What problems have been frequently computationally verified for large values?

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Although any theorem (or true conjecture) can be computationally checked, many long-standing open problems have been computational verified for very large values. For example, the Collatz Conjecture and Fermat's Last Theorem (before it was proven) were computationally verified by large scale computation programs. Not only have these calculations been carried out, but there is a lengthy history of improving the bound for which these calculations have been carried out until.

What are other problems (not necessarily from number theory) have been similarly verified for values up to some large bound, and how high have they been checked? Specifically I’m interested in cases where is an established history of computationally verifying the problem up to larger and larger bounds.

I’m interested both in the current cutting edge and the history of the computation.

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  • 6

    I suppose you are specifically interested in open problems? The Collatz conjecture has been checked up to values on the order of $87cdot 2^60$.
    – JMoravitz
    Aug 6 at 20:30

  • 1

    @JMoravitz Most examples are conjectures, though I think this did happen for FLT before it was solved. That example is still interesting to me.
    – Stella Biderman
    Aug 6 at 20:38

  • 4

    Although not particularly impressive of a number at first glance, the Union-closed sets conjecture is known to be true for all sets of size up to 46. When you realize that there are $2^46$ subsets in the power set and $2^2^46$ possible families of subsets (ignoring the closed under union property) it becomes more exciting. I'm not sure how it was verified up to $46$, whether it was from computer assistance or not, but it is still an interesting open problem.
    – JMoravitz
    Aug 6 at 20:38

  • 1

    Legendre's conjecture?
    – Bram28
    Aug 6 at 20:52

  • 2

    I've voted to close as too broad. Testing problems numerically is generally pretty easy compared to proving them, so pretty much any open problem about the natural numbers will have been checked. This is not to say that there is not a great deal of expertise that goes into checking things numerically, or that certain problems are not more amenable than others to such testing, but without anything more precise than 'large values', it's difficult to find anything to narrow down this list at all beyond 'all open problems'.
    – John Gowers
    Aug 6 at 20:55

up vote
down vote


Although any theorem (or true conjecture) can be computationally checked, many long-standing open problems have been computational verified for very large values. For example, the Collatz Conjecture and Fermat's Last Theorem (before it was proven) were computationally verified by large scale computation programs. Not only have these calculations been carried out, but there is a lengthy history of improving the bound for which these calculations have been carried out until.

What are other problems (not necessarily from number theory) have been similarly verified for values up to some large bound, and how high have they been checked? Specifically I’m interested in cases where is an established history of computationally verifying the problem up to larger and larger bounds.

I’m interested both in the current cutting edge and the history of the computation.

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  • 6

    I suppose you are specifically interested in open problems? The Collatz conjecture has been checked up to values on the order of $87cdot 2^60$.
    – JMoravitz
    Aug 6 at 20:30

  • 1

    @JMoravitz Most examples are conjectures, though I think this did happen for FLT before it was solved. That example is still interesting to me.
    – Stella Biderman
    Aug 6 at 20:38

  • 4

    Although not particularly impressive of a number at first glance, the Union-closed sets conjecture is known to be true for all sets of size up to 46. When you realize that there are $2^46$ subsets in the power set and $2^2^46$ possible families of subsets (ignoring the closed under union property) it becomes more exciting. I'm not sure how it was verified up to $46$, whether it was from computer assistance or not, but it is still an interesting open problem.
    – JMoravitz
    Aug 6 at 20:38

  • 1

    Legendre's conjecture?
    – Bram28
    Aug 6 at 20:52

  • 2

    I've voted to close as too broad. Testing problems numerically is generally pretty easy compared to proving them, so pretty much any open problem about the natural numbers will have been checked. This is not to say that there is not a great deal of expertise that goes into checking things numerically, or that certain problems are not more amenable than others to such testing, but without anything more precise than 'large values', it's difficult to find anything to narrow down this list at all beyond 'all open problems'.
    – John Gowers
    Aug 6 at 20:55

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote



Although any theorem (or true conjecture) can be computationally checked, many long-standing open problems have been computational verified for very large values. For example, the Collatz Conjecture and Fermat's Last Theorem (before it was proven) were computationally verified by large scale computation programs. Not only have these calculations been carried out, but there is a lengthy history of improving the bound for which these calculations have been carried out until.

What are other problems (not necessarily from number theory) have been similarly verified for values up to some large bound, and how high have they been checked? Specifically I’m interested in cases where is an established history of computationally verifying the problem up to larger and larger bounds.

I’m interested both in the current cutting edge and the history of the computation.

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Although any theorem (or true conjecture) can be computationally checked, many long-standing open problems have been computational verified for very large values. For example, the Collatz Conjecture and Fermat's Last Theorem (before it was proven) were computationally verified by large scale computation programs. Not only have these calculations been carried out, but there is a lengthy history of improving the bound for which these calculations have been carried out until.

What are other problems (not necessarily from number theory) have been similarly verified for values up to some large bound, and how high have they been checked? Specifically I’m interested in cases where is an established history of computationally verifying the problem up to larger and larger bounds.

I’m interested both in the current cutting edge and the history of the computation.

