Is this a scam: Someone promises payment for converting money transfers to Bitcoin?

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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An online company hired my friend as account assistant. They said to him we are in the business consulting firm. We need a account assistant in every area. The account assistant work is some of company they work with send a money to my friends account by inter account e-transfer. My friend needs to withdraw the money and go to the bitcoin ATM and send the money to our dealers because they are whole sale company and their dealers receive the money only in bitcoin .

My friend thinks about it and wants to do the job.

He want my opinion that's why I asked the question because I don't want my friend face any problems.


  • 28

    When an "account assistant" for a company has to use his own account instead of the company's one, something is wrong.
    – PaÅ­lo Ebermann

  • 9

    No legitimate job will ever make you use your own bank account to do anything except receive a paycheck. Consider: Bitcoin can be bought from anywhere. Why would they need to "hire" someone in a specific area to receive the money, convert it to bitcoin, then send it back?
    – Seth R

  • 14

    this could likely be a form of money laundering, and as such, your friend is doing something punishable by prison in many jurisdictions. Also, that might make him subject of blackmail by organized crime. CALL YOUR FRIEND NOW, make him stop reacting!
    – Marcus Müller

  • 11

    Also, I feel like you know your friend as if he was you. (Can we drop this act?)
    – Marcus Müller

  • 4

    Honestly, does any of this sound legit to you? In general past any specifics if it feels wrong and you need to ask if something is “legit” then just walk away and don’t do it. Scams need someone to be committed to being drawn in. Don’t draw yourself in.
    – JakeGould

up vote
down vote


An online company hired my friend as account assistant. They said to him we are in the business consulting firm. We need a account assistant in every area. The account assistant work is some of company they work with send a money to my friends account by inter account e-transfer. My friend needs to withdraw the money and go to the bitcoin ATM and send the money to our dealers because they are whole sale company and their dealers receive the money only in bitcoin .

My friend thinks about it and wants to do the job.

He want my opinion that's why I asked the question because I don't want my friend face any problems.


  • 28

    When an "account assistant" for a company has to use his own account instead of the company's one, something is wrong.
    – PaÅ­lo Ebermann

  • 9

    No legitimate job will ever make you use your own bank account to do anything except receive a paycheck. Consider: Bitcoin can be bought from anywhere. Why would they need to "hire" someone in a specific area to receive the money, convert it to bitcoin, then send it back?
    – Seth R

  • 14

    this could likely be a form of money laundering, and as such, your friend is doing something punishable by prison in many jurisdictions. Also, that might make him subject of blackmail by organized crime. CALL YOUR FRIEND NOW, make him stop reacting!
    – Marcus Müller

  • 11

    Also, I feel like you know your friend as if he was you. (Can we drop this act?)
    – Marcus Müller

  • 4

    Honestly, does any of this sound legit to you? In general past any specifics if it feels wrong and you need to ask if something is “legit” then just walk away and don’t do it. Scams need someone to be committed to being drawn in. Don’t draw yourself in.
    – JakeGould

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote



An online company hired my friend as account assistant. They said to him we are in the business consulting firm. We need a account assistant in every area. The account assistant work is some of company they work with send a money to my friends account by inter account e-transfer. My friend needs to withdraw the money and go to the bitcoin ATM and send the money to our dealers because they are whole sale company and their dealers receive the money only in bitcoin .

My friend thinks about it and wants to do the job.

He want my opinion that's why I asked the question because I don't want my friend face any problems.


An online company hired my friend as account assistant. They said to him we are in the business consulting firm. We need a account assistant in every area. The account assistant work is some of company they work with send a money to my friends account by inter account e-transfer. My friend needs to withdraw the money and go to the bitcoin ATM and send the money to our dealers because they are whole sale company and their dealers receive the money only in bitcoin .

My friend thinks about it and wants to do the job.

He want my opinion that's why I asked the question because I don't want my friend face any problems.




edited yesterday




asked yesterday

ashif antor



  • 28

    When an "account assistant" for a company has to use his own account instead of the company's one, something is wrong.
    – PaÅ­lo Ebermann

  • 9

    No legitimate job will ever make you use your own bank account to do anything except receive a paycheck. Consider: Bitcoin can be bought from anywhere. Why would they need to "hire" someone in a specific area to receive the money, convert it to bitcoin, then send it back?
    – Seth R

  • 14

    this could likely be a form of money laundering, and as such, your friend is doing something punishable by prison in many jurisdictions. Also, that might make him subject of blackmail by organized crime. CALL YOUR FRIEND NOW, make him stop reacting!
    – Marcus Müller

  • 11

    Also, I feel like you know your friend as if he was you. (Can we drop this act?)
    – Marcus Müller

  • 4

    Honestly, does any of this sound legit to you? In general past any specifics if it feels wrong and you need to ask if something is “legit” then just walk away and don’t do it. Scams need someone to be committed to being drawn in. Don’t draw yourself in.
    – JakeGould

  • 28

    When an "account assistant" for a company has to use his own account instead of the company's one, something is wrong.
    – PaÅ­lo Ebermann

  • 9

    No legitimate job will ever make you use your own bank account to do anything except receive a paycheck. Consider: Bitcoin can be bought from anywhere. Why would they need to "hire" someone in a specific area to receive the money, convert it to bitcoin, then send it back?
    – Seth R

  • 14

    this could likely be a form of money laundering, and as such, your friend is doing something punishable by prison in many jurisdictions. Also, that might make him subject of blackmail by organized crime. CALL YOUR FRIEND NOW, make him stop reacting!
    – Marcus Müller

