Multilinear transformations being determined by their values on basis elements

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The following is stated in the book Analysis on Manifolds by James Munkres

Just as is the case with linear transformations, a multilinear transformation
is entirely determined once one knows its values on basis elements. That
we now prove.

And then he gives the following lemma.

Lemma 26.2 Let $a_1, dots, a_n$ be a basis for $V$. If $f, g : V^k to mathbbR$ are $k$-tensors on $V$ and if $$fleft(a_i_1, dots, a_i_kright) = gleft(a_i_1, dots, a_i_kright) $$ for every $k$-tuple $I = (i_1, dots, i_k)$ of integers from the set $1, dots, n$ then $f=g$.

Now what I don't understand is why to we even need the following in the above lemma

"for every $k$-tuple $I = (i_1, dots, i_k)$ of integers from the set $1, dots, n$"

Because $V^k$ has dimension $k cdot n$ since $V$ has dimension $n$, and has as basis elements beginalign*&(a_1, 0, dots, 0), dots, &(a_n,0, dots, 0), \
&(0, a_1, dots, 0), dots, &(0, a_n, dots, 0), \
&. &. \
&. &. \
&. &. \
&(0, 0, dots, a_1), dots, &(0, 0, dots, a_n)

So if $mathcalB$ was the set of basis elements of $V^k$ above then I'd say that the following proposed lemma would make more sense

Proposed Lemma: Let $V$ be a vector space of dimension $n$. If $f, g : V^k to mathbbR$ are $k$-tensors on $V$ and if $$f(alpha) = g(alpha)$$ for every $alpha in mathcalB$ where $mathcalB$ is a basis for $V^k$, then $f= g$

Furthermore the same part of Lemma 26.2

"for every $k$-tuple $I = (i_1, dots, i_k)$ of integers from the set $1, dots, n$"

Taken literally gives $n^k$ possible $k$-tuples, which would correspond to checking to see if the values of $f$ and $g$ agree on $n^k$ basis elements, which confuses me since $dim(V^k) = kn$

I'm sure that Lemma 26.2 must be correct and I'm just making some error somewhere, if so could someone please point out what that error is.

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  • take a look at how this construction looks for $V=Bbb R^1$ or $V=Bbb R^2$ or $V=Bbb R^3$ with $k=1$ or $=2$ or $k=3$
    – janmarqz
    Jul 20 at 18:33

  • @janmarqz Okay so take the case $V = mathbbR^2$ and $k=2$, suppose $f, g : V^2 = mathbbR^4 to mathbbR$ are two $2$-tensors, by the above theorem we need to show $$f(e_1, e_1) = g(e_1, e_1);\ f(e_1, e_2) = g(e_1, e_2);\ f(e_2, e_1) = g(e_2, e_1); \ f(e_2, e_2) = g(e_2, e_2);$$ for basis elements $e_1 = (1, 0)$ and $e_2 = (0, 1)$ of $mathbbR^2$. But for example $(e_1, e_1) = (1, 0, 1, 0)$ is not a basis element of $mathbbR^4$
    – Perturbative
    Jul 20 at 19:48

  • So I take it that Munkres is referring to basis elements of $V$ as opposed to $V^k$
    – Perturbative
    Jul 20 at 19:58

  • for bilinear maps $Bbb R^2timesBbb R^2toBbb R$ (which is a vector space) you only need the 4 basic "vectors": $$left(beginarraycc1&0\0&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&1\0&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&0\1&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&0\0&1endarrayright)$$
    – janmarqz
    Jul 20 at 20:23

  • @janmarqz But that's not what the theorem above asserts..
    – Perturbative
    Jul 20 at 21:29

up vote
down vote


The following is stated in the book Analysis on Manifolds by James Munkres

Just as is the case with linear transformations, a multilinear transformation
is entirely determined once one knows its values on basis elements. That
we now prove.

And then he gives the following lemma.

