Zero divisor in $R[x]$

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Let $R$ be commutative ring with no (nonzero) nilpotents. If $f(x) = a_0+a_1x+cdots+a_nx^n$ is a zero divisor in $R[x]$, how do I show there's an element $b ne 0$ in $R$ such that $ba_0=ba_1=cdots=ba_n=0$?

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    Let $R$ be commutative ring with no (nonzero) nilpotents. If $f(x) = a_0+a_1x+cdots+a_nx^n$ is a zero divisor in $R[x]$, how do I show there's an element $b ne 0$ in $R$ such that $ba_0=ba_1=cdots=ba_n=0$?

    share|cite|improve this question

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      Let $R$ be commutative ring with no (nonzero) nilpotents. If $f(x) = a_0+a_1x+cdots+a_nx^n$ is a zero divisor in $R[x]$, how do I show there's an element $b ne 0$ in $R$ such that $ba_0=ba_1=cdots=ba_n=0$?

      share|cite|improve this question

      Let $R$ be commutative ring with no (nonzero) nilpotents. If $f(x) = a_0+a_1x+cdots+a_nx^n$ is a zero divisor in $R[x]$, how do I show there's an element $b ne 0$ in $R$ such that $ba_0=ba_1=cdots=ba_n=0$?

      share|cite|improve this question

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      edited Dec 14 '14 at 12:19




      asked Nov 17 '11 at 17:47




          4 Answers




          up vote
          down vote


          It is true over any commutative ring, and is sometimes called McCoy's theorem. Below is a proof sketch
          from my sci.math post on 5/4/2004:

          Theorem $ $ Let $ ,F in R[X]$ be a polynomial over a commutative ring $ ,R.,$
          If $ ,F,$ is a zero-divisor then $ ,r,F = 0,$ for some nonzero $ ,r in R.$

          Proof $ $ Suppose not. Choose $ ,G ne 0,$ of min degree with $ ,F,G = 0.,$

          Write $ ,F =, a +,cdots,+ f X^k +,cdots,+ c X^m $

          and $ G = b +,cdots,+ g X^n,,$ where $ ,g ne 0:$ and $ ,f,$ is the highest deg coef of $ ,F,$ with $ ,f,G ne 0,$ (note that such an $ ,f,$ exists else $ ,F,g = 0,$ contra supposition).

          Then $ ,F,G = (a +,cdots,+ f X^k) (b +,cdots,+ g X^n) = 0.$

          Thus $ ,f,g = 0,$ so $ ,deg(f,G) < n,$ and $ , F,(f,G) = 0,,$ contra minimality of $ ,G. $ QED

          Alternatively it follows Gauss's Lemma
          (Dedekind-Mertens form) or related results.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          • 1

            Why does this imply that F(fG)=0? I understand that FG = 0 but why does this say something about the effect of F on the polynomial fG with deg(fG) < deg(G)?
            – mathjacks
            Sep 7 '14 at 15:54

          • 1

            $F(fG)=0$ follows from $FG=0$. The discussion before was needed in order to ensure that $deg(fG)<deg(G)$.
            – Martin Brandenburg
            Sep 27 '14 at 13:51

          • 1

            Bill, what an elegant proof! Thanks for sharing this lovely argument.
            – Prism
            Jun 26 '15 at 20:43

          • 2

            @user95553 While $,fg =X^7 - X = 0,$ as a polynomial function on $,Bbb Z_7,,$ it is not true that $,X^7-X = 0,$ as formal polynomials $in Bbb Z_7[X].,$ Formal vs. functional polynomials is discussed in many prior answers, e.g. this one.
            – Number
            Aug 23 '15 at 15:07

          • 1

            @user386627 e.g. $,Fg = 0 (Rightarrow, gF = 0),,$ and $,F(fG) = f(FG)= 0 $
            – Number
            Feb 28 '17 at 18:35

          up vote
          down vote

          Assume that $gf=0$ for some $gin R[X]$ and let $c$ be the leading coefficient of $g$. Then $ca_n=0$. Therefore $cf$ is either $0$ (in which case $c$ is your $b$), or $cf$ has degree less than $n$ with $g(cf)=0$. Proceed by induction on $n$. In the end you find that some power of $c$ kills every $a_i$, and $c$ was not nilpotent ...

          share|cite|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote

            Apparently, Bill Dubuque's argument is not really about polynomial rings. Here is a generalization.

            Let $A$ be a commutative $mathbbN$-graded ring. Let $f in A$ be a zero divisor. Then there is some $0 neq a in A$ homogeneous such that $a f = 0$.