  • 11

    Also, I feel like you know your friend as if he was you. (Can we drop this act?)
    – Marcus Müller

  • 4

    Honestly, does any of this sound legit to you? In general past any specifics if it feels wrong and you need to ask if something is “legit” then just walk away and don’t do it. Scams need someone to be committed to being drawn in. Don’t draw yourself in.
    – JakeGould



When an "account assistant" for a company has to use his own account instead of the company's one, something is wrong.
– PaÅ­lo Ebermann

When an "account assistant" for a company has to use his own account instead of the company's one, something is wrong.
– PaÅ­lo Ebermann



No legitimate job will ever make you use your own bank account to do anything except receive a paycheck. Consider: Bitcoin can be bought from anywhere. Why would they need to "hire" someone in a specific area to receive the money, convert it to bitcoin, then send it back?
– Seth R

No legitimate job will ever make you use your own bank account to do anything except receive a paycheck. Consider: Bitcoin can be bought from anywhere. Why would they need to "hire" someone in a specific area to receive the money, convert it to bitcoin, then send it back?
– Seth R



this could likely be a form of money laundering, and as such, your friend is doing something punishable by prison in many jurisdictions. Also, that might make him subject of blackmail by organized crime. CALL YOUR FRIEND NOW, make him stop reacting!
– Marcus Müller

this could likely be a form of money laundering, and as such, your friend is doing something punishable by prison in many jurisdictions. Also, that might make him subject of blackmail by organized crime. CALL YOUR FRIEND NOW, make him stop reacting!
– Marcus Müller



Also, I feel like you know your friend as if he was you. (Can we drop this act?)
– Marcus Müller

Also, I feel like you know your friend as if he was you. (Can we drop this act?)
– Marcus Müller



Honestly, does any of this sound legit to you? In general past any specifics if it feels wrong and you need to ask if something is “legit” then just walk away and don’t do it. Scams need someone to be committed to being drawn in. Don’t draw yourself in.
– JakeGould

Honestly, does any of this sound legit to you? In general past any specifics if it feels wrong and you need to ask if something is “legit” then just walk away and don’t do it. Scams need someone to be committed to being drawn in. Don’t draw yourself in.
– JakeGould

7 Answers




up vote
down vote

It's a scam. Typically the way this will work is that the scammers will make a fraudulent money transfer into your friend's account. Your friend will convert the funds into Bitcoin and send it off to the scammers. After a few days or weeks, the bank will figure out that the original transfer was fraudulent and come after your friend's bank account to be reimbursed. There's no way to reverse the Bitcoin transfer, so your friend will be held responsible for the missing money.

share|improve this answer

  • my friend already do one transaction now what can he do ? He to much afraid about this job .now what he can do for next step?
    – ashif antor

  • 24

    If it was me? I'd contact the bank, alert them to the possible fraud, and make arrangements to pay them back. A more cautious person might consult a lawyer before talking to the bank. A lot of this depends on how much money is involved, and local law enforcement. If we're talking about $50 then the bank is probably going to be fine with just getting their money back. If we're talking about $5000 which your friend can't pay back, then the bank may go to the local police.
    – Charles E. Grant

  • 13

    @ashifantor Your friend is a money mule.
    – David Schwartz

  • 2

    @MarcusMüller money laundering is a remote possibility but seems dubious to me. Money launderers typically go for higher volume transactions. Laundering $100 or even $1000 at a time involves too much overhead. My bet is that this is a straight forward grift, which is as common as dirt.
    – Charles E. Grant

  • 5

    @CharlesE.Grant Don’t neglect the likelihood that the police will treat the friend as a victim rather than a criminal. I can’t help thinking that all this talk of how the friend is a money-laundering scumbag who could go to jail for years and years is just playing into the scammers’ hands by encouraging victims to keep very quiet.
    – David Richerby
    19 hours ago

up vote
down vote

It’s a money-laundering scam, and your friend is likely to get into serious trouble, and possibly lose a lot of money, if he takes part.

share|improve this answer

  • Prison is also not out of the question if OP's friend is deemed a party to a money-laundering scheme.
    – ApplePie

up vote
down vote

Your friend should go to a lawyer. The lawyer can then make a deal with the government where your friend testifies as to the activities. Your friend may be asked to communicate with his "employer" to get them to do more illegal things. Or required to turn over his email, etc. to the authorities so that they can communicate with the "employer" and get them to give additional information.

If your friend cannot afford a lawyer, then the other alternative is to go to the police directly.

The big thing about this that screams scam is that the money is deposited into your friend's account. A real company would buy bitcoin from its own accounts. Processing through a third party account is either money laundering (your friend could go to jail) or a scam (your friend may lose the money withdrawn to bitcoin). Or both, your friend could be broke and in jail.

There is also a risk that they money is obtained illegally and the deposits into the account can be reversed.

