Integral of the form $e^i K sqrtx^2+a^2/sqrtx^2+a^2$

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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I am trying to solve integrals of the following form $$intfrac rm e^imath K sqrtx^2+a^2sqrtx^2+a^2 rm d x,$$

where $K$ and $a$ are real positive constants. Mathematica did not provide any solution so I have serious doubts whether it can be solved analytically. And yet, it looks so elementary?

Substituting the square root doesn't seem to help since for $p = sqrtx^2+a^2$ we have $frac rm dprm dx = frac x p = fracsqrtp^2-a^2p$, leading to $$intfrac rm e^imath K psqrtp^2-a^2 rm d p.$$ We've linearlizted the exponent but the demoninator looks no better. Mathematica still gives up.

Somehow these square-root-of-sum-of-squares terms seem to call for a trigonometric substitution but I just cannot put my finger on what it might look like.

Is this a standard integral? Would someone have a clue whether it has an analytical solution or not?

edit: after Chappers' comment I had a look at the infinite indefinite integral and it seems this can be solved in closed form. Mathematica claims $$int_-infty^inftyfrac rm e^imath K sqrtx^2+a^2sqrtx^2+a^2 rm d x = -pi(Y_0(a K) + jmath J_0(a K)),$$ where $J_0(z)$ and $Y_0(z)$ are the Bessel functions of the first and second kind, respectively. Unfortunately, I need the integral in a finite interval $[b,b+c]$, where both $b$ and $c$ can be arbitrary. I guess this means I need to integrate numerically.

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  • Looks like something Bessel-ish.
    – Frpzzd
    Jul 18 at 11:48

  • Yeah, I was thinking the same. The Exp with something trigonometric-ish inside calls for Bessel. But I couldn't bring it in any Bessel integral form.
    – Florian
    Jul 18 at 11:50

  • If we have a complex component then an integral should have a defined integration path on the Argand plain. Is one defined?
    – Dr Peter McGowan
    Jul 18 at 11:50

  • I'm integrating over the real variable $x$. The integrand is complex but the integration variable is not. Might as well integrate real and imaginary part separately, in this case the question would be about $int fraccos[ksqrtx^2+a^2]sqrtx^2+a^2 rm dx$. This would help as well.
    – Florian
    Jul 18 at 11:52

  • With limits $-infty$ and $infty$ it is a standard integral, giving a Hankel function:
    – Chappers
    Jul 18 at 12:22

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down vote


I am trying to solve integrals of the following form $$intfrac rm e^imath K sqrtx^2+a^2sqrtx^2+a^2 rm d x,$$

where $K$ and $a$ are real positive constants. Mathematica did not provide any solution so I have serious doubts whether it can be solved analytically. And yet, it looks so elementary?

Substituting the square root doesn't seem to help since for $p = sqrtx^2+a^2$ we have $frac rm dprm dx = frac x p = fracsqrtp^2-a^2p$, leading to $$intfrac rm e^imath K psqrtp^2-a^2 rm d p.$$ We've linearlizted the exponent but the demoninator looks no better. Mathematica still gives up.

Somehow these square-root-of-sum-of-squares terms seem to call for a trigonometric substitution but I just cannot put my finger on what it might look like.

Is this a standard integral? Would someone have a clue whether it has an analytical solution or not?

edit: after Chappers' comment I had a look at the infinite indefinite integral and it seems this can be solved in closed form. Mathematica claims $$int_-infty^inftyfrac rm e^imath K sqrtx^2+a^2sqrtx^2+a^2 rm d x = -pi(Y_0(a K) + jmath J_0(a K)),$$ where $J_0(z)$ and $Y_0(z)$ are the Bessel functions of the first and second kind, respectively. Unfortunately, I need the integral in a finite interval $[b,b+c]$, where both $b$ and $c$ can be arbitrary. I guess this means I need to integrate numerically.

