Check convergence of the series $sum_n=1^inftycos^n^3frac1sqrt n$ [closed]

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Prove the convergence of the series
$$sum_n=1^inftycos^n^3frac1sqrt n$$
This is the first time that I'm learning about the convergence of the series and there are so many theorems about how to prove one and I really don't know which one to use.

I would really appreciate some help.

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closed as off-topic by Did, Nosrati, amWhy, Xander Henderson, Parcly Taxel Jul 26 at 1:22

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – Did, Nosrati, amWhy, Xander Henderson, Parcly Taxel
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • What does $n3$ mean? It makes a huge difference whether you mean $3n$ or $n^3$.
    – B. Goddard
    Jul 25 at 13:52

  • it's $n^3$ . I edited it
    – J.Dane
    Jul 25 at 13:56

  • 1

    I don't think there are "so many" theorems. When you have an $n$th power (or worse) then the root test suggests itself.
    – B. Goddard
    Jul 25 at 13:57

  • I said I'm new to this. I am trying to learn which theorem should I use for specific problems
    – J.Dane
    Jul 25 at 13:59

  • @J.Dane When proving convergence of series, one of the best tools in my opinion is using the comparison test. There are a bunch of series (geometric, harmonic, alternating harmonic, etc) which have already been proven to converge or diverge. If you are looking to prove convergence for a series A, you can compare it to a series B where every term in B is larger than the the terms in A. If B converges, then A must also converge. Hope this helps!
    – user9750060
    Jul 25 at 14:15

up vote
down vote


Prove the convergence of the series
$$sum_n=1^inftycos^n^3frac1sqrt n$$
This is the first time that I'm learning about the convergence of the series and there are so many theorems about how to prove one and I really don't know which one to use.

I would really appreciate some help.

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closed as off-topic by Did, Nosrati, amWhy, Xander Henderson, Parcly Taxel Jul 26 at 1:22

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – Did, Nosrati, amWhy, Xander Henderson, Parcly Taxel
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • What does $n3$ mean? It makes a huge difference whether you mean $3n$ or $n^3$.
    – B. Goddard
    Jul 25 at 13:52

  • it's $n^3$ . I edited it
    – J.Dane
    Jul 25 at 13:56

  • 1

    I don't think there are "so many" theorems. When you have an $n$th power (or worse) then the root test suggests itself.
    – B. Goddard
    Jul 25 at 13:57

  • I said I'm new to this. I am trying to learn which theorem should I use for specific problems
    – J.Dane
    Jul 25 at 13:59

  • @J.Dane When proving convergence of series, one of the best tools in my opinion is using the comparison test. There are a bunch of series (geometric, harmonic, alternating harmonic, etc) which have already been proven to converge or diverge. If you are looking to prove convergence for a series A, you can compare it to a series B where every term in B is larger than the the terms in A. If B converges, then A must also converge. Hope this helps!
    – user9750060
    Jul 25 at 14:15

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


Prove the convergence of the series
$$sum_n=1^inftycos^n^3frac1sqrt n$$
This is the first time that I'm learning about the convergence of the series and there are so many theorems about how to prove one and I really don't know which one to use.

I would really appreciate some help.

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Prove the convergence of the series
$$sum_n=1^inftycos^n^3frac1sqrt n$$
This is the first time that I'm learning about the convergence of the series and there are so many theorems about how to prove one and I really don't know which one to use.

I would really appreciate some help.

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edited Jul 25 at 13:55

asked Jul 25 at 13:49




closed as off-topic by Did, Nosrati, amWhy, Xander Henderson, Parcly Taxel Jul 26 at 1:22

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – Did, Nosrati, amWhy, Xander Henderson, Parcly Taxel
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as off-topic by Did, Nosrati, amWhy, Xander Henderson, Parcly Taxel Jul 26 at 1:22

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – Did, Nosrati, amWhy, Xander Henderson, Parcly Taxel
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • What does $n3$ mean? It makes a huge difference whether you mean $3n$ or $n^3$.
    – B. Goddard
    Jul 25 at 13:52

  • it's $n^3$ . I edited it
    – J.Dane
    Jul 25 at 13:56

  • 1

    I don't think there are "so many" theorems. When you have an $n$th power (or worse) then the root test suggests itself.
    – B. Goddard
    Jul 25 at 13:57