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edited Aug 7 at 0:54

community wiki

Stella Biderman

  • 6

    I suppose you are specifically interested in open problems? The Collatz conjecture has been checked up to values on the order of $87cdot 2^60$.
    – JMoravitz
    Aug 6 at 20:30

  • 1

    @JMoravitz Most examples are conjectures, though I think this did happen for FLT before it was solved. That example is still interesting to me.
    – Stella Biderman
    Aug 6 at 20:38

  • 4

    Although not particularly impressive of a number at first glance, the Union-closed sets conjecture is known to be true for all sets of size up to 46. When you realize that there are $2^46$ subsets in the power set and $2^2^46$ possible families of subsets (ignoring the closed under union property) it becomes more exciting. I'm not sure how it was verified up to $46$, whether it was from computer assistance or not, but it is still an interesting open problem.
    – JMoravitz
    Aug 6 at 20:38

  • 1

    Legendre's conjecture?
    – Bram28
    Aug 6 at 20:52

  • 2

    I've voted to close as too broad. Testing problems numerically is generally pretty easy compared to proving them, so pretty much any open problem about the natural numbers will have been checked. This is not to say that there is not a great deal of expertise that goes into checking things numerically, or that certain problems are not more amenable than others to such testing, but without anything more precise than 'large values', it's difficult to find anything to narrow down this list at all beyond 'all open problems'.
    – John Gowers
    Aug 6 at 20:55

  • 6

    I suppose you are specifically interested in open problems? The Collatz conjecture has been checked up to values on the order of $87cdot 2^60$.
    – JMoravitz
    Aug 6 at 20:30

  • 1

    @JMoravitz Most examples are conjectures, though I think this did happen for FLT before it was solved. That example is still interesting to me.
    – Stella Biderman
    Aug 6 at 20:38

  • 4

    Although not particularly impressive of a number at first glance, the Union-closed sets conjecture is known to be true for all sets of size up to 46. When you realize that there are $2^46$ subsets in the power set and $2^2^46$ possible families of subsets (ignoring the closed under union property) it becomes more exciting. I'm not sure how it was verified up to $46$, whether it was from computer assistance or not, but it is still an interesting open problem.
    – JMoravitz
    Aug 6 at 20:38

  • 1

    Legendre's conjecture?
    – Bram28
    Aug 6 at 20:52

  • 2

    I've voted to close as too broad. Testing problems numerically is generally pretty easy compared to proving them, so pretty much any open problem about the natural numbers will have been checked. This is not to say that there is not a great deal of expertise that goes into checking things numerically, or that certain problems are not more amenable than others to such testing, but without anything more precise than 'large values', it's difficult to find anything to narrow down this list at all beyond 'all open problems'.
    – John Gowers
    Aug 6 at 20:55



I suppose you are specifically interested in open problems? The Collatz conjecture has been checked up to values on the order of $87cdot 2^60$.
– JMoravitz
Aug 6 at 20:30

I suppose you are specifically interested in open problems? The Collatz conjecture has been checked up to values on the order of $87cdot 2^60$.
– JMoravitz
Aug 6 at 20:30



@JMoravitz Most examples are conjectures, though I think this did happen for FLT before it was solved. That example is still interesting to me.
– Stella Biderman
Aug 6 at 20:38

@JMoravitz Most examples are conjectures, though I think this did happen for FLT before it was solved. That example is still interesting to me.
– Stella Biderman
Aug 6 at 20:38



Although not particularly impressive of a number at first glance, the Union-closed sets conjecture is known to be true for all sets of size up to 46. When you realize that there are $2^46$ subsets in the power set and $2^2^46$ possible families of subsets (ignoring the closed under union property) it becomes more exciting. I'm not sure how it was verified up to $46$, whether it was from computer assistance or not, but it is still an interesting open problem.
– JMoravitz
Aug 6 at 20:38

Although not particularly impressive of a number at first glance, the Union-closed sets conjecture is known to be true for all sets of size up to 46. When you realize that there are $2^46$ subsets in the power set and $2^2^46$ possible families of subsets (ignoring the closed under union property) it becomes more exciting. I'm not sure how it was verified up to $46$, whether it was from computer assistance or not, but it is still an interesting open problem.
– JMoravitz
Aug 6 at 20:38



Legendre's conjecture?
– Bram28
Aug 6 at 20:52

Legendre's conjecture?
– Bram28
Aug 6 at 20:52



I've voted to close as too broad. Testing problems numerically is generally pretty easy compared to proving them, so pretty much any open problem about the natural numbers will have been checked. This is not to say that there is not a great deal of expertise that goes into checking things numerically, or that certain problems are not more amenable than others to such testing, but without anything more precise than 'large values', it's difficult to find anything to narrow down this list at all beyond 'all open problems'.
– John Gowers
Aug 6 at 20:55

I've voted to close as too broad. Testing problems numerically is generally pretty easy compared to proving them, so pretty much any open problem about the natural numbers will have been checked. This is not to say that there is not a great deal of expertise that goes into checking things numerically, or that certain problems are not more amenable than others to such testing, but without anything more precise than 'large values', it's difficult to find anything to narrow down this list at all beyond 'all open problems'.
– John Gowers
Aug 6 at 20:55

7 Answers




up vote
down vote

The nonexistence of Fermat primes beyond $65537$ has been verified, as far as I know, to $2^2^32+1$. Thereby, we have identified the last constructible regular prime-sided polygon up to a point far beyond where any such construction could be carried out. (Based on current theories of quantum gravity, a regular polygon having the shortest possible side length and "only" $2^2^8+1$ sides would not fit in the known Universe.)

It was, of course, Euler who first killed Fermat's conjecture that $2^2^n+1$ is prime for all natural numbers $n$, by disproving it for $n=5$. Now the opposite conjecture is in vogue, and it has been verified up to $n=32$. Testing of Fermat numbers for primality can be accomplished by Pepin's Test, a stronger form of Fermat's Little Theorem whereby a Fermat number $Mge 5$ is prime iff $3^(M-1)/2equiv -1 bmod M$. Because Pepin's test does not directly identify factors when the number is composite, $2^2^n+1$ has no known factors, despite being certified composite, for $n=20$ and $n=24$.

