Mean value theorem for multivariable functions [duplicate]

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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This question already has an answer here:

  • Generalization of Mean Value Theorem to functions, $f: mathbbR^n rightarrow mathbbR^n$

    2 answers

I`m trying to generalize Lagrange's mean value theorem for $f:A to mathbbR^n$
, differentiable in $A subset mathbbR^m$.

What I have so far is that if $n=1$, we can write $g_i(t)=f(x_1,..tx_i,..,x_n$), where $x_j$ are any real numbers and $x_i$ is 1. We have $g'(t)=D_f(t)cdot(0,..,1,...0)=frac partial f partial x_i(t)$, And since $g_i(t):mathbbR to mathbbR$ , we can apply the single variable mean value theorem to say that there exists a point $c_x_iin [a,b] $ s.t $frac partial f partial x_i(c_x_i)=g_i'(c_x_i)=frac g_i(a)-g_i(b) a-b$ , for any partial derivative. However, For any partial derivative we get a different $c_x_i$, And I couldn`t find a way to relate $g$ back to $f$.

Also, if $n>1$, And I`d know how to handle the $n=1$ case, I know I can break down $f$ to $n$ different functions, apply the $n=1$ to each of them seperately, but then again, we get $n$ different points $c$ which aren't necessarily the same,So I got stuck here too.

I wonder if this is a good way to try and generalize the Lagrange`s Mean Value theorem for multivariable functions?Can anyone help me complete the idea, or suggest a different way of thinking?

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marked as duplicate by mfl, 5xum, Community♦ Aug 2 at 12:18

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

  • 1

    See the following question, where an explicit solution is given:…
    – Christian Blatter
    Aug 2 at 13:31

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This question already has an answer here:

  • Generalization of Mean Value Theorem to functions, $f: mathbbR^n rightarrow mathbbR^n$

    2 answers

I`m trying to generalize Lagrange's mean value theorem for $f:A to mathbbR^n$
, differentiable in $A subset mathbbR^m$.

What I have so far is that if $n=1$, we can write $g_i(t)=f(x_1,..tx_i,..,x_n$), where $x_j$ are any real numbers and $x_i$ is 1. We have $g'(t)=D_f(t)cdot(0,..,1,...0)=frac partial f partial x_i(t)$, And since $g_i(t):mathbbR to mathbbR$ , we can apply the single variable mean value theorem to say that there exists a point $c_x_iin [a,b] $ s.t $frac partial f partial x_i(c_x_i)=g_i'(c_x_i)=frac g_i(a)-g_i(b) a-b$ , for any partial derivative. However, For any partial derivative we get a different $c_x_i$, And I couldn`t find a way to relate $g$ back to $f$.

Also, if $n>1$, And I`d know how to handle the $n=1$ case, I know I can break down $f$ to $n$ different functions, apply the $n=1$ to each of them seperately, but then again, we get $n$ different points $c$ which aren't necessarily the same,So I got stuck here too.

I wonder if this is a good way to try and generalize the Lagrange`s Mean Value theorem for multivariable functions?Can anyone help me complete the idea, or suggest a different way of thinking?

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marked as duplicate by mfl, 5xum, Community♦ Aug 2 at 12:18

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

  • 1

    See the following question, where an explicit solution is given:…
    – Christian Blatter
    Aug 2 at 13:31

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This question already has an answer here:

  • Generalization of Mean Value Theorem to functions, $f: mathbbR^n rightarrow mathbbR^n$

    2 answers

I`m trying to generalize Lagrange's mean value theorem for $f:A to mathbbR^n$
, differentiable in $A subset mathbbR^m$.

What I have so far is that if $n=1$, we can write $g_i(t)=f(x_1,..tx_i,..,x_n$), where $x_j$ are any real numbers and $x_i$ is 1. We have $g'(t)=D_f(t)cdot(0,..,1,...0)=frac partial f partial x_i(t)$, And since $g_i(t):mathbbR to mathbbR$ , we can apply the single variable mean value theorem to say that there exists a point $c_x_iin [a,b] $ s.t $frac partial f partial x_i(c_x_i)=g_i'(c_x_i)=frac g_i(a)-g_i(b) a-b$ , for any partial derivative. However, For any partial derivative we get a different $c_x_i$, And I couldn`t find a way to relate $g$ back to $f$.

Also, if $n>1$, And I`d know how to handle the $n=1$ case, I know I can break down $f$ to $n$ different functions, apply the $n=1$ to each of them seperately, but then again, we get $n$ different points $c$ which aren't necessarily the same,So I got stuck here too.

I wonder if this is a good way to try and generalize the Lagrange`s Mean Value theorem for multivariable functions?Can anyone help me complete the idea, or suggest a different way of thinking?

