Multinomial Expansion

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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Given $x_0 ldots x_k$ and $n$, Define $$f(Q)=sum_substackn_0+ldots+n_k=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k >=0 \n_1+2*n_2+ldots+k*n_k=Q binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k$$. Note that $$sum_Q=0^n*k f(Q)=(sum_i=0^kx_i)^n$$ which comes from the multinomial expansion. I was wondering how to calculate $sum_Q=0^n*k Qcdot f(Q)$.

I've checked several small cases, and it seems that $sum_Q=0^n*k Qcdot f(Q) = n(sum_i=0^kx_i)^n-1(sum_i=0^kix_i)$, but I'm not sure how to prove that.

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  • Please define value ranges, e.g for $n$ and $Q$.
    – user90369
    Jul 26 at 16:56

  • All of them are several million.
    – Hang Wu
    Jul 26 at 17:08

  • A comment for future: you've changed your question significantly since I wrote my answer (to the point that it's not the same question at all anymore). This will create a lot of issues for the people who'll visit this page later. Next time, leave the original question as it is. Then either add something like Update or Edit section at the end, expanding on the question. Or open a new question and link it to this one.
    – Hamed
    Aug 1 at 18:23

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Given $x_0 ldots x_k$ and $n$, Define $$f(Q)=sum_substackn_0+ldots+n_k=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k >=0 \n_1+2*n_2+ldots+k*n_k=Q binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k$$. Note that $$sum_Q=0^n*k f(Q)=(sum_i=0^kx_i)^n$$ which comes from the multinomial expansion. I was wondering how to calculate $sum_Q=0^n*k Qcdot f(Q)$.

I've checked several small cases, and it seems that $sum_Q=0^n*k Qcdot f(Q) = n(sum_i=0^kx_i)^n-1(sum_i=0^kix_i)$, but I'm not sure how to prove that.

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  • Please define value ranges, e.g for $n$ and $Q$.
    – user90369
    Jul 26 at 16:56

  • All of them are several million.
    – Hang Wu
    Jul 26 at 17:08

  • A comment for future: you've changed your question significantly since I wrote my answer (to the point that it's not the same question at all anymore). This will create a lot of issues for the people who'll visit this page later. Next time, leave the original question as it is. Then either add something like Update or Edit section at the end, expanding on the question. Or open a new question and link it to this one.
    – Hamed
    Aug 1 at 18:23

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Given $x_0 ldots x_k$ and $n$, Define $$f(Q)=sum_substackn_0+ldots+n_k=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k >=0 \n_1+2*n_2+ldots+k*n_k=Q binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k$$. Note that $$sum_Q=0^n*k f(Q)=(sum_i=0^kx_i)^n$$ which comes from the multinomial expansion. I was wondering how to calculate $sum_Q=0^n*k Qcdot f(Q)$.

I've checked several small cases, and it seems that $sum_Q=0^n*k Qcdot f(Q) = n(sum_i=0^kx_i)^n-1(sum_i=0^kix_i)$, but I'm not sure how to prove that.

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Given $x_0 ldots x_k$ and $n$, Define $$f(Q)=sum_substackn_0+ldots+n_k=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k >=0 \n_1+2*n_2+ldots+k*n_k=Q binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k$$. Note that $$sum_Q=0^n*k f(Q)=(sum_i=0^kx_i)^n$$ which comes from the multinomial expansion. I was wondering how to calculate $sum_Q=0^n*k Qcdot f(Q)$.

I've checked several small cases, and it seems that $sum_Q=0^n*k Qcdot f(Q) = n(sum_i=0^kx_i)^n-1(sum_i=0^kix_i)$, but I'm not sure how to prove that.

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edited Jul 30 at 1:45

asked Jul 26 at 16:41

Hang Wu



  • Please define value ranges, e.g for $n$ and $Q$.
    – user90369
    Jul 26 at 16:56

  • All of them are several million.
    – Hang Wu
    Jul 26 at 17:08

  • A comment for future: you've changed your question significantly since I wrote my answer (to the point that it's not the same question at all anymore). This will create a lot of issues for the people who'll visit this page later. Next time, leave the original question as it is. Then either add something like Update or Edit section at the end, expanding on the question. Or open a new question and link it to this one.
    – Hamed
    Aug 1 at 18:23

  • Please define value ranges, e.g for $n$ and $Q$.
    – user90369
    Jul 26 at 16:56