Lemma 26.2 Let $a_1, dots, a_n$ be a basis for $V$. If $f, g : V^k to mathbbR$ are $k$-tensors on $V$ and if $$fleft(a_i_1, dots, a_i_kright) = gleft(a_i_1, dots, a_i_kright) $$ for every $k$-tuple $I = (i_1, dots, i_k)$ of integers from the set $1, dots, n$ then $f=g$.

Now what I don't understand is why to we even need the following in the above lemma

"for every $k$-tuple $I = (i_1, dots, i_k)$ of integers from the set $1, dots, n$"

Because $V^k$ has dimension $k cdot n$ since $V$ has dimension $n$, and has as basis elements beginalign*&(a_1, 0, dots, 0), dots, &(a_n,0, dots, 0), \
&(0, a_1, dots, 0), dots, &(0, a_n, dots, 0), \
&. &. \
&. &. \
&. &. \
&(0, 0, dots, a_1), dots, &(0, 0, dots, a_n)

So if $mathcalB$ was the set of basis elements of $V^k$ above then I'd say that the following proposed lemma would make more sense

Proposed Lemma: Let $V$ be a vector space of dimension $n$. If $f, g : V^k to mathbbR$ are $k$-tensors on $V$ and if $$f(alpha) = g(alpha)$$ for every $alpha in mathcalB$ where $mathcalB$ is a basis for $V^k$, then $f= g$

Furthermore the same part of Lemma 26.2

"for every $k$-tuple $I = (i_1, dots, i_k)$ of integers from the set $1, dots, n$"

Taken literally gives $n^k$ possible $k$-tuples, which would correspond to checking to see if the values of $f$ and $g$ agree on $n^k$ basis elements, which confuses me since $dim(V^k) = kn$

I'm sure that Lemma 26.2 must be correct and I'm just making some error somewhere, if so could someone please point out what that error is.

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  • take a look at how this construction looks for $V=Bbb R^1$ or $V=Bbb R^2$ or $V=Bbb R^3$ with $k=1$ or $=2$ or $k=3$
    – janmarqz
    Jul 20 at 18:33

  • @janmarqz Okay so take the case $V = mathbbR^2$ and $k=2$, suppose $f, g : V^2 = mathbbR^4 to mathbbR$ are two $2$-tensors, by the above theorem we need to show $$f(e_1, e_1) = g(e_1, e_1);\ f(e_1, e_2) = g(e_1, e_2);\ f(e_2, e_1) = g(e_2, e_1); \ f(e_2, e_2) = g(e_2, e_2);$$ for basis elements $e_1 = (1, 0)$ and $e_2 = (0, 1)$ of $mathbbR^2$. But for example $(e_1, e_1) = (1, 0, 1, 0)$ is not a basis element of $mathbbR^4$
    – Perturbative
    Jul 20 at 19:48

  • So I take it that Munkres is referring to basis elements of $V$ as opposed to $V^k$
    – Perturbative
    Jul 20 at 19:58

  • for bilinear maps $Bbb R^2timesBbb R^2toBbb R$ (which is a vector space) you only need the 4 basic "vectors": $$left(beginarraycc1&0\0&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&1\0&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&0\1&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&0\0&1endarrayright)$$
    – janmarqz
    Jul 20 at 20:23

  • @janmarqz But that's not what the theorem above asserts..
    – Perturbative
    Jul 20 at 21:29

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


The following is stated in the book Analysis on Manifolds by James Munkres

Just as is the case with linear transformations, a multilinear transformation
is entirely determined once one knows its values on basis elements. That
we now prove.

And then he gives the following lemma.

Lemma 26.2 Let $a_1, dots, a_n$ be a basis for $V$. If $f, g : V^k to mathbbR$ are $k$-tensors on $V$ and if $$fleft(a_i_1, dots, a_i_kright) = gleft(a_i_1, dots, a_i_kright) $$ for every $k$-tuple $I = (i_1, dots, i_k)$ of integers from the set $1, dots, n$ then $f=g$.