See here for a more thorough discussion of Fermat numbers.

share|cite|improve this answer

  • That’s a super cool note about Fermat primes.
    – Stella Biderman
    Aug 6 at 20:58

  • 6

    Funnily enough, C programmers have a completely different name for $2^2^5 + 1$, namely UINT_MAX + 2. (You do need to cast it properly or else it rolls over.)
    – Kevin
    Aug 7 at 7:01

  • @Kevin In the embedded world, 16-bit ints are still not uncommon.
    – Daniel Fischer♦
    Aug 7 at 10:04

  • @Kevin: I feel that when you add an abritrary value to a constant that it kind of stops being a name. UINT_MAX is a significant named number. UINT_MAX+k is just any number you want....
    – Chris
    Aug 7 at 16:04

  • @Chris: But this way we have twin composite numbers! Isn't that neat?
    – Kevin
    Aug 7 at 16:12

up vote
down vote

Whether or not there exist any odd perfect numbers is an open problem. Numbers up to $10^1500$ have been checked (as of $2012$) without any success.

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  • To see that there's "an established history of computationally verifying the problem," as the OP requested, I referred to oddperfect.org and Ochem and Rao's "Odd perfect numbers are greater than 10^1500."
    – Vectornaut
    Aug 8 at 3:01

  • Ochem and Rao (unpublished) claims to have already pushed the computations to a lower bound of $10^2000$ for odd perfect numbers. (See their website.)
    – Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris
    Aug 8 at 5:28

up vote
down vote

The Goldbach Conjecture has been verified up though $4times 10^18$ by Oliviera e Silva (as of 2012). The history of these computations (13 previous records) can be found on Mathworld.

The Riemann Hypothesis has been verified through $10^13$ by X Gourdon (2004). The history of these computations can be found on Wikipedia.

The Union-closed Set Conjecture has been verified up to sets of size $46$ as well as for other special cases. The specific lower bound of size $46$ was found by Roberts and Simpson in 2010. The previous records were 18 (Sarvate and Renaud 1990) and 40 (Roberts 1992). Mathworld lists several other results that fail to beat Roberts 1992.

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    up vote
    down vote

    The Collatz conjecture, also called the $3x+1$ conjecture or Hail Stone sequence has been verified up to $87times 2^60$ as of $2017$. More information can be found on Wikipedia.

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • 1

      Wikipedia lists two bounds, the current one and one from 1981. Would you happen to know if intermediary values have been calculated between 1981 and 2017?
      – Stella Biderman
      Aug 6 at 20:55

    • 1

      "The 3x + 1 Problem and Its Generalizations". Amer. Math. Monthly. 92: 3–23. 1985. will provide a good amount of information about the problem and its history.
      – Mohammad Riazi-Kermani
      Aug 6 at 21:36

    up vote
    down vote

    Firoozbakht's conjecture states that, if $p_n$ is the $n$th prime numbers, then the sequence $left(sqrt[n]p_nright)_ninmathbb N$ is strictly decreasing. It has never been proved, but it it has already been checked for the primes below $10^19$.

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • Do you have a source for this claim? I haven’t been able to find it, or any other computational results that didn’t get up to this bound
      – Stella Biderman
      Aug 6 at 21:43

    • 3

      @StellaBiderman Please see here.
      – José Carlos Santos
      Aug 6 at 21:45

    up vote
    down vote

    Searching of solutions of the Diophantine equation


    for small $k$ ($k<1000$) has been performed for $|x|,|y|,|z|$ up to $10^15$.

    For $k<100$, solutions were not yet found for $k=33$ and $k=42$. For $k<1000$, there are 14 values without solution.

    share|cite|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      • The Hadamard Conjecture states that a Hadamard matrix of order $4k$ should exist for every positive integer $k$. It has been numerically verified for all orders up to 668.

      • The Circulant Hadamard Conjecture posits that there are no circulant Hadamard matrices of order $>4$, and has been verified numerically for most values up to $10^4$.

      If you allow liberal interpretation of "large values" as "high confidence", several of the Millennium Prize Problems provide examples.

      • The mass gap part of the Yang-Mills Existence and Mass Gap problem has been numerically verified using lattice QCD. To do this, you discretize space on a lattice and evaluate the spectrum of the Hamiltonian, and refining the computation is done by using a finer lattice. At this point the numerical evidence is so overwhelming that it's not really meaningful to ask "to what bound has it been checked?"; we "know" that the mass gap part of this problem is true--the only challenge is proving it rigorously. In the past, though, this sort of computation was at the very frontier of supercomputing, and there was a time when verifying the existence of a mass gap (and related phenomena) numerically was a major industry.

      • The origin of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture was in number crunching on elliptic curves. The content of the conjecture is to rigorously prove certain trends which are observed numerically. I don't know how well those trends are now established numerically (but the linked Wikipedia article has plots showing roughly $10^6$ data points).

      • The Riemann Hypothesis has been verified numerically to something like ten trillion zeroes.

      share|cite|improve this answer

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        7 Answers




        7 Answers










        up vote
        down vote

        The nonexistence of Fermat primes beyond $65537$ has been verified, as far as I know, to $2^2^32+1$. Thereby, we have identified the last constructible regular prime-sided polygon up to a point far beyond where any such construction could be carried out. (Based on current theories of quantum gravity, a regular polygon having the shortest possible side length and "only" $2^2^8+1$ sides would not fit in the known Universe.)

