Solving summation when $i$ and $j$ are dependent: $sumsum_0 leq i <j leq n1$ [closed]

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How to solve the summation when the indices $i$ and $j$ are dependent?

Please, anybody, explain. I am having no idea how to proceed.

Find the sum $$sum_0 leq i <sum_!!j leq n1$$

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closed as unclear what you're asking by Did, Claude Leibovici, Taroccoesbrocco, Adrian Keister, Mostafa Ayaz Jul 25 at 14:39

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 1

    I am a highschool student who just want explaination please don't close my question
    – Rafael Nadal
    Jul 20 at 11:42

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How to solve the summation when the indices $i$ and $j$ are dependent?

Please, anybody, explain. I am having no idea how to proceed.

Find the sum $$sum_0 leq i <sum_!!j leq n1$$

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closed as unclear what you're asking by Did, Claude Leibovici, Taroccoesbrocco, Adrian Keister, Mostafa Ayaz Jul 25 at 14:39

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 1

    I am a highschool student who just want explaination please don't close my question
    – Rafael Nadal
    Jul 20 at 11:42

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How to solve the summation when the indices $i$ and $j$ are dependent?

Please, anybody, explain. I am having no idea how to proceed.

Find the sum $$sum_0 leq i <sum_!!j leq n1$$

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How to solve the summation when the indices $i$ and $j$ are dependent?

Please, anybody, explain. I am having no idea how to proceed.

Find the sum $$sum_0 leq i <sum_!!j leq n1$$

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edited Jul 20 at 12:34

Nash J.



asked Jul 20 at 11:40

Rafael Nadal



closed as unclear what you're asking by Did, Claude Leibovici, Taroccoesbrocco, Adrian Keister, Mostafa Ayaz Jul 25 at 14:39

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as unclear what you're asking by Did, Claude Leibovici, Taroccoesbrocco, Adrian Keister, Mostafa Ayaz Jul 25 at 14:39

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 1

    I am a highschool student who just want explaination please don't close my question
    – Rafael Nadal
    Jul 20 at 11:42

  • 1

    I am a highschool student who just want explaination please don't close my question
    – Rafael Nadal
    Jul 20 at 11:42



I am a highschool student who just want explaination please don't close my question
– Rafael Nadal
Jul 20 at 11:42

I am a highschool student who just want explaination please don't close my question
– Rafael Nadal
Jul 20 at 11:42

4 Answers




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The domain of the integer pairs $(i,j)$ such that

$$0le i<jle n$$ is a triangle inside the square of size $n+1$ by $n+1$, diagonal excluded. Summing the term $1$ means that you just count those elements.

Hence you compute the area of the square minus the diagonal, and halve, giving


enter image description here

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    up vote
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    Note that you can convert the expression into:

    $$sum_i=0^n-1bigg(sum_j=i+1^n 1bigg) = sum_i=0^n-1 (n-i) = sum_i=0^n-1 n - sum_i=0^n-1 i = n^2-fracn(n-1)2 = fracn(n+1)2$$

    When you see double sums like that, try breaking it up into individual sums. If one index (in this case, $j$) is conditional on another ($i$), the limit(s) of the dependent index can be expressed in terms of the other index. There's no reference/resource as such that comes to my mind, but it should get easier as you solve more and more such problems.

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • Sir can u provide additional resources regarding this question
      – Rafael Nadal
      Jul 20 at 11:53

    up vote
    down vote

    We have that

    $$mathopsumsum_0le i<jle n 1=sum_i=0^n-1 left(sum_j=i+1^n 1right)=sum_i=0^n-1 (n-i)=nsum_i=0^n-11-sum_i=0^n-1 i=ncdot n-fracn(n-1)2=fracn(n+1)2$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • (second last inequality) if $n=4$, the second term is $6$, whereas $n(n+1)/2 = 10$?
      – Shirish Kulhari
      Jul 20 at 11:54

    • @ShirishKulhari thanks I fix!
      – gimusi
      Jul 20 at 12:04

    up vote
    down vote

    For every pair $(i,j)$ with $0leq i<jleq2$ you must add $1$, so the summation gives you the number of such pairs, which is:$$binomn+12=fracn(n+1)2$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

      4 Answers




      4 Answers










      up vote
      down vote


      The domain of the integer pairs $(i,j)$ such that

      $$0le i<jle n$$ is a triangle inside the square of size $n+1$ by $n+1$, diagonal excluded. Summing the term $1$ means that you just count those elements.