Now what I don't understand is why to we even need the following in the above lemma

"for every $k$-tuple $I = (i_1, dots, i_k)$ of integers from the set $1, dots, n$"

Because $V^k$ has dimension $k cdot n$ since $V$ has dimension $n$, and has as basis elements beginalign*&(a_1, 0, dots, 0), dots, &(a_n,0, dots, 0), \
&(0, a_1, dots, 0), dots, &(0, a_n, dots, 0), \
&. &. \
&. &. \
&. &. \
&(0, 0, dots, a_1), dots, &(0, 0, dots, a_n)

So if $mathcalB$ was the set of basis elements of $V^k$ above then I'd say that the following proposed lemma would make more sense

Proposed Lemma: Let $V$ be a vector space of dimension $n$. If $f, g : V^k to mathbbR$ are $k$-tensors on $V$ and if $$f(alpha) = g(alpha)$$ for every $alpha in mathcalB$ where $mathcalB$ is a basis for $V^k$, then $f= g$

Furthermore the same part of Lemma 26.2

"for every $k$-tuple $I = (i_1, dots, i_k)$ of integers from the set $1, dots, n$"

Taken literally gives $n^k$ possible $k$-tuples, which would correspond to checking to see if the values of $f$ and $g$ agree on $n^k$ basis elements, which confuses me since $dim(V^k) = kn$

I'm sure that Lemma 26.2 must be correct and I'm just making some error somewhere, if so could someone please point out what that error is.

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The following is stated in the book Analysis on Manifolds by James Munkres

Just as is the case with linear transformations, a multilinear transformation
is entirely determined once one knows its values on basis elements. That
we now prove.

And then he gives the following lemma.

Lemma 26.2 Let $a_1, dots, a_n$ be a basis for $V$. If $f, g : V^k to mathbbR$ are $k$-tensors on $V$ and if $$fleft(a_i_1, dots, a_i_kright) = gleft(a_i_1, dots, a_i_kright) $$ for every $k$-tuple $I = (i_1, dots, i_k)$ of integers from the set $1, dots, n$ then $f=g$.

Now what I don't understand is why to we even need the following in the above lemma

"for every $k$-tuple $I = (i_1, dots, i_k)$ of integers from the set $1, dots, n$"

Because $V^k$ has dimension $k cdot n$ since $V$ has dimension $n$, and has as basis elements beginalign*&(a_1, 0, dots, 0), dots, &(a_n,0, dots, 0), \
&(0, a_1, dots, 0), dots, &(0, a_n, dots, 0), \
&. &. \
&. &. \
&. &. \
&(0, 0, dots, a_1), dots, &(0, 0, dots, a_n)

So if $mathcalB$ was the set of basis elements of $V^k$ above then I'd say that the following proposed lemma would make more sense

Proposed Lemma: Let $V$ be a vector space of dimension $n$. If $f, g : V^k to mathbbR$ are $k$-tensors on $V$ and if $$f(alpha) = g(alpha)$$ for every $alpha in mathcalB$ where $mathcalB$ is a basis for $V^k$, then $f= g$

Furthermore the same part of Lemma 26.2

"for every $k$-tuple $I = (i_1, dots, i_k)$ of integers from the set $1, dots, n$"

Taken literally gives $n^k$ possible $k$-tuples, which would correspond to checking to see if the values of $f$ and $g$ agree on $n^k$ basis elements, which confuses me since $dim(V^k) = kn$

I'm sure that Lemma 26.2 must be correct and I'm just making some error somewhere, if so could someone please point out what that error is.

