In combinatorics, why is asking the opposite problem often times easier? [on hold]

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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Consider the birthday problem. Given $N$ people, how many ways are there for there to exist some pair of people with the same birthday?

Enumerating the possibilities quickly becomes tedious

However, the complement problem (Given $N$ people, how many ways are there for no one to have the same birthday?) is trivial.

In fields like probability, this has obvious applications, due to the "complement law":

if $A cup A^c = S$, where $S$ is the entire sample space, then $$P(A) + P(A^c) = 1 implies P(A) = 1 - P(A^c)$$

In general, this pattern is very common. Intuitively, I sense:

  • somehow, the complement problem is asking for a lot less information

  • if one has something like the "complement law" in probability, then in some restricted scope of problems, the "complement law" gives in some sense, the "same amount of information"

What do mathematicians call what I am getting at here? Am I overblowing how common a trend it is?

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put on hold as too broad by m_t_, Isaac Browne, Henrik, max_zorn, Lord Shark the Unknown Aug 3 at 8:12

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 13

    It doesn't just apply to combinatorics, it applies to life in general.
    – Théophile
    Aug 2 at 2:31

  • I call it, "Not seeing the forest for the trees."
    – saulspatz
    Aug 2 at 2:57

  • 1

    Some questions are just set to be easily solved from the opposite. I think that's just "thinking outside the box" in the context of probability theory.
    – poyea
    Aug 2 at 3:43

  • 3

    This is common in other places in mathmatics. For example when creating a proof it is often easier to prove the opposite thing is false, then proving something directly is true.
    – Q the Platypus
    Aug 2 at 3:55

  • 3

    For every problem, there are two possibilities: either the problem is easier, or its opposite is easier. So it should occur half the time :)
    – Carmeister
    Aug 2 at 7:20

up vote
down vote


Consider the birthday problem. Given $N$ people, how many ways are there for there to exist some pair of people with the same birthday?

Enumerating the possibilities quickly becomes tedious

However, the complement problem (Given $N$ people, how many ways are there for no one to have the same birthday?) is trivial.

In fields like probability, this has obvious applications, due to the "complement law":

if $A cup A^c = S$, where $S$ is the entire sample space, then $$P(A) + P(A^c) = 1 implies P(A) = 1 - P(A^c)$$

In general, this pattern is very common. Intuitively, I sense:

  • somehow, the complement problem is asking for a lot less information

  • if one has something like the "complement law" in probability, then in some restricted scope of problems, the "complement law" gives in some sense, the "same amount of information"

What do mathematicians call what I am getting at here? Am I overblowing how common a trend it is?

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put on hold as too broad by m_t_, Isaac Browne, Henrik, max_zorn, Lord Shark the Unknown Aug 3 at 8:12

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 13

    It doesn't just apply to combinatorics, it applies to life in general.
    – Théophile
    Aug 2 at 2:31

  • I call it, "Not seeing the forest for the trees."
    – saulspatz
    Aug 2 at 2:57

  • 1

    Some questions are just set to be easily solved from the opposite. I think that's just "thinking outside the box" in the context of probability theory.
    – poyea
    Aug 2 at 3:43

  • 3

    This is common in other places in mathmatics. For example when creating a proof it is often easier to prove the opposite thing is false, then proving something directly is true.
    – Q the Platypus
    Aug 2 at 3:55

  • 3

    For every problem, there are two possibilities: either the problem is easier, or its opposite is easier. So it should occur half the time :)
    – Carmeister
    Aug 2 at 7:20

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote



Consider the birthday problem. Given $N$ people, how many ways are there for there to exist some pair of people with the same birthday?

Enumerating the possibilities quickly becomes tedious

However, the complement problem (Given $N$ people, how many ways are there for no one to have the same birthday?) is trivial.

In fields like probability, this has obvious applications, due to the "complement law":

if $A cup A^c = S$, where $S$ is the entire sample space, then $$P(A) + P(A^c) = 1 implies P(A) = 1 - P(A^c)$$

In general, this pattern is very common. Intuitively, I sense:

  • somehow, the complement problem is asking for a lot less information

  • if one has something like the "complement law" in probability, then in some restricted scope of problems, the "complement law" gives in some sense, the "same amount of information"

What do mathematicians call what I am getting at here? Am I overblowing how common a trend it is?

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Consider the birthday problem. Given $N$ people, how many ways are there for there to exist some pair of people with the same birthday?

Enumerating the possibilities quickly becomes tedious

However, the complement problem (Given $N$ people, how many ways are there for no one to have the same birthday?) is trivial.