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  • Looks like something Bessel-ish.
    – Frpzzd
    Jul 18 at 11:48

  • Yeah, I was thinking the same. The Exp with something trigonometric-ish inside calls for Bessel. But I couldn't bring it in any Bessel integral form.
    – Florian
    Jul 18 at 11:50

  • If we have a complex component then an integral should have a defined integration path on the Argand plain. Is one defined?
    – Dr Peter McGowan
    Jul 18 at 11:50

  • I'm integrating over the real variable $x$. The integrand is complex but the integration variable is not. Might as well integrate real and imaginary part separately, in this case the question would be about $int fraccos[ksqrtx^2+a^2]sqrtx^2+a^2 rm dx$. This would help as well.
    – Florian
    Jul 18 at 11:52

  • With limits $-infty$ and $infty$ it is a standard integral, giving a Hankel function:
    – Chappers
    Jul 18 at 12:22

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down vote


I am trying to solve integrals of the following form $$intfrac rm e^imath K sqrtx^2+a^2sqrtx^2+a^2 rm d x,$$

where $K$ and $a$ are real positive constants. Mathematica did not provide any solution so I have serious doubts whether it can be solved analytically. And yet, it looks so elementary?

Substituting the square root doesn't seem to help since for $p = sqrtx^2+a^2$ we have $frac rm dprm dx = frac x p = fracsqrtp^2-a^2p$, leading to $$intfrac rm e^imath K psqrtp^2-a^2 rm d p.$$ We've linearlizted the exponent but the demoninator looks no better. Mathematica still gives up.

Somehow these square-root-of-sum-of-squares terms seem to call for a trigonometric substitution but I just cannot put my finger on what it might look like.

Is this a standard integral? Would someone have a clue whether it has an analytical solution or not?

edit: after Chappers' comment I had a look at the infinite indefinite integral and it seems this can be solved in closed form. Mathematica claims $$int_-infty^inftyfrac rm e^imath K sqrtx^2+a^2sqrtx^2+a^2 rm d x = -pi(Y_0(a K) + jmath J_0(a K)),$$ where $J_0(z)$ and $Y_0(z)$ are the Bessel functions of the first and second kind, respectively. Unfortunately, I need the integral in a finite interval $[b,b+c]$, where both $b$ and $c$ can be arbitrary. I guess this means I need to integrate numerically.

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I am trying to solve integrals of the following form $$intfrac rm e^imath K sqrtx^2+a^2sqrtx^2+a^2 rm d x,$$

where $K$ and $a$ are real positive constants. Mathematica did not provide any solution so I have serious doubts whether it can be solved analytically. And yet, it looks so elementary?

Substituting the square root doesn't seem to help since for $p = sqrtx^2+a^2$ we have $frac rm dprm dx = frac x p = fracsqrtp^2-a^2p$, leading to $$intfrac rm e^imath K psqrtp^2-a^2 rm d p.$$ We've linearlizted the exponent but the demoninator looks no better. Mathematica still gives up.

Somehow these square-root-of-sum-of-squares terms seem to call for a trigonometric substitution but I just cannot put my finger on what it might look like.

Is this a standard integral? Would someone have a clue whether it has an analytical solution or not?

edit: after Chappers' comment I had a look at the infinite indefinite integral and it seems this can be solved in closed form. Mathematica claims $$int_-infty^inftyfrac rm e^imath K sqrtx^2+a^2sqrtx^2+a^2 rm d x = -pi(Y_0(a K) + jmath J_0(a K)),$$ where $J_0(z)$ and $Y_0(z)$ are the Bessel functions of the first and second kind, respectively. Unfortunately, I need the integral in a finite interval $[b,b+c]$, where both $b$ and $c$ can be arbitrary. I guess this means I need to integrate numerically.

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edited Jul 18 at 15:30

asked Jul 18 at 11:41




  • Looks like something Bessel-ish.
    – Frpzzd
    Jul 18 at 11:48

  • Yeah, I was thinking the same. The Exp with something trigonometric-ish inside calls for Bessel. But I couldn't bring it in any Bessel integral form.
    – Florian
    Jul 18 at 11:50

  • If we have a complex component then an integral should have a defined integration path on the Argand plain. Is one defined?
    – Dr Peter McGowan
    Jul 18 at 11:50

  • I'm integrating over the real variable $x$. The integrand is complex but the integration variable is not. Might as well integrate real and imaginary part separately, in this case the question would be about $int fraccos[ksqrtx^2+a^2]sqrtx^2+a^2 rm dx$. This would help as well.
    – Florian
    Jul 18 at 11:52

  • With limits $-infty$ and $infty$ it is a standard integral, giving a Hankel function:
    – Chappers
    Jul 18 at 12:22