  • I said I'm new to this. I am trying to learn which theorem should I use for specific problems
    – J.Dane
    Jul 25 at 13:59

  • @J.Dane When proving convergence of series, one of the best tools in my opinion is using the comparison test. There are a bunch of series (geometric, harmonic, alternating harmonic, etc) which have already been proven to converge or diverge. If you are looking to prove convergence for a series A, you can compare it to a series B where every term in B is larger than the the terms in A. If B converges, then A must also converge. Hope this helps!
    – user9750060
    Jul 25 at 14:15

  • What does $n3$ mean? It makes a huge difference whether you mean $3n$ or $n^3$.
    – B. Goddard
    Jul 25 at 13:52

  • it's $n^3$ . I edited it
    – J.Dane
    Jul 25 at 13:56

  • 1

    I don't think there are "so many" theorems. When you have an $n$th power (or worse) then the root test suggests itself.
    – B. Goddard
    Jul 25 at 13:57

  • I said I'm new to this. I am trying to learn which theorem should I use for specific problems
    – J.Dane
    Jul 25 at 13:59

  • @J.Dane When proving convergence of series, one of the best tools in my opinion is using the comparison test. There are a bunch of series (geometric, harmonic, alternating harmonic, etc) which have already been proven to converge or diverge. If you are looking to prove convergence for a series A, you can compare it to a series B where every term in B is larger than the the terms in A. If B converges, then A must also converge. Hope this helps!
    – user9750060
    Jul 25 at 14:15

What does $n3$ mean? It makes a huge difference whether you mean $3n$ or $n^3$.
– B. Goddard
Jul 25 at 13:52

What does $n3$ mean? It makes a huge difference whether you mean $3n$ or $n^3$.
– B. Goddard
Jul 25 at 13:52

it's $n^3$ . I edited it
– J.Dane
Jul 25 at 13:56

it's $n^3$ . I edited it
– J.Dane
Jul 25 at 13:56



I don't think there are "so many" theorems. When you have an $n$th power (or worse) then the root test suggests itself.
– B. Goddard
Jul 25 at 13:57

I don't think there are "so many" theorems. When you have an $n$th power (or worse) then the root test suggests itself.
– B. Goddard
Jul 25 at 13:57

I said I'm new to this. I am trying to learn which theorem should I use for specific problems
– J.Dane
Jul 25 at 13:59

I said I'm new to this. I am trying to learn which theorem should I use for specific problems
– J.Dane
Jul 25 at 13:59

@J.Dane When proving convergence of series, one of the best tools in my opinion is using the comparison test. There are a bunch of series (geometric, harmonic, alternating harmonic, etc) which have already been proven to converge or diverge. If you are looking to prove convergence for a series A, you can compare it to a series B where every term in B is larger than the the terms in A. If B converges, then A must also converge. Hope this helps!
– user9750060
Jul 25 at 14:15

@J.Dane When proving convergence of series, one of the best tools in my opinion is using the comparison test. There are a bunch of series (geometric, harmonic, alternating harmonic, etc) which have already been proven to converge or diverge. If you are looking to prove convergence for a series A, you can compare it to a series B where every term in B is larger than the the terms in A. If B converges, then A must also converge. Hope this helps!
– user9750060
Jul 25 at 14:15

4 Answers




up vote
down vote


We need neither the root test nor Taylor's Theorem to proceed. Here instead, we use the elementary inequalities $log(1-x)le -x$ and $sin(x)ge 2x/pi$ (for $0<xle pi/2$).

Proceeding, we see that for $nge1$

0le cos^n^3(n^-1/2)&=e^n^3log(1-2sin^2(n^-1/2/2))\\
&le e^-2n^3sin^2(n^-1/2/2)\\
&le e^-2n^2/pi^2\\

Inasmuch as $sum_n=1^infty e^-2n^2/pi^2$ converges, we conclude that the series of interest converges also.

