relation between orthogonal projections? [closed]

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Let $mathbbH$ be a Hilbert space with respect to two different inner products $[cdot,cdot]$ and $[cdot,cdot]^1$. Also let $W$ be a closed subspace of $mathbbH$. Also let us assume that $pi_W$ and $pi^1_W$ respectively be the orthogonal projections onto $W$ with respect to the inner products $[cdot,cdot]$ and $[cdot,cdot]^1$. Is there exist any relation between $pi_W$ and $pi^1_W$?

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closed as off-topic by amWhy, José Carlos Santos, Chris Custer, max_zorn, Adrian Keister Jul 26 at 0:21

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  • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – amWhy, José Carlos Santos, Chris Custer, max_zorn, Adrian Keister
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    Let $mathbbH$ be a Hilbert space with respect to two different inner products $[cdot,cdot]$ and $[cdot,cdot]^1$. Also let $W$ be a closed subspace of $mathbbH$. Also let us assume that $pi_W$ and $pi^1_W$ respectively be the orthogonal projections onto $W$ with respect to the inner products $[cdot,cdot]$ and $[cdot,cdot]^1$. Is there exist any relation between $pi_W$ and $pi^1_W$?

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    closed as off-topic by amWhy, José Carlos Santos, Chris Custer, max_zorn, Adrian Keister Jul 26 at 0:21

    This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

    • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – amWhy, José Carlos Santos, Chris Custer, max_zorn, Adrian Keister
    If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

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      Let $mathbbH$ be a Hilbert space with respect to two different inner products $[cdot,cdot]$ and $[cdot,cdot]^1$. Also let $W$ be a closed subspace of $mathbbH$. Also let us assume that $pi_W$ and $pi^1_W$ respectively be the orthogonal projections onto $W$ with respect to the inner products $[cdot,cdot]$ and $[cdot,cdot]^1$. Is there exist any relation between $pi_W$ and $pi^1_W$?

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      Let $mathbbH$ be a Hilbert space with respect to two different inner products $[cdot,cdot]$ and $[cdot,cdot]^1$. Also let $W$ be a closed subspace of $mathbbH$. Also let us assume that $pi_W$ and $pi^1_W$ respectively be the orthogonal projections onto $W$ with respect to the inner products $[cdot,cdot]$ and $[cdot,cdot]^1$. Is there exist any relation between $pi_W$ and $pi^1_W$?

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      asked Jul 25 at 14:29




      closed as off-topic by amWhy, José Carlos Santos, Chris Custer, max_zorn, Adrian Keister Jul 26 at 0:21

      This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

      • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – amWhy, José Carlos Santos, Chris Custer, max_zorn, Adrian Keister
      If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

      closed as off-topic by amWhy, José Carlos Santos, Chris Custer, max_zorn, Adrian Keister Jul 26 at 0:21

      This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

      • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – amWhy, José Carlos Santos, Chris Custer, max_zorn, Adrian Keister
      If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

          1 Answer




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          Well, as they are both projections onto $W$, they both are idempotent, they both have a range of $W$ (which is the eigenspace corresponding to eigenvalue $1$), and their kernels complement $W$, in that they direct sum with $W$ to give all of $mathbbH$.

          Other than that, there's not a lot. If you can find a closed subspace $U$ that complements $W$, then you can define an inner product that that make $U = W^perp$ (or at least you can for separable Hilbert spaces, and I think it holds more generally), and hence $U = operatornameker pi_W$.

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            1 Answer




            1 Answer










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            Well, as they are both projections onto $W$, they both are idempotent, they both have a range of $W$ (which is the eigenspace corresponding to eigenvalue $1$), and their kernels complement $W$, in that they direct sum with $W$ to give all of $mathbbH$.

            Other than that, there's not a lot. If you can find a closed subspace $U$ that complements $W$, then you can define an inner product that that make $U = W^perp$ (or at least you can for separable Hilbert spaces, and I think it holds more generally), and hence $U = operatornameker pi_W$.

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              Well, as they are both projections onto $W$, they both are idempotent, they both have a range of $W$ (which is the eigenspace corresponding to eigenvalue $1$), and their kernels complement $W$, in that they direct sum with $W$ to give all of $mathbbH$.

              Other than that, there's not a lot. If you can find a closed subspace $U$ that complements $W$, then you can define an inner product that that make $U = W^perp$ (or at least you can for separable Hilbert spaces, and I think it holds more generally), and hence $U = operatornameker pi_W$.

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                up vote
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                Well, as they are both projections onto $W$, they both are idempotent, they both have a range of $W$ (which is the eigenspace corresponding to eigenvalue $1$), and their kernels complement $W$, in that they direct sum with $W$ to give all of $mathbbH$.

                Other than that, there's not a lot. If you can find a closed subspace $U$ that complements $W$, then you can define an inner product that that make $U = W^perp$ (or at least you can for separable Hilbert spaces, and I think it holds more generally), and hence $U = operatornameker pi_W$.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                Well, as they are both projections onto $W$, they both are idempotent, they both have a range of $W$ (which is the eigenspace corresponding to eigenvalue $1$), and their kernels complement $W$, in that they direct sum with $W$ to give all of $mathbbH$.

                Other than that, there's not a lot. If you can find a closed subspace $U$ that complements $W$, then you can define an inner product that that make $U = W^perp$ (or at least you can for separable Hilbert spaces, and I think it holds more generally), and hence $U = operatornameker pi_W$.

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                answered Jul 25 at 15:10

                Theo Bendit




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