  • Looks like something Bessel-ish.
    – Frpzzd
    Jul 18 at 11:48

  • Yeah, I was thinking the same. The Exp with something trigonometric-ish inside calls for Bessel. But I couldn't bring it in any Bessel integral form.
    – Florian
    Jul 18 at 11:50

  • If we have a complex component then an integral should have a defined integration path on the Argand plain. Is one defined?
    – Dr Peter McGowan
    Jul 18 at 11:50

  • I'm integrating over the real variable $x$. The integrand is complex but the integration variable is not. Might as well integrate real and imaginary part separately, in this case the question would be about $int fraccos[ksqrtx^2+a^2]sqrtx^2+a^2 rm dx$. This would help as well.
    – Florian
    Jul 18 at 11:52

  • With limits $-infty$ and $infty$ it is a standard integral, giving a Hankel function:
    – Chappers
    Jul 18 at 12:22

Looks like something Bessel-ish.
– Frpzzd
Jul 18 at 11:48

Looks like something Bessel-ish.
– Frpzzd
Jul 18 at 11:48

Yeah, I was thinking the same. The Exp with something trigonometric-ish inside calls for Bessel. But I couldn't bring it in any Bessel integral form.
– Florian
Jul 18 at 11:50

Yeah, I was thinking the same. The Exp with something trigonometric-ish inside calls for Bessel. But I couldn't bring it in any Bessel integral form.
– Florian
Jul 18 at 11:50

If we have a complex component then an integral should have a defined integration path on the Argand plain. Is one defined?
– Dr Peter McGowan
Jul 18 at 11:50

If we have a complex component then an integral should have a defined integration path on the Argand plain. Is one defined?
– Dr Peter McGowan
Jul 18 at 11:50

I'm integrating over the real variable $x$. The integrand is complex but the integration variable is not. Might as well integrate real and imaginary part separately, in this case the question would be about $int fraccos[ksqrtx^2+a^2]sqrtx^2+a^2 rm dx$. This would help as well.
– Florian
Jul 18 at 11:52

I'm integrating over the real variable $x$. The integrand is complex but the integration variable is not. Might as well integrate real and imaginary part separately, in this case the question would be about $int fraccos[ksqrtx^2+a^2]sqrtx^2+a^2 rm dx$. This would help as well.
– Florian
Jul 18 at 11:52

With limits $-infty$ and $infty$ it is a standard integral, giving a Hankel function:
– Chappers
Jul 18 at 12:22

With limits $-infty$ and $infty$ it is a standard integral, giving a Hankel function:
– Chappers
Jul 18 at 12:22

2 Answers




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Changing $x=asinh t$ in the integral,
I=int_beta^gammae^ikacosh t,dt
where $beta=sinh^-1b/a$ and $gamma=sinh^-1(b+c)/a$. These kinds of integrals are related to incomplete Bessel functions. Their properties are described by Jones in Incomplete Bessel functions and its companion paper. In particular, for $0<sigma<pi$
H_0^(1)(ka,w)=frac2ipiint_w^infty+isigmae^ikacosh t,dt
I=frac2ipileft[ H_0^(1)(ka,beta)- H_0^(1)(ka,gamma) right]
It can also be expressed as
I= K_0(-ika,beta)- K_0(-ika,gamma)
where many properties of the incomplete Bessel function $K_0(z,w)$ are given in the cited reference (series expansion, asymptotics...).

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  • Ah, what a wonderful substitution. Thanks so much, that is it! As a minor thing, it seems I would have to change the integration limits since for $x$ to run from $b$ to $b+c$, I need to let $t$ run from something like $rm arsinh(b/a)$. But that's a minor thing. Thank you again!
    – Florian
    Jul 19 at 8:40

  • What still confuses me is that the integral needs to run on a line with $rm Im(t)>0$ (that's how I interpret the $i sigma$ thing?). After the substitution, the integral is strictly on the real line though. What's up with that?
    – Florian
    Jul 19 at 8:44

  • Sorry for the mistake on the integration limits, corrected now.
    – Paul Enta
    Jul 19 at 9:46

  • This can be viewed as writing that the integral on a closed contour of a holomorphic function in the complex plane is zero (residue theorem). This contour is made of 3 components 1) from $beta$ to $gamma$ on the real axis, 2) from $gamma$ to $infty +isigma$ and 3) from $infty +isigma$ to $beta$.
    – Paul Enta
    Jul 19 at 9:50

