last Name>" (though some of the owners do).
                  – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
                  2 days ago

                • 17

                  Culure is everything here: I once headed a team of bilingual German-English speakers. When the spoke to me in English I was invariably called "First Name" but if they were speaking to me in German they could not bring themselves to be so informal, it had to be "title surname".
                  – JeremyC
                  2 days ago

                • As an engineer working in Japan in both Japanese and English I second @JeremyC's comment. This is entirely culture. The safe default may be what the OP is really looking for here -- that would be "Dr. [Last Name]", cross culturally, at least as pertains to professional address. Unless the OP's father was profoundly influential it doesn't matter; and if he was maybe the mixup is a useful lever anyway. Meh.
                  – zxq9
                  12 hours ago

                up vote
                down vote

                Going by "Dr. FirstName" is just confusing. If people aren't familiar with you, they will think it is your last name. If they do know you, it doesn't seem more casual, just odd.

                It depends on the context and culture, but in the US it is standard to go by either "Dr. LastName" or just "FirstName." Like Solar Mike mentioned, a shortened form like "Dr. Initial" is sometimes used for students to refer to you.

                share|improve this answer

                • 11

                  My wife is a vet in the US, and the norm in that culture seems to be "Dr. <First Name>". I've never heard any of her colleagues call her "Dr. <Last Name>" (though some of the owners do).
                  – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
                  2 days ago

                • 17

                  Culure is everything here: I once headed a team of bilingual German-English speakers. When the spoke to me in English I was invariably called "First Name" but if they were speaking to me in German they could not bring themselves to be so informal, it had to be "title surname".
                  – JeremyC
                  2 days ago

                • As an engineer working in Japan in both Japanese and English I second @JeremyC's comment. This is entirely culture. The safe default may be what the OP is really looking for here -- that would be "Dr. [Last Name]", cross culturally, at least as pertains to professional address. Unless the OP's father was profoundly influential it doesn't matter; and if he was maybe the mixup is a useful lever anyway. Meh.
                  – zxq9
                  12 hours ago

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                Going by "Dr. FirstName" is just confusing. If people aren't familiar with you, they will think it is your last name. If they do know you, it doesn't seem more casual, just odd.

                It depends on the context and culture, but in the US it is standard to go by either "Dr. LastName" or just "FirstName." Like Solar Mike mentioned, a shortened form like "Dr. Initial" is sometimes used for students to refer to you.

                share|improve this answer

                Going by "Dr. FirstName" is just confusing. If people aren't familiar with you, they will think it is your last name. If they do know you, it doesn't seem more casual, just odd.

                It depends on the context and culture, but in the US it is standard to go by either "Dr. LastName" or just "FirstName." Like Solar Mike mentioned, a shortened form like "Dr. Initial" is sometimes used for students to refer to you.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                edited 2 days ago

                answered 2 days ago

                Austin Henley



                • 11

                  My wife is a vet in the US, and the norm in that culture seems to be "Dr. <First Name>". I've never heard any of her colleagues call her "Dr. <Last Name>" (though some of the owners do).
                  – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
                  2 days ago

                • 17

                  Culure is everything here: I once headed a team of bilingual German-English speakers. When the spoke to me in English I was invariably called "First Name" but if they were speaking to me in German they could not bring themselves to be so informal, it had to be "title surname".
                  – JeremyC
                  2 days ago

                • As an engineer working in Japan in both Japanese and English I second @JeremyC's comment. This is entirely culture. The safe default may be what the OP is really looking for here -- that would be "Dr. [Last Name]", cross culturally, at least as pertains to professional address. Unless the OP's father was profoundly influential it doesn't matter; and if he was maybe the mixup is a useful lever anyway. Meh.
                  – zxq9
                  12 hours ago

                • 11

                  My wife is a vet in the US, and the norm in that culture seems to be "Dr. <First Name>". I've never heard any of her colleagues call her "Dr. <Last Name>" (though some of the owners do).
                  – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
                  2 days ago

                • 17

                  Culure is everything here: I once headed a team of bilingual German-English speakers. When the spoke to me in English I was invariably called "First Name" but if they were speaking to me in German they could not bring themselves to be so informal, it had to be "title surname".
                  – JeremyC
                  2 days ago