        It was, of course, Euler who first killed Fermat's conjecture that $2^2^n+1$ is prime for all natural numbers $n$, by disproving it for $n=5$. Now the opposite conjecture is in vogue, and it has been verified up to $n=32$. Testing of Fermat numbers for primality can be accomplished by Pepin's Test, a stronger form of Fermat's Little Theorem whereby a Fermat number $Mge 5$ is prime iff $3^(M-1)/2equiv -1 bmod M$. Because Pepin's test does not directly identify factors when the number is composite, $2^2^n+1$ has no known factors, despite being certified composite, for $n=20$ and $n=24$.

        See here for a more thorough discussion of Fermat numbers.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        • That’s a super cool note about Fermat primes.
          – Stella Biderman
          Aug 6 at 20:58

        • 6

          Funnily enough, C programmers have a completely different name for $2^2^5 + 1$, namely UINT_MAX + 2. (You do need to cast it properly or else it rolls over.)
          – Kevin
          Aug 7 at 7:01

        • @Kevin In the embedded world, 16-bit ints are still not uncommon.
          – Daniel Fischer♦
          Aug 7 at 10:04

        • @Kevin: I feel that when you add an abritrary value to a constant that it kind of stops being a name. UINT_MAX is a significant named number. UINT_MAX+k is just any number you want....
          – Chris
          Aug 7 at 16:04

        • @Chris: But this way we have twin composite numbers! Isn't that neat?
          – Kevin
          Aug 7 at 16:12

        up vote
        down vote

        The nonexistence of Fermat primes beyond $65537$ has been verified, as far as I know, to $2^2^32+1$. Thereby, we have identified the last constructible regular prime-sided polygon up to a point far beyond where any such construction could be carried out. (Based on current theories of quantum gravity, a regular polygon having the shortest possible side length and "only" $2^2^8+1$ sides would not fit in the known Universe.)

        It was, of course, Euler who first killed Fermat's conjecture that $2^2^n+1$ is prime for all natural numbers $n$, by disproving it for $n=5$. Now the opposite conjecture is in vogue, and it has been verified up to $n=32$. Testing of Fermat numbers for primality can be accomplished by Pepin's Test, a stronger form of Fermat's Little Theorem whereby a Fermat number $Mge 5$ is prime iff $3^(M-1)/2equiv -1 bmod M$. Because Pepin's test does not directly identify factors when the number is composite, $2^2^n+1$ has no known factors, despite being certified composite, for $n=20$ and $n=24$.

        See here for a more thorough discussion of Fermat numbers.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        • That’s a super cool note about Fermat primes.
          – Stella Biderman
          Aug 6 at 20:58

        • 6

          Funnily enough, C programmers have a completely different name for $2^2^5 + 1$, namely UINT_MAX + 2. (You do need to cast it properly or else it rolls over.)
          – Kevin
          Aug 7 at 7:01

        • @Kevin In the embedded world, 16-bit ints are still not uncommon.
          – Daniel Fischer♦
          Aug 7 at 10:04

        • @Kevin: I feel that when you add an abritrary value to a constant that it kind of stops being a name. UINT_MAX is a significant named number. UINT_MAX+k is just any number you want....
          – Chris
          Aug 7 at 16:04

        • @Chris: But this way we have twin composite numbers! Isn't that neat?
          – Kevin
          Aug 7 at 16:12

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        The nonexistence of Fermat primes beyond $65537$ has been verified, as far as I know, to $2^2^32+1$. Thereby, we have identified the last constructible regular prime-sided polygon up to a point far beyond where any such construction could be carried out. (Based on current theories of quantum gravity, a regular polygon having the shortest possible side length and "only" $2^2^8+1$ sides would not fit in the known Universe.)

        It was, of course, Euler who first killed Fermat's conjecture that $2^2^n+1$ is prime for all natural numbers $n$, by disproving it for $n=5$. Now the opposite conjecture is in vogue, and it has been verified up to $n=32$. Testing of Fermat numbers for primality can be accomplished by Pepin's Test, a stronger form of Fermat's Little Theorem whereby a Fermat number $Mge 5$ is prime iff $3^(M-1)/2equiv -1 bmod M$. Because Pepin's test does not directly identify factors when the number is composite, $2^2^n+1$ has no known factors, despite being certified composite, for $n=20$ and $n=24$.

        See here for a more thorough discussion of Fermat numbers.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        The nonexistence of Fermat primes beyond $65537$ has been verified, as far as I know, to $2^2^32+1$. Thereby, we have identified the last constructible regular prime-sided polygon up to a point far beyond where any such construction could be carried out. (Based on current theories of quantum gravity, a regular polygon having the shortest possible side length and "only" $2^2^8+1$ sides would not fit in the known Universe.)

        It was, of course, Euler who first killed Fermat's conjecture that $2^2^n+1$ is prime for all natural numbers $n$, by disproving it for $n=5$. Now the opposite conjecture is in vogue, and it has been verified up to $n=32$. Testing of Fermat numbers for primality can be accomplished by Pepin's Test, a stronger form of Fermat's Little Theorem whereby a Fermat number $Mge 5$ is prime iff $3^(M-1)/2equiv -1 bmod M$. Because Pepin's test does not directly identify factors when the number is composite, $2^2^n+1$ has no known factors, despite being certified composite, for $n=20$ and $n=24$.