      Hence you compute the area of the square minus the diagonal, and halve, giving


      enter image description here

      share|cite|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote


        The domain of the integer pairs $(i,j)$ such that

        $$0le i<jle n$$ is a triangle inside the square of size $n+1$ by $n+1$, diagonal excluded. Summing the term $1$ means that you just count those elements.

        Hence you compute the area of the square minus the diagonal, and halve, giving


        enter image description here

        share|cite|improve this answer

          up vote
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          up vote
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          The domain of the integer pairs $(i,j)$ such that

          $$0le i<jle n$$ is a triangle inside the square of size $n+1$ by $n+1$, diagonal excluded. Summing the term $1$ means that you just count those elements.

          Hence you compute the area of the square minus the diagonal, and halve, giving


          enter image description here

          share|cite|improve this answer

          The domain of the integer pairs $(i,j)$ such that

          $$0le i<jle n$$ is a triangle inside the square of size $n+1$ by $n+1$, diagonal excluded. Summing the term $1$ means that you just count those elements.

          Hence you compute the area of the square minus the diagonal, and halve, giving


          enter image description here

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          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          edited Jul 20 at 12:39

          answered Jul 20 at 12:32

          Yves Daoust



              up vote
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              Note that you can convert the expression into:

              $$sum_i=0^n-1bigg(sum_j=i+1^n 1bigg) = sum_i=0^n-1 (n-i) = sum_i=0^n-1 n - sum_i=0^n-1 i = n^2-fracn(n-1)2 = fracn(n+1)2$$

              When you see double sums like that, try breaking it up into individual sums. If one index (in this case, $j$) is conditional on another ($i$), the limit(s) of the dependent index can be expressed in terms of the other index. There's no reference/resource as such that comes to my mind, but it should get easier as you solve more and more such problems.

              share|cite|improve this answer

              • Sir can u provide additional resources regarding this question
                – Rafael Nadal
                Jul 20 at 11:53

              up vote
              down vote

              Note that you can convert the expression into:

              $$sum_i=0^n-1bigg(sum_j=i+1^n 1bigg) = sum_i=0^n-1 (n-i) = sum_i=0^n-1 n - sum_i=0^n-1 i = n^2-fracn(n-1)2 = fracn(n+1)2$$

              When you see double sums like that, try breaking it up into individual sums. If one index (in this case, $j$) is conditional on another ($i$), the limit(s) of the dependent index can be expressed in terms of the other index. There's no reference/resource as such that comes to my mind, but it should get easier as you solve more and more such problems.

              share|cite|improve this answer

              • Sir can u provide additional resources regarding this question
                – Rafael Nadal
                Jul 20 at 11:53

              up vote
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              up vote
              down vote

              Note that you can convert the expression into:

              $$sum_i=0^n-1bigg(sum_j=i+1^n 1bigg) = sum_i=0^n-1 (n-i) = sum_i=0^n-1 n - sum_i=0^n-1 i = n^2-fracn(n-1)2 = fracn(n+1)2$$

              When you see double sums like that, try breaking it up into individual sums. If one index (in this case, $j$) is conditional on another ($i$), the limit(s) of the dependent index can be expressed in terms of the other index. There's no reference/resource as such that comes to my mind, but it should get easier as you solve more and more such problems.

              share|cite|improve this answer

              Note that you can convert the expression into:

              $$sum_i=0^n-1bigg(sum_j=i+1^n 1bigg) = sum_i=0^n-1 (n-i) = sum_i=0^n-1 n - sum_i=0^n-1 i = n^2-fracn(n-1)2 = fracn(n+1)2$$

              When you see double sums like that, try breaking it up into individual sums. If one index (in this case, $j$) is conditional on another ($i$), the limit(s) of the dependent index can be expressed in terms of the other index. There's no reference/resource as such that comes to my mind, but it should get easier as you solve more and more such problems.

              share|cite|improve this answer

              share|cite|improve this answer

              share|cite|improve this answer

              edited Jul 20 at 11:57

              answered Jul 20 at 11:52

              Shirish Kulhari



              • Sir can u provide additional resources regarding this question
                – Rafael Nadal
                Jul 20 at 11:53

              • Sir can u provide additional resources regarding this question
                – Rafael Nadal
                Jul 20 at 11:53