  • All of them are several million.
    – Hang Wu
    Jul 26 at 17:08

  • A comment for future: you've changed your question significantly since I wrote my answer (to the point that it's not the same question at all anymore). This will create a lot of issues for the people who'll visit this page later. Next time, leave the original question as it is. Then either add something like Update or Edit section at the end, expanding on the question. Or open a new question and link it to this one.
    – Hamed
    Aug 1 at 18:23

Please define value ranges, e.g for $n$ and $Q$.
– user90369
Jul 26 at 16:56

Please define value ranges, e.g for $n$ and $Q$.
– user90369
Jul 26 at 16:56

All of them are several million.
– Hang Wu
Jul 26 at 17:08

All of them are several million.
– Hang Wu
Jul 26 at 17:08

A comment for future: you've changed your question significantly since I wrote my answer (to the point that it's not the same question at all anymore). This will create a lot of issues for the people who'll visit this page later. Next time, leave the original question as it is. Then either add something like Update or Edit section at the end, expanding on the question. Or open a new question and link it to this one.
– Hamed
Aug 1 at 18:23

A comment for future: you've changed your question significantly since I wrote my answer (to the point that it's not the same question at all anymore). This will create a lot of issues for the people who'll visit this page later. Next time, leave the original question as it is. Then either add something like Update or Edit section at the end, expanding on the question. Or open a new question and link it to this one.
– Hamed
Aug 1 at 18:23

4 Answers




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down vote

You can calculate the generating function instead. Define
sum_n=0^infty X^nsum_Q=0^infty Y^Q
sum_substackn_0+ldots+n_k=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k >=0 \n_1+2*n_2+ldots+k*n_k=Q frac1n_0!n_1!cdots n_k!x_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k\
&=sum_n=0^infty X^nsum_Q=0^infty Y^Q
sum_n_0, cdots, n_kgeq 0 frac1n_0!n_1!cdots n_k!x_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k
deltaleft(n-sum_j=0^k n_jright)
deltaleft(Q-sum_j=0^k jn_jright)\
sum_n_0, cdots, n_kgeq 0
frac1n_0!n_1!cdots n_k!x_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k X^sum_j n_j Y^sum_j jn_j\
&=prod_m=0^k exp(x_m XY^m)
where by $delta(Z)$ I mean the Kronecker delta equating $Z=0$. What you are looking for the $n!$ times the coefficient of $X^nY^Q$ in the expansion of $F(X,Y)$ (in other words, $(Q!)^-1partial_X^n partial_Y^Q Fmid_X=Y=0$).

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    up vote
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    Wikipedia on Bell polynomials:

    Likewise, the partial ordinary Bell polynomial, in contrast to the usual exponential Bell polynomial defined above, is given by $$hatB_n,k(x_1,x_2,ldots,x_n-k+1)=sum frack!j_1! j_2! cdots j_n-k+1! x_1^j_1 x_2^j_2 cdots x_n-k+1^j_n-k+1,$$
    where the sum runs over all sequences $j_1, j_2, j_3, ldots, j_n−k+1$ of non-negative integers such that $$
    j_1 + j_2 + cdots + j_n-k+1 = k, \
    j_1 + 2j_2 + cdots + (n-k+1)j_n-k+1 = n.$$

    So your sum $$sum_substackn_0+ldots+n_k=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k >=0 \n_1+2n_2+ldots+kn_k=Q binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k$$
    $$sum_n_0=0^n binomnn_0 x_0^n_0 hatB_Q,n-n_0(x_1, x_2, ldots, x_k)$$

    Using $$hat B_n,k(x_1,x_2,ldots ,x_n-k+1)=frac k!n!B_n,k(1!cdot x_1,2!cdot x_2,ldots ,(n-k+1)!cdot x_n-k+1)$$ we have

    $$fracn!Q!sum_n_0=0^n fracx_0^n_0n_0! B_Q,n-n_0(1!cdot x_1, 2!cdot x_2, ldots, k!cdot x_k)$$

    Then the recurrence relation $$B_n,k=sum_i=1^n-k+1 binomn-1i-1 x_i B_n-i,k-1$$

    gives you an evaluation strategy.