            Proof. Choose some $0 neq g in A$ of minimal total degree with $fg=0$. Let $f=f_0+f_1+cdots$ and $g=g_0+g_1+cdots+g_d$ be the homogeneous decompositions with $g_d neq 0$. If $f g_d = 0$, we are done. Otherwise, we have $f_i g_d neq 0$ for some $i$, and hence $f_i g neq 0$. Choose $i$ maximal with $f_i g neq 0$. Then $0=fg=(f_0+cdots+f_i)g=(f_0+cdots+f_i)(g_0+cdots+g_d)$ implies $f_i g_d = 0$. Then $f_i g$ has smaller degree than $g$, but still satisfies $f(f_i g)=0$ and $f_i g neq 0$, a contradiction. $square$

            This may be applied to $A=R[x]$ with the usual grading. Hence, any zero divisor in $R[x]$ is killed by some element of the form $r x^n$ ($r in R setminus 0$) and then also by $r$.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • 3

              why is degree of $f_ig$ smaller than degree of $g$ (in graded ring)?
              – Pham Hung Quy
              Dec 14 '14 at 14:11

            • 1

              I've asked about the correctness of this proof here
              – Jay
              Jul 31 '16 at 21:04

            • 1

              @Jay The above proof can be easily fixed if one considers $g$ as having the minimal number of non-zero homogeneous components among the polynomials with the property $fg=0$. (As you can notice, the answerer wanted to mimic the proof given for polynomials in the accepted answer, and this is an easy task.)
              – user26857
              Aug 2 '16 at 15:01

            • @user26857: Yeah that makes sense. That's a neat trick, looking at the number of homogeneous components instead of the degree. Good to know this proof can be fixed!
              – Jay
              Aug 2 '16 at 22:03

            • Bill Dubuque is temporarily "Number $1$", in case someone does not know. See his answer above.
              – Dietrich Burde
              Nov 6 '17 at 15:54

            up vote
            down vote

            This is the case of Armendariz Rings, which I studied in last summer briefly. It is an interesting topic.

            A ring $R$ is called Armendariz if whenever $f(x)=sum_i=0^ma_ix^i, g(x)=sum_j=0^nb_jx^j in R[x]$ such that $f(x)g(x)=0$, then $a_ib_j=0 forall i,j$.

            In his paper "A NOTE ON EXTENSIONS OF BAER AND P. P. -RINGS" in 1973, Armendariz proved that Reduced rings are Armendariz which is a nice generalization of your result.

            Proof- Let $fg=0$ and assuming $m=n$ is sufficient. We then have $$a_0b_0=0,\ a_1b_0+a_0b_1=0 ,\ vdots \a_nb_0+dots +a_0b_n=0$$

            Since $R$ is reduced, $a_0b_0=0implies (b_0a_0)^2=b_0(a_0b_0)a_0=0 implies b_0a_0=0$.

            Now left multiplying $a_1b_0+b_1a_0=0$ by $b_0$ we get $b_0a_1b_0=-b_0a_0b_1=0 implies (a_1b_0)^2=a_1(b_0a_1b_0)=0 implies a_1b_0=0$.

            Similarly we get $a_ib_0=0 forall 1leq i leq n$.

            Now original equations reduces to

            $$a_0b_1=0\ a_1b_1+a_0b_2=0\ vdots\ a_n-1b_1+dots +a_0b_n=0$$ and then by same process first we will get that $a_0b_1=0$ and then multiplying on left of $a_1b_1+a_0b_2=0$ by $b_1$ we get $a_1b_1=0$, and so on we will get, $a_ib_1=0 forall 1le i le n$.

            Similarly, Repeating it we get $a_ib_j=0 forall 1 leq i,j leq n$. $hspace5.5cmblacksquare$

            Some other examples of Armendariz Rings are:

            • $BbbZ/nBbbZ forall n$.

            • All domains and fields (which are reduced).

            • If A and B are Armendariz , then $A(+)B$ in which multiplication is defined by $(a,b)(a',b')=(aa',ab'+a'b)$ is Armendariz.

            • Direct Product of Armendariz rings.

            share|cite|improve this answer

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              4 Answers




              4 Answers










              up vote
              down vote


              It is true over any commutative ring, and is sometimes called McCoy's theorem. Below is a proof sketch
              from my sci.math post on 5/4/2004:

              Theorem $ $ Let $ ,F in R[X]$ be a polynomial over a commutative ring $ ,R.,$
              If $ ,F,$ is a zero-divisor then $ ,r,F = 0,$ for some nonzero $ ,r in R.$

              Proof $ $ Suppose not. Choose $ ,G ne 0,$ of min degree with $ ,F,G = 0.,$

              Write $ ,F =, a +,cdots,+ f X^k +,cdots,+ c X^m $

              and $ G = b +,cdots,+ g X^n,,$ where $ ,g ne 0:$ and $ ,f,$ is the highest deg coef of $ ,F,$ with $ ,f,G ne 0,$ (note that such an $ ,f,$ exists else $ ,F,g = 0,$ contra supposition).

              Then $ ,F,G = (a +,cdots,+ f X^k) (b +,cdots,+ g X^n) = 0.$

              Thus $ ,f,g = 0,$ so $ ,deg(f,G) < n,$ and $ , F,(f,G) = 0,,$ contra minimality of $ ,G. $ QED

              Alternatively it follows Gauss's Lemma
              (Dedekind-Mertens form) or related results.

              share|cite|improve this answer

              • 1

                Why does this imply that F(fG)=0? I understand that FG = 0 but why does this say something about the effect of F on the polynomial fG with deg(fG) < deg(G)?
                – mathjacks
                Sep 7 '14 at 15:54

              • 1

                $F(fG)=0$ follows from $FG=0$. The discussion before was needed in order to ensure that $deg(fG)<deg(G)$.
                – Martin Brandenburg
                Sep 27 '14 at 13:51

              • 1

                Bill, what an elegant proof! Thanks for sharing this lovely argument.
                – Prism
                Jun 26 '15 at 20:43

