A Strange Mistake in Application of Residue theorem $int_0^2pifrac cos(2theta) 5+4cos(theta), dtheta.$ [closed]

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$$int_0^2pifrac cos(2theta) 5+4cos(theta), dtheta.$$

While applying the calculus of residues to the above problem I'm getting the answer as
$ 19pi/24$. I have tried many times and rechecked the calculations but getting the same answer.

However in my book the answer given is $pi/6.$

Can someone check and tell me whether I'm correct or the book? Please help.

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closed as off-topic by spaceisdarkgreen, Claude Leibovici, Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris, Delta-u, Taroccoesbrocco Jul 25 at 9:30

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – spaceisdarkgreen, Claude Leibovici, Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris, Delta-u, Taroccoesbrocco
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 1

    The book is correct.
    – uniquesolution
    Jul 24 at 13:35

  • 1

    The command Integrate[Cos[2t]/(5+4Cos[t]),t,0,2Pi] in Mathematica shows that the book is correct. Why don't you post some of your working so we can look at it?
    – Adrian Keister
    Jul 24 at 13:59

  • If you don't show any work, it is impossible to say where you are making your mistake...
    – paul garrett
    Jul 24 at 16:44

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down vote


$$int_0^2pifrac cos(2theta) 5+4cos(theta), dtheta.$$

While applying the calculus of residues to the above problem I'm getting the answer as
$ 19pi/24$. I have tried many times and rechecked the calculations but getting the same answer.

However in my book the answer given is $pi/6.$

Can someone check and tell me whether I'm correct or the book? Please help.

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closed as off-topic by spaceisdarkgreen, Claude Leibovici, Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris, Delta-u, Taroccoesbrocco Jul 25 at 9:30

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – spaceisdarkgreen, Claude Leibovici, Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris, Delta-u, Taroccoesbrocco
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 1

    The book is correct.
    – uniquesolution
    Jul 24 at 13:35

  • 1

    The command Integrate[Cos[2t]/(5+4Cos[t]),t,0,2Pi] in Mathematica shows that the book is correct. Why don't you post some of your working so we can look at it?
    – Adrian Keister
    Jul 24 at 13:59

  • If you don't show any work, it is impossible to say where you are making your mistake...
    – paul garrett
    Jul 24 at 16:44

up vote
down vote


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down vote



$$int_0^2pifrac cos(2theta) 5+4cos(theta), dtheta.$$

While applying the calculus of residues to the above problem I'm getting the answer as
$ 19pi/24$. I have tried many times and rechecked the calculations but getting the same answer.

However in my book the answer given is $pi/6.$

Can someone check and tell me whether I'm correct or the book? Please help.

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$$int_0^2pifrac cos(2theta) 5+4cos(theta), dtheta.$$

While applying the calculus of residues to the above problem I'm getting the answer as
$ 19pi/24$. I have tried many times and rechecked the calculations but getting the same answer.

However in my book the answer given is $pi/6.$

Can someone check and tell me whether I'm correct or the book? Please help.

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edited Aug 2 at 12:08

user 108128



asked Jul 24 at 13:30




closed as off-topic by spaceisdarkgreen, Claude Leibovici, Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris, Delta-u, Taroccoesbrocco Jul 25 at 9:30

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – spaceisdarkgreen, Claude Leibovici, Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris, Delta-u, Taroccoesbrocco
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as off-topic by spaceisdarkgreen, Claude Leibovici, Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris, Delta-u, Taroccoesbrocco Jul 25 at 9:30

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – spaceisdarkgreen, Claude Leibovici, Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris, Delta-u, Taroccoesbrocco
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 1

    The book is correct.
    – uniquesolution
    Jul 24 at 13:35

  • 1

    The command Integrate[Cos[2t]/(5+4Cos[t]),t,0,2Pi] in Mathematica shows that the book is correct. Why don't you post some of your working so we can look at it?
    – Adrian Keister
    Jul 24 at 13:59