Under no circumstances should your friend continue to participate without informing law enforcement.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    It's going to be hard to get the police interested in investigating this since the criminals likely live in another country from the intended victim and unless he actually lost money, there's been no crime committed yet and no victim. Even with email records, etc it's going to be nearly impossible to track them down. Maybe if he's lucky he can find a computer crime task specialist that's interested, but if the scammers live outside the country, it seems unlikely that they'll spend the effort to pursue the case unless there's a lot of money involved.
    – Johnny
    21 hours ago

  • 1

    @Johnny: It depends on the jurisdiction, but in most places money laundering is a crime regardless of the amount. Also if there is a threshold value and an intention on someone's part to exceed it then this is a crime already in progress.
    – Paul Johnson
    15 hours ago

up vote
down vote

This is definitely a scam

Most electronic fund transfers are reversible, whereas bitcoin transactions are final. Your friend will successfully receive the money and transfer it as bitcoin. When the original transfer is reversed for being fraudulent (or even worse proceeds from an illegal act) they money will be reclaimed from your friend's account. He will be out whatever amount was sent as bitcoin.

Even worse the money from the original transfer could be associated with illegal activity, and your friend is now into money laundering and could end up in jail!

This is not a job, it is a scam.

share|improve this answer

    up vote
    down vote

    As other people already replied: it's a scam.

    Now you ask: "what can he do?"
    He needs to alert the authorities, explain that he was unaware of the fraud, and ask the police what he can do to help stop it. The police may be able, with his help, to stop it and arrest the scammers. At a minimum, he can escape legal prosecution against himself.

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      The money is real but the source is not legitimate. Typically those are bank transfers from accounts with stolen credentials. If and when the owners of those accounts notify the police, the money will get returned and your brother's bank will demand covering the debt. There will also be criminal investigations with regard to money laundering against your brother.

      It is also likely that the bank will cancel his account since your brother signed an agreement that he will use his account only to conduct business in his behalf rather than that of others (exactly because of money laundering laws) and he clearly has wittingly breached the conditions of his account.

      He needs to come clean with both his bank and the police and ask for further instructions. If he is very, very lucky, that first transfer was a test balloon that actually won't blow up since its main purpose was to prime your brother for larger work. Then he might even get off reasonably unscathed if he acts now.

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        This is a scam. There is no bitcoin ATM. The company will take your friends money and run.

        share|improve this answer

        • 13

          I agree that it’s a scam, but there is such a thing as a Bitcoin ATM. For example, I have seen one at Piccadilly Circus Underground station in London.
          – Mike Scott

        • 6

          I agree, this is definitely a scam, but there are bitcoin ATM. I walk by one on my way to work every day.
          – Charles E. Grant

        • 1

          my friend already do one transaction now what can he do ?he just afraided now
          – ashif antor

        • @ashifantor What exactly did your friend do. Did he get money into his Bank account and he has purchased bitcoins
          – Dheer

        • @Mike, Charles, etc. Bitcoin ATMs are not Automated Teller machines (ATMs) in the normally understood way - they don't allow you to withdraw fiat banknotes from a fiat-denominated personal account at a registered/regulated retail-bank. However the term "Bitcoin ATM" is well understood by anyone familiar with cryptocurrencies.
          – RedGrittyBrick
          10 hours ago

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        7 Answers




        7 Answers










        up vote
        down vote

        It's a scam. Typically the way this will work is that the scammers will make a fraudulent money transfer into your friend's account. Your friend will convert the funds into Bitcoin and send it off to the scammers. After a few days or weeks, the bank will figure out that the original transfer was fraudulent and come after your friend's bank account to be reimbursed. There's no way to reverse the Bitcoin transfer, so your friend will be held responsible for the missing money.

        share|improve this answer

        • my friend already do one transaction now what can he do ? He to much afraid about this job .now what he can do for next step?
          – ashif antor

        • 24

          If it was me? I'd contact the bank, alert them to the possible fraud, and make arrangements to pay them back. A more cautious person might consult a lawyer before talking to the bank. A lot of this depends on how much money is involved, and local law enforcement. If we're talking about $50 then the bank is probably going to be fine with just getting their money back. If we're talking about $5000 which your friend can't pay back, then the bank may go to the local police.
          – Charles E. Grant

        • 13

          @ashifantor Your friend is a money mule.
          – David Schwartz

        • 2

          @MarcusMüller money laundering is a remote possibility but seems dubious to me. Money launderers typically go for higher volume transactions. Laundering $100 or even $1000 at a time involves too much overhead. My bet is that this is a straight forward grift, which is as common as dirt.
          – Charles E. Grant

        • 5

          @CharlesE.Grant Don’t neglect the likelihood that the police will treat the friend as a victim rather than a criminal. I can’t help thinking that all this talk of how the friend is a money-laundering scumbag who could go to jail for years and years is just playing into the scammers’ hands by encouraging victims to keep very quiet.
          – David Richerby
          19 hours ago

        up vote
        down vote

        It's a scam. Typically the way this will work is that the scammers will make a fraudulent money transfer into your friend's account. Your friend will convert the funds into Bitcoin and send it off to the scammers. After a few days or weeks, the bank will figure out that the original transfer was fraudulent and come after your friend's bank account to be reimbursed. There's no way to reverse the Bitcoin transfer, so your friend will be held responsible for the missing money.

        share|improve this answer

        • my friend already do one transaction now what can he do ? He to much afraid about this job .now what he can do for next step?
          – ashif antor

        • 24

          If it was me? I'd contact the bank, alert them to the possible fraud, and make arrangements to pay them back. A more cautious person might consult a lawyer before talking to the bank. A lot of this depends on how much money is involved, and local law enforcement. If we're talking about $50 then the bank is probably going to be fine with just getting their money back. If we're talking about $5000 which your friend can't pay back, then the bank may go to the local police.
          – Charles E. Grant