              • 2

                @user95553 While $,fg =X^7 - X = 0,$ as a polynomial function on $,Bbb Z_7,,$ it is not true that $,X^7-X = 0,$ as formal polynomials $in Bbb Z_7[X].,$ Formal vs. functional polynomials is discussed in many prior answers, e.g. this one.
                – Number
                Aug 23 '15 at 15:07

              • 1

                @user386627 e.g. $,Fg = 0 (Rightarrow, gF = 0),,$ and $,F(fG) = f(FG)= 0 $
                – Number
                Feb 28 '17 at 18:35

              up vote
              down vote


              It is true over any commutative ring, and is sometimes called McCoy's theorem. Below is a proof sketch
              from my sci.math post on 5/4/2004:

              Theorem $ $ Let $ ,F in R[X]$ be a polynomial over a commutative ring $ ,R.,$
              If $ ,F,$ is a zero-divisor then $ ,r,F = 0,$ for some nonzero $ ,r in R.$

              Proof $ $ Suppose not. Choose $ ,G ne 0,$ of min degree with $ ,F,G = 0.,$

              Write $ ,F =, a +,cdots,+ f X^k +,cdots,+ c X^m $

              and $ G = b +,cdots,+ g X^n,,$ where $ ,g ne 0:$ and $ ,f,$ is the highest deg coef of $ ,F,$ with $ ,f,G ne 0,$ (note that such an $ ,f,$ exists else $ ,F,g = 0,$ contra supposition).

              Then $ ,F,G = (a +,cdots,+ f X^k) (b +,cdots,+ g X^n) = 0.$

              Thus $ ,f,g = 0,$ so $ ,deg(f,G) < n,$ and $ , F,(f,G) = 0,,$ contra minimality of $ ,G. $ QED

              Alternatively it follows Gauss's Lemma
              (Dedekind-Mertens form) or related results.

              share|cite|improve this answer

              • 1

                Why does this imply that F(fG)=0? I understand that FG = 0 but why does this say something about the effect of F on the polynomial fG with deg(fG) < deg(G)?
                – mathjacks
                Sep 7 '14 at 15:54

              • 1

                $F(fG)=0$ follows from $FG=0$. The discussion before was needed in order to ensure that $deg(fG)<deg(G)$.
                – Martin Brandenburg
                Sep 27 '14 at 13:51

              • 1

                Bill, what an elegant proof! Thanks for sharing this lovely argument.
                – Prism
                Jun 26 '15 at 20:43

              • 2

                @user95553 While $,fg =X^7 - X = 0,$ as a polynomial function on $,Bbb Z_7,,$ it is not true that $,X^7-X = 0,$ as formal polynomials $in Bbb Z_7[X].,$ Formal vs. functional polynomials is discussed in many prior answers, e.g. this one.
                – Number
                Aug 23 '15 at 15:07

              • 1

                @user386627 e.g. $,Fg = 0 (Rightarrow, gF = 0),,$ and $,F(fG) = f(FG)= 0 $
                – Number
                Feb 28 '17 at 18:35

              up vote
              down vote


              up vote
              down vote


              It is true over any commutative ring, and is sometimes called McCoy's theorem. Below is a proof sketch
              from my sci.math post on 5/4/2004:

              Theorem $ $ Let $ ,F in R[X]$ be a polynomial over a commutative ring $ ,R.,$
              If $ ,F,$ is a zero-divisor then $ ,r,F = 0,$ for some nonzero $ ,r in R.$

              Proof $ $ Suppose not. Choose $ ,G ne 0,$ of min degree with $ ,F,G = 0.,$

              Write $ ,F =, a +,cdots,+ f X^k +,cdots,+ c X^m $

              and $ G = b +,cdots,+ g X^n,,$ where $ ,g ne 0:$ and $ ,f,$ is the highest deg coef of $ ,F,$ with $ ,f,G ne 0,$ (note that such an $ ,f,$ exists else $ ,F,g = 0,$ contra supposition).

              Then $ ,F,G = (a +,cdots,+ f X^k) (b +,cdots,+ g X^n) = 0.$

              Thus $ ,f,g = 0,$ so $ ,deg(f,G) < n,$ and $ , F,(f,G) = 0,,$ contra minimality of $ ,G. $ QED

              Alternatively it follows Gauss's Lemma
              (Dedekind-Mertens form) or related results.

              share|cite|improve this answer

              It is true over any commutative ring, and is sometimes called McCoy's theorem. Below is a proof sketch
              from my sci.math post on 5/4/2004:

              Theorem $ $ Let $ ,F in R[X]$ be a polynomial over a commutative ring $ ,R.,$
              If $ ,F,$ is a zero-divisor then $ ,r,F = 0,$ for some nonzero $ ,r in R.$

              Proof $ $ Suppose not. Choose $ ,G ne 0,$ of min degree with $ ,F,G = 0.,$

              Write $ ,F =, a +,cdots,+ f X^k +,cdots,+ c X^m $

              and $ G = b +,cdots,+ g X^n,,$ where $ ,g ne 0:$ and $ ,f,$ is the highest deg coef of $ ,F,$ with $ ,f,G ne 0,$ (note that such an $ ,f,$ exists else $ ,F,g = 0,$ contra supposition).