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  • Very nice and elegant solution!
    – gimusi
    Jul 25 at 14:59

  • @gimusi Thank you! Much appreciated.
    – Mark Viola
    Jul 25 at 15:00

  • Would the down voter care to comment???'
    – Mark Viola
    Jul 26 at 21:11

up vote
down vote

We have that

$$left(cosleft(frac1sqrt nright)right)^n^3= left(1-frac12n+frac124n^2+Oleft(frac1n^3right)right)^n^3=e^n^3logleft(1-frac12n+frac124n^2+Oleft(frac1n^3right)right)sim e^-fracn^22$$

therefore the given series converges by limit comparison test with $sum e^-fracn^22$.

As an alternative by root test for $a_n=left(cosleft(frac1sqrt nright)right)^n^3$ we have

$$sqrt[n]a_n=left(cosleft(frac1sqrt nright)right)^n^2sim e^-fracn2to 0$$

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  • 1

    I don’t understand the downvote.
    – Szeto
    Jul 25 at 14:09

  • @Szeto Thanks for your opinion, I was wondering the same and looking for the mistake! So you agree with that way to solve?
    – gimusi
    Jul 25 at 14:11

  • Maybe it got downvoted, because the solution is not elementary enough?
    – Cornman
    Jul 25 at 14:21

  • Note there are two close votes on the question (for a totally silly reason, imo). It can happen that an answer gets downvoted simply bbecause people disapprove of answering "bad" questions...
    – David C. Ullrich
    Jul 25 at 14:25

  • @DavidC.Ullrich On the other han some kind of elementary questions very poorly posed are ignored, as for example (and only as an example)
    – gimusi
    Jul 25 at 14:29

up vote
down vote

The simplest here is to use the root test: you should find the
$$lim_ntoinftybiggl(cos^n^3!frac1sqrt nbiggr)^!tfrac1n=lim_ntoinftycos^n^2!frac1sqrt n=0.$$


This is equivalent to showing $;lim_ntoinftyn^2logbiggl(cosdfrac1sqrt nbiggr)=-infty$, and you can use for that Taylor formula at order $2$:
$$cos u=1-fracu^22+o(u^2).$$

share|cite|improve this answer

  • 1

    I think it should be $n^2$ not $1/n^2$
    – J.Dane
    Jul 25 at 14:30

  • @DavidC.Ullrich: You're right. I should always check computations with a pencil and paper before posting, but I didn't. I've fixed the answer. Thank you for pointing the error!
    – Bernard
    Jul 25 at 14:39

up vote
down vote

In style to @MarkViola's version. Here is a proof of
$$0leqcosxleq e^-fracx^22, forall xin left[0,fracpi2right]$$
using nothing but derivatives, so may be classified as elementary.
Also, $0<frac1sqrtn<fracpi2, forall n >0$. Then
$$0leqcosfrac1sqrtnleq e^-frac12nRightarrow
0leq left(cosfrac1sqrtnright)^n^3leq e^-fracn^22 tag1$$
and finally
$$0leq sumlimits_n=1 left(cosfrac1sqrtnright)^n^3leq sumlimits_n=1e^-fracn^22$$

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    4 Answers




    4 Answers










    up vote
    down vote


    We need neither the root test nor Taylor's Theorem to proceed. Here instead, we use the elementary inequalities $log(1-x)le -x$ and $sin(x)ge 2x/pi$ (for $0<xle pi/2$).

    Proceeding, we see that for $nge1$

    0le cos^n^3(n^-1/2)&=e^n^3log(1-2sin^2(n^-1/2/2))\\
    &le e^-2n^3sin^2(n^-1/2/2)\\
    &le e^-2n^2/pi^2\\

    Inasmuch as $sum_n=1^infty e^-2n^2/pi^2$ converges, we conclude that the series of interest converges also.

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • Very nice and elegant solution!
      – gimusi
      Jul 25 at 14:59

    • @gimusi Thank you! Much appreciated.
      – Mark Viola
      Jul 25 at 15:00

    • Would the down voter care to comment???'
      – Mark Viola
      Jul 26 at 21:11

    up vote
    down vote


    We need neither the root test nor Taylor's Theorem to proceed. Here instead, we use the elementary inequalities $log(1-x)le -x$ and $sin(x)ge 2x/pi$ (for $0<xle pi/2$).

    Proceeding, we see that for $nge1$

    0le cos^n^3(n^-1/2)&=e^n^3log(1-2sin^2(n^-1/2/2))\\
    &le e^-2n^3sin^2(n^-1/2/2)\\
    &le e^-2n^2/pi^2\\

    Inasmuch as $sum_n=1^infty e^-2n^2/pi^2$ converges, we conclude that the series of interest converges also.