        • 13

          @ashifantor Your friend is a money mule.
          – David Schwartz

        • 2

          @MarcusMüller money laundering is a remote possibility but seems dubious to me. Money launderers typically go for higher volume transactions. Laundering $100 or even $1000 at a time involves too much overhead. My bet is that this is a straight forward grift, which is as common as dirt.
          – Charles E. Grant

        • 5

          @CharlesE.Grant Don’t neglect the likelihood that the police will treat the friend as a victim rather than a criminal. I can’t help thinking that all this talk of how the friend is a money-laundering scumbag who could go to jail for years and years is just playing into the scammers’ hands by encouraging victims to keep very quiet.
          – David Richerby
          19 hours ago

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        It's a scam. Typically the way this will work is that the scammers will make a fraudulent money transfer into your friend's account. Your friend will convert the funds into Bitcoin and send it off to the scammers. After a few days or weeks, the bank will figure out that the original transfer was fraudulent and come after your friend's bank account to be reimbursed. There's no way to reverse the Bitcoin transfer, so your friend will be held responsible for the missing money.

        share|improve this answer

        It's a scam. Typically the way this will work is that the scammers will make a fraudulent money transfer into your friend's account. Your friend will convert the funds into Bitcoin and send it off to the scammers. After a few days or weeks, the bank will figure out that the original transfer was fraudulent and come after your friend's bank account to be reimbursed. There's no way to reverse the Bitcoin transfer, so your friend will be held responsible for the missing money.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered yesterday

        Charles E. Grant



        • my friend already do one transaction now what can he do ? He to much afraid about this job .now what he can do for next step?
          – ashif antor

        • 24

          If it was me? I'd contact the bank, alert them to the possible fraud, and make arrangements to pay them back. A more cautious person might consult a lawyer before talking to the bank. A lot of this depends on how much money is involved, and local law enforcement. If we're talking about $50 then the bank is probably going to be fine with just getting their money back. If we're talking about $5000 which your friend can't pay back, then the bank may go to the local police.
          – Charles E. Grant

        • 13

          @ashifantor Your friend is a money mule.
          – David Schwartz

        • 2

          @MarcusMüller money laundering is a remote possibility but seems dubious to me. Money launderers typically go for higher volume transactions. Laundering $100 or even $1000 at a time involves too much overhead. My bet is that this is a straight forward grift, which is as common as dirt.
          – Charles E. Grant

        • 5

          @CharlesE.Grant Don’t neglect the likelihood that the police will treat the friend as a victim rather than a criminal. I can’t help thinking that all this talk of how the friend is a money-laundering scumbag who could go to jail for years and years is just playing into the scammers’ hands by encouraging victims to keep very quiet.
          – David Richerby
          19 hours ago

        • my friend already do one transaction now what can he do ? He to much afraid about this job .now what he can do for next step?
          – ashif antor

        • 24

          If it was me? I'd contact the bank, alert them to the possible fraud, and make arrangements to pay them back. A more cautious person might consult a lawyer before talking to the bank. A lot of this depends on how much money is involved, and local law enforcement. If we're talking about $50 then the bank is probably going to be fine with just getting their money back. If we're talking about $5000 which your friend can't pay back, then the bank may go to the local police.
          – Charles E. Grant

        • 13

          @ashifantor Your friend is a money mule.
          – David Schwartz

        • 2

          @MarcusMüller money laundering is a remote possibility but seems dubious to me. Money launderers typically go for higher volume transactions. Laundering $100 or even $1000 at a time involves too much overhead. My bet is that this is a straight forward grift, which is as common as dirt.
          – Charles E. Grant

        • 5

          @CharlesE.Grant Don’t neglect the likelihood that the police will treat the friend as a victim rather than a criminal. I can’t help thinking that all this talk of how the friend is a money-laundering scumbag who could go to jail for years and years is just playing into the scammers’ hands by encouraging victims to keep very quiet.
          – David Richerby
          19 hours ago

        my friend already do one transaction now what can he do ? He to much afraid about this job .now what he can do for next step?
        – ashif antor

        my friend already do one transaction now what can he do ? He to much afraid about this job .now what he can do for next step?
        – ashif antor



        If it was me? I'd contact the bank, alert them to the possible fraud, and make arrangements to pay them back. A more cautious person might consult a lawyer before talking to the bank. A lot of this depends on how much money is involved, and local law enforcement. If we're talking about $50 then the bank is probably going to be fine with just getting their money back. If we're talking about $5000 which your friend can't pay back, then the bank may go to the local police.
        – Charles E. Grant

        If it was me? I'd contact the bank, alert them to the possible fraud, and make arrangements to pay them back. A more cautious person might consult a lawyer before talking to the bank. A lot of this depends on how much money is involved, and local law enforcement. If we're talking about $50 then the bank is probably going to be fine with just getting their money back. If we're talking about $5000 which your friend can't pay back, then the bank may go to the local police.
        – Charles E. Grant



        @ashifantor Your friend is a money mule.
        – David Schwartz

        @ashifantor Your friend is a money mule.
        – David Schwartz



        @MarcusMüller money laundering is a remote possibility but seems dubious to me. Money launderers typically go for higher volume transactions. Laundering $100 or even $1000 at a time involves too much overhead. My bet is that this is a straight forward grift, which is as common as dirt.
        – Charles E. Grant

        @MarcusMüller money laundering is a remote possibility but seems dubious to me. Money launderers typically go for higher volume transactions. Laundering $100 or even $1000 at a time involves too much overhead. My bet is that this is a straight forward grift, which is as common as dirt.
        – Charles E. Grant