In fields like probability, this has obvious applications, due to the "complement law":

if $A cup A^c = S$, where $S$ is the entire sample space, then $$P(A) + P(A^c) = 1 implies P(A) = 1 - P(A^c)$$

In general, this pattern is very common. Intuitively, I sense:

  • somehow, the complement problem is asking for a lot less information

  • if one has something like the "complement law" in probability, then in some restricted scope of problems, the "complement law" gives in some sense, the "same amount of information"

What do mathematicians call what I am getting at here? Am I overblowing how common a trend it is?

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edited Aug 2 at 8:13

Lorenzo B.



asked Aug 2 at 2:28




put on hold as too broad by m_t_, Isaac Browne, Henrik, max_zorn, Lord Shark the Unknown Aug 3 at 8:12

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

put on hold as too broad by m_t_, Isaac Browne, Henrik, max_zorn, Lord Shark the Unknown Aug 3 at 8:12

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 13

    It doesn't just apply to combinatorics, it applies to life in general.
    – Théophile
    Aug 2 at 2:31

  • I call it, "Not seeing the forest for the trees."
    – saulspatz
    Aug 2 at 2:57

  • 1

    Some questions are just set to be easily solved from the opposite. I think that's just "thinking outside the box" in the context of probability theory.
    – poyea
    Aug 2 at 3:43

  • 3

    This is common in other places in mathmatics. For example when creating a proof it is often easier to prove the opposite thing is false, then proving something directly is true.
    – Q the Platypus
    Aug 2 at 3:55

  • 3

    For every problem, there are two possibilities: either the problem is easier, or its opposite is easier. So it should occur half the time :)
    – Carmeister
    Aug 2 at 7:20

  • 13

    It doesn't just apply to combinatorics, it applies to life in general.
    – Théophile
    Aug 2 at 2:31

  • I call it, "Not seeing the forest for the trees."
    – saulspatz
    Aug 2 at 2:57

  • 1

    Some questions are just set to be easily solved from the opposite. I think that's just "thinking outside the box" in the context of probability theory.
    – poyea
    Aug 2 at 3:43

  • 3

    This is common in other places in mathmatics. For example when creating a proof it is often easier to prove the opposite thing is false, then proving something directly is true.
    – Q the Platypus
    Aug 2 at 3:55

  • 3

    For every problem, there are two possibilities: either the problem is easier, or its opposite is easier. So it should occur half the time :)
    – Carmeister
    Aug 2 at 7:20



It doesn't just apply to combinatorics, it applies to life in general.
– Théophile
Aug 2 at 2:31

It doesn't just apply to combinatorics, it applies to life in general.
– Théophile
Aug 2 at 2:31

I call it, "Not seeing the forest for the trees."
– saulspatz
Aug 2 at 2:57

I call it, "Not seeing the forest for the trees."
– saulspatz
Aug 2 at 2:57



Some questions are just set to be easily solved from the opposite. I think that's just "thinking outside the box" in the context of probability theory.
– poyea
Aug 2 at 3:43

Some questions are just set to be easily solved from the opposite. I think that's just "thinking outside the box" in the context of probability theory.
– poyea
Aug 2 at 3:43



This is common in other places in mathmatics. For example when creating a proof it is often easier to prove the opposite thing is false, then proving something directly is true.
– Q the Platypus
Aug 2 at 3:55

This is common in other places in mathmatics. For example when creating a proof it is often easier to prove the opposite thing is false, then proving something directly is true.
– Q the Platypus
Aug 2 at 3:55



For every problem, there are two possibilities: either the problem is easier, or its opposite is easier. So it should occur half the time :)
– Carmeister
Aug 2 at 7:20

For every problem, there are two possibilities: either the problem is easier, or its opposite is easier. So it should occur half the time :)
– Carmeister
Aug 2 at 7:20

5 Answers




up vote
down vote


In combinatorics answering “and” style questions is easy because it is a multiplication. This is easy since you can remove common factors between denominators and numerators, and use the binomial/choice function. Also any time a 1 or 0 comes up the operation becomes trivial.

However asking "or" style questions is difficult since you have to add the numbers and then work out where you have a double count and subtract them.

De Morgan's laws $neg ( a vee b) = ( neg a wedge neg b)$ allows you to transform a “or” problem into a “not and” problem which is easier.