                • As an engineer working in Japan in both Japanese and English I second @JeremyC's comment. This is entirely culture. The safe default may be what the OP is really looking for here -- that would be "Dr. [Last Name]", cross culturally, at least as pertains to professional address. Unless the OP's father was profoundly influential it doesn't matter; and if he was maybe the mixup is a useful lever anyway. Meh.
                  – zxq9
                  12 hours ago



                My wife is a vet in the US, and the norm in that culture seems to be "Dr. <First Name>". I've never heard any of her colleagues call her "Dr. <Last Name>" (though some of the owners do).
                – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
                2 days ago

                My wife is a vet in the US, and the norm in that culture seems to be "Dr. <First Name>". I've never heard any of her colleagues call her "Dr. <Last Name>" (though some of the owners do).
                – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
                2 days ago



                Culure is everything here: I once headed a team of bilingual German-English speakers. When the spoke to me in English I was invariably called "First Name" but if they were speaking to me in German they could not bring themselves to be so informal, it had to be "title surname".
                – JeremyC
                2 days ago

                Culure is everything here: I once headed a team of bilingual German-English speakers. When the spoke to me in English I was invariably called "First Name" but if they were speaking to me in German they could not bring themselves to be so informal, it had to be "title surname".
                – JeremyC
                2 days ago

                As an engineer working in Japan in both Japanese and English I second @JeremyC's comment. This is entirely culture. The safe default may be what the OP is really looking for here -- that would be "Dr. [Last Name]", cross culturally, at least as pertains to professional address. Unless the OP's father was profoundly influential it doesn't matter; and if he was maybe the mixup is a useful lever anyway. Meh.
                – zxq9
                12 hours ago

                As an engineer working in Japan in both Japanese and English I second @JeremyC's comment. This is entirely culture. The safe default may be what the OP is really looking for here -- that would be "Dr. [Last Name]", cross culturally, at least as pertains to professional address. Unless the OP's father was profoundly influential it doesn't matter; and if he was maybe the mixup is a useful lever anyway. Meh.
                – zxq9
                12 hours ago

                up vote
                down vote

                One of my friends chose to have students call him "Dr. R" (R was the initial of his first name) - he had a huge amount of respect from the students and his colleagues : personally, it's not the name that garners respect, but the attitude, character and spirit of the person.

                Do what feels right for you - respect is earned and not necessarily based on a title alone - IMHO...

                I have some colleagues whose family name is almost never pronounced correctly by many nationalities (with students from over 90 different countries this is normal for us...), then some easy form of Dr and first name or initial is very common with no detriment to respect.

                share|improve this answer

                • 16

                  I have such an unpronounceable last name. I choose to let them call me first name instead of Dr. first name. The reason is that there are clear rules here (Germany) on the correct use of the Dr. title, and Dr. first name is unequivocally incorrect. It would cause more confusion then it is worth. Once you use the title you enter a formal mode of communication, and then those formal rules are important. Unless absolutely necessary I just avoid the formal by using just my first name.
                  – Maarten Buis
                  2 days ago

                • @MaartenBuis “Buis” is unpronounceable in Germany? Yikes.
                  – aeismail♦
                  14 hours ago

                • 4

                  @aeismail ui is one sound in Dutch is pronounced as /œy̯/ That sound does not exist in German. My wife tried quite hard, but when we married she chose not to take my name, with the argument that she would like to be able to pronounce her own name. I thought that that was a valid argument.
                  – Maarten Buis
                  11 hours ago

                up vote
                down vote

                One of my friends chose to have students call him "Dr. R" (R was the initial of his first name) - he had a huge amount of respect from the students and his colleagues : personally, it's not the name that garners respect, but the attitude, character and spirit of the person.

                Do what feels right for you - respect is earned and not necessarily based on a title alone - IMHO...