    share|cite|improve this answer

      up vote
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      Starting from Hamed's answer, we can give a quick proof that $sum_Qge 0 Qf(Q)$ equals what you think it is. They proved
      sum_nge 0sum_qge 0frac1n!f_n(Q)X^nY^q = expBig(sum_m=0^k x_mXY^mBig)
      Differentiating both sides with respect to $Y$, and then multiplying by $Y$, you get
      sum_nge 0sum_qge 0frac1n!Qf_n(Q)X^nY^q = big(sum_k=0^m mx_m XY^mbig)expBig(sum_m=0^k x_mXY^mBig)
      Notice that we now have a $Qf_n(Q)$. These need to be summed, so set $Y=1$:
      sum_nge 0sum_qge 0frac1n!Qf_n(Q)X^n = big(sum_k=0^m mx_m Xbig)expBig(Xsum_m=0^k x_mBig)
      Finally, extract the coefficient of $X^n$ of both sides. On the left hand side, $X_n$ has a $frac1n!sum_qge 0QF_n(Q)$ attached to it. On the right, you get the $X^n$ coefficient by multiplying $big(sum_k=0^m mx_mbig)$ with the $X^n-1$ coefficient of $expBig(Xsum_m=0^k x_mBig)$. This implies
      frac1n!sum_qge 0QF_n(Q)=big(sum_k=0^m mx_mbig)cdot frac1(n-1)!Big(sum_k=0^m x_mBig)^n-1
      which is what you wanted.

      share|cite|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        I'm going to provide a secondary generating function which is probably more relevant to your updated question. Let's recall your definition,
        f(Q):=sum_substacksum_i=0^k n_i=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k geq0 \sum_j=0^kjn_j=Q binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k
        and let us calculate $
        G(X):=sum_Q=0^nk f(Q)X^Q
        $. Before, we do that note that for any $pgeq 0$, $$boxedsum_Q=0^nk Q^pf(Q)=left.left(XfracddXright)^p G(X)right$$

        First of all, note that under the condition $sum_j=0^k n_j = n$ and $n_0, cdots, n_kgeq 0$, one has
        nk -sum_j=0^k jn_j=
        sum_j=0^k (k-j) n_jgeq 0
        As a result, the equation $z-sum_j=0^k jn_j=0$ has exactly one solution for $z$ in the integer range $0leq zleq nk$. Using this, we have
        G(X)&=sum_Q=0^nk X^Q
        sum_substacksum_i=0^k n_i=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k geq 0 binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k
        sum_substacksum_i=0^k n_i=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k geq 0 binomnn_0,cdots,n_kprod_m=0^k (x_mX^m)^n_m=left(sum_m=0^k x_m X^mright)^n
        So to summarize:
        G(X)=sum_Q=0^nk f(Q) X^Q = left(sum_m=0^k x_m X^mright)^n

        This should make the rest obvious.

        share|cite|improve this answer

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          4 Answers




          4 Answers










          up vote
          down vote

          You can calculate the generating function instead. Define
          sum_n=0^infty X^nsum_Q=0^infty Y^Q
          sum_substackn_0+ldots+n_k=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k >=0 \n_1+2*n_2+ldots+k*n_k=Q frac1n_0!n_1!cdots n_k!x_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k\
          &=sum_n=0^infty X^nsum_Q=0^infty Y^Q
          sum_n_0, cdots, n_kgeq 0 frac1n_0!n_1!cdots n_k!x_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k
          deltaleft(n-sum_j=0^k n_jright)
          deltaleft(Q-sum_j=0^k jn_jright)\
          sum_n_0, cdots, n_kgeq 0
          frac1n_0!n_1!cdots n_k!x_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k X^sum_j n_j Y^sum_j jn_j\
          &=prod_m=0^k exp(x_m XY^m)
          where by $delta(Z)$ I mean the Kronecker delta equating $Z=0$. What you are looking for the $n!$ times the coefficient of $X^nY^Q$ in the expansion of $F(X,Y)$ (in other words, $(Q!)^-1partial_X^n partial_Y^Q Fmid_X=Y=0$).

          share|cite|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote

            You can calculate the generating function instead. Define
            sum_n=0^infty X^nsum_Q=0^infty Y^Q
            sum_substackn_0+ldots+n_k=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k >=0 \n_1+2*n_2+ldots+k*n_k=Q frac1n_0!n_1!cdots n_k!x_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k\
            &=sum_n=0^infty X^nsum_Q=0^infty Y^Q
            sum_n_0, cdots, n_kgeq 0 frac1n_0!n_1!cdots n_k!x_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k
            deltaleft(n-sum_j=0^k n_jright)
            deltaleft(Q-sum_j=0^k jn_jright)\
            sum_n_0, cdots, n_kgeq 0
            frac1n_0!n_1!cdots n_k!x_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k X^sum_j n_j Y^sum_j jn_j\
            &=prod_m=0^k exp(x_m XY^m)
            where by $delta(Z)$ I mean the Kronecker delta equating $Z=0$. What you are looking for the $n!$ times the coefficient of $X^nY^Q$ in the expansion of $F(X,Y)$ (in other words, $(Q!)^-1partial_X^n partial_Y^Q Fmid_X=Y=0$).