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  • 4

    It might enhance this answer to mention that one of the things that makes multiplying "easier" is that often there are terms in a denominator that can be canceled with terms in one or more numerators. I know multiplication is easier than addition in other ways, but I'm not sure how to explain why.
    – Todd Wilcox
    Aug 2 at 19:40

  • 7

    Is “combotronics” a word or just a typo? Either way, I like how it sounds! :)
    – kkm
    Aug 2 at 20:26

  • 1

    @user89 Yes. One of the things the things you get is that you can transform a “for all x P(x) is true” into “(there exists an x where P(x) is false) is false” which is often easier .
    – Q the Platypus
    Aug 2 at 22:59

  • 3

    @kkm yes it’s a typo. Not my best sounding typo either which would be infostructure.
    – Q the Platypus
    Aug 2 at 23:01

  • 1

    I'm actually a little disappointed the typo was corrected...
    – Monstrous Moonshiner
    Aug 3 at 5:17

up vote
down vote

Put it this way: for every problem, there are two equivalent ways to put it, with each way being a simple complement of the other. There may be a disparity: one is significantly simpler than the other. But, they are both immediately equivalent; you can ask either question in place of the other.

So then, the issue becomes, why are people choosing to pose to you the less simple problem? I think the reason is probably pedagogical: looking at the complement problem is an effort-inexpensive but extremely valuable tool for solving combinatorial problems. It's a lesson worth learning that it's worth looking at the complement problem, right off the bat, to see if it's any easier.

There might potentially be some deeper reasons, possibly about some correlation between the harder of the two problems having superior aesthetics most of the time, but this kind of question is not exactly the wheelhouse of a mere mathematician such as myself.

share|cite|improve this answer

  • 4

    The times when the complement is more optimal may be more memorable than times when the naive solution is optimal, too...especially if you spent more time per problem like that compared to problems where the answer was straightforward.
    – user3067860
    Aug 2 at 14:52

up vote
down vote

You have basically answered this, in your dot points.

I would articulate it as follows:

Answering the complementary version of a combinatorics question is often easier if the original question contains (directly or indirectly) the constraint "at least one".

In such cases, obtaining the answer typically requires enumerating over a very large number of combinations, whereas the complementary version only contains a small number of possibilities to enumerate and thus is more amenable to direct calculation.

For example, in the birthday problem, can be worded as, "Given $N$ people, what is the likelihood that at least one pair of people have a common birthday"

The complementary version is "Given $N$ people, what is the likelihood that exactly zero people have a common birthday?"

Other math stackexchange questions where you can see this phenomenon:

  • How many combinations contain at least two As

  • Combinations of pizza toppings with at least one vegetable and at least one meat.

  • Combinations including "at most"

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  • I assume I'm missing something: Wouldn't the complement for "at least k" = (exactly k, k+1, ..., or n) be "at most k-1" = (exactly 2, 3, ..., or k-1)? (It doesn't make sense for 0 or 1 people to have a birthday in common, so start at 2)
    – Words Like Jared
    Aug 2 at 19:58

  • Edited to make it clearer.
    – Martin Roberts
    Aug 3 at 6:51

up vote
down vote

In combinatorics when we know total number of all possibilities and
counting the number of possibilities satisfying condition C or violating it are equivalent problems. That is knowing one you get the other by simple subtraction from the other known number.

Many times to count the possibilities satisfying condition C, may be difficult directly. If C can be broken up into disjoint possibilities you count in each of the cases and add them up.

SO it boils down to whether the condition C or its negation (complement) has more cases. Choose the one involving fewer cases.
In an experiment invovling counting how many results in throwing 10 coins produce at least 2 heads the possibilities 2 heads, 3 heads, and so on up to 10 heads.
However the complement is 0 heads or 1 heads.

Clear that the second one is easy.

The key point is how many cases (mutually exclusive or disjoint) you have to analyze. This will tell you which is is easier original problem or the complementary problem.

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    up vote
    down vote

    The set of all possible combinatorics problems is symmetric w.r.t. taking the complement. But the problems we encounter are not randomly chosen from such a set, usually these problems are kooked up problems that are challenging enough to be interesting but they are also solvable. A large class of such problems are problems that simplify when taking the complement.

    share|cite|improve this answer

      5 Answers




      5 Answers










      up vote
      down vote


      In combinatorics answering “and” style questions is easy because it is a multiplication. This is easy since you can remove common factors between denominators and numerators, and use the binomial/choice function. Also any time a 1 or 0 comes up the operation becomes trivial.

      However asking "or" style questions is difficult since you have to add the numbers and then work out where you have a double count and subtract them.