                I have some colleagues whose family name is almost never pronounced correctly by many nationalities (with students from over 90 different countries this is normal for us...), then some easy form of Dr and first name or initial is very common with no detriment to respect.

                share|improve this answer

                • 16

                  I have such an unpronounceable last name. I choose to let them call me first name instead of Dr. first name. The reason is that there are clear rules here (Germany) on the correct use of the Dr. title, and Dr. first name is unequivocally incorrect. It would cause more confusion then it is worth. Once you use the title you enter a formal mode of communication, and then those formal rules are important. Unless absolutely necessary I just avoid the formal by using just my first name.
                  – Maarten Buis
                  2 days ago

                • @MaartenBuis “Buis” is unpronounceable in Germany? Yikes.
                  – aeismail♦
                  14 hours ago

                • 4

                  @aeismail ui is one sound in Dutch is pronounced as /œy̯/ That sound does not exist in German. My wife tried quite hard, but when we married she chose not to take my name, with the argument that she would like to be able to pronounce her own name. I thought that that was a valid argument.
                  – Maarten Buis
                  11 hours ago

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                One of my friends chose to have students call him "Dr. R" (R was the initial of his first name) - he had a huge amount of respect from the students and his colleagues : personally, it's not the name that garners respect, but the attitude, character and spirit of the person.

                Do what feels right for you - respect is earned and not necessarily based on a title alone - IMHO...

                I have some colleagues whose family name is almost never pronounced correctly by many nationalities (with students from over 90 different countries this is normal for us...), then some easy form of Dr and first name or initial is very common with no detriment to respect.

                share|improve this answer

                One of my friends chose to have students call him "Dr. R" (R was the initial of his first name) - he had a huge amount of respect from the students and his colleagues : personally, it's not the name that garners respect, but the attitude, character and spirit of the person.

                Do what feels right for you - respect is earned and not necessarily based on a title alone - IMHO...

                I have some colleagues whose family name is almost never pronounced correctly by many nationalities (with students from over 90 different countries this is normal for us...), then some easy form of Dr and first name or initial is very common with no detriment to respect.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                edited yesterday




                answered 2 days ago

                Solar Mike



                • 16

                  I have such an unpronounceable last name. I choose to let them call me first name instead of Dr. first name. The reason is that there are clear rules here (Germany) on the correct use of the Dr. title, and Dr. first name is unequivocally incorrect. It would cause more confusion then it is worth. Once you use the title you enter a formal mode of communication, and then those formal rules are important. Unless absolutely necessary I just avoid the formal by using just my first name.
                  – Maarten Buis
                  2 days ago

                • @MaartenBuis “Buis” is unpronounceable in Germany? Yikes.
                  – aeismail♦
                  14 hours ago

                • 4

                  @aeismail ui is one sound in Dutch is pronounced as /œy̯/ That sound does not exist in German. My wife tried quite hard, but when we married she chose not to take my name, with the argument that she would like to be able to pronounce her own name. I thought that that was a valid argument.
                  – Maarten Buis
                  11 hours ago

                • 16

                  I have such an unpronounceable last name. I choose to let them call me first name instead of Dr. first name. The reason is that there are clear rules here (Germany) on the correct use of the Dr. title, and Dr. first name is unequivocally incorrect. It would cause more confusion then it is worth. Once you use the title you enter a formal mode of communication, and then those formal rules are important. Unless absolutely necessary I just avoid the formal by using just my first name.
                  – Maarten Buis
                  2 days ago

                • @MaartenBuis “Buis” is unpronounceable in Germany? Yikes.
                  – aeismail♦
                  14 hours ago

                • 4

                  @aeismail ui is one sound in Dutch is pronounced as /œy̯/ That sound does not exist in German. My wife tried quite hard, but when we married she chose not to take my name, with the argument that she would like to be able to pronounce her own name. I thought that that was a valid argument.
                  – Maarten Buis
                  11 hours ago



                I have such an unpronounceable last name. I choose to let them call me first name instead of Dr. first name. The reason is that there are clear rules here (Germany) on the correct use of the Dr. title, and Dr. first name is unequivocally incorrect. It would cause more confusion then it is worth. Once you use the title you enter a formal mode of communication, and then those formal rules are important. Unless absolutely necessary I just avoid the formal by using just my first name.
                – Maarten Buis
                2 days ago