            share|cite|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              up vote
              down vote

              You can calculate the generating function instead. Define
              sum_n=0^infty X^nsum_Q=0^infty Y^Q
              sum_substackn_0+ldots+n_k=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k >=0 \n_1+2*n_2+ldots+k*n_k=Q frac1n_0!n_1!cdots n_k!x_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k\
              &=sum_n=0^infty X^nsum_Q=0^infty Y^Q
              sum_n_0, cdots, n_kgeq 0 frac1n_0!n_1!cdots n_k!x_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k
              deltaleft(n-sum_j=0^k n_jright)
              deltaleft(Q-sum_j=0^k jn_jright)\
              sum_n_0, cdots, n_kgeq 0
              frac1n_0!n_1!cdots n_k!x_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k X^sum_j n_j Y^sum_j jn_j\
              &=prod_m=0^k exp(x_m XY^m)
              where by $delta(Z)$ I mean the Kronecker delta equating $Z=0$. What you are looking for the $n!$ times the coefficient of $X^nY^Q$ in the expansion of $F(X,Y)$ (in other words, $(Q!)^-1partial_X^n partial_Y^Q Fmid_X=Y=0$).

              share|cite|improve this answer

              You can calculate the generating function instead. Define
              sum_n=0^infty X^nsum_Q=0^infty Y^Q
              sum_substackn_0+ldots+n_k=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k >=0 \n_1+2*n_2+ldots+k*n_k=Q frac1n_0!n_1!cdots n_k!x_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k\
              &=sum_n=0^infty X^nsum_Q=0^infty Y^Q
              sum_n_0, cdots, n_kgeq 0 frac1n_0!n_1!cdots n_k!x_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k
              deltaleft(n-sum_j=0^k n_jright)
              deltaleft(Q-sum_j=0^k jn_jright)\
              sum_n_0, cdots, n_kgeq 0
              frac1n_0!n_1!cdots n_k!x_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k X^sum_j n_j Y^sum_j jn_j\
              &=prod_m=0^k exp(x_m XY^m)
              where by $delta(Z)$ I mean the Kronecker delta equating $Z=0$. What you are looking for the $n!$ times the coefficient of $X^nY^Q$ in the expansion of $F(X,Y)$ (in other words, $(Q!)^-1partial_X^n partial_Y^Q Fmid_X=Y=0$).

              share|cite|improve this answer

              share|cite|improve this answer

              share|cite|improve this answer

              answered Jul 26 at 19:40




                  up vote
                  down vote

                  Wikipedia on Bell polynomials:

                  Likewise, the partial ordinary Bell polynomial, in contrast to the usual exponential Bell polynomial defined above, is given by $$hatB_n,k(x_1,x_2,ldots,x_n-k+1)=sum frack!j_1! j_2! cdots j_n-k+1! x_1^j_1 x_2^j_2 cdots x_n-k+1^j_n-k+1,$$
                  where the sum runs over all sequences $j_1, j_2, j_3, ldots, j_n−k+1$ of non-negative integers such that $$
                  j_1 + j_2 + cdots + j_n-k+1 = k, \
                  j_1 + 2j_2 + cdots + (n-k+1)j_n-k+1 = n.$$

                  So your sum $$sum_substackn_0+ldots+n_k=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k >=0 \n_1+2n_2+ldots+kn_k=Q binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k$$
                  $$sum_n_0=0^n binomnn_0 x_0^n_0 hatB_Q,n-n_0(x_1, x_2, ldots, x_k)$$

                  Using $$hat B_n,k(x_1,x_2,ldots ,x_n-k+1)=frac k!n!B_n,k(1!cdot x_1,2!cdot x_2,ldots ,(n-k+1)!cdot x_n-k+1)$$ we have

                  $$fracn!Q!sum_n_0=0^n fracx_0^n_0n_0! B_Q,n-n_0(1!cdot x_1, 2!cdot x_2, ldots, k!cdot x_k)$$

                  Then the recurrence relation $$B_n,k=sum_i=1^n-k+1 binomn-1i-1 x_i B_n-i,k-1$$

                  gives you an evaluation strategy.