  • If you don't show any work, it is impossible to say where you are making your mistake...
    – paul garrett
    Jul 24 at 16:44

  • 1

    The book is correct.
    – uniquesolution
    Jul 24 at 13:35

  • 1

    The command Integrate[Cos[2t]/(5+4Cos[t]),t,0,2Pi] in Mathematica shows that the book is correct. Why don't you post some of your working so we can look at it?
    – Adrian Keister
    Jul 24 at 13:59

  • If you don't show any work, it is impossible to say where you are making your mistake...
    – paul garrett
    Jul 24 at 16:44



The book is correct.
– uniquesolution
Jul 24 at 13:35

The book is correct.
– uniquesolution
Jul 24 at 13:35



The command Integrate[Cos[2t]/(5+4Cos[t]),t,0,2Pi] in Mathematica shows that the book is correct. Why don't you post some of your working so we can look at it?
– Adrian Keister
Jul 24 at 13:59

The command Integrate[Cos[2t]/(5+4Cos[t]),t,0,2Pi] in Mathematica shows that the book is correct. Why don't you post some of your working so we can look at it?
– Adrian Keister
Jul 24 at 13:59

If you don't show any work, it is impossible to say where you are making your mistake...
– paul garrett
Jul 24 at 16:44

If you don't show any work, it is impossible to say where you are making your mistake...
– paul garrett
Jul 24 at 16:44

2 Answers




up vote
down vote


If $varphi(x,y)=fracx^2-y^25+4x$, then your integral is$$int_0^2pivarphi(costheta,sintheta),mathrm dtheta.tag1$$Let$$f(z)=frac1zvarphileft(fracz+z^-12,fracz-z^-12iright)$$and$$beginarrayrcccgammacolon&[0,2pi]&longrightarrow&mathbb C\&theta&mapsto&e^itheta.endarray$$Then$$varphi(costheta,sintheta)=varphileft(frace^itheta+e^-itheta2,frace^itheta-e^-itheta2iright)=e^ithetafleft(e^ithetaright).$$Thereforebeginalign(1)&=frac1iint_0^2pie^-ithetavarphileft(frace^itheta+e^-itheta2,frace^itheta-e^-itheta2iright)ie^itheta,mathrm dtheta\&=-iint_gamma f(z),mathrm dz.endalignThis integral can be computed through the residue theorem: it is equal to$$2pisumoperatornameres_z=chibigl(f(z)bigr),tag2$$where the possible values of $chi$ are the poles of $f$ in the open unit circle. But$$f(z)=fracz^4+1z^2(4z^2+10z+4).$$So, $f$ has $3$ poles, two of which are located at the open unit circle: $0$ and $-frac12$ (the third one is $-2$) and the residue of $f$ at these points is $frac1724$ and $-frac58$ respectively. Therefore, your integral is equal to$$2pileft(frac1724-frac58right)=fracpi6.$$

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    up vote
    down vote

    Use substitutions $z=e^itheta$ and $dtheta=dfracdziz$ then
    int_0^2pifrac cos(2theta) 5+4cos(theta), dtheta
    &= bf Reint_dfracz^25+4(z+1/z)dfracdziz \
    &= bf Redfrac1iint_dfracfracz^22(z+2)z+1/2dz \
    &= bf Redfrac1i2pi idfrac(-frac12)^23 \
    &= colorbluedfracpi6

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • By "Re" do you mean Res(.) ? I always read Re as the real part. So just clearing things up
      – William
      Aug 2 at 13:33

    • It's real part.
      – user 108128
      Aug 2 at 13:34

    • sorry for the trouble again, but shouldn't the numerator be $z^2 - i sin theta$?
      – William
      2 days ago

    • 1

      It is a pleasure. $cos2theta=bf Re e^2itheta$ and after substitution $e^itheta=z$ will be $cos2theta=bf Rez^2$. @William Also note that $bf Re z^2-isintheta=bf Re z^2$ .
      – user 108128
      2 days ago