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This question already has an answer here:

  • Generalization of Mean Value Theorem to functions, $f: mathbbR^n rightarrow mathbbR^n$

    2 answers

I`m trying to generalize Lagrange's mean value theorem for $f:A to mathbbR^n$
, differentiable in $A subset mathbbR^m$.

What I have so far is that if $n=1$, we can write $g_i(t)=f(x_1,..tx_i,..,x_n$), where $x_j$ are any real numbers and $x_i$ is 1. We have $g'(t)=D_f(t)cdot(0,..,1,...0)=frac partial f partial x_i(t)$, And since $g_i(t):mathbbR to mathbbR$ , we can apply the single variable mean value theorem to say that there exists a point $c_x_iin [a,b] $ s.t $frac partial f partial x_i(c_x_i)=g_i'(c_x_i)=frac g_i(a)-g_i(b) a-b$ , for any partial derivative. However, For any partial derivative we get a different $c_x_i$, And I couldn`t find a way to relate $g$ back to $f$.

Also, if $n>1$, And I`d know how to handle the $n=1$ case, I know I can break down $f$ to $n$ different functions, apply the $n=1$ to each of them seperately, but then again, we get $n$ different points $c$ which aren't necessarily the same,So I got stuck here too.

I wonder if this is a good way to try and generalize the Lagrange`s Mean Value theorem for multivariable functions?Can anyone help me complete the idea, or suggest a different way of thinking?

This question already has an answer here:

  • Generalization of Mean Value Theorem to functions, $f: mathbbR^n rightarrow mathbbR^n$

    2 answers

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asked Aug 2 at 12:06




marked as duplicate by mfl, 5xum, Community♦ Aug 2 at 12:18

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

marked as duplicate by mfl, 5xum, Community♦ Aug 2 at 12:18

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

  • 1

    See the following question, where an explicit solution is given:…
    – Christian Blatter
    Aug 2 at 13:31

  • 1

    See the following question, where an explicit solution is given:…
    – Christian Blatter
    Aug 2 at 13:31



See the following question, where an explicit solution is given:…
– Christian Blatter
Aug 2 at 13:31

See the following question, where an explicit solution is given:…
– Christian Blatter
Aug 2 at 13:31

1 Answer




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You are stuck, because there is no solution to this problem! As you already mentioned, you will get different $c_x_i$'s for different $i$.

As a counterexample, choose $f: [0,2pi] to mathbb R^2$ with $f(x) = left( cos(x), sin(x)right)$. Then $f(2pi) - f(0) = left(0, 0 right)$, but $f'(x) = left( - sin(x), cos(x)right)$ never assumes this value, as $sin$ and $cos$ have no mutual roots.

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    1 Answer




    1 Answer










    up vote
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    You are stuck, because there is no solution to this problem! As you already mentioned, you will get different $c_x_i$'s for different $i$.

    As a counterexample, choose $f: [0,2pi] to mathbb R^2$ with $f(x) = left( cos(x), sin(x)right)$. Then $f(2pi) - f(0) = left(0, 0 right)$, but $f'(x) = left( - sin(x), cos(x)right)$ never assumes this value, as $sin$ and $cos$ have no mutual roots.

    share|cite|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      You are stuck, because there is no solution to this problem! As you already mentioned, you will get different $c_x_i$'s for different $i$.

      As a counterexample, choose $f: [0,2pi] to mathbb R^2$ with $f(x) = left( cos(x), sin(x)right)$. Then $f(2pi) - f(0) = left(0, 0 right)$, but $f'(x) = left( - sin(x), cos(x)right)$ never assumes this value, as $sin$ and $cos$ have no mutual roots.

      share|cite|improve this answer

        up vote
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        up vote
        down vote

        You are stuck, because there is no solution to this problem! As you already mentioned, you will get different $c_x_i$'s for different $i$.

        As a counterexample, choose $f: [0,2pi] to mathbb R^2$ with $f(x) = left( cos(x), sin(x)right)$. Then $f(2pi) - f(0) = left(0, 0 right)$, but $f'(x) = left( - sin(x), cos(x)right)$ never assumes this value, as $sin$ and $cos$ have no mutual roots.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        You are stuck, because there is no solution to this problem! As you already mentioned, you will get different $c_x_i$'s for different $i$.

        As a counterexample, choose $f: [0,2pi] to mathbb R^2$ with $f(x) = left( cos(x), sin(x)right)$. Then $f(2pi) - f(0) = left(0, 0 right)$, but $f'(x) = left( - sin(x), cos(x)right)$ never assumes this value, as $sin$ and $cos$ have no mutual roots.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        answered Aug 2 at 12:13





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