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asked Jul 20 at 18:09




  • take a look at how this construction looks for $V=Bbb R^1$ or $V=Bbb R^2$ or $V=Bbb R^3$ with $k=1$ or $=2$ or $k=3$
    – janmarqz
    Jul 20 at 18:33

  • @janmarqz Okay so take the case $V = mathbbR^2$ and $k=2$, suppose $f, g : V^2 = mathbbR^4 to mathbbR$ are two $2$-tensors, by the above theorem we need to show $$f(e_1, e_1) = g(e_1, e_1);\ f(e_1, e_2) = g(e_1, e_2);\ f(e_2, e_1) = g(e_2, e_1); \ f(e_2, e_2) = g(e_2, e_2);$$ for basis elements $e_1 = (1, 0)$ and $e_2 = (0, 1)$ of $mathbbR^2$. But for example $(e_1, e_1) = (1, 0, 1, 0)$ is not a basis element of $mathbbR^4$
    – Perturbative
    Jul 20 at 19:48

  • So I take it that Munkres is referring to basis elements of $V$ as opposed to $V^k$
    – Perturbative
    Jul 20 at 19:58

  • for bilinear maps $Bbb R^2timesBbb R^2toBbb R$ (which is a vector space) you only need the 4 basic "vectors": $$left(beginarraycc1&0\0&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&1\0&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&0\1&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&0\0&1endarrayright)$$
    – janmarqz
    Jul 20 at 20:23

  • @janmarqz But that's not what the theorem above asserts..
    – Perturbative
    Jul 20 at 21:29

  • take a look at how this construction looks for $V=Bbb R^1$ or $V=Bbb R^2$ or $V=Bbb R^3$ with $k=1$ or $=2$ or $k=3$
    – janmarqz
    Jul 20 at 18:33

  • @janmarqz Okay so take the case $V = mathbbR^2$ and $k=2$, suppose $f, g : V^2 = mathbbR^4 to mathbbR$ are two $2$-tensors, by the above theorem we need to show $$f(e_1, e_1) = g(e_1, e_1);\ f(e_1, e_2) = g(e_1, e_2);\ f(e_2, e_1) = g(e_2, e_1); \ f(e_2, e_2) = g(e_2, e_2);$$ for basis elements $e_1 = (1, 0)$ and $e_2 = (0, 1)$ of $mathbbR^2$. But for example $(e_1, e_1) = (1, 0, 1, 0)$ is not a basis element of $mathbbR^4$
    – Perturbative
    Jul 20 at 19:48

  • So I take it that Munkres is referring to basis elements of $V$ as opposed to $V^k$
    – Perturbative
    Jul 20 at 19:58

  • for bilinear maps $Bbb R^2timesBbb R^2toBbb R$ (which is a vector space) you only need the 4 basic "vectors": $$left(beginarraycc1&0\0&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&1\0&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&0\1&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&0\0&1endarrayright)$$
    – janmarqz
    Jul 20 at 20:23

  • @janmarqz But that's not what the theorem above asserts..
    – Perturbative
    Jul 20 at 21:29

take a look at how this construction looks for $V=Bbb R^1$ or $V=Bbb R^2$ or $V=Bbb R^3$ with $k=1$ or $=2$ or $k=3$
– janmarqz
Jul 20 at 18:33

take a look at how this construction looks for $V=Bbb R^1$ or $V=Bbb R^2$ or $V=Bbb R^3$ with $k=1$ or $=2$ or $k=3$
– janmarqz
Jul 20 at 18:33

@janmarqz Okay so take the case $V = mathbbR^2$ and $k=2$, suppose $f, g : V^2 = mathbbR^4 to mathbbR$ are two $2$-tensors, by the above theorem we need to show $$f(e_1, e_1) = g(e_1, e_1);\ f(e_1, e_2) = g(e_1, e_2);\ f(e_2, e_1) = g(e_2, e_1); \ f(e_2, e_2) = g(e_2, e_2);$$ for basis elements $e_1 = (1, 0)$ and $e_2 = (0, 1)$ of $mathbbR^2$. But for example $(e_1, e_1) = (1, 0, 1, 0)$ is not a basis element of $mathbbR^4$
– Perturbative
Jul 20 at 19:48