      De Morgan's laws $neg ( a vee b) = ( neg a wedge neg b)$ allows you to transform a “or” problem into a “not and” problem which is easier.

      share|cite|improve this answer

      • 4

        It might enhance this answer to mention that one of the things that makes multiplying "easier" is that often there are terms in a denominator that can be canceled with terms in one or more numerators. I know multiplication is easier than addition in other ways, but I'm not sure how to explain why.
        – Todd Wilcox
        Aug 2 at 19:40

      • 7

        Is “combotronics” a word or just a typo? Either way, I like how it sounds! :)
        – kkm
        Aug 2 at 20:26

      • 1

        @user89 Yes. One of the things the things you get is that you can transform a “for all x P(x) is true” into “(there exists an x where P(x) is false) is false” which is often easier .
        – Q the Platypus
        Aug 2 at 22:59

      • 3

        @kkm yes it’s a typo. Not my best sounding typo either which would be infostructure.
        – Q the Platypus
        Aug 2 at 23:01

      • 1

        I'm actually a little disappointed the typo was corrected...
        – Monstrous Moonshiner
        Aug 3 at 5:17

      up vote
      down vote


      In combinatorics answering “and” style questions is easy because it is a multiplication. This is easy since you can remove common factors between denominators and numerators, and use the binomial/choice function. Also any time a 1 or 0 comes up the operation becomes trivial.

      However asking "or" style questions is difficult since you have to add the numbers and then work out where you have a double count and subtract them.

      De Morgan's laws $neg ( a vee b) = ( neg a wedge neg b)$ allows you to transform a “or” problem into a “not and” problem which is easier.

      share|cite|improve this answer

      • 4

        It might enhance this answer to mention that one of the things that makes multiplying "easier" is that often there are terms in a denominator that can be canceled with terms in one or more numerators. I know multiplication is easier than addition in other ways, but I'm not sure how to explain why.
        – Todd Wilcox
        Aug 2 at 19:40

      • 7

        Is “combotronics” a word or just a typo? Either way, I like how it sounds! :)
        – kkm
        Aug 2 at 20:26

      • 1

        @user89 Yes. One of the things the things you get is that you can transform a “for all x P(x) is true” into “(there exists an x where P(x) is false) is false” which is often easier .
        – Q the Platypus
        Aug 2 at 22:59

      • 3

        @kkm yes it’s a typo. Not my best sounding typo either which would be infostructure.
        – Q the Platypus
        Aug 2 at 23:01

      • 1

        I'm actually a little disappointed the typo was corrected...
        – Monstrous Moonshiner
        Aug 3 at 5:17

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote


      In combinatorics answering “and” style questions is easy because it is a multiplication. This is easy since you can remove common factors between denominators and numerators, and use the binomial/choice function. Also any time a 1 or 0 comes up the operation becomes trivial.

      However asking "or" style questions is difficult since you have to add the numbers and then work out where you have a double count and subtract them.

      De Morgan's laws $neg ( a vee b) = ( neg a wedge neg b)$ allows you to transform a “or” problem into a “not and” problem which is easier.

      share|cite|improve this answer

      In combinatorics answering “and” style questions is easy because it is a multiplication. This is easy since you can remove common factors between denominators and numerators, and use the binomial/choice function. Also any time a 1 or 0 comes up the operation becomes trivial.

      However asking "or" style questions is difficult since you have to add the numbers and then work out where you have a double count and subtract them.

      De Morgan's laws $neg ( a vee b) = ( neg a wedge neg b)$ allows you to transform a “or” problem into a “not and” problem which is easier.

      share|cite|improve this answer

      share|cite|improve this answer

      share|cite|improve this answer

      edited Aug 2 at 22:52

      answered Aug 2 at 4:11

      Q the Platypus



      • 4

        It might enhance this answer to mention that one of the things that makes multiplying "easier" is that often there are terms in a denominator that can be canceled with terms in one or more numerators. I know multiplication is easier than addition in other ways, but I'm not sure how to explain why.
        – Todd Wilcox
        Aug 2 at 19:40

      • 7

        Is “combotronics” a word or just a typo? Either way, I like how it sounds! :)
        – kkm
        Aug 2 at 20:26

      • 1

        @user89 Yes. One of the things the things you get is that you can transform a “for all x P(x) is true” into “(there exists an x where P(x) is false) is false” which is often easier .
        – Q the Platypus
        Aug 2 at 22:59