    2 Answers




    2 Answers










    up vote
    down vote


    If $varphi(x,y)=fracx^2-y^25+4x$, then your integral is$$int_0^2pivarphi(costheta,sintheta),mathrm dtheta.tag1$$Let$$f(z)=frac1zvarphileft(fracz+z^-12,fracz-z^-12iright)$$and$$beginarrayrcccgammacolon&[0,2pi]&longrightarrow&mathbb C\&theta&mapsto&e^itheta.endarray$$Then$$varphi(costheta,sintheta)=varphileft(frace^itheta+e^-itheta2,frace^itheta-e^-itheta2iright)=e^ithetafleft(e^ithetaright).$$Thereforebeginalign(1)&=frac1iint_0^2pie^-ithetavarphileft(frace^itheta+e^-itheta2,frace^itheta-e^-itheta2iright)ie^itheta,mathrm dtheta\&=-iint_gamma f(z),mathrm dz.endalignThis integral can be computed through the residue theorem: it is equal to$$2pisumoperatornameres_z=chibigl(f(z)bigr),tag2$$where the possible values of $chi$ are the poles of $f$ in the open unit circle. But$$f(z)=fracz^4+1z^2(4z^2+10z+4).$$So, $f$ has $3$ poles, two of which are located at the open unit circle: $0$ and $-frac12$ (the third one is $-2$) and the residue of $f$ at these points is $frac1724$ and $-frac58$ respectively. Therefore, your integral is equal to$$2pileft(frac1724-frac58right)=fracpi6.$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote


      If $varphi(x,y)=fracx^2-y^25+4x$, then your integral is$$int_0^2pivarphi(costheta,sintheta),mathrm dtheta.tag1$$Let$$f(z)=frac1zvarphileft(fracz+z^-12,fracz-z^-12iright)$$and$$beginarrayrcccgammacolon&[0,2pi]&longrightarrow&mathbb C\&theta&mapsto&e^itheta.endarray$$Then$$varphi(costheta,sintheta)=varphileft(frace^itheta+e^-itheta2,frace^itheta-e^-itheta2iright)=e^ithetafleft(e^ithetaright).$$Thereforebeginalign(1)&=frac1iint_0^2pie^-ithetavarphileft(frace^itheta+e^-itheta2,frace^itheta-e^-itheta2iright)ie^itheta,mathrm dtheta\&=-iint_gamma f(z),mathrm dz.endalignThis integral can be computed through the residue theorem: it is equal to$$2pisumoperatornameres_z=chibigl(f(z)bigr),tag2$$where the possible values of $chi$ are the poles of $f$ in the open unit circle. But$$f(z)=fracz^4+1z^2(4z^2+10z+4).$$So, $f$ has $3$ poles, two of which are located at the open unit circle: $0$ and $-frac12$ (the third one is $-2$) and the residue of $f$ at these points is $frac1724$ and $-frac58$ respectively. Therefore, your integral is equal to$$2pileft(frac1724-frac58right)=fracpi6.$$

      share|cite|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote


        up vote
        down vote


        If $varphi(x,y)=fracx^2-y^25+4x$, then your integral is$$int_0^2pivarphi(costheta,sintheta),mathrm dtheta.tag1$$Let$$f(z)=frac1zvarphileft(fracz+z^-12,fracz-z^-12iright)$$and$$beginarrayrcccgammacolon&[0,2pi]&longrightarrow&mathbb C\&theta&mapsto&e^itheta.endarray$$Then$$varphi(costheta,sintheta)=varphileft(frace^itheta+e^-itheta2,frace^itheta-e^-itheta2iright)=e^ithetafleft(e^ithetaright).$$Thereforebeginalign(1)&=frac1iint_0^2pie^-ithetavarphileft(frace^itheta+e^-itheta2,frace^itheta-e^-itheta2iright)ie^itheta,mathrm dtheta\&=-iint_gamma f(z),mathrm dz.endalignThis integral can be computed through the residue theorem: it is equal to$$2pisumoperatornameres_z=chibigl(f(z)bigr),tag2$$where the possible values of $chi$ are the poles of $f$ in the open unit circle. But$$f(z)=fracz^4+1z^2(4z^2+10z+4).$$So, $f$ has $3$ poles, two of which are located at the open unit circle: $0$ and $-frac12$ (the third one is $-2$) and the residue of $f$ at these points is $frac1724$ and $-frac58$ respectively. Therefore, your integral is equal to$$2pileft(frac1724-frac58right)=fracpi6.$$