@janmarqz Okay so take the case $V = mathbbR^2$ and $k=2$, suppose $f, g : V^2 = mathbbR^4 to mathbbR$ are two $2$-tensors, by the above theorem we need to show $$f(e_1, e_1) = g(e_1, e_1);\ f(e_1, e_2) = g(e_1, e_2);\ f(e_2, e_1) = g(e_2, e_1); \ f(e_2, e_2) = g(e_2, e_2);$$ for basis elements $e_1 = (1, 0)$ and $e_2 = (0, 1)$ of $mathbbR^2$. But for example $(e_1, e_1) = (1, 0, 1, 0)$ is not a basis element of $mathbbR^4$
– Perturbative
Jul 20 at 19:48

So I take it that Munkres is referring to basis elements of $V$ as opposed to $V^k$
– Perturbative
Jul 20 at 19:58

So I take it that Munkres is referring to basis elements of $V$ as opposed to $V^k$
– Perturbative
Jul 20 at 19:58

for bilinear maps $Bbb R^2timesBbb R^2toBbb R$ (which is a vector space) you only need the 4 basic "vectors": $$left(beginarraycc1&0\0&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&1\0&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&0\1&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&0\0&1endarrayright)$$
– janmarqz
Jul 20 at 20:23

for bilinear maps $Bbb R^2timesBbb R^2toBbb R$ (which is a vector space) you only need the 4 basic "vectors": $$left(beginarraycc1&0\0&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&1\0&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&0\1&0endarrayright)$$ $$left(beginarraycc0&0\0&1endarrayright)$$
– janmarqz
Jul 20 at 20:23

@janmarqz But that's not what the theorem above asserts..
– Perturbative
Jul 20 at 21:29

@janmarqz But that's not what the theorem above asserts..
– Perturbative
Jul 20 at 21:29

1 Answer




up vote
down vote


The dimension of $underbraceVotimesdotsotimes V_k text times = bigotimes^k V$ is $n^k$, even though the dimension of $V^k$ is $kn$. We're talking about multilinear maps on $V^k$, not linear maps. (Note that $n=k=2$ is a bad example to pick, since then $kn = n^k$. :))

EDIT: I should comment that the vector space of multilinear maps on $V^k$ is isomorphic to $big(bigotimes^k Vbig)^*$, but dimensions are the same.

share|cite|improve this answer

  • Thanks for your answer Ted! Just one follow up question, you're saying then that Munkres is talking about basis elements from $bigotimes^k V$ and not $V^k$, correct?
    – Perturbative
    Jul 22 at 13:33

  • 1

    Right. That's why we're considering the $n^k$ $k$-tuples $(a_i_1,dots,a_i_k)$.
    – Ted Shifrin
    Jul 22 at 14:57

  • Okay thanks again Ted! :)
    – Perturbative
    Jul 22 at 16:58

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1 Answer




1 Answer










up vote
down vote


The dimension of $underbraceVotimesdotsotimes V_k text times = bigotimes^k V$ is $n^k$, even though the dimension of $V^k$ is $kn$. We're talking about multilinear maps on $V^k$, not linear maps. (Note that $n=k=2$ is a bad example to pick, since then $kn = n^k$. :))

EDIT: I should comment that the vector space of multilinear maps on $V^k$ is isomorphic to $big(bigotimes^k Vbig)^*$, but dimensions are the same.

share|cite|improve this answer

  • Thanks for your answer Ted! Just one follow up question, you're saying then that Munkres is talking about basis elements from $bigotimes^k V$ and not $V^k$, correct?
    – Perturbative
    Jul 22 at 13:33

  • 1

    Right. That's why we're considering the $n^k$ $k$-tuples $(a_i_1,dots,a_i_k)$.
    – Ted Shifrin
    Jul 22 at 14:57