      • 3

        @kkm yes it’s a typo. Not my best sounding typo either which would be infostructure.
        – Q the Platypus
        Aug 2 at 23:01

      • 1

        I'm actually a little disappointed the typo was corrected...
        – Monstrous Moonshiner
        Aug 3 at 5:17

      • 4

        It might enhance this answer to mention that one of the things that makes multiplying "easier" is that often there are terms in a denominator that can be canceled with terms in one or more numerators. I know multiplication is easier than addition in other ways, but I'm not sure how to explain why.
        – Todd Wilcox
        Aug 2 at 19:40

      • 7

        Is “combotronics” a word or just a typo? Either way, I like how it sounds! :)
        – kkm
        Aug 2 at 20:26

      • 1

        @user89 Yes. One of the things the things you get is that you can transform a “for all x P(x) is true” into “(there exists an x where P(x) is false) is false” which is often easier .
        – Q the Platypus
        Aug 2 at 22:59

      • 3

        @kkm yes it’s a typo. Not my best sounding typo either which would be infostructure.
        – Q the Platypus
        Aug 2 at 23:01

      • 1

        I'm actually a little disappointed the typo was corrected...
        – Monstrous Moonshiner
        Aug 3 at 5:17



      It might enhance this answer to mention that one of the things that makes multiplying "easier" is that often there are terms in a denominator that can be canceled with terms in one or more numerators. I know multiplication is easier than addition in other ways, but I'm not sure how to explain why.
      – Todd Wilcox
      Aug 2 at 19:40

      It might enhance this answer to mention that one of the things that makes multiplying "easier" is that often there are terms in a denominator that can be canceled with terms in one or more numerators. I know multiplication is easier than addition in other ways, but I'm not sure how to explain why.
      – Todd Wilcox
      Aug 2 at 19:40



      Is “combotronics” a word or just a typo? Either way, I like how it sounds! :)
      – kkm
      Aug 2 at 20:26

      Is “combotronics” a word or just a typo? Either way, I like how it sounds! :)
      – kkm
      Aug 2 at 20:26



      @user89 Yes. One of the things the things you get is that you can transform a “for all x P(x) is true” into “(there exists an x where P(x) is false) is false” which is often easier .
      – Q the Platypus
      Aug 2 at 22:59

      @user89 Yes. One of the things the things you get is that you can transform a “for all x P(x) is true” into “(there exists an x where P(x) is false) is false” which is often easier .
      – Q the Platypus
      Aug 2 at 22:59



      @kkm yes it’s a typo. Not my best sounding typo either which would be infostructure.
      – Q the Platypus
      Aug 2 at 23:01

      @kkm yes it’s a typo. Not my best sounding typo either which would be infostructure.
      – Q the Platypus
      Aug 2 at 23:01



      I'm actually a little disappointed the typo was corrected...
      – Monstrous Moonshiner
      Aug 3 at 5:17

      I'm actually a little disappointed the typo was corrected...
      – Monstrous Moonshiner
      Aug 3 at 5:17

      up vote
      down vote

      Put it this way: for every problem, there are two equivalent ways to put it, with each way being a simple complement of the other. There may be a disparity: one is significantly simpler than the other. But, they are both immediately equivalent; you can ask either question in place of the other.

      So then, the issue becomes, why are people choosing to pose to you the less simple problem? I think the reason is probably pedagogical: looking at the complement problem is an effort-inexpensive but extremely valuable tool for solving combinatorial problems. It's a lesson worth learning that it's worth looking at the complement problem, right off the bat, to see if it's any easier.

      There might potentially be some deeper reasons, possibly about some correlation between the harder of the two problems having superior aesthetics most of the time, but this kind of question is not exactly the wheelhouse of a mere mathematician such as myself.

      share|cite|improve this answer

      • 4

        The times when the complement is more optimal may be more memorable than times when the naive solution is optimal, too...especially if you spent more time per problem like that compared to problems where the answer was straightforward.
        – user3067860
        Aug 2 at 14:52

      up vote
      down vote

      Put it this way: for every problem, there are two equivalent ways to put it, with each way being a simple complement of the other. There may be a disparity: one is significantly simpler than the other. But, they are both immediately equivalent; you can ask either question in place of the other.

      So then, the issue becomes, why are people choosing to pose to you the less simple problem? I think the reason is probably pedagogical: looking at the complement problem is an effort-inexpensive but extremely valuable tool for solving combinatorial problems. It's a lesson worth learning that it's worth looking at the complement problem, right off the bat, to see if it's any easier.