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    Wikipedia on Bell polynomials:

                    Likewise, the partial ordinary Bell polynomial, in contrast to the usual exponential Bell polynomial defined above, is given by $$hatB_n,k(x_1,x_2,ldots,x_n-k+1)=sum frack!j_1! j_2! cdots j_n-k+1! x_1^j_1 x_2^j_2 cdots x_n-k+1^j_n-k+1,$$
                    where the sum runs over all sequences $j_1, j_2, j_3, ldots, j_n−k+1$ of non-negative integers such that $$
                    j_1 + j_2 + cdots + j_n-k+1 = k, \
                    j_1 + 2j_2 + cdots + (n-k+1)j_n-k+1 = n.$$

                    So your sum $$sum_substackn_0+ldots+n_k=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k >=0 \n_1+2n_2+ldots+kn_k=Q binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k$$
                    $$sum_n_0=0^n binomnn_0 x_0^n_0 hatB_Q,n-n_0(x_1, x_2, ldots, x_k)$$

                    Using $$hat B_n,k(x_1,x_2,ldots ,x_n-k+1)=frac k!n!B_n,k(1!cdot x_1,2!cdot x_2,ldots ,(n-k+1)!cdot x_n-k+1)$$ we have

                    $$fracn!Q!sum_n_0=0^n fracx_0^n_0n_0! B_Q,n-n_0(1!cdot x_1, 2!cdot x_2, ldots, k!cdot x_k)$$

                    Then the recurrence relation $$B_n,k=sum_i=1^n-k+1 binomn-1i-1 x_i B_n-i,k-1$$

                    gives you an evaluation strategy.

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      Wikipedia on Bell polynomials:

                      Likewise, the partial ordinary Bell polynomial, in contrast to the usual exponential Bell polynomial defined above, is given by $$hatB_n,k(x_1,x_2,ldots,x_n-k+1)=sum frack!j_1! j_2! cdots j_n-k+1! x_1^j_1 x_2^j_2 cdots x_n-k+1^j_n-k+1,$$
                      where the sum runs over all sequences $j_1, j_2, j_3, ldots, j_n−k+1$ of non-negative integers such that $$
                      j_1 + j_2 + cdots + j_n-k+1 = k, \
                      j_1 + 2j_2 + cdots + (n-k+1)j_n-k+1 = n.$$

                      So your sum $$sum_substackn_0+ldots+n_k=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k >=0 \n_1+2n_2+ldots+kn_k=Q binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k$$
                      $$sum_n_0=0^n binomnn_0 x_0^n_0 hatB_Q,n-n_0(x_1, x_2, ldots, x_k)$$

                      Using $$hat B_n,k(x_1,x_2,ldots ,x_n-k+1)=frac k!n!B_n,k(1!cdot x_1,2!cdot x_2,ldots ,(n-k+1)!cdot x_n-k+1)$$ we have

                      $$fracn!Q!sum_n_0=0^n fracx_0^n_0n_0! B_Q,n-n_0(1!cdot x_1, 2!cdot x_2, ldots, k!cdot x_k)$$

                      Then the recurrence relation $$B_n,k=sum_i=1^n-k+1 binomn-1i-1 x_i B_n-i,k-1$$

                      gives you an evaluation strategy.

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      Wikipedia on Bell polynomials:

                      Likewise, the partial ordinary Bell polynomial, in contrast to the usual exponential Bell polynomial defined above, is given by $$hatB_n,k(x_1,x_2,ldots,x_n-k+1)=sum frack!j_1! j_2! cdots j_n-k+1! x_1^j_1 x_2^j_2 cdots x_n-k+1^j_n-k+1,$$
                      where the sum runs over all sequences $j_1, j_2, j_3, ldots, j_n−k+1$ of non-negative integers such that $$
                      j_1 + j_2 + cdots + j_n-k+1 = k, \
                      j_1 + 2j_2 + cdots + (n-k+1)j_n-k+1 = n.$$

                      So your sum $$sum_substackn_0+ldots+n_k=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k >=0 \n_1+2n_2+ldots+kn_k=Q binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k$$
                      $$sum_n_0=0^n binomnn_0 x_0^n_0 hatB_Q,n-n_0(x_1, x_2, ldots, x_k)$$