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • Very nice and elegant solution!
      – gimusi
      Jul 25 at 14:59

    • @gimusi Thank you! Much appreciated.
      – Mark Viola
      Jul 25 at 15:00

    • Would the down voter care to comment???'
      – Mark Viola
      Jul 26 at 21:11

    up vote
    down vote


    up vote
    down vote


    We need neither the root test nor Taylor's Theorem to proceed. Here instead, we use the elementary inequalities $log(1-x)le -x$ and $sin(x)ge 2x/pi$ (for $0<xle pi/2$).

    Proceeding, we see that for $nge1$

    0le cos^n^3(n^-1/2)&=e^n^3log(1-2sin^2(n^-1/2/2))\\
    &le e^-2n^3sin^2(n^-1/2/2)\\
    &le e^-2n^2/pi^2\\

    Inasmuch as $sum_n=1^infty e^-2n^2/pi^2$ converges, we conclude that the series of interest converges also.

    share|cite|improve this answer

    We need neither the root test nor Taylor's Theorem to proceed. Here instead, we use the elementary inequalities $log(1-x)le -x$ and $sin(x)ge 2x/pi$ (for $0<xle pi/2$).

    Proceeding, we see that for $nge1$

    0le cos^n^3(n^-1/2)&=e^n^3log(1-2sin^2(n^-1/2/2))\\
    &le e^-2n^3sin^2(n^-1/2/2)\\
    &le e^-2n^2/pi^2\\

    Inasmuch as $sum_n=1^infty e^-2n^2/pi^2$ converges, we conclude that the series of interest converges also.

    share|cite|improve this answer

    share|cite|improve this answer

    share|cite|improve this answer

    edited Jul 25 at 14:58

    answered Jul 25 at 14:48

    Mark Viola



    • Very nice and elegant solution!
      – gimusi
      Jul 25 at 14:59

    • @gimusi Thank you! Much appreciated.
      – Mark Viola
      Jul 25 at 15:00

    • Would the down voter care to comment???'
      – Mark Viola
      Jul 26 at 21:11

    • Very nice and elegant solution!
      – gimusi
      Jul 25 at 14:59

    • @gimusi Thank you! Much appreciated.
      – Mark Viola
      Jul 25 at 15:00

    • Would the down voter care to comment???'
      – Mark Viola
      Jul 26 at 21:11

    Very nice and elegant solution!
    – gimusi
    Jul 25 at 14:59

    Very nice and elegant solution!
    – gimusi
    Jul 25 at 14:59

    @gimusi Thank you! Much appreciated.
    – Mark Viola
    Jul 25 at 15:00

    @gimusi Thank you! Much appreciated.
    – Mark Viola
    Jul 25 at 15:00

    Would the down voter care to comment???'
    – Mark Viola
    Jul 26 at 21:11

    Would the down voter care to comment???'
    – Mark Viola
    Jul 26 at 21:11

    up vote
    down vote

    We have that

    $$left(cosleft(frac1sqrt nright)right)^n^3= left(1-frac12n+frac124n^2+Oleft(frac1n^3right)right)^n^3=e^n^3logleft(1-frac12n+frac124n^2+Oleft(frac1n^3right)right)sim e^-fracn^22$$

    therefore the given series converges by limit comparison test with $sum e^-fracn^22$.

    As an alternative by root test for $a_n=left(cosleft(frac1sqrt nright)right)^n^3$ we have

    $$sqrt[n]a_n=left(cosleft(frac1sqrt nright)right)^n^2sim e^-fracn2to 0$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • 1

      I don’t understand the downvote.
      – Szeto
      Jul 25 at 14:09

    • @Szeto Thanks for your opinion, I was wondering the same and looking for the mistake! So you agree with that way to solve?
      – gimusi
      Jul 25 at 14:11

    • Maybe it got downvoted, because the solution is not elementary enough?
      – Cornman
      Jul 25 at 14:21

    • Note there are two close votes on the question (for a totally silly reason, imo). It can happen that an answer gets downvoted simply bbecause people disapprove of answering "bad" questions...
      – David C. Ullrich
      Jul 25 at 14:25