      There might potentially be some deeper reasons, possibly about some correlation between the harder of the two problems having superior aesthetics most of the time, but this kind of question is not exactly the wheelhouse of a mere mathematician such as myself.

      share|cite|improve this answer

      • 4

        The times when the complement is more optimal may be more memorable than times when the naive solution is optimal, too...especially if you spent more time per problem like that compared to problems where the answer was straightforward.
        – user3067860
        Aug 2 at 14:52

      up vote
      down vote

      up vote
      down vote

      Put it this way: for every problem, there are two equivalent ways to put it, with each way being a simple complement of the other. There may be a disparity: one is significantly simpler than the other. But, they are both immediately equivalent; you can ask either question in place of the other.

      So then, the issue becomes, why are people choosing to pose to you the less simple problem? I think the reason is probably pedagogical: looking at the complement problem is an effort-inexpensive but extremely valuable tool for solving combinatorial problems. It's a lesson worth learning that it's worth looking at the complement problem, right off the bat, to see if it's any easier.

      There might potentially be some deeper reasons, possibly about some correlation between the harder of the two problems having superior aesthetics most of the time, but this kind of question is not exactly the wheelhouse of a mere mathematician such as myself.

      share|cite|improve this answer

      Put it this way: for every problem, there are two equivalent ways to put it, with each way being a simple complement of the other. There may be a disparity: one is significantly simpler than the other. But, they are both immediately equivalent; you can ask either question in place of the other.

      So then, the issue becomes, why are people choosing to pose to you the less simple problem? I think the reason is probably pedagogical: looking at the complement problem is an effort-inexpensive but extremely valuable tool for solving combinatorial problems. It's a lesson worth learning that it's worth looking at the complement problem, right off the bat, to see if it's any easier.

      There might potentially be some deeper reasons, possibly about some correlation between the harder of the two problems having superior aesthetics most of the time, but this kind of question is not exactly the wheelhouse of a mere mathematician such as myself.

      share|cite|improve this answer

      share|cite|improve this answer

      share|cite|improve this answer

      answered Aug 2 at 2:53

      Theo Bendit



      • 4

        The times when the complement is more optimal may be more memorable than times when the naive solution is optimal, too...especially if you spent more time per problem like that compared to problems where the answer was straightforward.
        – user3067860
        Aug 2 at 14:52

      • 4

        The times when the complement is more optimal may be more memorable than times when the naive solution is optimal, too...especially if you spent more time per problem like that compared to problems where the answer was straightforward.
        – user3067860
        Aug 2 at 14:52



      The times when the complement is more optimal may be more memorable than times when the naive solution is optimal, too...especially if you spent more time per problem like that compared to problems where the answer was straightforward.
      – user3067860
      Aug 2 at 14:52

      The times when the complement is more optimal may be more memorable than times when the naive solution is optimal, too...especially if you spent more time per problem like that compared to problems where the answer was straightforward.
      – user3067860
      Aug 2 at 14:52

      up vote
      down vote

      You have basically answered this, in your dot points.

      I would articulate it as follows:

      Answering the complementary version of a combinatorics question is often easier if the original question contains (directly or indirectly) the constraint "at least one".

      In such cases, obtaining the answer typically requires enumerating over a very large number of combinations, whereas the complementary version only contains a small number of possibilities to enumerate and thus is more amenable to direct calculation.

      For example, in the birthday problem, can be worded as, "Given $N$ people, what is the likelihood that at least one pair of people have a common birthday"

      The complementary version is "Given $N$ people, what is the likelihood that exactly zero people have a common birthday?"

      Other math stackexchange questions where you can see this phenomenon:

      • How many combinations contain at least two As

      • Combinations of pizza toppings with at least one vegetable and at least one meat.

      • Combinations including "at most"

      share|cite|improve this answer

      • I assume I'm missing something: Wouldn't the complement for "at least k" = (exactly k, k+1, ..., or n) be "at most k-1" = (exactly 2, 3, ..., or k-1)? (It doesn't make sense for 0 or 1 people to have a birthday in common, so start at 2)
        – Words Like Jared
        Aug 2 at 19:58

      • Edited to make it clearer.
        – Martin Roberts
        Aug 3 at 6:51

      up vote
      down vote

      You have basically answered this, in your dot points.

      I would articulate it as follows:

      Answering the complementary version of a combinatorics question is often easier if the original question contains (directly or indirectly) the constraint "at least one".

      In such cases, obtaining the answer typically requires enumerating over a very large number of combinations, whereas the complementary version only contains a small number of possibilities to enumerate and thus is more amenable to direct calculation.