                I have such an unpronounceable last name. I choose to let them call me first name instead of Dr. first name. The reason is that there are clear rules here (Germany) on the correct use of the Dr. title, and Dr. first name is unequivocally incorrect. It would cause more confusion then it is worth. Once you use the title you enter a formal mode of communication, and then those formal rules are important. Unless absolutely necessary I just avoid the formal by using just my first name.
                – Maarten Buis
                2 days ago

                @MaartenBuis “Buis” is unpronounceable in Germany? Yikes.
                – aeismail♦
                14 hours ago

                @MaartenBuis “Buis” is unpronounceable in Germany? Yikes.
                – aeismail♦
                14 hours ago



                @aeismail ui is one sound in Dutch is pronounced as /œy̯/ That sound does not exist in German. My wife tried quite hard, but when we married she chose not to take my name, with the argument that she would like to be able to pronounce her own name. I thought that that was a valid argument.
                – Maarten Buis
                11 hours ago

                @aeismail ui is one sound in Dutch is pronounced as /œy̯/ That sound does not exist in German. My wife tried quite hard, but when we married she chose not to take my name, with the argument that she would like to be able to pronounce her own name. I thought that that was a valid argument.
                – Maarten Buis
                11 hours ago

                up vote
                down vote

                In the middle east and some other parts of Asia, it is standard to address someone this way (title + first name), including in academia.

                share|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  In the middle east and some other parts of Asia, it is standard to address someone this way (title + first name), including in academia.

                  share|improve this answer

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    In the middle east and some other parts of Asia, it is standard to address someone this way (title + first name), including in academia.

                    share|improve this answer

                    In the middle east and some other parts of Asia, it is standard to address someone this way (title + first name), including in academia.

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    answered 2 days ago

                    David Ketcheson



                        up vote
                        down vote

                        There are multiple contexts in academia and what is suitable for one context doesn’t necessarily work for others.

                        1. For students, there’s great variation in what faculty prefer to be called - from first name only, to title only, to title and first name, to title and last name, etc. And this will differ between students in a large lecture class, in a seminar, grad students, lab students etc.

                        2. What faculty call each other in departmental faculty meetings may differ what faculty call each other in faculty senate meetings, etc

                        3. What faculty call each at academic meetings also varies greatly

                        If I were you, I’d feel free to ask students to call me Dr. Firstname as is your preference but to also keep this compartmentalized and go with the cultural norm in other settings.

                        share|improve this answer

                          up vote
                          down vote

                          There are multiple contexts in academia and what is suitable for one context doesn’t necessarily work for others.

                          1. For students, there’s great variation in what faculty prefer to be called - from first name only, to title only, to title and first name, to title and last name, etc. And this will differ between students in a large lecture class, in a seminar, grad students, lab students etc.

                          2. What faculty call each other in departmental faculty meetings may differ what faculty call each other in faculty senate meetings, etc

                          3. What faculty call each at academic meetings also varies greatly

                          If I were you, I’d feel free to ask students to call me Dr. Firstname as is your preference but to also keep this compartmentalized and go with the cultural norm in other settings.

                          share|improve this answer

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            There are multiple contexts in academia and what is suitable for one context doesn’t necessarily work for others.

                            1. For students, there’s great variation in what faculty prefer to be called - from first name only, to title only, to title and first name, to title and last name, etc. And this will differ between students in a large lecture class, in a seminar, grad students, lab students etc.

                            2. What faculty call each other in departmental faculty meetings may differ what faculty call each other in faculty senate meetings, etc

                            3. What faculty call each at academic meetings also varies greatly

                            If I were you, I’d feel free to ask students to call me Dr. Firstname as is your preference but to also keep this compartmentalized and go with the cultural norm in other settings.

                            share|improve this answer

                            There are multiple contexts in academia and what is suitable for one context doesn’t necessarily work for others.

                            1. For students, there’s great variation in what faculty prefer to be called - from first name only, to title only, to title and first name, to title and last name, etc. And this will differ between students in a large lecture class, in a seminar, grad students, lab students etc.

                            2. What faculty call each other in departmental faculty meetings may differ what faculty call each other in faculty senate meetings, etc

                            3. What faculty call each at academic meetings also varies greatly

                            If I were you, I’d feel free to ask students to call me Dr. Firstname as is your preference but to also keep this compartmentalized and go with the cultural norm in other settings.