  • Okay, that helps. Thanks!
    – Florian
    Jul 19 at 10:32

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down vote

Consider function:

$$y=sqrtx^2+a^2 ln e^sqrt x^2 +a^2$$

$$y'=fracxsqrt x^2+a^2.(e^ sqrtx^2+a^2)(1+sqrtx^2+a^2)$$

Now compare this with the relation in question we get:

$$k=-[frac ln x(1+sqrtx^2+a^2)sqrt x^2+a^2+1]i$$

This is condition for initial relation to be integrable.

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    2 Answers




    2 Answers










    up vote
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    Changing $x=asinh t$ in the integral,
    I=int_beta^gammae^ikacosh t,dt
    where $beta=sinh^-1b/a$ and $gamma=sinh^-1(b+c)/a$. These kinds of integrals are related to incomplete Bessel functions. Their properties are described by Jones in Incomplete Bessel functions and its companion paper. In particular, for $0<sigma<pi$
    H_0^(1)(ka,w)=frac2ipiint_w^infty+isigmae^ikacosh t,dt
    I=frac2ipileft[ H_0^(1)(ka,beta)- H_0^(1)(ka,gamma) right]
    It can also be expressed as
    I= K_0(-ika,beta)- K_0(-ika,gamma)
    where many properties of the incomplete Bessel function $K_0(z,w)$ are given in the cited reference (series expansion, asymptotics...).

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • Ah, what a wonderful substitution. Thanks so much, that is it! As a minor thing, it seems I would have to change the integration limits since for $x$ to run from $b$ to $b+c$, I need to let $t$ run from something like $rm arsinh(b/a)$. But that's a minor thing. Thank you again!
      – Florian
      Jul 19 at 8:40

    • What still confuses me is that the integral needs to run on a line with $rm Im(t)>0$ (that's how I interpret the $i sigma$ thing?). After the substitution, the integral is strictly on the real line though. What's up with that?
      – Florian
      Jul 19 at 8:44

    • Sorry for the mistake on the integration limits, corrected now.
      – Paul Enta
      Jul 19 at 9:46

    • This can be viewed as writing that the integral on a closed contour of a holomorphic function in the complex plane is zero (residue theorem). This contour is made of 3 components 1) from $beta$ to $gamma$ on the real axis, 2) from $gamma$ to $infty +isigma$ and 3) from $infty +isigma$ to $beta$.
      – Paul Enta
      Jul 19 at 9:50

    • Okay, that helps. Thanks!
      – Florian
      Jul 19 at 10:32

    up vote
    down vote


    Changing $x=asinh t$ in the integral,
    I=int_beta^gammae^ikacosh t,dt
    where $beta=sinh^-1b/a$ and $gamma=sinh^-1(b+c)/a$. These kinds of integrals are related to incomplete Bessel functions. Their properties are described by Jones in Incomplete Bessel functions and its companion paper. In particular, for $0<sigma<pi$
    H_0^(1)(ka,w)=frac2ipiint_w^infty+isigmae^ikacosh t,dt
    I=frac2ipileft[ H_0^(1)(ka,beta)- H_0^(1)(ka,gamma) right]
    It can also be expressed as
    I= K_0(-ika,beta)- K_0(-ika,gamma)
    where many properties of the incomplete Bessel function $K_0(z,w)$ are given in the cited reference (series expansion, asymptotics...).

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • Ah, what a wonderful substitution. Thanks so much, that is it! As a minor thing, it seems I would have to change the integration limits since for $x$ to run from $b$ to $b+c$, I need to let $t$ run from something like $rm arsinh(b/a)$. But that's a minor thing. Thank you again!
      – Florian
      Jul 19 at 8:40

    • What still confuses me is that the integral needs to run on a line with $rm Im(t)>0$ (that's how I interpret the $i sigma$ thing?). After the substitution, the integral is strictly on the real line though. What's up with that?
      – Florian
      Jul 19 at 8:44

    • Sorry for the mistake on the integration limits, corrected now.
      – Paul Enta
      Jul 19 at 9:46