        @CharlesE.Grant Don’t neglect the likelihood that the police will treat the friend as a victim rather than a criminal. I can’t help thinking that all this talk of how the friend is a money-laundering scumbag who could go to jail for years and years is just playing into the scammers’ hands by encouraging victims to keep very quiet.
        – David Richerby
        19 hours ago

        @CharlesE.Grant Don’t neglect the likelihood that the police will treat the friend as a victim rather than a criminal. I can’t help thinking that all this talk of how the friend is a money-laundering scumbag who could go to jail for years and years is just playing into the scammers’ hands by encouraging victims to keep very quiet.
        – David Richerby
        19 hours ago

        up vote
        down vote

        It’s a money-laundering scam, and your friend is likely to get into serious trouble, and possibly lose a lot of money, if he takes part.

        share|improve this answer

        • Prison is also not out of the question if OP's friend is deemed a party to a money-laundering scheme.
          – ApplePie

        up vote
        down vote

        It’s a money-laundering scam, and your friend is likely to get into serious trouble, and possibly lose a lot of money, if he takes part.

        share|improve this answer

        • Prison is also not out of the question if OP's friend is deemed a party to a money-laundering scheme.
          – ApplePie

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        It’s a money-laundering scam, and your friend is likely to get into serious trouble, and possibly lose a lot of money, if he takes part.

        share|improve this answer

        It’s a money-laundering scam, and your friend is likely to get into serious trouble, and possibly lose a lot of money, if he takes part.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered yesterday

        Mike Scott



        • Prison is also not out of the question if OP's friend is deemed a party to a money-laundering scheme.
          – ApplePie

        • Prison is also not out of the question if OP's friend is deemed a party to a money-laundering scheme.
          – ApplePie

        Prison is also not out of the question if OP's friend is deemed a party to a money-laundering scheme.
        – ApplePie

        Prison is also not out of the question if OP's friend is deemed a party to a money-laundering scheme.
        – ApplePie

        up vote
        down vote

        Your friend should go to a lawyer. The lawyer can then make a deal with the government where your friend testifies as to the activities. Your friend may be asked to communicate with his "employer" to get them to do more illegal things. Or required to turn over his email, etc. to the authorities so that they can communicate with the "employer" and get them to give additional information.

        If your friend cannot afford a lawyer, then the other alternative is to go to the police directly.

        The big thing about this that screams scam is that the money is deposited into your friend's account. A real company would buy bitcoin from its own accounts. Processing through a third party account is either money laundering (your friend could go to jail) or a scam (your friend may lose the money withdrawn to bitcoin). Or both, your friend could be broke and in jail.

        There is also a risk that they money is obtained illegally and the deposits into the account can be reversed.

        Under no circumstances should your friend continue to participate without informing law enforcement.

        share|improve this answer

        • 1

          It's going to be hard to get the police interested in investigating this since the criminals likely live in another country from the intended victim and unless he actually lost money, there's been no crime committed yet and no victim. Even with email records, etc it's going to be nearly impossible to track them down. Maybe if he's lucky he can find a computer crime task specialist that's interested, but if the scammers live outside the country, it seems unlikely that they'll spend the effort to pursue the case unless there's a lot of money involved.
          – Johnny
          21 hours ago

        • 1

          @Johnny: It depends on the jurisdiction, but in most places money laundering is a crime regardless of the amount. Also if there is a threshold value and an intention on someone's part to exceed it then this is a crime already in progress.
          – Paul Johnson
          15 hours ago

        up vote
        down vote

        Your friend should go to a lawyer. The lawyer can then make a deal with the government where your friend testifies as to the activities. Your friend may be asked to communicate with his "employer" to get them to do more illegal things. Or required to turn over his email, etc. to the authorities so that they can communicate with the "employer" and get them to give additional information.

        If your friend cannot afford a lawyer, then the other alternative is to go to the police directly.

        The big thing about this that screams scam is that the money is deposited into your friend's account. A real company would buy bitcoin from its own accounts. Processing through a third party account is either money laundering (your friend could go to jail) or a scam (your friend may lose the money withdrawn to bitcoin). Or both, your friend could be broke and in jail.

        There is also a risk that they money is obtained illegally and the deposits into the account can be reversed.

        Under no circumstances should your friend continue to participate without informing law enforcement.

        share|improve this answer

        • 1

          It's going to be hard to get the police interested in investigating this since the criminals likely live in another country from the intended victim and unless he actually lost money, there's been no crime committed yet and no victim. Even with email records, etc it's going to be nearly impossible to track them down. Maybe if he's lucky he can find a computer crime task specialist that's interested, but if the scammers live outside the country, it seems unlikely that they'll spend the effort to pursue the case unless there's a lot of money involved.
          – Johnny
          21 hours ago

        • 1

          @Johnny: It depends on the jurisdiction, but in most places money laundering is a crime regardless of the amount. Also if there is a threshold value and an intention on someone's part to exceed it then this is a crime already in progress.
          – Paul Johnson
          15 hours ago

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        Your friend should go to a lawyer. The lawyer can then make a deal with the government where your friend testifies as to the activities. Your friend may be asked to communicate with his "employer" to get them to do more illegal things. Or required to turn over his email, etc. to the authorities so that they can communicate with the "employer" and get them to give additional information.

        If your friend cannot afford a lawyer, then the other alternative is to go to the police directly.