                      Using $$hat B_n,k(x_1,x_2,ldots ,x_n-k+1)=frac k!n!B_n,k(1!cdot x_1,2!cdot x_2,ldots ,(n-k+1)!cdot x_n-k+1)$$ we have

                      $$fracn!Q!sum_n_0=0^n fracx_0^n_0n_0! B_Q,n-n_0(1!cdot x_1, 2!cdot x_2, ldots, k!cdot x_k)$$

                      Then the recurrence relation $$B_n,k=sum_i=1^n-k+1 binomn-1i-1 x_i B_n-i,k-1$$

                      gives you an evaluation strategy.

                      share|cite|improve this answer

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                      answered Jul 27 at 8:04

                      Peter Taylor



                          up vote
                          down vote

                          Starting from Hamed's answer, we can give a quick proof that $sum_Qge 0 Qf(Q)$ equals what you think it is. They proved
                          sum_nge 0sum_qge 0frac1n!f_n(Q)X^nY^q = expBig(sum_m=0^k x_mXY^mBig)
                          Differentiating both sides with respect to $Y$, and then multiplying by $Y$, you get
                          sum_nge 0sum_qge 0frac1n!Qf_n(Q)X^nY^q = big(sum_k=0^m mx_m XY^mbig)expBig(sum_m=0^k x_mXY^mBig)
                          Notice that we now have a $Qf_n(Q)$. These need to be summed, so set $Y=1$:
                          sum_nge 0sum_qge 0frac1n!Qf_n(Q)X^n = big(sum_k=0^m mx_m Xbig)expBig(Xsum_m=0^k x_mBig)
                          Finally, extract the coefficient of $X^n$ of both sides. On the left hand side, $X_n$ has a $frac1n!sum_qge 0QF_n(Q)$ attached to it. On the right, you get the $X^n$ coefficient by multiplying $big(sum_k=0^m mx_mbig)$ with the $X^n-1$ coefficient of $expBig(Xsum_m=0^k x_mBig)$. This implies
                          frac1n!sum_qge 0QF_n(Q)=big(sum_k=0^m mx_mbig)cdot frac1(n-1)!Big(sum_k=0^m x_mBig)^n-1
                          which is what you wanted.

                          share|cite|improve this answer

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            Starting from Hamed's answer, we can give a quick proof that $sum_Qge 0 Qf(Q)$ equals what you think it is. They proved
                            sum_nge 0sum_qge 0frac1n!f_n(Q)X^nY^q = expBig(sum_m=0^k x_mXY^mBig)
                            Differentiating both sides with respect to $Y$, and then multiplying by $Y$, you get
                            sum_nge 0sum_qge 0frac1n!Qf_n(Q)X^nY^q = big(sum_k=0^m mx_m XY^mbig)expBig(sum_m=0^k x_mXY^mBig)
                            Notice that we now have a $Qf_n(Q)$. These need to be summed, so set $Y=1$:
                            sum_nge 0sum_qge 0frac1n!Qf_n(Q)X^n = big(sum_k=0^m mx_m Xbig)expBig(Xsum_m=0^k x_mBig)
                            Finally, extract the coefficient of $X^n$ of both sides. On the left hand side, $X_n$ has a $frac1n!sum_qge 0QF_n(Q)$ attached to it. On the right, you get the $X^n$ coefficient by multiplying $big(sum_k=0^m mx_mbig)$ with the $X^n-1$ coefficient of $expBig(Xsum_m=0^k x_mBig)$. This implies
                            frac1n!sum_qge 0QF_n(Q)=big(sum_k=0^m mx_mbig)cdot frac1(n-1)!Big(sum_k=0^m x_mBig)^n-1
                            which is what you wanted.