        See here for a more thorough discussion of Fermat numbers.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        edited Aug 6 at 23:25

        community wiki

        Oscar Lanzi

        • That’s a super cool note about Fermat primes.
          – Stella Biderman
          Aug 6 at 20:58

        • 6

          Funnily enough, C programmers have a completely different name for $2^2^5 + 1$, namely UINT_MAX + 2. (You do need to cast it properly or else it rolls over.)
          – Kevin
          Aug 7 at 7:01

        • @Kevin In the embedded world, 16-bit ints are still not uncommon.
          – Daniel Fischer♦
          Aug 7 at 10:04

        • @Kevin: I feel that when you add an abritrary value to a constant that it kind of stops being a name. UINT_MAX is a significant named number. UINT_MAX+k is just any number you want....
          – Chris
          Aug 7 at 16:04

        • @Chris: But this way we have twin composite numbers! Isn't that neat?
          – Kevin
          Aug 7 at 16:12

        • That’s a super cool note about Fermat primes.
          – Stella Biderman
          Aug 6 at 20:58

        • 6

          Funnily enough, C programmers have a completely different name for $2^2^5 + 1$, namely UINT_MAX + 2. (You do need to cast it properly or else it rolls over.)
          – Kevin
          Aug 7 at 7:01

        • @Kevin In the embedded world, 16-bit ints are still not uncommon.
          – Daniel Fischer♦
          Aug 7 at 10:04

        • @Kevin: I feel that when you add an abritrary value to a constant that it kind of stops being a name. UINT_MAX is a significant named number. UINT_MAX+k is just any number you want....
          – Chris
          Aug 7 at 16:04

        • @Chris: But this way we have twin composite numbers! Isn't that neat?
          – Kevin
          Aug 7 at 16:12

        That’s a super cool note about Fermat primes.
        – Stella Biderman
        Aug 6 at 20:58

        That’s a super cool note about Fermat primes.
        – Stella Biderman
        Aug 6 at 20:58



        Funnily enough, C programmers have a completely different name for $2^2^5 + 1$, namely UINT_MAX + 2. (You do need to cast it properly or else it rolls over.)
        – Kevin
        Aug 7 at 7:01

        Funnily enough, C programmers have a completely different name for $2^2^5 + 1$, namely UINT_MAX + 2. (You do need to cast it properly or else it rolls over.)
        – Kevin
        Aug 7 at 7:01

        @Kevin In the embedded world, 16-bit ints are still not uncommon.
        – Daniel Fischer♦
        Aug 7 at 10:04

        @Kevin In the embedded world, 16-bit ints are still not uncommon.
        – Daniel Fischer♦
        Aug 7 at 10:04

        @Kevin: I feel that when you add an abritrary value to a constant that it kind of stops being a name. UINT_MAX is a significant named number. UINT_MAX+k is just any number you want....
        – Chris
        Aug 7 at 16:04

        @Kevin: I feel that when you add an abritrary value to a constant that it kind of stops being a name. UINT_MAX is a significant named number. UINT_MAX+k is just any number you want....
        – Chris
        Aug 7 at 16:04

        @Chris: But this way we have twin composite numbers! Isn't that neat?
        – Kevin
        Aug 7 at 16:12

        @Chris: But this way we have twin composite numbers! Isn't that neat?
        – Kevin
        Aug 7 at 16:12

        up vote
        down vote

        Whether or not there exist any odd perfect numbers is an open problem. Numbers up to $10^1500$ have been checked (as of $2012$) without any success.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        • To see that there's "an established history of computationally verifying the problem," as the OP requested, I referred to oddperfect.org and Ochem and Rao's "Odd perfect numbers are greater than 10^1500."
          – Vectornaut
          Aug 8 at 3:01

        • Ochem and Rao (unpublished) claims to have already pushed the computations to a lower bound of $10^2000$ for odd perfect numbers. (See their website.)
          – Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris
          Aug 8 at 5:28

        up vote
        down vote

        Whether or not there exist any odd perfect numbers is an open problem. Numbers up to $10^1500$ have been checked (as of $2012$) without any success.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        • To see that there's "an established history of computationally verifying the problem," as the OP requested, I referred to oddperfect.org and Ochem and Rao's "Odd perfect numbers are greater than 10^1500."
          – Vectornaut
          Aug 8 at 3:01

        • Ochem and Rao (unpublished) claims to have already pushed the computations to a lower bound of $10^2000$ for odd perfect numbers. (See their website.)
          – Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris
          Aug 8 at 5:28

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        Whether or not there exist any odd perfect numbers is an open problem. Numbers up to $10^1500$ have been checked (as of $2012$) without any success.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        Whether or not there exist any odd perfect numbers is an open problem. Numbers up to $10^1500$ have been checked (as of $2012$) without any success.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        answered Aug 6 at 21:27

        community wiki

        Foobaz John

        • To see that there's "an established history of computationally verifying the problem," as the OP requested, I referred to oddperfect.org and Ochem and Rao's "Odd perfect numbers are greater than 10^1500."
          – Vectornaut
          Aug 8 at 3:01

        • Ochem and Rao (unpublished) claims to have already pushed the computations to a lower bound of $10^2000$ for odd perfect numbers. (See their website.)
          – Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris
          Aug 8 at 5:28

        • To see that there's "an established history of computationally verifying the problem," as the OP requested, I referred to oddperfect.org and Ochem and Rao's "Odd perfect numbers are greater than 10^1500."
          – Vectornaut
          Aug 8 at 3:01

        • Ochem and Rao (unpublished) claims to have already pushed the computations to a lower bound of $10^2000$ for odd perfect numbers. (See their website.)
          – Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris
          Aug 8 at 5:28