    • @DavidC.Ullrich On the other han some kind of elementary questions very poorly posed are ignored, as for example (and only as an example)
      – gimusi
      Jul 25 at 14:29

    up vote
    down vote

    We have that

    $$left(cosleft(frac1sqrt nright)right)^n^3= left(1-frac12n+frac124n^2+Oleft(frac1n^3right)right)^n^3=e^n^3logleft(1-frac12n+frac124n^2+Oleft(frac1n^3right)right)sim e^-fracn^22$$

    therefore the given series converges by limit comparison test with $sum e^-fracn^22$.

    As an alternative by root test for $a_n=left(cosleft(frac1sqrt nright)right)^n^3$ we have

    $$sqrt[n]a_n=left(cosleft(frac1sqrt nright)right)^n^2sim e^-fracn2to 0$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • 1

      I don’t understand the downvote.
      – Szeto
      Jul 25 at 14:09

    • @Szeto Thanks for your opinion, I was wondering the same and looking for the mistake! So you agree with that way to solve?
      – gimusi
      Jul 25 at 14:11

    • Maybe it got downvoted, because the solution is not elementary enough?
      – Cornman
      Jul 25 at 14:21

    • Note there are two close votes on the question (for a totally silly reason, imo). It can happen that an answer gets downvoted simply bbecause people disapprove of answering "bad" questions...
      – David C. Ullrich
      Jul 25 at 14:25

    • @DavidC.Ullrich On the other han some kind of elementary questions very poorly posed are ignored, as for example (and only as an example)
      – gimusi
      Jul 25 at 14:29

    up vote
    down vote

    up vote
    down vote

    We have that

    $$left(cosleft(frac1sqrt nright)right)^n^3= left(1-frac12n+frac124n^2+Oleft(frac1n^3right)right)^n^3=e^n^3logleft(1-frac12n+frac124n^2+Oleft(frac1n^3right)right)sim e^-fracn^22$$

    therefore the given series converges by limit comparison test with $sum e^-fracn^22$.

    As an alternative by root test for $a_n=left(cosleft(frac1sqrt nright)right)^n^3$ we have

    $$sqrt[n]a_n=left(cosleft(frac1sqrt nright)right)^n^2sim e^-fracn2to 0$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

    We have that

    $$left(cosleft(frac1sqrt nright)right)^n^3= left(1-frac12n+frac124n^2+Oleft(frac1n^3right)right)^n^3=e^n^3logleft(1-frac12n+frac124n^2+Oleft(frac1n^3right)right)sim e^-fracn^22$$

    therefore the given series converges by limit comparison test with $sum e^-fracn^22$.

    As an alternative by root test for $a_n=left(cosleft(frac1sqrt nright)right)^n^3$ we have

    $$sqrt[n]a_n=left(cosleft(frac1sqrt nright)right)^n^2sim e^-fracn2to 0$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

    share|cite|improve this answer

    share|cite|improve this answer

    edited Jul 25 at 14:16

    answered Jul 25 at 13:59




    • 1

      I don’t understand the downvote.
      – Szeto
      Jul 25 at 14:09

    • @Szeto Thanks for your opinion, I was wondering the same and looking for the mistake! So you agree with that way to solve?
      – gimusi
      Jul 25 at 14:11

    • Maybe it got downvoted, because the solution is not elementary enough?
      – Cornman
      Jul 25 at 14:21

    • Note there are two close votes on the question (for a totally silly reason, imo). It can happen that an answer gets downvoted simply bbecause people disapprove of answering "bad" questions...
      – David C. Ullrich
      Jul 25 at 14:25

    • @DavidC.Ullrich On the other han some kind of elementary questions very poorly posed are ignored, as for example (and only as an example)
      – gimusi
      Jul 25 at 14:29

    • 1

      I don’t understand the downvote.
      – Szeto
      Jul 25 at 14:09

    • @Szeto Thanks for your opinion, I was wondering the same and looking for the mistake! So you agree with that way to solve?
      – gimusi
      Jul 25 at 14:11

    • Maybe it got downvoted, because the solution is not elementary enough?
      – Cornman
      Jul 25 at 14:21