              Then $ ,F,G = (a +,cdots,+ f X^k) (b +,cdots,+ g X^n) = 0.$

              Thus $ ,f,g = 0,$ so $ ,deg(f,G) < n,$ and $ , F,(f,G) = 0,,$ contra minimality of $ ,G. $ QED

              Alternatively it follows Gauss's Lemma
              (Dedekind-Mertens form) or related results.

              share|cite|improve this answer

              share|cite|improve this answer

              share|cite|improve this answer

              edited Jul 17 '16 at 3:33

              answered Nov 17 '11 at 20:12




              • 1

                Why does this imply that F(fG)=0? I understand that FG = 0 but why does this say something about the effect of F on the polynomial fG with deg(fG) < deg(G)?
                – mathjacks
                Sep 7 '14 at 15:54

              • 1

                $F(fG)=0$ follows from $FG=0$. The discussion before was needed in order to ensure that $deg(fG)<deg(G)$.
                – Martin Brandenburg
                Sep 27 '14 at 13:51

              • 1

                Bill, what an elegant proof! Thanks for sharing this lovely argument.
                – Prism
                Jun 26 '15 at 20:43

              • 2

                @user95553 While $,fg =X^7 - X = 0,$ as a polynomial function on $,Bbb Z_7,,$ it is not true that $,X^7-X = 0,$ as formal polynomials $in Bbb Z_7[X].,$ Formal vs. functional polynomials is discussed in many prior answers, e.g. this one.
                – Number
                Aug 23 '15 at 15:07

              • 1

                @user386627 e.g. $,Fg = 0 (Rightarrow, gF = 0),,$ and $,F(fG) = f(FG)= 0 $
                – Number
                Feb 28 '17 at 18:35

              • 1

                Why does this imply that F(fG)=0? I understand that FG = 0 but why does this say something about the effect of F on the polynomial fG with deg(fG) < deg(G)?
                – mathjacks
                Sep 7 '14 at 15:54

              • 1

                $F(fG)=0$ follows from $FG=0$. The discussion before was needed in order to ensure that $deg(fG)<deg(G)$.
                – Martin Brandenburg
                Sep 27 '14 at 13:51

              • 1

                Bill, what an elegant proof! Thanks for sharing this lovely argument.
                – Prism
                Jun 26 '15 at 20:43

              • 2

                @user95553 While $,fg =X^7 - X = 0,$ as a polynomial function on $,Bbb Z_7,,$ it is not true that $,X^7-X = 0,$ as formal polynomials $in Bbb Z_7[X].,$ Formal vs. functional polynomials is discussed in many prior answers, e.g. this one.
                – Number
                Aug 23 '15 at 15:07

              • 1

                @user386627 e.g. $,Fg = 0 (Rightarrow, gF = 0),,$ and $,F(fG) = f(FG)= 0 $
                – Number
                Feb 28 '17 at 18:35



              Why does this imply that F(fG)=0? I understand that FG = 0 but why does this say something about the effect of F on the polynomial fG with deg(fG) < deg(G)?
              – mathjacks
              Sep 7 '14 at 15:54

              Why does this imply that F(fG)=0? I understand that FG = 0 but why does this say something about the effect of F on the polynomial fG with deg(fG) < deg(G)?
              – mathjacks
              Sep 7 '14 at 15:54



              $F(fG)=0$ follows from $FG=0$. The discussion before was needed in order to ensure that $deg(fG)<deg(G)$.
              – Martin Brandenburg
              Sep 27 '14 at 13:51

              $F(fG)=0$ follows from $FG=0$. The discussion before was needed in order to ensure that $deg(fG)<deg(G)$.
              – Martin Brandenburg
              Sep 27 '14 at 13:51



              Bill, what an elegant proof! Thanks for sharing this lovely argument.
              – Prism
              Jun 26 '15 at 20:43

              Bill, what an elegant proof! Thanks for sharing this lovely argument.
              – Prism
              Jun 26 '15 at 20:43



              @user95553 While $,fg =X^7 - X = 0,$ as a polynomial function on $,Bbb Z_7,,$ it is not true that $,X^7-X = 0,$ as formal polynomials $in Bbb Z_7[X].,$ Formal vs. functional polynomials is discussed in many prior answers, e.g. this one.
              – Number
              Aug 23 '15 at 15:07

              @user95553 While $,fg =X^7 - X = 0,$ as a polynomial function on $,Bbb Z_7,,$ it is not true that $,X^7-X = 0,$ as formal polynomials $in Bbb Z_7[X].,$ Formal vs. functional polynomials is discussed in many prior answers, e.g. this one.
              – Number
              Aug 23 '15 at 15:07



              @user386627 e.g. $,Fg = 0 (Rightarrow, gF = 0),,$ and $,F(fG) = f(FG)= 0 $
              – Number
              Feb 28 '17 at 18:35

              @user386627 e.g. $,Fg = 0 (Rightarrow, gF = 0),,$ and $,F(fG) = f(FG)= 0 $
              – Number
              Feb 28 '17 at 18:35

              up vote
              down vote

              Assume that $gf=0$ for some $gin R[X]$ and let $c$ be the leading coefficient of $g$. Then $ca_n=0$. Therefore $cf$ is either $0$ (in which case $c$ is your $b$), or $cf$ has degree less than $n$ with $g(cf)=0$. Proceed by induction on $n$. In the end you find that some power of $c$ kills every $a_i$, and $c$ was not nilpotent ...

              share|cite|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                Assume that $gf=0$ for some $gin R[X]$ and let $c$ be the leading coefficient of $g$. Then $ca_n=0$. Therefore $cf$ is either $0$ (in which case $c$ is your $b$), or $cf$ has degree less than $n$ with $g(cf)=0$. Proceed by induction on $n$. In the end you find that some power of $c$ kills every $a_i$, and $c$ was not nilpotent ...

                share|cite|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  Assume that $gf=0$ for some $gin R[X]$ and let $c$ be the leading coefficient of $g$. Then $ca_n=0$. Therefore $cf$ is either $0$ (in which case $c$ is your $b$), or $cf$ has degree less than $n$ with $g(cf)=0$. Proceed by induction on $n$. In the end you find that some power of $c$ kills every $a_i$, and $c$ was not nilpotent ...