        To see that there's "an established history of computationally verifying the problem," as the OP requested, I referred to oddperfect.org and Ochem and Rao's "Odd perfect numbers are greater than 10^1500."
        – Vectornaut
        Aug 8 at 3:01

        To see that there's "an established history of computationally verifying the problem," as the OP requested, I referred to oddperfect.org and Ochem and Rao's "Odd perfect numbers are greater than 10^1500."
        – Vectornaut
        Aug 8 at 3:01

        Ochem and Rao (unpublished) claims to have already pushed the computations to a lower bound of $10^2000$ for odd perfect numbers. (See their website.)
        – Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris
        Aug 8 at 5:28

        Ochem and Rao (unpublished) claims to have already pushed the computations to a lower bound of $10^2000$ for odd perfect numbers. (See their website.)
        – Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris
        Aug 8 at 5:28

        up vote
        down vote

        The Goldbach Conjecture has been verified up though $4times 10^18$ by Oliviera e Silva (as of 2012). The history of these computations (13 previous records) can be found on Mathworld.

        The Riemann Hypothesis has been verified through $10^13$ by X Gourdon (2004). The history of these computations can be found on Wikipedia.

        The Union-closed Set Conjecture has been verified up to sets of size $46$ as well as for other special cases. The specific lower bound of size $46$ was found by Roberts and Simpson in 2010. The previous records were 18 (Sarvate and Renaud 1990) and 40 (Roberts 1992). Mathworld lists several other results that fail to beat Roberts 1992.

        share|cite|improve this answer

          up vote
          down vote

          The Goldbach Conjecture has been verified up though $4times 10^18$ by Oliviera e Silva (as of 2012). The history of these computations (13 previous records) can be found on Mathworld.

          The Riemann Hypothesis has been verified through $10^13$ by X Gourdon (2004). The history of these computations can be found on Wikipedia.

          The Union-closed Set Conjecture has been verified up to sets of size $46$ as well as for other special cases. The specific lower bound of size $46$ was found by Roberts and Simpson in 2010. The previous records were 18 (Sarvate and Renaud 1990) and 40 (Roberts 1992). Mathworld lists several other results that fail to beat Roberts 1992.

          share|cite|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            The Goldbach Conjecture has been verified up though $4times 10^18$ by Oliviera e Silva (as of 2012). The history of these computations (13 previous records) can be found on Mathworld.

            The Riemann Hypothesis has been verified through $10^13$ by X Gourdon (2004). The history of these computations can be found on Wikipedia.

            The Union-closed Set Conjecture has been verified up to sets of size $46$ as well as for other special cases. The specific lower bound of size $46$ was found by Roberts and Simpson in 2010. The previous records were 18 (Sarvate and Renaud 1990) and 40 (Roberts 1992). Mathworld lists several other results that fail to beat Roberts 1992.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            The Goldbach Conjecture has been verified up though $4times 10^18$ by Oliviera e Silva (as of 2012). The history of these computations (13 previous records) can be found on Mathworld.

            The Riemann Hypothesis has been verified through $10^13$ by X Gourdon (2004). The history of these computations can be found on Wikipedia.

            The Union-closed Set Conjecture has been verified up to sets of size $46$ as well as for other special cases. The specific lower bound of size $46$ was found by Roberts and Simpson in 2010. The previous records were 18 (Sarvate and Renaud 1990) and 40 (Roberts 1992). Mathworld lists several other results that fail to beat Roberts 1992.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            edited Aug 6 at 21:47

            community wiki

            3 revs, 2 users 84%
            Stella Biderman

                up vote
                down vote

                The Collatz conjecture, also called the $3x+1$ conjecture or Hail Stone sequence has been verified up to $87times 2^60$ as of $2017$. More information can be found on Wikipedia.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                • 1

                  Wikipedia lists two bounds, the current one and one from 1981. Would you happen to know if intermediary values have been calculated between 1981 and 2017?
                  – Stella Biderman
                  Aug 6 at 20:55

                • 1

                  "The 3x + 1 Problem and Its Generalizations". Amer. Math. Monthly. 92: 3–23. 1985. will provide a good amount of information about the problem and its history.
                  – Mohammad Riazi-Kermani
                  Aug 6 at 21:36

                up vote
                down vote

                The Collatz conjecture, also called the $3x+1$ conjecture or Hail Stone sequence has been verified up to $87times 2^60$ as of $2017$. More information can be found on Wikipedia.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                • 1

                  Wikipedia lists two bounds, the current one and one from 1981. Would you happen to know if intermediary values have been calculated between 1981 and 2017?
                  – Stella Biderman
                  Aug 6 at 20:55

                • 1

                  "The 3x + 1 Problem and Its Generalizations". Amer. Math. Monthly. 92: 3–23. 1985. will provide a good amount of information about the problem and its history.
                  – Mohammad Riazi-Kermani
                  Aug 6 at 21:36

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                The Collatz conjecture, also called the $3x+1$ conjecture or Hail Stone sequence has been verified up to $87times 2^60$ as of $2017$. More information can be found on Wikipedia.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                The Collatz conjecture, also called the $3x+1$ conjecture or Hail Stone sequence has been verified up to $87times 2^60$ as of $2017$. More information can be found on Wikipedia.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                edited Aug 6 at 20:49

                community wiki

                Mohammad Riazi-Kermani

                • 1

                  Wikipedia lists two bounds, the current one and one from 1981. Would you happen to know if intermediary values have been calculated between 1981 and 2017?
                  – Stella Biderman
                  Aug 6 at 20:55