    • This can be viewed as writing that the integral on a closed contour of a holomorphic function in the complex plane is zero (residue theorem). This contour is made of 3 components 1) from $beta$ to $gamma$ on the real axis, 2) from $gamma$ to $infty +isigma$ and 3) from $infty +isigma$ to $beta$.
      – Paul Enta
      Jul 19 at 9:50

    • Okay, that helps. Thanks!
      – Florian
      Jul 19 at 10:32

    up vote
    down vote


    up vote
    down vote


    Changing $x=asinh t$ in the integral,
    I=int_beta^gammae^ikacosh t,dt
    where $beta=sinh^-1b/a$ and $gamma=sinh^-1(b+c)/a$. These kinds of integrals are related to incomplete Bessel functions. Their properties are described by Jones in Incomplete Bessel functions and its companion paper. In particular, for $0<sigma<pi$
    H_0^(1)(ka,w)=frac2ipiint_w^infty+isigmae^ikacosh t,dt
    I=frac2ipileft[ H_0^(1)(ka,beta)- H_0^(1)(ka,gamma) right]
    It can also be expressed as
    I= K_0(-ika,beta)- K_0(-ika,gamma)
    where many properties of the incomplete Bessel function $K_0(z,w)$ are given in the cited reference (series expansion, asymptotics...).

    share|cite|improve this answer

    Changing $x=asinh t$ in the integral,
    I=int_beta^gammae^ikacosh t,dt
    where $beta=sinh^-1b/a$ and $gamma=sinh^-1(b+c)/a$. These kinds of integrals are related to incomplete Bessel functions. Their properties are described by Jones in Incomplete Bessel functions and its companion paper. In particular, for $0<sigma<pi$
    H_0^(1)(ka,w)=frac2ipiint_w^infty+isigmae^ikacosh t,dt
    I=frac2ipileft[ H_0^(1)(ka,beta)- H_0^(1)(ka,gamma) right]
    It can also be expressed as
    I= K_0(-ika,beta)- K_0(-ika,gamma)
    where many properties of the incomplete Bessel function $K_0(z,w)$ are given in the cited reference (series expansion, asymptotics...).

    share|cite|improve this answer

    share|cite|improve this answer

    share|cite|improve this answer

    edited Jul 19 at 9:45

    answered Jul 18 at 20:15

    Paul Enta



    • Ah, what a wonderful substitution. Thanks so much, that is it! As a minor thing, it seems I would have to change the integration limits since for $x$ to run from $b$ to $b+c$, I need to let $t$ run from something like $rm arsinh(b/a)$. But that's a minor thing. Thank you again!
      – Florian
      Jul 19 at 8:40

    • What still confuses me is that the integral needs to run on a line with $rm Im(t)>0$ (that's how I interpret the $i sigma$ thing?). After the substitution, the integral is strictly on the real line though. What's up with that?
      – Florian
      Jul 19 at 8:44

    • Sorry for the mistake on the integration limits, corrected now.
      – Paul Enta
      Jul 19 at 9:46

    • This can be viewed as writing that the integral on a closed contour of a holomorphic function in the complex plane is zero (residue theorem). This contour is made of 3 components 1) from $beta$ to $gamma$ on the real axis, 2) from $gamma$ to $infty +isigma$ and 3) from $infty +isigma$ to $beta$.
      – Paul Enta
      Jul 19 at 9:50

    • Okay, that helps. Thanks!
      – Florian
      Jul 19 at 10:32

    • Ah, what a wonderful substitution. Thanks so much, that is it! As a minor thing, it seems I would have to change the integration limits since for $x$ to run from $b$ to $b+c$, I need to let $t$ run from something like $rm arsinh(b/a)$. But that's a minor thing. Thank you again!
      – Florian
      Jul 19 at 8:40

    • What still confuses me is that the integral needs to run on a line with $rm Im(t)>0$ (that's how I interpret the $i sigma$ thing?). After the substitution, the integral is strictly on the real line though. What's up with that?
      – Florian
      Jul 19 at 8:44

    • Sorry for the mistake on the integration limits, corrected now.
      – Paul Enta
      Jul 19 at 9:46

    • This can be viewed as writing that the integral on a closed contour of a holomorphic function in the complex plane is zero (residue theorem). This contour is made of 3 components 1) from $beta$ to $gamma$ on the real axis, 2) from $gamma$ to $infty +isigma$ and 3) from $infty +isigma$ to $beta$.
      – Paul Enta
      Jul 19 at 9:50