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  Assume that $gf=0$ for some $gin R[X]$ and let $c$ be the leading coefficient of $g$. Then $ca_n=0$. Therefore $cf$ is either $0$ (in which case $c$ is your $b$), or $cf$ has degree less than $n$ with $g(cf)=0$. Proceed by induction on $n$. In the end you find that some power of $c$ kills every $a_i$, and $c$ was not nilpotent ...

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  answered Nov 17 '11 at 18:01

                  Henning Makholm



                      up vote
                      down vote

                      Apparently, Bill Dubuque's argument is not really about polynomial rings. Here is a generalization.

                      Let $A$ be a commutative $mathbbN$-graded ring. Let $f in A$ be a zero divisor. Then there is some $0 neq a in A$ homogeneous such that $a f = 0$.

                      Proof. Choose some $0 neq g in A$ of minimal total degree with $fg=0$. Let $f=f_0+f_1+cdots$ and $g=g_0+g_1+cdots+g_d$ be the homogeneous decompositions with $g_d neq 0$. If $f g_d = 0$, we are done. Otherwise, we have $f_i g_d neq 0$ for some $i$, and hence $f_i g neq 0$. Choose $i$ maximal with $f_i g neq 0$. Then $0=fg=(f_0+cdots+f_i)g=(f_0+cdots+f_i)(g_0+cdots+g_d)$ implies $f_i g_d = 0$. Then $f_i g$ has smaller degree than $g$, but still satisfies $f(f_i g)=0$ and $f_i g neq 0$, a contradiction. $square$

                      This may be applied to $A=R[x]$ with the usual grading. Hence, any zero divisor in $R[x]$ is killed by some element of the form $r x^n$ ($r in R setminus 0$) and then also by $r$.

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      • 3

                        why is degree of $f_ig$ smaller than degree of $g$ (in graded ring)?
                        – Pham Hung Quy
                        Dec 14 '14 at 14:11

                      • 1

                        I've asked about the correctness of this proof here
                        – Jay
                        Jul 31 '16 at 21:04

                      • 1

                        @Jay The above proof can be easily fixed if one considers $g$ as having the minimal number of non-zero homogeneous components among the polynomials with the property $fg=0$. (As you can notice, the answerer wanted to mimic the proof given for polynomials in the accepted answer, and this is an easy task.)
                        – user26857
                        Aug 2 '16 at 15:01

                      • @user26857: Yeah that makes sense. That's a neat trick, looking at the number of homogeneous components instead of the degree. Good to know this proof can be fixed!
                        – Jay
                        Aug 2 '16 at 22:03

                      • Bill Dubuque is temporarily "Number $1$", in case someone does not know. See his answer above.
                        – Dietrich Burde
                        Nov 6 '17 at 15:54

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      Apparently, Bill Dubuque's argument is not really about polynomial rings. Here is a generalization.

                      Let $A$ be a commutative $mathbbN$-graded ring. Let $f in A$ be a zero divisor. Then there is some $0 neq a in A$ homogeneous such that $a f = 0$.

                      Proof. Choose some $0 neq g in A$ of minimal total degree with $fg=0$. Let $f=f_0+f_1+cdots$ and $g=g_0+g_1+cdots+g_d$ be the homogeneous decompositions with $g_d neq 0$. If $f g_d = 0$, we are done. Otherwise, we have $f_i g_d neq 0$ for some $i$, and hence $f_i g neq 0$. Choose $i$ maximal with $f_i g neq 0$. Then $0=fg=(f_0+cdots+f_i)g=(f_0+cdots+f_i)(g_0+cdots+g_d)$ implies $f_i g_d = 0$. Then $f_i g$ has smaller degree than $g$, but still satisfies $f(f_i g)=0$ and $f_i g neq 0$, a contradiction. $square$

                      This may be applied to $A=R[x]$ with the usual grading. Hence, any zero divisor in $R[x]$ is killed by some element of the form $r x^n$ ($r in R setminus 0$) and then also by $r$.

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      • 3

                        why is degree of $f_ig$ smaller than degree of $g$ (in graded ring)?
                        – Pham Hung Quy
                        Dec 14 '14 at 14:11

                      • 1

                        I've asked about the correctness of this proof here
                        – Jay
                        Jul 31 '16 at 21:04

                      • 1

                        @Jay The above proof can be easily fixed if one considers $g$ as having the minimal number of non-zero homogeneous components among the polynomials with the property $fg=0$. (As you can notice, the answerer wanted to mimic the proof given for polynomials in the accepted answer, and this is an easy task.)
                        – user26857
                        Aug 2 '16 at 15:01

                      • @user26857: Yeah that makes sense. That's a neat trick, looking at the number of homogeneous components instead of the degree. Good to know this proof can be fixed!
                        – Jay
                        Aug 2 '16 at 22:03

                      • Bill Dubuque is temporarily "Number $1$", in case someone does not know. See his answer above.
                        – Dietrich Burde
                        Nov 6 '17 at 15:54

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      Apparently, Bill Dubuque's argument is not really about polynomial rings. Here is a generalization.