                            share|cite|improve this answer

                              up vote
                              down vote

                              up vote
                              down vote

                              Starting from Hamed's answer, we can give a quick proof that $sum_Qge 0 Qf(Q)$ equals what you think it is. They proved
                              sum_nge 0sum_qge 0frac1n!f_n(Q)X^nY^q = expBig(sum_m=0^k x_mXY^mBig)
                              Differentiating both sides with respect to $Y$, and then multiplying by $Y$, you get
                              sum_nge 0sum_qge 0frac1n!Qf_n(Q)X^nY^q = big(sum_k=0^m mx_m XY^mbig)expBig(sum_m=0^k x_mXY^mBig)
                              Notice that we now have a $Qf_n(Q)$. These need to be summed, so set $Y=1$:
                              sum_nge 0sum_qge 0frac1n!Qf_n(Q)X^n = big(sum_k=0^m mx_m Xbig)expBig(Xsum_m=0^k x_mBig)
                              Finally, extract the coefficient of $X^n$ of both sides. On the left hand side, $X_n$ has a $frac1n!sum_qge 0QF_n(Q)$ attached to it. On the right, you get the $X^n$ coefficient by multiplying $big(sum_k=0^m mx_mbig)$ with the $X^n-1$ coefficient of $expBig(Xsum_m=0^k x_mBig)$. This implies
                              frac1n!sum_qge 0QF_n(Q)=big(sum_k=0^m mx_mbig)cdot frac1(n-1)!Big(sum_k=0^m x_mBig)^n-1
                              which is what you wanted.

                              share|cite|improve this answer

                              Starting from Hamed's answer, we can give a quick proof that $sum_Qge 0 Qf(Q)$ equals what you think it is. They proved
                              sum_nge 0sum_qge 0frac1n!f_n(Q)X^nY^q = expBig(sum_m=0^k x_mXY^mBig)
                              Differentiating both sides with respect to $Y$, and then multiplying by $Y$, you get
                              sum_nge 0sum_qge 0frac1n!Qf_n(Q)X^nY^q = big(sum_k=0^m mx_m XY^mbig)expBig(sum_m=0^k x_mXY^mBig)
                              Notice that we now have a $Qf_n(Q)$. These need to be summed, so set $Y=1$:
                              sum_nge 0sum_qge 0frac1n!Qf_n(Q)X^n = big(sum_k=0^m mx_m Xbig)expBig(Xsum_m=0^k x_mBig)
                              Finally, extract the coefficient of $X^n$ of both sides. On the left hand side, $X_n$ has a $frac1n!sum_qge 0QF_n(Q)$ attached to it. On the right, you get the $X^n$ coefficient by multiplying $big(sum_k=0^m mx_mbig)$ with the $X^n-1$ coefficient of $expBig(Xsum_m=0^k x_mBig)$. This implies
                              frac1n!sum_qge 0QF_n(Q)=big(sum_k=0^m mx_mbig)cdot frac1(n-1)!Big(sum_k=0^m x_mBig)^n-1
                              which is what you wanted.

                              share|cite|improve this answer

                              share|cite|improve this answer

                              share|cite|improve this answer

                              answered Jul 31 at 14:11

                              Mike Earnest



                                  up vote
                                  down vote

                                  I'm going to provide a secondary generating function which is probably more relevant to your updated question. Let's recall your definition,
                                  f(Q):=sum_substacksum_i=0^k n_i=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k geq0 \sum_j=0^kjn_j=Q binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k
                                  and let us calculate $
                                  G(X):=sum_Q=0^nk f(Q)X^Q
                                  $. Before, we do that note that for any $pgeq 0$, $$boxedsum_Q=0^nk Q^pf(Q)=left.left(XfracddXright)^p G(X)right$$

                                  First of all, note that under the condition $sum_j=0^k n_j = n$ and $n_0, cdots, n_kgeq 0$, one has
                                  nk -sum_j=0^k jn_j=
                                  sum_j=0^k (k-j) n_jgeq 0
                                  As a result, the equation $z-sum_j=0^k jn_j=0$ has exactly one solution for $z$ in the integer range $0leq zleq nk$. Using this, we have
                                  G(X)&=sum_Q=0^nk X^Q
                                  sum_substacksum_i=0^k n_i=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k geq 0 binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k
                                  sum_substacksum_i=0^k n_i=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k geq 0 binomnn_0,cdots,n_kprod_m=0^k (x_mX^m)^n_m=left(sum_m=0^k x_m X^mright)^n
                                  So to summarize:
                                  G(X)=sum_Q=0^nk f(Q) X^Q = left(sum_m=0^k x_m X^mright)^n

                                  This should make the rest obvious.