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            answered 2 days ago




                                up vote
                                down vote

                                I have a doctorate. Well into our marriage right after my wife got hers my daughter happened to answer the telephone when a caller asked to speak to "Dr. Bolker". Without missing a beat she asked "which one?" Now she and her brother are Dr. Bolkers too and no one mixes us up.

                                Don't worry about sharing both the title and the name with your father.

                                share|improve this answer

                                  up vote
                                  down vote

                                  I have a doctorate. Well into our marriage right after my wife got hers my daughter happened to answer the telephone when a caller asked to speak to "Dr. Bolker". Without missing a beat she asked "which one?" Now she and her brother are Dr. Bolkers too and no one mixes us up.

                                  Don't worry about sharing both the title and the name with your father.

                                  share|improve this answer

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    I have a doctorate. Well into our marriage right after my wife got hers my daughter happened to answer the telephone when a caller asked to speak to "Dr. Bolker". Without missing a beat she asked "which one?" Now she and her brother are Dr. Bolkers too and no one mixes us up.

                                    Don't worry about sharing both the title and the name with your father.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    I have a doctorate. Well into our marriage right after my wife got hers my daughter happened to answer the telephone when a caller asked to speak to "Dr. Bolker". Without missing a beat she asked "which one?" Now she and her brother are Dr. Bolkers too and no one mixes us up.

                                    Don't worry about sharing both the title and the name with your father.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    answered yesterday

                                    Ethan Bolker



                                        up vote
                                        down vote

                                        This of course depends on cultural context (field, country, department), but you could simply go by your first name. To me, this would be much less odd. In my area (mathematics), I know several well respected people who are widely known and referred to by their first name. In one case, actually, she uses a shortened version of her first name!

                                        share|improve this answer

                                          up vote
                                          down vote

                                          This of course depends on cultural context (field, country, department), but you could simply go by your first name. To me, this would be much less odd. In my area (mathematics), I know several well respected people who are widely known and referred to by their first name. In one case, actually, she uses a shortened version of her first name!

                                          share|improve this answer

                                            up vote
                                            down vote

                                            up vote
                                            down vote

                                            This of course depends on cultural context (field, country, department), but you could simply go by your first name. To me, this would be much less odd. In my area (mathematics), I know several well respected people who are widely known and referred to by their first name. In one case, actually, she uses a shortened version of her first name!

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            This of course depends on cultural context (field, country, department), but you could simply go by your first name. To me, this would be much less odd. In my area (mathematics), I know several well respected people who are widely known and referred to by their first name. In one case, actually, she uses a shortened version of her first name!

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            answered 2 days ago

                                            Ryan Gibara



                                                up vote
                                                down vote

                                                There is no reason why you need to be referred to in the same way in every context. Some are naturally more formal than others and your relationship with some people is more formal than with others. One of the highly respected people I know is "Uncle Bob". I was often Dr. B. But my department chair would naturally be more formal and I wouldn't write any papers with that moniker as author.

                                                Informality can often be good with students. But even then, not in all cases. If you need to admonish students and are normally referred to informally, using your complete name and list of titles can put the student on notice that they need to pay attention.

                                                Of course, if you are in a very formal academic culture, you need to be more formal. Israel, for example tends to be quite informal, but I assume not in all contexts. Their prime minister is known by a nickname, for example. Germany, historically, was the opposite.

                                                I would suggest, however, that for a young academic, building a career, being a bit more formal in public is probably the better way.

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                  up vote
                                                  down vote

                                                  There is no reason why you need to be referred to in the same way in every context. Some are naturally more formal than others and your relationship with some people is more formal than with others. One of the highly respected people I know is "Uncle Bob". I was often Dr. B. But my department chair would naturally be more formal and I wouldn't write any papers with that moniker as author.

                                                  Informality can often be good with students. But even then, not in all cases. If you need to admonish students and are normally referred to informally, using your complete name and list of titles can put the student on notice that they need to pay attention.

                                                  Of course, if you are in a very formal academic culture, you need to be more formal. Israel, for example tends to be quite informal, but I assume not in all contexts. Their prime minister is known by a nickname, for example. Germany, historically, was the opposite.