                      Let $A$ be a commutative $mathbbN$-graded ring. Let $f in A$ be a zero divisor. Then there is some $0 neq a in A$ homogeneous such that $a f = 0$.

                      Proof. Choose some $0 neq g in A$ of minimal total degree with $fg=0$. Let $f=f_0+f_1+cdots$ and $g=g_0+g_1+cdots+g_d$ be the homogeneous decompositions with $g_d neq 0$. If $f g_d = 0$, we are done. Otherwise, we have $f_i g_d neq 0$ for some $i$, and hence $f_i g neq 0$. Choose $i$ maximal with $f_i g neq 0$. Then $0=fg=(f_0+cdots+f_i)g=(f_0+cdots+f_i)(g_0+cdots+g_d)$ implies $f_i g_d = 0$. Then $f_i g$ has smaller degree than $g$, but still satisfies $f(f_i g)=0$ and $f_i g neq 0$, a contradiction. $square$

                      This may be applied to $A=R[x]$ with the usual grading. Hence, any zero divisor in $R[x]$ is killed by some element of the form $r x^n$ ($r in R setminus 0$) and then also by $r$.

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      Apparently, Bill Dubuque's argument is not really about polynomial rings. Here is a generalization.

                      Let $A$ be a commutative $mathbbN$-graded ring. Let $f in A$ be a zero divisor. Then there is some $0 neq a in A$ homogeneous such that $a f = 0$.

                      Proof. Choose some $0 neq g in A$ of minimal total degree with $fg=0$. Let $f=f_0+f_1+cdots$ and $g=g_0+g_1+cdots+g_d$ be the homogeneous decompositions with $g_d neq 0$. If $f g_d = 0$, we are done. Otherwise, we have $f_i g_d neq 0$ for some $i$, and hence $f_i g neq 0$. Choose $i$ maximal with $f_i g neq 0$. Then $0=fg=(f_0+cdots+f_i)g=(f_0+cdots+f_i)(g_0+cdots+g_d)$ implies $f_i g_d = 0$. Then $f_i g$ has smaller degree than $g$, but still satisfies $f(f_i g)=0$ and $f_i g neq 0$, a contradiction. $square$

                      This may be applied to $A=R[x]$ with the usual grading. Hence, any zero divisor in $R[x]$ is killed by some element of the form $r x^n$ ($r in R setminus 0$) and then also by $r$.

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      edited Aug 2 '16 at 15:06




                      answered Sep 27 '14 at 13:57

                      Martin Brandenburg



                      • 3

                        why is degree of $f_ig$ smaller than degree of $g$ (in graded ring)?
                        – Pham Hung Quy
                        Dec 14 '14 at 14:11

                      • 1

                        I've asked about the correctness of this proof here
                        – Jay
                        Jul 31 '16 at 21:04

                      • 1

                        @Jay The above proof can be easily fixed if one considers $g$ as having the minimal number of non-zero homogeneous components among the polynomials with the property $fg=0$. (As you can notice, the answerer wanted to mimic the proof given for polynomials in the accepted answer, and this is an easy task.)
                        – user26857
                        Aug 2 '16 at 15:01

                      • @user26857: Yeah that makes sense. That's a neat trick, looking at the number of homogeneous components instead of the degree. Good to know this proof can be fixed!
                        – Jay
                        Aug 2 '16 at 22:03

                      • Bill Dubuque is temporarily "Number $1$", in case someone does not know. See his answer above.
                        – Dietrich Burde
                        Nov 6 '17 at 15:54

                      • 3

                        why is degree of $f_ig$ smaller than degree of $g$ (in graded ring)?
                        – Pham Hung Quy
                        Dec 14 '14 at 14:11

                      • 1

                        I've asked about the correctness of this proof here
                        – Jay
                        Jul 31 '16 at 21:04

                      • 1

                        @Jay The above proof can be easily fixed if one considers $g$ as having the minimal number of non-zero homogeneous components among the polynomials with the property $fg=0$. (As you can notice, the answerer wanted to mimic the proof given for polynomials in the accepted answer, and this is an easy task.)
                        – user26857
                        Aug 2 '16 at 15:01

                      • @user26857: Yeah that makes sense. That's a neat trick, looking at the number of homogeneous components instead of the degree. Good to know this proof can be fixed!
                        – Jay
                        Aug 2 '16 at 22:03

                      • Bill Dubuque is temporarily "Number $1$", in case someone does not know. See his answer above.
                        – Dietrich Burde
                        Nov 6 '17 at 15:54



                      why is degree of $f_ig$ smaller than degree of $g$ (in graded ring)?
                      – Pham Hung Quy
                      Dec 14 '14 at 14:11

                      why is degree of $f_ig$ smaller than degree of $g$ (in graded ring)?
                      – Pham Hung Quy
                      Dec 14 '14 at 14:11