                • 1

                  "The 3x + 1 Problem and Its Generalizations". Amer. Math. Monthly. 92: 3–23. 1985. will provide a good amount of information about the problem and its history.
                  – Mohammad Riazi-Kermani
                  Aug 6 at 21:36

                • 1

                  Wikipedia lists two bounds, the current one and one from 1981. Would you happen to know if intermediary values have been calculated between 1981 and 2017?
                  – Stella Biderman
                  Aug 6 at 20:55

                • 1

                  "The 3x + 1 Problem and Its Generalizations". Amer. Math. Monthly. 92: 3–23. 1985. will provide a good amount of information about the problem and its history.
                  – Mohammad Riazi-Kermani
                  Aug 6 at 21:36



                Wikipedia lists two bounds, the current one and one from 1981. Would you happen to know if intermediary values have been calculated between 1981 and 2017?
                – Stella Biderman
                Aug 6 at 20:55

                Wikipedia lists two bounds, the current one and one from 1981. Would you happen to know if intermediary values have been calculated between 1981 and 2017?
                – Stella Biderman
                Aug 6 at 20:55



                "The 3x + 1 Problem and Its Generalizations". Amer. Math. Monthly. 92: 3–23. 1985. will provide a good amount of information about the problem and its history.
                – Mohammad Riazi-Kermani
                Aug 6 at 21:36

                "The 3x + 1 Problem and Its Generalizations". Amer. Math. Monthly. 92: 3–23. 1985. will provide a good amount of information about the problem and its history.
                – Mohammad Riazi-Kermani
                Aug 6 at 21:36

                up vote
                down vote

                Firoozbakht's conjecture states that, if $p_n$ is the $n$th prime numbers, then the sequence $left(sqrt[n]p_nright)_ninmathbb N$ is strictly decreasing. It has never been proved, but it it has already been checked for the primes below $10^19$.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                • Do you have a source for this claim? I haven’t been able to find it, or any other computational results that didn’t get up to this bound
                  – Stella Biderman
                  Aug 6 at 21:43

                • 3

                  @StellaBiderman Please see here.
                  – José Carlos Santos
                  Aug 6 at 21:45

                up vote
                down vote

                Firoozbakht's conjecture states that, if $p_n$ is the $n$th prime numbers, then the sequence $left(sqrt[n]p_nright)_ninmathbb N$ is strictly decreasing. It has never been proved, but it it has already been checked for the primes below $10^19$.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                • Do you have a source for this claim? I haven’t been able to find it, or any other computational results that didn’t get up to this bound
                  – Stella Biderman
                  Aug 6 at 21:43

                • 3

                  @StellaBiderman Please see here.
                  – José Carlos Santos
                  Aug 6 at 21:45

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                Firoozbakht's conjecture states that, if $p_n$ is the $n$th prime numbers, then the sequence $left(sqrt[n]p_nright)_ninmathbb N$ is strictly decreasing. It has never been proved, but it it has already been checked for the primes below $10^19$.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                Firoozbakht's conjecture states that, if $p_n$ is the $n$th prime numbers, then the sequence $left(sqrt[n]p_nright)_ninmathbb N$ is strictly decreasing. It has never been proved, but it it has already been checked for the primes below $10^19$.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                answered Aug 6 at 21:15

                community wiki

                José Carlos Santos

                • Do you have a source for this claim? I haven’t been able to find it, or any other computational results that didn’t get up to this bound
                  – Stella Biderman
                  Aug 6 at 21:43

                • 3

                  @StellaBiderman Please see here.
                  – José Carlos Santos
                  Aug 6 at 21:45

                • Do you have a source for this claim? I haven’t been able to find it, or any other computational results that didn’t get up to this bound
                  – Stella Biderman
                  Aug 6 at 21:43

                • 3

                  @StellaBiderman Please see here.
                  – José Carlos Santos
                  Aug 6 at 21:45

                Do you have a source for this claim? I haven’t been able to find it, or any other computational results that didn’t get up to this bound
                – Stella Biderman
                Aug 6 at 21:43

                Do you have a source for this claim? I haven’t been able to find it, or any other computational results that didn’t get up to this bound
                – Stella Biderman
                Aug 6 at 21:43



                @StellaBiderman Please see here.
                – José Carlos Santos
                Aug 6 at 21:45

                @StellaBiderman Please see here.
                – José Carlos Santos
                Aug 6 at 21:45

                up vote
                down vote

                Searching of solutions of the Diophantine equation


                for small $k$ ($k<1000$) has been performed for $|x|,|y|,|z|$ up to $10^15$.

                For $k<100$, solutions were not yet found for $k=33$ and $k=42$. For $k<1000$, there are 14 values without solution.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  Searching of solutions of the Diophantine equation


                  for small $k$ ($k<1000$) has been performed for $|x|,|y|,|z|$ up to $10^15$.

                  For $k<100$, solutions were not yet found for $k=33$ and $k=42$. For $k<1000$, there are 14 values without solution.

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    Searching of solutions of the Diophantine equation


                    for small $k$ ($k<1000$) has been performed for $|x|,|y|,|z|$ up to $10^15$.

                    For $k<100$, solutions were not yet found for $k=33$ and $k=42$. For $k<1000$, there are 14 values without solution.

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    Searching of solutions of the Diophantine equation


                    for small $k$ ($k<1000$) has been performed for $|x|,|y|,|z|$ up to $10^15$.

                    For $k<100$, solutions were not yet found for $k=33$ and $k=42$. For $k<1000$, there are 14 values without solution.

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    answered Aug 7 at 8:57

                    community wiki


                        up vote
                        down vote

                        • The Hadamard Conjecture states that a Hadamard matrix of order $4k$ should exist for every positive integer $k$. It has been numerically verified for all orders up to 668.