    • Note there are two close votes on the question (for a totally silly reason, imo). It can happen that an answer gets downvoted simply bbecause people disapprove of answering "bad" questions...
      – David C. Ullrich
      Jul 25 at 14:25

    • @DavidC.Ullrich On the other han some kind of elementary questions very poorly posed are ignored, as for example (and only as an example)
      – gimusi
      Jul 25 at 14:29



    I don’t understand the downvote.
    – Szeto
    Jul 25 at 14:09

    I don’t understand the downvote.
    – Szeto
    Jul 25 at 14:09

    @Szeto Thanks for your opinion, I was wondering the same and looking for the mistake! So you agree with that way to solve?
    – gimusi
    Jul 25 at 14:11

    @Szeto Thanks for your opinion, I was wondering the same and looking for the mistake! So you agree with that way to solve?
    – gimusi
    Jul 25 at 14:11

    Maybe it got downvoted, because the solution is not elementary enough?
    – Cornman
    Jul 25 at 14:21

    Maybe it got downvoted, because the solution is not elementary enough?
    – Cornman
    Jul 25 at 14:21

    Note there are two close votes on the question (for a totally silly reason, imo). It can happen that an answer gets downvoted simply bbecause people disapprove of answering "bad" questions...
    – David C. Ullrich
    Jul 25 at 14:25

    Note there are two close votes on the question (for a totally silly reason, imo). It can happen that an answer gets downvoted simply bbecause people disapprove of answering "bad" questions...
    – David C. Ullrich
    Jul 25 at 14:25

    @DavidC.Ullrich On the other han some kind of elementary questions very poorly posed are ignored, as for example (and only as an example)
    – gimusi
    Jul 25 at 14:29

    @DavidC.Ullrich On the other han some kind of elementary questions very poorly posed are ignored, as for example (and only as an example)
    – gimusi
    Jul 25 at 14:29

    up vote
    down vote

    The simplest here is to use the root test: you should find the
    $$lim_ntoinftybiggl(cos^n^3!frac1sqrt nbiggr)^!tfrac1n=lim_ntoinftycos^n^2!frac1sqrt n=0.$$


    This is equivalent to showing $;lim_ntoinftyn^2logbiggl(cosdfrac1sqrt nbiggr)=-infty$, and you can use for that Taylor formula at order $2$:
    $$cos u=1-fracu^22+o(u^2).$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • 1

      I think it should be $n^2$ not $1/n^2$
      – J.Dane
      Jul 25 at 14:30

    • @DavidC.Ullrich: You're right. I should always check computations with a pencil and paper before posting, but I didn't. I've fixed the answer. Thank you for pointing the error!
      – Bernard
      Jul 25 at 14:39

    up vote
    down vote

    The simplest here is to use the root test: you should find the
    $$lim_ntoinftybiggl(cos^n^3!frac1sqrt nbiggr)^!tfrac1n=lim_ntoinftycos^n^2!frac1sqrt n=0.$$


    This is equivalent to showing $;lim_ntoinftyn^2logbiggl(cosdfrac1sqrt nbiggr)=-infty$, and you can use for that Taylor formula at order $2$:
    $$cos u=1-fracu^22+o(u^2).$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • 1

      I think it should be $n^2$ not $1/n^2$
      – J.Dane
      Jul 25 at 14:30

    • @DavidC.Ullrich: You're right. I should always check computations with a pencil and paper before posting, but I didn't. I've fixed the answer. Thank you for pointing the error!
      – Bernard
      Jul 25 at 14:39

    up vote
    down vote

    up vote
    down vote

    The simplest here is to use the root test: you should find the
    $$lim_ntoinftybiggl(cos^n^3!frac1sqrt nbiggr)^!tfrac1n=lim_ntoinftycos^n^2!frac1sqrt n=0.$$


    This is equivalent to showing $;lim_ntoinftyn^2logbiggl(cosdfrac1sqrt nbiggr)=-infty$, and you can use for that Taylor formula at order $2$:
    $$cos u=1-fracu^22+o(u^2).$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

    The simplest here is to use the root test: you should find the
    $$lim_ntoinftybiggl(cos^n^3!frac1sqrt nbiggr)^!tfrac1n=lim_ntoinftycos^n^2!frac1sqrt n=0.$$