                                                  I would suggest, however, that for a young academic, building a career, being a bit more formal in public is probably the better way.

                                                  share|improve this answer

                                                    up vote
                                                    down vote

                                                    up vote
                                                    down vote

                                                    There is no reason why you need to be referred to in the same way in every context. Some are naturally more formal than others and your relationship with some people is more formal than with others. One of the highly respected people I know is "Uncle Bob". I was often Dr. B. But my department chair would naturally be more formal and I wouldn't write any papers with that moniker as author.

                                                    Informality can often be good with students. But even then, not in all cases. If you need to admonish students and are normally referred to informally, using your complete name and list of titles can put the student on notice that they need to pay attention.

                                                    Of course, if you are in a very formal academic culture, you need to be more formal. Israel, for example tends to be quite informal, but I assume not in all contexts. Their prime minister is known by a nickname, for example. Germany, historically, was the opposite.

                                                    I would suggest, however, that for a young academic, building a career, being a bit more formal in public is probably the better way.

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    There is no reason why you need to be referred to in the same way in every context. Some are naturally more formal than others and your relationship with some people is more formal than with others. One of the highly respected people I know is "Uncle Bob". I was often Dr. B. But my department chair would naturally be more formal and I wouldn't write any papers with that moniker as author.

                                                    Informality can often be good with students. But even then, not in all cases. If you need to admonish students and are normally referred to informally, using your complete name and list of titles can put the student on notice that they need to pay attention.

                                                    Of course, if you are in a very formal academic culture, you need to be more formal. Israel, for example tends to be quite informal, but I assume not in all contexts. Their prime minister is known by a nickname, for example. Germany, historically, was the opposite.

                                                    I would suggest, however, that for a young academic, building a career, being a bit more formal in public is probably the better way.

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    answered 2 days ago




                                                        up vote
                                                        down vote

                                                        I assume your Senior colleague is a member of your department. If so, you should follow this senior colleague’s advice. The norms of the department should supersede personal preferences, unless your personal preferences are strongly held. In this case, it seems like if you are ambivalent. Following the department norms will avoid confusion for students and others.

                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                          up vote
                                                          down vote

                                                          I assume your Senior colleague is a member of your department. If so, you should follow this senior colleague’s advice. The norms of the department should supersede personal preferences, unless your personal preferences are strongly held. In this case, it seems like if you are ambivalent. Following the department norms will avoid confusion for students and others.

                                                          share|improve this answer

                                                            up vote
                                                            down vote

                                                            up vote
                                                            down vote

                                                            I assume your Senior colleague is a member of your department. If so, you should follow this senior colleague’s advice. The norms of the department should supersede personal preferences, unless your personal preferences are strongly held. In this case, it seems like if you are ambivalent. Following the department norms will avoid confusion for students and others.

                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                            I assume your Senior colleague is a member of your department. If so, you should follow this senior colleague’s advice. The norms of the department should supersede personal preferences, unless your personal preferences are strongly held. In this case, it seems like if you are ambivalent. Following the department norms will avoid confusion for students and others.

                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                            answered 2 days ago




                                                                up vote
                                                                down vote

                                                                I would find it very weird to call myself "Dr. $FIRSTNAME". As the reason for your choice seems to be to avoid confusion with your father's name, how about using "Dr. I. $LASTNAME", where I. is the initial of your firstname. Over time, this would be your trademark of sorts; people who know the difference between you and your father will immediately know who is who; and people who don't know you or your father will at least guess with a high likelihood that you have done that due to a name clash, and not due to some (in)formal/casual issue.

                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                • 1

                                                                  I think we can agree that Dr. $FIRSTNAME is a nicer way to express the variable... ;)
                                                                  – Industrademic

                                                                up vote
                                                                down vote

                                                                I would find it very weird to call myself "Dr. $FIRSTNAME". As the reason for your choice seems to be to avoid confusion with your father's name, how about using "Dr. I. $LASTNAME", where I. is the initial of your firstname. Over time, this would be your trademark of sorts; people who know the difference between you and your father will immediately know who is who; and people who don't know you or your father will at least guess with a high likelihood that you have done that due to a name clash, and not due to some (in)formal/casual issue.