      For example, in the birthday problem, can be worded as, "Given $N$ people, what is the likelihood that at least one pair of people have a common birthday"

      The complementary version is "Given $N$ people, what is the likelihood that exactly zero people have a common birthday?"

      Other math stackexchange questions where you can see this phenomenon:

      • How many combinations contain at least two As

      • Combinations of pizza toppings with at least one vegetable and at least one meat.

      • Combinations including "at most"

      share|cite|improve this answer

      • I assume I'm missing something: Wouldn't the complement for "at least k" = (exactly k, k+1, ..., or n) be "at most k-1" = (exactly 2, 3, ..., or k-1)? (It doesn't make sense for 0 or 1 people to have a birthday in common, so start at 2)
        – Words Like Jared
        Aug 2 at 19:58

      • Edited to make it clearer.
        – Martin Roberts
        Aug 3 at 6:51

      up vote
      down vote

      up vote
      down vote

      You have basically answered this, in your dot points.

      I would articulate it as follows:

      Answering the complementary version of a combinatorics question is often easier if the original question contains (directly or indirectly) the constraint "at least one".

      In such cases, obtaining the answer typically requires enumerating over a very large number of combinations, whereas the complementary version only contains a small number of possibilities to enumerate and thus is more amenable to direct calculation.

      For example, in the birthday problem, can be worded as, "Given $N$ people, what is the likelihood that at least one pair of people have a common birthday"

      The complementary version is "Given $N$ people, what is the likelihood that exactly zero people have a common birthday?"

      Other math stackexchange questions where you can see this phenomenon:

      • How many combinations contain at least two As

      • Combinations of pizza toppings with at least one vegetable and at least one meat.

      • Combinations including "at most"

      share|cite|improve this answer

      You have basically answered this, in your dot points.

      I would articulate it as follows:

      Answering the complementary version of a combinatorics question is often easier if the original question contains (directly or indirectly) the constraint "at least one".

      In such cases, obtaining the answer typically requires enumerating over a very large number of combinations, whereas the complementary version only contains a small number of possibilities to enumerate and thus is more amenable to direct calculation.

      For example, in the birthday problem, can be worded as, "Given $N$ people, what is the likelihood that at least one pair of people have a common birthday"

      The complementary version is "Given $N$ people, what is the likelihood that exactly zero people have a common birthday?"

      Other math stackexchange questions where you can see this phenomenon:

      • How many combinations contain at least two As

      • Combinations of pizza toppings with at least one vegetable and at least one meat.

      • Combinations including "at most"

      share|cite|improve this answer

      share|cite|improve this answer

      share|cite|improve this answer

      edited Aug 3 at 6:59

      answered Aug 2 at 2:59

      Martin Roberts



      • I assume I'm missing something: Wouldn't the complement for "at least k" = (exactly k, k+1, ..., or n) be "at most k-1" = (exactly 2, 3, ..., or k-1)? (It doesn't make sense for 0 or 1 people to have a birthday in common, so start at 2)
        – Words Like Jared
        Aug 2 at 19:58

      • Edited to make it clearer.
        – Martin Roberts
        Aug 3 at 6:51

      • I assume I'm missing something: Wouldn't the complement for "at least k" = (exactly k, k+1, ..., or n) be "at most k-1" = (exactly 2, 3, ..., or k-1)? (It doesn't make sense for 0 or 1 people to have a birthday in common, so start at 2)
        – Words Like Jared
        Aug 2 at 19:58

      • Edited to make it clearer.
        – Martin Roberts
        Aug 3 at 6:51

      I assume I'm missing something: Wouldn't the complement for "at least k" = (exactly k, k+1, ..., or n) be "at most k-1" = (exactly 2, 3, ..., or k-1)? (It doesn't make sense for 0 or 1 people to have a birthday in common, so start at 2)
      – Words Like Jared
      Aug 2 at 19:58

      I assume I'm missing something: Wouldn't the complement for "at least k" = (exactly k, k+1, ..., or n) be "at most k-1" = (exactly 2, 3, ..., or k-1)? (It doesn't make sense for 0 or 1 people to have a birthday in common, so start at 2)
      – Words Like Jared
      Aug 2 at 19:58

      Edited to make it clearer.
      – Martin Roberts
      Aug 3 at 6:51

      Edited to make it clearer.
      – Martin Roberts
      Aug 3 at 6:51

      up vote
      down vote

      In combinatorics when we know total number of all possibilities and
      counting the number of possibilities satisfying condition C or violating it are equivalent problems. That is knowing one you get the other by simple subtraction from the other known number.