    This is equivalent to showing $;lim_ntoinftyn^2logbiggl(cosdfrac1sqrt nbiggr)=-infty$, and you can use for that Taylor formula at order $2$:
    $$cos u=1-fracu^22+o(u^2).$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

    share|cite|improve this answer

    share|cite|improve this answer

    edited Jul 25 at 14:36

    answered Jul 25 at 14:24




    • 1

      I think it should be $n^2$ not $1/n^2$
      – J.Dane
      Jul 25 at 14:30

    • @DavidC.Ullrich: You're right. I should always check computations with a pencil and paper before posting, but I didn't. I've fixed the answer. Thank you for pointing the error!
      – Bernard
      Jul 25 at 14:39

    • 1

      I think it should be $n^2$ not $1/n^2$
      – J.Dane
      Jul 25 at 14:30

    • @DavidC.Ullrich: You're right. I should always check computations with a pencil and paper before posting, but I didn't. I've fixed the answer. Thank you for pointing the error!
      – Bernard
      Jul 25 at 14:39



    I think it should be $n^2$ not $1/n^2$
    – J.Dane
    Jul 25 at 14:30

    I think it should be $n^2$ not $1/n^2$
    – J.Dane
    Jul 25 at 14:30

    @DavidC.Ullrich: You're right. I should always check computations with a pencil and paper before posting, but I didn't. I've fixed the answer. Thank you for pointing the error!
    – Bernard
    Jul 25 at 14:39

    @DavidC.Ullrich: You're right. I should always check computations with a pencil and paper before posting, but I didn't. I've fixed the answer. Thank you for pointing the error!
    – Bernard
    Jul 25 at 14:39

    up vote
    down vote

    In style to @MarkViola's version. Here is a proof of
    $$0leqcosxleq e^-fracx^22, forall xin left[0,fracpi2right]$$
    using nothing but derivatives, so may be classified as elementary.
    Also, $0<frac1sqrtn<fracpi2, forall n >0$. Then
    $$0leqcosfrac1sqrtnleq e^-frac12nRightarrow
    0leq left(cosfrac1sqrtnright)^n^3leq e^-fracn^22 tag1$$
    and finally
    $$0leq sumlimits_n=1 left(cosfrac1sqrtnright)^n^3leq sumlimits_n=1e^-fracn^22$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      In style to @MarkViola's version. Here is a proof of
      $$0leqcosxleq e^-fracx^22, forall xin left[0,fracpi2right]$$
      using nothing but derivatives, so may be classified as elementary.
      Also, $0<frac1sqrtn<fracpi2, forall n >0$. Then
      $$0leqcosfrac1sqrtnleq e^-frac12nRightarrow
      0leq left(cosfrac1sqrtnright)^n^3leq e^-fracn^22 tag1$$
      and finally
      $$0leq sumlimits_n=1 left(cosfrac1sqrtnright)^n^3leq sumlimits_n=1e^-fracn^22$$

      share|cite|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        In style to @MarkViola's version. Here is a proof of
        $$0leqcosxleq e^-fracx^22, forall xin left[0,fracpi2right]$$
        using nothing but derivatives, so may be classified as elementary.
        Also, $0<frac1sqrtn<fracpi2, forall n >0$. Then
        $$0leqcosfrac1sqrtnleq e^-frac12nRightarrow
        0leq left(cosfrac1sqrtnright)^n^3leq e^-fracn^22 tag1$$
        and finally
        $$0leq sumlimits_n=1 left(cosfrac1sqrtnright)^n^3leq sumlimits_n=1e^-fracn^22$$

        share|cite|improve this answer

        In style to @MarkViola's version. Here is a proof of
        $$0leqcosxleq e^-fracx^22, forall xin left[0,fracpi2right]$$
        using nothing but derivatives, so may be classified as elementary.
        Also, $0<frac1sqrtn<fracpi2, forall n >0$. Then
        $$0leqcosfrac1sqrtnleq e^-frac12nRightarrow
        0leq left(cosfrac1sqrtnright)^n^3leq e^-fracn^22 tag1$$
        and finally
        $$0leq sumlimits_n=1 left(cosfrac1sqrtnright)^n^3leq sumlimits_n=1e^-fracn^22$$

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        answered Jul 25 at 15:28





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