                      I've asked about the correctness of this proof here
                      – Jay
                      Jul 31 '16 at 21:04

                      I've asked about the correctness of this proof here
                      – Jay
                      Jul 31 '16 at 21:04



                      @Jay The above proof can be easily fixed if one considers $g$ as having the minimal number of non-zero homogeneous components among the polynomials with the property $fg=0$. (As you can notice, the answerer wanted to mimic the proof given for polynomials in the accepted answer, and this is an easy task.)
                      – user26857
                      Aug 2 '16 at 15:01

                      @Jay The above proof can be easily fixed if one considers $g$ as having the minimal number of non-zero homogeneous components among the polynomials with the property $fg=0$. (As you can notice, the answerer wanted to mimic the proof given for polynomials in the accepted answer, and this is an easy task.)
                      – user26857
                      Aug 2 '16 at 15:01

                      @user26857: Yeah that makes sense. That's a neat trick, looking at the number of homogeneous components instead of the degree. Good to know this proof can be fixed!
                      – Jay
                      Aug 2 '16 at 22:03

                      @user26857: Yeah that makes sense. That's a neat trick, looking at the number of homogeneous components instead of the degree. Good to know this proof can be fixed!
                      – Jay
                      Aug 2 '16 at 22:03

                      Bill Dubuque is temporarily "Number $1$", in case someone does not know. See his answer above.
                      – Dietrich Burde
                      Nov 6 '17 at 15:54

                      Bill Dubuque is temporarily "Number $1$", in case someone does not know. See his answer above.
                      – Dietrich Burde
                      Nov 6 '17 at 15:54

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      This is the case of Armendariz Rings, which I studied in last summer briefly. It is an interesting topic.

                      A ring $R$ is called Armendariz if whenever $f(x)=sum_i=0^ma_ix^i, g(x)=sum_j=0^nb_jx^j in R[x]$ such that $f(x)g(x)=0$, then $a_ib_j=0 forall i,j$.

                      In his paper "A NOTE ON EXTENSIONS OF BAER AND P. P. -RINGS" in 1973, Armendariz proved that Reduced rings are Armendariz which is a nice generalization of your result.

                      Proof- Let $fg=0$ and assuming $m=n$ is sufficient. We then have $$a_0b_0=0,\ a_1b_0+a_0b_1=0 ,\ vdots \a_nb_0+dots +a_0b_n=0$$

                      Since $R$ is reduced, $a_0b_0=0implies (b_0a_0)^2=b_0(a_0b_0)a_0=0 implies b_0a_0=0$.

                      Now left multiplying $a_1b_0+b_1a_0=0$ by $b_0$ we get $b_0a_1b_0=-b_0a_0b_1=0 implies (a_1b_0)^2=a_1(b_0a_1b_0)=0 implies a_1b_0=0$.

                      Similarly we get $a_ib_0=0 forall 1leq i leq n$.

                      Now original equations reduces to

                      $$a_0b_1=0\ a_1b_1+a_0b_2=0\ vdots\ a_n-1b_1+dots +a_0b_n=0$$ and then by same process first we will get that $a_0b_1=0$ and then multiplying on left of $a_1b_1+a_0b_2=0$ by $b_1$ we get $a_1b_1=0$, and so on we will get, $a_ib_1=0 forall 1le i le n$.

                      Similarly, Repeating it we get $a_ib_j=0 forall 1 leq i,j leq n$. $hspace5.5cmblacksquare$

                      Some other examples of Armendariz Rings are:

                      • $BbbZ/nBbbZ forall n$.

                      • All domains and fields (which are reduced).

                      • If A and B are Armendariz , then $A(+)B$ in which multiplication is defined by $(a,b)(a',b')=(aa',ab'+a'b)$ is Armendariz.

                      • Direct Product of Armendariz rings.

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                        up vote
                        down vote

                        This is the case of Armendariz Rings, which I studied in last summer briefly. It is an interesting topic.

                        A ring $R$ is called Armendariz if whenever $f(x)=sum_i=0^ma_ix^i, g(x)=sum_j=0^nb_jx^j in R[x]$ such that $f(x)g(x)=0$, then $a_ib_j=0 forall i,j$.

                        In his paper "A NOTE ON EXTENSIONS OF BAER AND P. P. -RINGS" in 1973, Armendariz proved that Reduced rings are Armendariz which is a nice generalization of your result.

                        Proof- Let $fg=0$ and assuming $m=n$ is sufficient. We then have $$a_0b_0=0,\ a_1b_0+a_0b_1=0 ,\ vdots \a_nb_0+dots +a_0b_n=0$$

                        Since $R$ is reduced, $a_0b_0=0implies (b_0a_0)^2=b_0(a_0b_0)a_0=0 implies b_0a_0=0$.

                        Now left multiplying $a_1b_0+b_1a_0=0$ by $b_0$ we get $b_0a_1b_0=-b_0a_0b_1=0 implies (a_1b_0)^2=a_1(b_0a_1b_0)=0 implies a_1b_0=0$.

                        Similarly we get $a_ib_0=0 forall 1leq i leq n$.

                        Now original equations reduces to

                        $$a_0b_1=0\ a_1b_1+a_0b_2=0\ vdots\ a_n-1b_1+dots +a_0b_n=0$$ and then by same process first we will get that $a_0b_1=0$ and then multiplying on left of $a_1b_1+a_0b_2=0$ by $b_1$ we get $a_1b_1=0$, and so on we will get, $a_ib_1=0 forall 1le i le n$.