        The big thing about this that screams scam is that the money is deposited into your friend's account. A real company would buy bitcoin from its own accounts. Processing through a third party account is either money laundering (your friend could go to jail) or a scam (your friend may lose the money withdrawn to bitcoin). Or both, your friend could be broke and in jail.

        There is also a risk that they money is obtained illegally and the deposits into the account can be reversed.

        Under no circumstances should your friend continue to participate without informing law enforcement.

        share|improve this answer

        Your friend should go to a lawyer. The lawyer can then make a deal with the government where your friend testifies as to the activities. Your friend may be asked to communicate with his "employer" to get them to do more illegal things. Or required to turn over his email, etc. to the authorities so that they can communicate with the "employer" and get them to give additional information.

        If your friend cannot afford a lawyer, then the other alternative is to go to the police directly.

        The big thing about this that screams scam is that the money is deposited into your friend's account. A real company would buy bitcoin from its own accounts. Processing through a third party account is either money laundering (your friend could go to jail) or a scam (your friend may lose the money withdrawn to bitcoin). Or both, your friend could be broke and in jail.

        There is also a risk that they money is obtained illegally and the deposits into the account can be reversed.

        Under no circumstances should your friend continue to participate without informing law enforcement.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered yesterday




        • 1

          It's going to be hard to get the police interested in investigating this since the criminals likely live in another country from the intended victim and unless he actually lost money, there's been no crime committed yet and no victim. Even with email records, etc it's going to be nearly impossible to track them down. Maybe if he's lucky he can find a computer crime task specialist that's interested, but if the scammers live outside the country, it seems unlikely that they'll spend the effort to pursue the case unless there's a lot of money involved.
          – Johnny
          21 hours ago

        • 1

          @Johnny: It depends on the jurisdiction, but in most places money laundering is a crime regardless of the amount. Also if there is a threshold value and an intention on someone's part to exceed it then this is a crime already in progress.
          – Paul Johnson
          15 hours ago

        • 1

          It's going to be hard to get the police interested in investigating this since the criminals likely live in another country from the intended victim and unless he actually lost money, there's been no crime committed yet and no victim. Even with email records, etc it's going to be nearly impossible to track them down. Maybe if he's lucky he can find a computer crime task specialist that's interested, but if the scammers live outside the country, it seems unlikely that they'll spend the effort to pursue the case unless there's a lot of money involved.
          – Johnny
          21 hours ago

        • 1

          @Johnny: It depends on the jurisdiction, but in most places money laundering is a crime regardless of the amount. Also if there is a threshold value and an intention on someone's part to exceed it then this is a crime already in progress.
          – Paul Johnson
          15 hours ago



        It's going to be hard to get the police interested in investigating this since the criminals likely live in another country from the intended victim and unless he actually lost money, there's been no crime committed yet and no victim. Even with email records, etc it's going to be nearly impossible to track them down. Maybe if he's lucky he can find a computer crime task specialist that's interested, but if the scammers live outside the country, it seems unlikely that they'll spend the effort to pursue the case unless there's a lot of money involved.
        – Johnny
        21 hours ago

        It's going to be hard to get the police interested in investigating this since the criminals likely live in another country from the intended victim and unless he actually lost money, there's been no crime committed yet and no victim. Even with email records, etc it's going to be nearly impossible to track them down. Maybe if he's lucky he can find a computer crime task specialist that's interested, but if the scammers live outside the country, it seems unlikely that they'll spend the effort to pursue the case unless there's a lot of money involved.
        – Johnny
        21 hours ago



        @Johnny: It depends on the jurisdiction, but in most places money laundering is a crime regardless of the amount. Also if there is a threshold value and an intention on someone's part to exceed it then this is a crime already in progress.
        – Paul Johnson
        15 hours ago

        @Johnny: It depends on the jurisdiction, but in most places money laundering is a crime regardless of the amount. Also if there is a threshold value and an intention on someone's part to exceed it then this is a crime already in progress.
        – Paul Johnson
        15 hours ago

        up vote
        down vote

        This is definitely a scam

        Most electronic fund transfers are reversible, whereas bitcoin transactions are final. Your friend will successfully receive the money and transfer it as bitcoin. When the original transfer is reversed for being fraudulent (or even worse proceeds from an illegal act) they money will be reclaimed from your friend's account. He will be out whatever amount was sent as bitcoin.

        Even worse the money from the original transfer could be associated with illegal activity, and your friend is now into money laundering and could end up in jail!

        This is not a job, it is a scam.

        share|improve this answer

          up vote
          down vote

          This is definitely a scam

          Most electronic fund transfers are reversible, whereas bitcoin transactions are final. Your friend will successfully receive the money and transfer it as bitcoin. When the original transfer is reversed for being fraudulent (or even worse proceeds from an illegal act) they money will be reclaimed from your friend's account. He will be out whatever amount was sent as bitcoin.

          Even worse the money from the original transfer could be associated with illegal activity, and your friend is now into money laundering and could end up in jail!

          This is not a job, it is a scam.

          share|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            This is definitely a scam

            Most electronic fund transfers are reversible, whereas bitcoin transactions are final. Your friend will successfully receive the money and transfer it as bitcoin. When the original transfer is reversed for being fraudulent (or even worse proceeds from an illegal act) they money will be reclaimed from your friend's account. He will be out whatever amount was sent as bitcoin.

            Even worse the money from the original transfer could be associated with illegal activity, and your friend is now into money laundering and could end up in jail!