  • Okay thanks again Ted! :)
    – Perturbative
    Jul 22 at 16:58

up vote
down vote


The dimension of $underbraceVotimesdotsotimes V_k text times = bigotimes^k V$ is $n^k$, even though the dimension of $V^k$ is $kn$. We're talking about multilinear maps on $V^k$, not linear maps. (Note that $n=k=2$ is a bad example to pick, since then $kn = n^k$. :))

EDIT: I should comment that the vector space of multilinear maps on $V^k$ is isomorphic to $big(bigotimes^k Vbig)^*$, but dimensions are the same.

share|cite|improve this answer

  • Thanks for your answer Ted! Just one follow up question, you're saying then that Munkres is talking about basis elements from $bigotimes^k V$ and not $V^k$, correct?
    – Perturbative
    Jul 22 at 13:33

  • 1

    Right. That's why we're considering the $n^k$ $k$-tuples $(a_i_1,dots,a_i_k)$.
    – Ted Shifrin
    Jul 22 at 14:57

  • Okay thanks again Ted! :)
    – Perturbative
    Jul 22 at 16:58

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


The dimension of $underbraceVotimesdotsotimes V_k text times = bigotimes^k V$ is $n^k$, even though the dimension of $V^k$ is $kn$. We're talking about multilinear maps on $V^k$, not linear maps. (Note that $n=k=2$ is a bad example to pick, since then $kn = n^k$. :))

EDIT: I should comment that the vector space of multilinear maps on $V^k$ is isomorphic to $big(bigotimes^k Vbig)^*$, but dimensions are the same.

share|cite|improve this answer

The dimension of $underbraceVotimesdotsotimes V_k text times = bigotimes^k V$ is $n^k$, even though the dimension of $V^k$ is $kn$. We're talking about multilinear maps on $V^k$, not linear maps. (Note that $n=k=2$ is a bad example to pick, since then $kn = n^k$. :))

EDIT: I should comment that the vector space of multilinear maps on $V^k$ is isomorphic to $big(bigotimes^k Vbig)^*$, but dimensions are the same.

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edited Jul 21 at 22:24

answered Jul 21 at 0:29

Ted Shifrin



  • Thanks for your answer Ted! Just one follow up question, you're saying then that Munkres is talking about basis elements from $bigotimes^k V$ and not $V^k$, correct?
    – Perturbative
    Jul 22 at 13:33

  • 1

    Right. That's why we're considering the $n^k$ $k$-tuples $(a_i_1,dots,a_i_k)$.
    – Ted Shifrin
    Jul 22 at 14:57

  • Okay thanks again Ted! :)
    – Perturbative
    Jul 22 at 16:58

  • Thanks for your answer Ted! Just one follow up question, you're saying then that Munkres is talking about basis elements from $bigotimes^k V$ and not $V^k$, correct?
    – Perturbative
    Jul 22 at 13:33

  • 1

    Right. That's why we're considering the $n^k$ $k$-tuples $(a_i_1,dots,a_i_k)$.
    – Ted Shifrin
    Jul 22 at 14:57

  • Okay thanks again Ted! :)
    – Perturbative
    Jul 22 at 16:58

Thanks for your answer Ted! Just one follow up question, you're saying then that Munkres is talking about basis elements from $bigotimes^k V$ and not $V^k$, correct?
– Perturbative
Jul 22 at 13:33

Thanks for your answer Ted! Just one follow up question, you're saying then that Munkres is talking about basis elements from $bigotimes^k V$ and not $V^k$, correct?
– Perturbative
Jul 22 at 13:33



Right. That's why we're considering the $n^k$ $k$-tuples $(a_i_1,dots,a_i_k)$.
– Ted Shifrin
Jul 22 at 14:57

Right. That's why we're considering the $n^k$ $k$-tuples $(a_i_1,dots,a_i_k)$.
– Ted Shifrin
Jul 22 at 14:57

Okay thanks again Ted! :)
– Perturbative
Jul 22 at 16:58

Okay thanks again Ted! :)
– Perturbative
Jul 22 at 16:58


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