        share|cite|improve this answer

        If $varphi(x,y)=fracx^2-y^25+4x$, then your integral is$$int_0^2pivarphi(costheta,sintheta),mathrm dtheta.tag1$$Let$$f(z)=frac1zvarphileft(fracz+z^-12,fracz-z^-12iright)$$and$$beginarrayrcccgammacolon&[0,2pi]&longrightarrow&mathbb C\&theta&mapsto&e^itheta.endarray$$Then$$varphi(costheta,sintheta)=varphileft(frace^itheta+e^-itheta2,frace^itheta-e^-itheta2iright)=e^ithetafleft(e^ithetaright).$$Thereforebeginalign(1)&=frac1iint_0^2pie^-ithetavarphileft(frace^itheta+e^-itheta2,frace^itheta-e^-itheta2iright)ie^itheta,mathrm dtheta\&=-iint_gamma f(z),mathrm dz.endalignThis integral can be computed through the residue theorem: it is equal to$$2pisumoperatornameres_z=chibigl(f(z)bigr),tag2$$where the possible values of $chi$ are the poles of $f$ in the open unit circle. But$$f(z)=fracz^4+1z^2(4z^2+10z+4).$$So, $f$ has $3$ poles, two of which are located at the open unit circle: $0$ and $-frac12$ (the third one is $-2$) and the residue of $f$ at these points is $frac1724$ and $-frac58$ respectively. Therefore, your integral is equal to$$2pileft(frac1724-frac58right)=fracpi6.$$

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        edited Jul 24 at 14:11

        answered Jul 24 at 13:58

        José Carlos Santos



            up vote
            down vote

            Use substitutions $z=e^itheta$ and $dtheta=dfracdziz$ then
            int_0^2pifrac cos(2theta) 5+4cos(theta), dtheta
            &= bf Reint_dfracz^25+4(z+1/z)dfracdziz \
            &= bf Redfrac1iint_dfracfracz^22(z+2)z+1/2dz \
            &= bf Redfrac1i2pi idfrac(-frac12)^23 \
            &= colorbluedfracpi6

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • By "Re" do you mean Res(.) ? I always read Re as the real part. So just clearing things up
              – William
              Aug 2 at 13:33

            • It's real part.
              – user 108128
              Aug 2 at 13:34

            • sorry for the trouble again, but shouldn't the numerator be $z^2 - i sin theta$?
              – William
              2 days ago

            • 1

              It is a pleasure. $cos2theta=bf Re e^2itheta$ and after substitution $e^itheta=z$ will be $cos2theta=bf Rez^2$. @William Also note that $bf Re z^2-isintheta=bf Re z^2$ .
              – user 108128
              2 days ago

            up vote
            down vote

            Use substitutions $z=e^itheta$ and $dtheta=dfracdziz$ then
            int_0^2pifrac cos(2theta) 5+4cos(theta), dtheta
            &= bf Reint_dfracz^25+4(z+1/z)dfracdziz \
            &= bf Redfrac1iint_dfracfracz^22(z+2)z+1/2dz \
            &= bf Redfrac1i2pi idfrac(-frac12)^23 \
            &= colorbluedfracpi6

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • By "Re" do you mean Res(.) ? I always read Re as the real part. So just clearing things up
              – William
              Aug 2 at 13:33