                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                • 1

                                                                  I think we can agree that Dr. $FIRSTNAME is a nicer way to express the variable... ;)
                                                                  – Industrademic

                                                                up vote
                                                                down vote

                                                                up vote
                                                                down vote

                                                                I would find it very weird to call myself "Dr. $FIRSTNAME". As the reason for your choice seems to be to avoid confusion with your father's name, how about using "Dr. I. $LASTNAME", where I. is the initial of your firstname. Over time, this would be your trademark of sorts; people who know the difference between you and your father will immediately know who is who; and people who don't know you or your father will at least guess with a high likelihood that you have done that due to a name clash, and not due to some (in)formal/casual issue.

                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                I would find it very weird to call myself "Dr. $FIRSTNAME". As the reason for your choice seems to be to avoid confusion with your father's name, how about using "Dr. I. $LASTNAME", where I. is the initial of your firstname. Over time, this would be your trademark of sorts; people who know the difference between you and your father will immediately know who is who; and people who don't know you or your father will at least guess with a high likelihood that you have done that due to a name clash, and not due to some (in)formal/casual issue.

                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                answered 2 days ago




                                                                • 1

                                                                  I think we can agree that Dr. $FIRSTNAME is a nicer way to express the variable... ;)
                                                                  – Industrademic

                                                                • 1

                                                                  I think we can agree that Dr. $FIRSTNAME is a nicer way to express the variable... ;)
                                                                  – Industrademic



                                                                I think we can agree that Dr. $FIRSTNAME is a nicer way to express the variable... ;)
                                                                – Industrademic

                                                                I think we can agree that Dr. $FIRSTNAME is a nicer way to express the variable... ;)
                                                                – Industrademic

                                                                up vote
                                                                down vote

                                                                In my experience in the UK it feels odd to use the "Dr" in an academic setting at all. Nearly everybody has a doctorate, so rather than brag about it we just use names.

                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                  up vote
                                                                  down vote

                                                                  In my experience in the UK it feels odd to use the "Dr" in an academic setting at all. Nearly everybody has a doctorate, so rather than brag about it we just use names.

                                                                  share|improve this answer

                                                                    up vote
                                                                    down vote

                                                                    up vote
                                                                    down vote

                                                                    In my experience in the UK it feels odd to use the "Dr" in an academic setting at all. Nearly everybody has a doctorate, so rather than brag about it we just use names.

                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                    In my experience in the UK it feels odd to use the "Dr" in an academic setting at all. Nearly everybody has a doctorate, so rather than brag about it we just use names.

                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                    answered 19 hours ago




                                                                        up vote
                                                                        down vote

                                                                        Title FirstName is certainly more informal than Title LastName. I don't know if it would be "professional cancer" for a doctor, though. I would say stick with Title LastName.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        • Depends where. In Brazil, Dr. FirstName is completely normal (the norm, matter of fact...)
                                                                          – Fábio Dias

                                                                        up vote
                                                                        down vote

                                                                        Title FirstName is certainly more informal than Title LastName. I don't know if it would be "professional cancer" for a doctor, though. I would say stick with Title LastName.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        • Depends where. In Brazil, Dr. FirstName is completely normal (the norm, matter of fact...)
                                                                          – Fábio Dias

                                                                        up vote
                                                                        down vote

                                                                        up vote
                                                                        down vote

                                                                        Title FirstName is certainly more informal than Title LastName. I don't know if it would be "professional cancer" for a doctor, though. I would say stick with Title LastName.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        Title FirstName is certainly more informal than Title LastName. I don't know if it would be "professional cancer" for a doctor, though. I would say stick with Title LastName.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        answered 2 days ago




                                                                        • Depends where. In Brazil, Dr. FirstName is completely normal (the norm, matter of fact...)
                                                                          – Fábio Dias

                                                                        • Depends where. In Brazil, Dr. FirstName is completely normal (the norm, matter of fact...)
                                                                          – Fábio Dias

                                                                        Depends where. In Brazil, Dr. FirstName is completely normal (the norm, matter of fact...)
                                                                        – Fábio Dias

                                                                        Depends where. In Brazil, Dr. FirstName is completely normal (the norm, matter of fact...)
                                                                        – Fábio Dias


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