                        Similarly, Repeating it we get $a_ib_j=0 forall 1 leq i,j leq n$. $hspace5.5cmblacksquare$

                        Some other examples of Armendariz Rings are:

                        • $BbbZ/nBbbZ forall n$.

                        • All domains and fields (which are reduced).

                        • If A and B are Armendariz , then $A(+)B$ in which multiplication is defined by $(a,b)(a',b')=(aa',ab'+a'b)$ is Armendariz.

                        • Direct Product of Armendariz rings.

                        share|cite|improve this answer

                          up vote
                          down vote

                          up vote
                          down vote

                          This is the case of Armendariz Rings, which I studied in last summer briefly. It is an interesting topic.

                          A ring $R$ is called Armendariz if whenever $f(x)=sum_i=0^ma_ix^i, g(x)=sum_j=0^nb_jx^j in R[x]$ such that $f(x)g(x)=0$, then $a_ib_j=0 forall i,j$.

                          In his paper "A NOTE ON EXTENSIONS OF BAER AND P. P. -RINGS" in 1973, Armendariz proved that Reduced rings are Armendariz which is a nice generalization of your result.

                          Proof- Let $fg=0$ and assuming $m=n$ is sufficient. We then have $$a_0b_0=0,\ a_1b_0+a_0b_1=0 ,\ vdots \a_nb_0+dots +a_0b_n=0$$

                          Since $R$ is reduced, $a_0b_0=0implies (b_0a_0)^2=b_0(a_0b_0)a_0=0 implies b_0a_0=0$.

                          Now left multiplying $a_1b_0+b_1a_0=0$ by $b_0$ we get $b_0a_1b_0=-b_0a_0b_1=0 implies (a_1b_0)^2=a_1(b_0a_1b_0)=0 implies a_1b_0=0$.

                          Similarly we get $a_ib_0=0 forall 1leq i leq n$.

                          Now original equations reduces to

                          $$a_0b_1=0\ a_1b_1+a_0b_2=0\ vdots\ a_n-1b_1+dots +a_0b_n=0$$ and then by same process first we will get that $a_0b_1=0$ and then multiplying on left of $a_1b_1+a_0b_2=0$ by $b_1$ we get $a_1b_1=0$, and so on we will get, $a_ib_1=0 forall 1le i le n$.

                          Similarly, Repeating it we get $a_ib_j=0 forall 1 leq i,j leq n$. $hspace5.5cmblacksquare$

                          Some other examples of Armendariz Rings are:

                          • $BbbZ/nBbbZ forall n$.

                          • All domains and fields (which are reduced).

                          • If A and B are Armendariz , then $A(+)B$ in which multiplication is defined by $(a,b)(a',b')=(aa',ab'+a'b)$ is Armendariz.

                          • Direct Product of Armendariz rings.

                          share|cite|improve this answer

                          This is the case of Armendariz Rings, which I studied in last summer briefly. It is an interesting topic.

                          A ring $R$ is called Armendariz if whenever $f(x)=sum_i=0^ma_ix^i, g(x)=sum_j=0^nb_jx^j in R[x]$ such that $f(x)g(x)=0$, then $a_ib_j=0 forall i,j$.

                          In his paper "A NOTE ON EXTENSIONS OF BAER AND P. P. -RINGS" in 1973, Armendariz proved that Reduced rings are Armendariz which is a nice generalization of your result.

                          Proof- Let $fg=0$ and assuming $m=n$ is sufficient. We then have $$a_0b_0=0,\ a_1b_0+a_0b_1=0 ,\ vdots \a_nb_0+dots +a_0b_n=0$$

                          Since $R$ is reduced, $a_0b_0=0implies (b_0a_0)^2=b_0(a_0b_0)a_0=0 implies b_0a_0=0$.

                          Now left multiplying $a_1b_0+b_1a_0=0$ by $b_0$ we get $b_0a_1b_0=-b_0a_0b_1=0 implies (a_1b_0)^2=a_1(b_0a_1b_0)=0 implies a_1b_0=0$.

                          Similarly we get $a_ib_0=0 forall 1leq i leq n$.

                          Now original equations reduces to

                          $$a_0b_1=0\ a_1b_1+a_0b_2=0\ vdots\ a_n-1b_1+dots +a_0b_n=0$$ and then by same process first we will get that $a_0b_1=0$ and then multiplying on left of $a_1b_1+a_0b_2=0$ by $b_1$ we get $a_1b_1=0$, and so on we will get, $a_ib_1=0 forall 1le i le n$.

                          Similarly, Repeating it we get $a_ib_j=0 forall 1 leq i,j leq n$. $hspace5.5cmblacksquare$

                          Some other examples of Armendariz Rings are:

                          • $BbbZ/nBbbZ forall n$.

                          • All domains and fields (which are reduced).

                          • If A and B are Armendariz , then $A(+)B$ in which multiplication is defined by $(a,b)(a',b')=(aa',ab'+a'b)$ is Armendariz.

                          • Direct Product of Armendariz rings.

                          share|cite|improve this answer

                          share|cite|improve this answer

                          share|cite|improve this answer

                          edited May 4 '17 at 19:28




                          answered Jun 7 '15 at 8:46

                          Bhaskar Vashishth




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