    • Okay, that helps. Thanks!
      – Florian
      Jul 19 at 10:32

    Ah, what a wonderful substitution. Thanks so much, that is it! As a minor thing, it seems I would have to change the integration limits since for $x$ to run from $b$ to $b+c$, I need to let $t$ run from something like $rm arsinh(b/a)$. But that's a minor thing. Thank you again!
    – Florian
    Jul 19 at 8:40

    Ah, what a wonderful substitution. Thanks so much, that is it! As a minor thing, it seems I would have to change the integration limits since for $x$ to run from $b$ to $b+c$, I need to let $t$ run from something like $rm arsinh(b/a)$. But that's a minor thing. Thank you again!
    – Florian
    Jul 19 at 8:40

    What still confuses me is that the integral needs to run on a line with $rm Im(t)>0$ (that's how I interpret the $i sigma$ thing?). After the substitution, the integral is strictly on the real line though. What's up with that?
    – Florian
    Jul 19 at 8:44

    What still confuses me is that the integral needs to run on a line with $rm Im(t)>0$ (that's how I interpret the $i sigma$ thing?). After the substitution, the integral is strictly on the real line though. What's up with that?
    – Florian
    Jul 19 at 8:44

    Sorry for the mistake on the integration limits, corrected now.
    – Paul Enta
    Jul 19 at 9:46

    Sorry for the mistake on the integration limits, corrected now.
    – Paul Enta
    Jul 19 at 9:46

    This can be viewed as writing that the integral on a closed contour of a holomorphic function in the complex plane is zero (residue theorem). This contour is made of 3 components 1) from $beta$ to $gamma$ on the real axis, 2) from $gamma$ to $infty +isigma$ and 3) from $infty +isigma$ to $beta$.
    – Paul Enta
    Jul 19 at 9:50

    This can be viewed as writing that the integral on a closed contour of a holomorphic function in the complex plane is zero (residue theorem). This contour is made of 3 components 1) from $beta$ to $gamma$ on the real axis, 2) from $gamma$ to $infty +isigma$ and 3) from $infty +isigma$ to $beta$.
    – Paul Enta
    Jul 19 at 9:50

    Okay, that helps. Thanks!
    – Florian
    Jul 19 at 10:32

    Okay, that helps. Thanks!
    – Florian
    Jul 19 at 10:32

    up vote
    down vote

    Consider function:

    $$y=sqrtx^2+a^2 ln e^sqrt x^2 +a^2$$

    $$y'=fracxsqrt x^2+a^2.(e^ sqrtx^2+a^2)(1+sqrtx^2+a^2)$$

    Now compare this with the relation in question we get:

    $$k=-[frac ln x(1+sqrtx^2+a^2)sqrt x^2+a^2+1]i$$

    This is condition for initial relation to be integrable.

    share|cite|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      Consider function:

      $$y=sqrtx^2+a^2 ln e^sqrt x^2 +a^2$$

      $$y'=fracxsqrt x^2+a^2.(e^ sqrtx^2+a^2)(1+sqrtx^2+a^2)$$

      Now compare this with the relation in question we get:

      $$k=-[frac ln x(1+sqrtx^2+a^2)sqrt x^2+a^2+1]i$$

      This is condition for initial relation to be integrable.

      share|cite|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        Consider function:

        $$y=sqrtx^2+a^2 ln e^sqrt x^2 +a^2$$

        $$y'=fracxsqrt x^2+a^2.(e^ sqrtx^2+a^2)(1+sqrtx^2+a^2)$$

        Now compare this with the relation in question we get:

        $$k=-[frac ln x(1+sqrtx^2+a^2)sqrt x^2+a^2+1]i$$

        This is condition for initial relation to be integrable.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        Consider function:

        $$y=sqrtx^2+a^2 ln e^sqrt x^2 +a^2$$

        $$y'=fracxsqrt x^2+a^2.(e^ sqrtx^2+a^2)(1+sqrtx^2+a^2)$$

        Now compare this with the relation in question we get:

        $$k=-[frac ln x(1+sqrtx^2+a^2)sqrt x^2+a^2+1]i$$

        This is condition for initial relation to be integrable.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        edited Jul 18 at 18:00

        answered Jul 18 at 17:35





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