            This is not a job, it is a scam.

            share|improve this answer

            This is definitely a scam

            Most electronic fund transfers are reversible, whereas bitcoin transactions are final. Your friend will successfully receive the money and transfer it as bitcoin. When the original transfer is reversed for being fraudulent (or even worse proceeds from an illegal act) they money will be reclaimed from your friend's account. He will be out whatever amount was sent as bitcoin.

            Even worse the money from the original transfer could be associated with illegal activity, and your friend is now into money laundering and could end up in jail!

            This is not a job, it is a scam.

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered yesterday

            Bailey S



                up vote
                down vote

                As other people already replied: it's a scam.

                Now you ask: "what can he do?"
                He needs to alert the authorities, explain that he was unaware of the fraud, and ask the police what he can do to help stop it. The police may be able, with his help, to stop it and arrest the scammers. At a minimum, he can escape legal prosecution against himself.

                share|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  As other people already replied: it's a scam.

                  Now you ask: "what can he do?"
                  He needs to alert the authorities, explain that he was unaware of the fraud, and ask the police what he can do to help stop it. The police may be able, with his help, to stop it and arrest the scammers. At a minimum, he can escape legal prosecution against himself.

                  share|improve this answer

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    As other people already replied: it's a scam.

                    Now you ask: "what can he do?"
                    He needs to alert the authorities, explain that he was unaware of the fraud, and ask the police what he can do to help stop it. The police may be able, with his help, to stop it and arrest the scammers. At a minimum, he can escape legal prosecution against himself.

                    share|improve this answer

                    As other people already replied: it's a scam.

                    Now you ask: "what can he do?"
                    He needs to alert the authorities, explain that he was unaware of the fraud, and ask the police what he can do to help stop it. The police may be able, with his help, to stop it and arrest the scammers. At a minimum, he can escape legal prosecution against himself.

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    edited yesterday

                    answered yesterday




                        up vote
                        down vote

                        The money is real but the source is not legitimate. Typically those are bank transfers from accounts with stolen credentials. If and when the owners of those accounts notify the police, the money will get returned and your brother's bank will demand covering the debt. There will also be criminal investigations with regard to money laundering against your brother.

                        It is also likely that the bank will cancel his account since your brother signed an agreement that he will use his account only to conduct business in his behalf rather than that of others (exactly because of money laundering laws) and he clearly has wittingly breached the conditions of his account.

                        He needs to come clean with both his bank and the police and ask for further instructions. If he is very, very lucky, that first transfer was a test balloon that actually won't blow up since its main purpose was to prime your brother for larger work. Then he might even get off reasonably unscathed if he acts now.

                        share|improve this answer

                          up vote
                          down vote

                          The money is real but the source is not legitimate. Typically those are bank transfers from accounts with stolen credentials. If and when the owners of those accounts notify the police, the money will get returned and your brother's bank will demand covering the debt. There will also be criminal investigations with regard to money laundering against your brother.

                          It is also likely that the bank will cancel his account since your brother signed an agreement that he will use his account only to conduct business in his behalf rather than that of others (exactly because of money laundering laws) and he clearly has wittingly breached the conditions of his account.

                          He needs to come clean with both his bank and the police and ask for further instructions. If he is very, very lucky, that first transfer was a test balloon that actually won't blow up since its main purpose was to prime your brother for larger work. Then he might even get off reasonably unscathed if he acts now.

                          share|improve this answer

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            The money is real but the source is not legitimate. Typically those are bank transfers from accounts with stolen credentials. If and when the owners of those accounts notify the police, the money will get returned and your brother's bank will demand covering the debt. There will also be criminal investigations with regard to money laundering against your brother.

                            It is also likely that the bank will cancel his account since your brother signed an agreement that he will use his account only to conduct business in his behalf rather than that of others (exactly because of money laundering laws) and he clearly has wittingly breached the conditions of his account.

                            He needs to come clean with both his bank and the police and ask for further instructions. If he is very, very lucky, that first transfer was a test balloon that actually won't blow up since its main purpose was to prime your brother for larger work. Then he might even get off reasonably unscathed if he acts now.

                            share|improve this answer

                            The money is real but the source is not legitimate. Typically those are bank transfers from accounts with stolen credentials. If and when the owners of those accounts notify the police, the money will get returned and your brother's bank will demand covering the debt. There will also be criminal investigations with regard to money laundering against your brother.

                            It is also likely that the bank will cancel his account since your brother signed an agreement that he will use his account only to conduct business in his behalf rather than that of others (exactly because of money laundering laws) and he clearly has wittingly breached the conditions of his account.

                            He needs to come clean with both his bank and the police and ask for further instructions. If he is very, very lucky, that first transfer was a test balloon that actually won't blow up since its main purpose was to prime your brother for larger work. Then he might even get off reasonably unscathed if he acts now.

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            answered 19 hours ago


                                up vote
                                down vote

                                This is a scam. There is no bitcoin ATM. The company will take your friends money and run.

                                share|improve this answer

                                • 13

                                  I agree that it’s a scam, but there is such a thing as a Bitcoin ATM. For example, I have seen one at Piccadilly Circus Underground station in London.
                                  – Mike Scott

                                • 6

                                  I agree, this is definitely a scam, but there are bitcoin ATM. I walk by one on my way to work every day.
                                  – Charles E. Grant

                                • 1

                                  my friend already do one transaction now what can he do ?he just afraided now
                                  – ashif antor

                                • @ashifantor What exactly did your friend do. Did he get money into his Bank account and he has purchased bitcoins
                                  – Dheer

                                • @Mike, Charles, etc. Bitcoin ATMs are not Automated Teller machines (ATMs) in the normally understood way - they don't allow you to withdraw fiat banknotes from a fiat-denominated personal account at a registered/regulated retail-bank. However the term "Bitcoin ATM" is well understood by anyone familiar with cryptocurrencies.
                                  – RedGrittyBrick
                                  10 hours ago

                                up vote
                                down vote

                                This is a scam. There is no bitcoin ATM. The company will take your friends money and run.