                                  share|cite|improve this answer

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    I'm going to provide a secondary generating function which is probably more relevant to your updated question. Let's recall your definition,
                                    f(Q):=sum_substacksum_i=0^k n_i=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k geq0 \sum_j=0^kjn_j=Q binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k
                                    and let us calculate $
                                    G(X):=sum_Q=0^nk f(Q)X^Q
                                    $. Before, we do that note that for any $pgeq 0$, $$boxedsum_Q=0^nk Q^pf(Q)=left.left(XfracddXright)^p G(X)right$$

                                    First of all, note that under the condition $sum_j=0^k n_j = n$ and $n_0, cdots, n_kgeq 0$, one has
                                    nk -sum_j=0^k jn_j=
                                    sum_j=0^k (k-j) n_jgeq 0
                                    As a result, the equation $z-sum_j=0^k jn_j=0$ has exactly one solution for $z$ in the integer range $0leq zleq nk$. Using this, we have
                                    G(X)&=sum_Q=0^nk X^Q
                                    sum_substacksum_i=0^k n_i=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k geq 0 binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k
                                    sum_substacksum_i=0^k n_i=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k geq 0 binomnn_0,cdots,n_kprod_m=0^k (x_mX^m)^n_m=left(sum_m=0^k x_m X^mright)^n
                                    So to summarize:
                                    G(X)=sum_Q=0^nk f(Q) X^Q = left(sum_m=0^k x_m X^mright)^n

                                    This should make the rest obvious.

                                    share|cite|improve this answer

                                      up vote
                                      down vote

                                      up vote
                                      down vote

                                      I'm going to provide a secondary generating function which is probably more relevant to your updated question. Let's recall your definition,
                                      f(Q):=sum_substacksum_i=0^k n_i=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k geq0 \sum_j=0^kjn_j=Q binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k
                                      and let us calculate $
                                      G(X):=sum_Q=0^nk f(Q)X^Q
                                      $. Before, we do that note that for any $pgeq 0$, $$boxedsum_Q=0^nk Q^pf(Q)=left.left(XfracddXright)^p G(X)right$$

                                      First of all, note that under the condition $sum_j=0^k n_j = n$ and $n_0, cdots, n_kgeq 0$, one has
                                      nk -sum_j=0^k jn_j=
                                      sum_j=0^k (k-j) n_jgeq 0
                                      As a result, the equation $z-sum_j=0^k jn_j=0$ has exactly one solution for $z$ in the integer range $0leq zleq nk$. Using this, we have
                                      G(X)&=sum_Q=0^nk X^Q
                                      sum_substacksum_i=0^k n_i=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k geq 0 binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k
                                      sum_substacksum_i=0^k n_i=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k geq 0 binomnn_0,cdots,n_kprod_m=0^k (x_mX^m)^n_m=left(sum_m=0^k x_m X^mright)^n
                                      So to summarize:
                                      G(X)=sum_Q=0^nk f(Q) X^Q = left(sum_m=0^k x_m X^mright)^n

                                      This should make the rest obvious.

                                      share|cite|improve this answer

                                      I'm going to provide a secondary generating function which is probably more relevant to your updated question. Let's recall your definition,
                                      f(Q):=sum_substacksum_i=0^k n_i=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k geq0 \sum_j=0^kjn_j=Q binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k
                                      and let us calculate $
                                      G(X):=sum_Q=0^nk f(Q)X^Q
                                      $. Before, we do that note that for any $pgeq 0$, $$boxedsum_Q=0^nk Q^pf(Q)=left.left(XfracddXright)^p G(X)right$$

                                      First of all, note that under the condition $sum_j=0^k n_j = n$ and $n_0, cdots, n_kgeq 0$, one has
                                      nk -sum_j=0^k jn_j=
                                      sum_j=0^k (k-j) n_jgeq 0
                                      As a result, the equation $z-sum_j=0^k jn_j=0$ has exactly one solution for $z$ in the integer range $0leq zleq nk$. Using this, we have
                                      G(X)&=sum_Q=0^nk X^Q
                                      sum_substacksum_i=0^k n_i=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k geq 0 binomnn_0,cdots,n_kx_0^n_0ldots x_k^n_k
                                      sum_substacksum_i=0^k n_i=n \ n_0,ldots,n_k geq 0 binomnn_0,cdots,n_kprod_m=0^k (x_mX^m)^n_m=left(sum_m=0^k x_m X^mright)^n
                                      So to summarize:
                                      G(X)=sum_Q=0^nk f(Q) X^Q = left(sum_m=0^k x_m X^mright)^n

                                      This should make the rest obvious.

                                      share|cite|improve this answer

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                                      edited Aug 1 at 19:07

                                      answered Aug 1 at 19:01





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