            • It's real part.
              – user 108128
              Aug 2 at 13:34

            • sorry for the trouble again, but shouldn't the numerator be $z^2 - i sin theta$?
              – William
              2 days ago

            • 1

              It is a pleasure. $cos2theta=bf Re e^2itheta$ and after substitution $e^itheta=z$ will be $cos2theta=bf Rez^2$. @William Also note that $bf Re z^2-isintheta=bf Re z^2$ .
              – user 108128
              2 days ago

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            Use substitutions $z=e^itheta$ and $dtheta=dfracdziz$ then
            int_0^2pifrac cos(2theta) 5+4cos(theta), dtheta
            &= bf Reint_dfracz^25+4(z+1/z)dfracdziz \
            &= bf Redfrac1iint_dfracfracz^22(z+2)z+1/2dz \
            &= bf Redfrac1i2pi idfrac(-frac12)^23 \
            &= colorbluedfracpi6

            share|cite|improve this answer

            Use substitutions $z=e^itheta$ and $dtheta=dfracdziz$ then
            int_0^2pifrac cos(2theta) 5+4cos(theta), dtheta
            &= bf Reint_dfracz^25+4(z+1/z)dfracdziz \
            &= bf Redfrac1iint_dfracfracz^22(z+2)z+1/2dz \
            &= bf Redfrac1i2pi idfrac(-frac12)^23 \
            &= colorbluedfracpi6

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            edited Jul 24 at 14:24

            answered Jul 24 at 14:13

            user 108128



            • By "Re" do you mean Res(.) ? I always read Re as the real part. So just clearing things up
              – William
              Aug 2 at 13:33

            • It's real part.
              – user 108128
              Aug 2 at 13:34

            • sorry for the trouble again, but shouldn't the numerator be $z^2 - i sin theta$?
              – William
              2 days ago

            • 1

              It is a pleasure. $cos2theta=bf Re e^2itheta$ and after substitution $e^itheta=z$ will be $cos2theta=bf Rez^2$. @William Also note that $bf Re z^2-isintheta=bf Re z^2$ .
              – user 108128
              2 days ago

            • By "Re" do you mean Res(.) ? I always read Re as the real part. So just clearing things up
              – William
              Aug 2 at 13:33

            • It's real part.
              – user 108128
              Aug 2 at 13:34

            • sorry for the trouble again, but shouldn't the numerator be $z^2 - i sin theta$?
              – William
              2 days ago

            • 1

              It is a pleasure. $cos2theta=bf Re e^2itheta$ and after substitution $e^itheta=z$ will be $cos2theta=bf Rez^2$. @William Also note that $bf Re z^2-isintheta=bf Re z^2$ .
              – user 108128
              2 days ago

            By "Re" do you mean Res(.) ? I always read Re as the real part. So just clearing things up
            – William
            Aug 2 at 13:33

            By "Re" do you mean Res(.) ? I always read Re as the real part. So just clearing things up
            – William
            Aug 2 at 13:33

            It's real part.
            – user 108128
            Aug 2 at 13:34

            It's real part.
            – user 108128
            Aug 2 at 13:34

            sorry for the trouble again, but shouldn't the numerator be $z^2 - i sin theta$?
            – William
            2 days ago

            sorry for the trouble again, but shouldn't the numerator be $z^2 - i sin theta$?
            – William
            2 days ago



            It is a pleasure. $cos2theta=bf Re e^2itheta$ and after substitution $e^itheta=z$ will be $cos2theta=bf Rez^2$. @William Also note that $bf Re z^2-isintheta=bf Re z^2$ .
            – user 108128
            2 days ago

            It is a pleasure. $cos2theta=bf Re e^2itheta$ and after substitution $e^itheta=z$ will be $cos2theta=bf Rez^2$. @William Also note that $bf Re z^2-isintheta=bf Re z^2$ .
            – user 108128
            2 days ago


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