                                share|improve this answer

                                • 13

                                  I agree that it’s a scam, but there is such a thing as a Bitcoin ATM. For example, I have seen one at Piccadilly Circus Underground station in London.
                                  – Mike Scott

                                • 6

                                  I agree, this is definitely a scam, but there are bitcoin ATM. I walk by one on my way to work every day.
                                  – Charles E. Grant

                                • 1

                                  my friend already do one transaction now what can he do ?he just afraided now
                                  – ashif antor

                                • @ashifantor What exactly did your friend do. Did he get money into his Bank account and he has purchased bitcoins
                                  – Dheer

                                • @Mike, Charles, etc. Bitcoin ATMs are not Automated Teller machines (ATMs) in the normally understood way - they don't allow you to withdraw fiat banknotes from a fiat-denominated personal account at a registered/regulated retail-bank. However the term "Bitcoin ATM" is well understood by anyone familiar with cryptocurrencies.
                                  – RedGrittyBrick
                                  10 hours ago

                                up vote
                                down vote

                                up vote
                                down vote

                                This is a scam. There is no bitcoin ATM. The company will take your friends money and run.

                                share|improve this answer

                                This is a scam. There is no bitcoin ATM. The company will take your friends money and run.

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                edited yesterday

                                answered yesterday




                                • 13

                                  I agree that it’s a scam, but there is such a thing as a Bitcoin ATM. For example, I have seen one at Piccadilly Circus Underground station in London.
                                  – Mike Scott

                                • 6

                                  I agree, this is definitely a scam, but there are bitcoin ATM. I walk by one on my way to work every day.
                                  – Charles E. Grant

                                • 1

                                  my friend already do one transaction now what can he do ?he just afraided now
                                  – ashif antor

                                • @ashifantor What exactly did your friend do. Did he get money into his Bank account and he has purchased bitcoins
                                  – Dheer

                                • @Mike, Charles, etc. Bitcoin ATMs are not Automated Teller machines (ATMs) in the normally understood way - they don't allow you to withdraw fiat banknotes from a fiat-denominated personal account at a registered/regulated retail-bank. However the term "Bitcoin ATM" is well understood by anyone familiar with cryptocurrencies.
                                  – RedGrittyBrick
                                  10 hours ago

                                • 13

                                  I agree that it’s a scam, but there is such a thing as a Bitcoin ATM. For example, I have seen one at Piccadilly Circus Underground station in London.
                                  – Mike Scott

                                • 6

                                  I agree, this is definitely a scam, but there are bitcoin ATM. I walk by one on my way to work every day.
                                  – Charles E. Grant

                                • 1

                                  my friend already do one transaction now what can he do ?he just afraided now
                                  – ashif antor

                                • @ashifantor What exactly did your friend do. Did he get money into his Bank account and he has purchased bitcoins
                                  – Dheer

                                • @Mike, Charles, etc. Bitcoin ATMs are not Automated Teller machines (ATMs) in the normally understood way - they don't allow you to withdraw fiat banknotes from a fiat-denominated personal account at a registered/regulated retail-bank. However the term "Bitcoin ATM" is well understood by anyone familiar with cryptocurrencies.
                                  – RedGrittyBrick
                                  10 hours ago



                                I agree that it’s a scam, but there is such a thing as a Bitcoin ATM. For example, I have seen one at Piccadilly Circus Underground station in London.
                                – Mike Scott

                                I agree that it’s a scam, but there is such a thing as a Bitcoin ATM. For example, I have seen one at Piccadilly Circus Underground station in London.
                                – Mike Scott



                                I agree, this is definitely a scam, but there are bitcoin ATM. I walk by one on my way to work every day.
                                – Charles E. Grant

                                I agree, this is definitely a scam, but there are bitcoin ATM. I walk by one on my way to work every day.
                                – Charles E. Grant



                                my friend already do one transaction now what can he do ?he just afraided now
                                – ashif antor

                                my friend already do one transaction now what can he do ?he just afraided now
                                – ashif antor

                                @ashifantor What exactly did your friend do. Did he get money into his Bank account and he has purchased bitcoins
                                – Dheer

                                @ashifantor What exactly did your friend do. Did he get money into his Bank account and he has purchased bitcoins
                                – Dheer

                                @Mike, Charles, etc. Bitcoin ATMs are not Automated Teller machines (ATMs) in the normally understood way - they don't allow you to withdraw fiat banknotes from a fiat-denominated personal account at a registered/regulated retail-bank. However the term "Bitcoin ATM" is well understood by anyone familiar with cryptocurrencies.
                                – RedGrittyBrick
                                10 hours ago

                                @Mike, Charles, etc. Bitcoin ATMs are not Automated Teller machines (ATMs) in the normally understood way - they don't allow you to withdraw fiat banknotes from a fiat-denominated personal account at a registered/regulated retail-bank. However the term "Bitcoin ATM" is well understood by anyone familiar with cryptocurrencies.
                                – RedGrittyBrick
                                10 hours ago


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