      Many times to count the possibilities satisfying condition C, may be difficult directly. If C can be broken up into disjoint possibilities you count in each of the cases and add them up.

      SO it boils down to whether the condition C or its negation (complement) has more cases. Choose the one involving fewer cases.
      In an experiment invovling counting how many results in throwing 10 coins produce at least 2 heads the possibilities 2 heads, 3 heads, and so on up to 10 heads.
      However the complement is 0 heads or 1 heads.

      Clear that the second one is easy.

      The key point is how many cases (mutually exclusive or disjoint) you have to analyze. This will tell you which is is easier original problem or the complementary problem.

      share|cite|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        In combinatorics when we know total number of all possibilities and
        counting the number of possibilities satisfying condition C or violating it are equivalent problems. That is knowing one you get the other by simple subtraction from the other known number.

        Many times to count the possibilities satisfying condition C, may be difficult directly. If C can be broken up into disjoint possibilities you count in each of the cases and add them up.

        SO it boils down to whether the condition C or its negation (complement) has more cases. Choose the one involving fewer cases.
        In an experiment invovling counting how many results in throwing 10 coins produce at least 2 heads the possibilities 2 heads, 3 heads, and so on up to 10 heads.
        However the complement is 0 heads or 1 heads.

        Clear that the second one is easy.

        The key point is how many cases (mutually exclusive or disjoint) you have to analyze. This will tell you which is is easier original problem or the complementary problem.

        share|cite|improve this answer

          up vote
          down vote

          up vote
          down vote

          In combinatorics when we know total number of all possibilities and
          counting the number of possibilities satisfying condition C or violating it are equivalent problems. That is knowing one you get the other by simple subtraction from the other known number.

          Many times to count the possibilities satisfying condition C, may be difficult directly. If C can be broken up into disjoint possibilities you count in each of the cases and add them up.

          SO it boils down to whether the condition C or its negation (complement) has more cases. Choose the one involving fewer cases.
          In an experiment invovling counting how many results in throwing 10 coins produce at least 2 heads the possibilities 2 heads, 3 heads, and so on up to 10 heads.
          However the complement is 0 heads or 1 heads.

          Clear that the second one is easy.

          The key point is how many cases (mutually exclusive or disjoint) you have to analyze. This will tell you which is is easier original problem or the complementary problem.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          In combinatorics when we know total number of all possibilities and
          counting the number of possibilities satisfying condition C or violating it are equivalent problems. That is knowing one you get the other by simple subtraction from the other known number.

          Many times to count the possibilities satisfying condition C, may be difficult directly. If C can be broken up into disjoint possibilities you count in each of the cases and add them up.

          SO it boils down to whether the condition C or its negation (complement) has more cases. Choose the one involving fewer cases.
          In an experiment invovling counting how many results in throwing 10 coins produce at least 2 heads the possibilities 2 heads, 3 heads, and so on up to 10 heads.
          However the complement is 0 heads or 1 heads.

          Clear that the second one is easy.

          The key point is how many cases (mutually exclusive or disjoint) you have to analyze. This will tell you which is is easier original problem or the complementary problem.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          answered Aug 2 at 3:10

          P Vanchinathan



              up vote
              down vote

              The set of all possible combinatorics problems is symmetric w.r.t. taking the complement. But the problems we encounter are not randomly chosen from such a set, usually these problems are kooked up problems that are challenging enough to be interesting but they are also solvable. A large class of such problems are problems that simplify when taking the complement.

              share|cite|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                The set of all possible combinatorics problems is symmetric w.r.t. taking the complement. But the problems we encounter are not randomly chosen from such a set, usually these problems are kooked up problems that are challenging enough to be interesting but they are also solvable. A large class of such problems are problems that simplify when taking the complement.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  The set of all possible combinatorics problems is symmetric w.r.t. taking the complement. But the problems we encounter are not randomly chosen from such a set, usually these problems are kooked up problems that are challenging enough to be interesting but they are also solvable. A large class of such problems are problems that simplify when taking the complement.

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  The set of all possible combinatorics problems is symmetric w.r.t. taking the complement. But the problems we encounter are not randomly chosen from such a set, usually these problems are kooked up problems that are challenging enough to be interesting but they are also solvable. A large class of such problems are problems that simplify when taking the complement.

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  answered Aug 2 at 3:31

                  Count Iblis




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