                        • The Circulant Hadamard Conjecture posits that there are no circulant Hadamard matrices of order $>4$, and has been verified numerically for most values up to $10^4$.

                        If you allow liberal interpretation of "large values" as "high confidence", several of the Millennium Prize Problems provide examples.

                        • The mass gap part of the Yang-Mills Existence and Mass Gap problem has been numerically verified using lattice QCD. To do this, you discretize space on a lattice and evaluate the spectrum of the Hamiltonian, and refining the computation is done by using a finer lattice. At this point the numerical evidence is so overwhelming that it's not really meaningful to ask "to what bound has it been checked?"; we "know" that the mass gap part of this problem is true--the only challenge is proving it rigorously. In the past, though, this sort of computation was at the very frontier of supercomputing, and there was a time when verifying the existence of a mass gap (and related phenomena) numerically was a major industry.

                        • The origin of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture was in number crunching on elliptic curves. The content of the conjecture is to rigorously prove certain trends which are observed numerically. I don't know how well those trends are now established numerically (but the linked Wikipedia article has plots showing roughly $10^6$ data points).

                        • The Riemann Hypothesis has been verified numerically to something like ten trillion zeroes.

                        share|cite|improve this answer

                          up vote
                          down vote

                          • The Hadamard Conjecture states that a Hadamard matrix of order $4k$ should exist for every positive integer $k$. It has been numerically verified for all orders up to 668.

                          • The Circulant Hadamard Conjecture posits that there are no circulant Hadamard matrices of order $>4$, and has been verified numerically for most values up to $10^4$.

                          If you allow liberal interpretation of "large values" as "high confidence", several of the Millennium Prize Problems provide examples.

                          • The mass gap part of the Yang-Mills Existence and Mass Gap problem has been numerically verified using lattice QCD. To do this, you discretize space on a lattice and evaluate the spectrum of the Hamiltonian, and refining the computation is done by using a finer lattice. At this point the numerical evidence is so overwhelming that it's not really meaningful to ask "to what bound has it been checked?"; we "know" that the mass gap part of this problem is true--the only challenge is proving it rigorously. In the past, though, this sort of computation was at the very frontier of supercomputing, and there was a time when verifying the existence of a mass gap (and related phenomena) numerically was a major industry.

                          • The origin of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture was in number crunching on elliptic curves. The content of the conjecture is to rigorously prove certain trends which are observed numerically. I don't know how well those trends are now established numerically (but the linked Wikipedia article has plots showing roughly $10^6$ data points).

                          • The Riemann Hypothesis has been verified numerically to something like ten trillion zeroes.

                          share|cite|improve this answer

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            • The Hadamard Conjecture states that a Hadamard matrix of order $4k$ should exist for every positive integer $k$. It has been numerically verified for all orders up to 668.

                            • The Circulant Hadamard Conjecture posits that there are no circulant Hadamard matrices of order $>4$, and has been verified numerically for most values up to $10^4$.

                            If you allow liberal interpretation of "large values" as "high confidence", several of the Millennium Prize Problems provide examples.

                            • The mass gap part of the Yang-Mills Existence and Mass Gap problem has been numerically verified using lattice QCD. To do this, you discretize space on a lattice and evaluate the spectrum of the Hamiltonian, and refining the computation is done by using a finer lattice. At this point the numerical evidence is so overwhelming that it's not really meaningful to ask "to what bound has it been checked?"; we "know" that the mass gap part of this problem is true--the only challenge is proving it rigorously. In the past, though, this sort of computation was at the very frontier of supercomputing, and there was a time when verifying the existence of a mass gap (and related phenomena) numerically was a major industry.

                            • The origin of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture was in number crunching on elliptic curves. The content of the conjecture is to rigorously prove certain trends which are observed numerically. I don't know how well those trends are now established numerically (but the linked Wikipedia article has plots showing roughly $10^6$ data points).

                            • The Riemann Hypothesis has been verified numerically to something like ten trillion zeroes.

                            share|cite|improve this answer

                            • The Hadamard Conjecture states that a Hadamard matrix of order $4k$ should exist for every positive integer $k$. It has been numerically verified for all orders up to 668.

                            • The Circulant Hadamard Conjecture posits that there are no circulant Hadamard matrices of order $>4$, and has been verified numerically for most values up to $10^4$.

                            If you allow liberal interpretation of "large values" as "high confidence", several of the Millennium Prize Problems provide examples.

                            • The mass gap part of the Yang-Mills Existence and Mass Gap problem has been numerically verified using lattice QCD. To do this, you discretize space on a lattice and evaluate the spectrum of the Hamiltonian, and refining the computation is done by using a finer lattice. At this point the numerical evidence is so overwhelming that it's not really meaningful to ask "to what bound has it been checked?"; we "know" that the mass gap part of this problem is true--the only challenge is proving it rigorously. In the past, though, this sort of computation was at the very frontier of supercomputing, and there was a time when verifying the existence of a mass gap (and related phenomena) numerically was a major industry.

                            • The origin of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture was in number crunching on elliptic curves. The content of the conjecture is to rigorously prove certain trends which are observed numerically. I don't know how well those trends are now established numerically (but the linked Wikipedia article has plots showing roughly $10^6$ data points).

                            • The Riemann Hypothesis has been verified numerically to something like ten trillion zeroes.

                            share|cite|improve this answer

                            share|cite|improve this answer

                            share|cite|improve this answer

                            edited Aug 6 at 22:43

                            community wiki



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