              Sir can u provide additional resources regarding this question
              – Rafael Nadal
              Jul 20 at 11:53

              Sir can u provide additional resources regarding this question
              – Rafael Nadal
              Jul 20 at 11:53

              up vote
              down vote

              We have that

              $$mathopsumsum_0le i<jle n 1=sum_i=0^n-1 left(sum_j=i+1^n 1right)=sum_i=0^n-1 (n-i)=nsum_i=0^n-11-sum_i=0^n-1 i=ncdot n-fracn(n-1)2=fracn(n+1)2$$

              share|cite|improve this answer

              • (second last inequality) if $n=4$, the second term is $6$, whereas $n(n+1)/2 = 10$?
                – Shirish Kulhari
                Jul 20 at 11:54

              • @ShirishKulhari thanks I fix!
                – gimusi
                Jul 20 at 12:04

              up vote
              down vote

              We have that

              $$mathopsumsum_0le i<jle n 1=sum_i=0^n-1 left(sum_j=i+1^n 1right)=sum_i=0^n-1 (n-i)=nsum_i=0^n-11-sum_i=0^n-1 i=ncdot n-fracn(n-1)2=fracn(n+1)2$$

              share|cite|improve this answer

              • (second last inequality) if $n=4$, the second term is $6$, whereas $n(n+1)/2 = 10$?
                – Shirish Kulhari
                Jul 20 at 11:54

              • @ShirishKulhari thanks I fix!
                – gimusi
                Jul 20 at 12:04

              up vote
              down vote

              up vote
              down vote

              We have that

              $$mathopsumsum_0le i<jle n 1=sum_i=0^n-1 left(sum_j=i+1^n 1right)=sum_i=0^n-1 (n-i)=nsum_i=0^n-11-sum_i=0^n-1 i=ncdot n-fracn(n-1)2=fracn(n+1)2$$

              share|cite|improve this answer

              We have that

              $$mathopsumsum_0le i<jle n 1=sum_i=0^n-1 left(sum_j=i+1^n 1right)=sum_i=0^n-1 (n-i)=nsum_i=0^n-11-sum_i=0^n-1 i=ncdot n-fracn(n-1)2=fracn(n+1)2$$

              share|cite|improve this answer

              share|cite|improve this answer

              share|cite|improve this answer

              edited Jul 20 at 12:03

              answered Jul 20 at 11:48




              • (second last inequality) if $n=4$, the second term is $6$, whereas $n(n+1)/2 = 10$?
                – Shirish Kulhari
                Jul 20 at 11:54

              • @ShirishKulhari thanks I fix!
                – gimusi
                Jul 20 at 12:04

              • (second last inequality) if $n=4$, the second term is $6$, whereas $n(n+1)/2 = 10$?
                – Shirish Kulhari
                Jul 20 at 11:54

              • @ShirishKulhari thanks I fix!
                – gimusi
                Jul 20 at 12:04

              (second last inequality) if $n=4$, the second term is $6$, whereas $n(n+1)/2 = 10$?
              – Shirish Kulhari
              Jul 20 at 11:54

              (second last inequality) if $n=4$, the second term is $6$, whereas $n(n+1)/2 = 10$?
              – Shirish Kulhari
              Jul 20 at 11:54

              @ShirishKulhari thanks I fix!
              – gimusi
              Jul 20 at 12:04

              @ShirishKulhari thanks I fix!
              – gimusi
              Jul 20 at 12:04

              up vote
              down vote

              For every pair $(i,j)$ with $0leq i<jleq2$ you must add $1$, so the summation gives you the number of such pairs, which is:$$binomn+12=fracn(n+1)2$$

              share|cite|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                For every pair $(i,j)$ with $0leq i<jleq2$ you must add $1$, so the summation gives you the number of such pairs, which is:$$binomn+12=fracn(n+1)2$$

                share|cite|improve this answer

                  up vote
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                  up vote
                  down vote

                  For every pair $(i,j)$ with $0leq i<jleq2$ you must add $1$, so the summation gives you the number of such pairs, which is:$$binomn+12=fracn(n+1)2$$

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  For every pair $(i,j)$ with $0leq i<jleq2$ you must add $1$, so the summation gives you the number of such pairs, which is:$$binomn+12=fracn(n+1)2$$

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  answered Jul 20 at 12:25





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