$ displaystyle lim_x to 0+ sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn!^x = frac12$

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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Prove that $$ lim_x to 0+ sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn!^x =
frac12. $$

We know that $$ sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn!^x$$ converges for any $x>0$. So I try to evaluate the limit as $x$ approaches $0$ numerically. It seems that the limit approaches $displaystyle frac12$.

I know that $$sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn! = frac1e.$$

Does it help to solve this problem?

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  • Is this homework? Is there any context where the problem came up?
    – abiessu
    Jul 30 at 3:48

  • 1

    We know that $displaystyle sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn!^k$ converges for any $k>0$. So I try to evaluate the limit as $k$ approaches $0$ numerically. It seems that the limit approaches $displaystyle frac12$, but I couldn't figure out why.
    – Star Chou
    Jul 30 at 3:54

  • You should add the background to the body of your question, so that people can see the context as they browse. Many people won't look at the comments and may very possibly vote to close your question. (Not me -- I've upvoted it.)
    – saulspatz
    Jul 30 at 3:57

  • 1

    Euler's transformation of alternating series may help. In this case, the first term is $1/2$ for any $k$ and perhaps you can show that the sum of remaining terms goes to $0$.
    – saulspatz
    Jul 30 at 4:07

up vote
down vote


Prove that $$ lim_x to 0+ sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn!^x =
frac12. $$

We know that $$ sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn!^x$$ converges for any $x>0$. So I try to evaluate the limit as $x$ approaches $0$ numerically. It seems that the limit approaches $displaystyle frac12$.

I know that $$sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn! = frac1e.$$

Does it help to solve this problem?

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  • Is this homework? Is there any context where the problem came up?
    – abiessu
    Jul 30 at 3:48

  • 1

    We know that $displaystyle sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn!^k$ converges for any $k>0$. So I try to evaluate the limit as $k$ approaches $0$ numerically. It seems that the limit approaches $displaystyle frac12$, but I couldn't figure out why.
    – Star Chou
    Jul 30 at 3:54

  • You should add the background to the body of your question, so that people can see the context as they browse. Many people won't look at the comments and may very possibly vote to close your question. (Not me -- I've upvoted it.)
    – saulspatz
    Jul 30 at 3:57

  • 1

    Euler's transformation of alternating series may help. In this case, the first term is $1/2$ for any $k$ and perhaps you can show that the sum of remaining terms goes to $0$.
    – saulspatz
    Jul 30 at 4:07

up vote
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up vote
down vote



Prove that $$ lim_x to 0+ sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn!^x =
frac12. $$

We know that $$ sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn!^x$$ converges for any $x>0$. So I try to evaluate the limit as $x$ approaches $0$ numerically. It seems that the limit approaches $displaystyle frac12$.

I know that $$sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn! = frac1e.$$

Does it help to solve this problem?

share|cite|improve this question

Prove that $$ lim_x to 0+ sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn!^x =
frac12. $$

We know that $$ sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn!^x$$ converges for any $x>0$. So I try to evaluate the limit as $x$ approaches $0$ numerically. It seems that the limit approaches $displaystyle frac12$.

I know that $$sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn! = frac1e.$$

Does it help to solve this problem?

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edited Jul 30 at 5:18

Alon Amit



asked Jul 30 at 3:44

Star Chou



  • Is this homework? Is there any context where the problem came up?
    – abiessu
    Jul 30 at 3:48

  • 1

    We know that $displaystyle sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn!^k$ converges for any $k>0$. So I try to evaluate the limit as $k$ approaches $0$ numerically. It seems that the limit approaches $displaystyle frac12$, but I couldn't figure out why.
    – Star Chou
    Jul 30 at 3:54

  • You should add the background to the body of your question, so that people can see the context as they browse. Many people won't look at the comments and may very possibly vote to close your question. (Not me -- I've upvoted it.)
    – saulspatz
    Jul 30 at 3:57

  • 1

    Euler's transformation of alternating series may help. In this case, the first term is $1/2$ for any $k$ and perhaps you can show that the sum of remaining terms goes to $0$.
    – saulspatz
    Jul 30 at 4:07

  • Is this homework? Is there any context where the problem came up?
    – abiessu
    Jul 30 at 3:48

  • 1

    We know that $displaystyle sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn!^k$ converges for any $k>0$. So I try to evaluate the limit as $k$ approaches $0$ numerically. It seems that the limit approaches $displaystyle frac12$, but I couldn't figure out why.
    – Star Chou
    Jul 30 at 3:54

  • You should add the background to the body of your question, so that people can see the context as they browse. Many people won't look at the comments and may very possibly vote to close your question. (Not me -- I've upvoted it.)
    – saulspatz
    Jul 30 at 3:57

  • 1

    Euler's transformation of alternating series may help. In this case, the first term is $1/2$ for any $k$ and perhaps you can show that the sum of remaining terms goes to $0$.
    – saulspatz
    Jul 30 at 4:07

Is this homework? Is there any context where the problem came up?
– abiessu
Jul 30 at 3:48

Is this homework? Is there any context where the problem came up?
– abiessu
Jul 30 at 3:48



We know that $displaystyle sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn!^k$ converges for any $k>0$. So I try to evaluate the limit as $k$ approaches $0$ numerically. It seems that the limit approaches $displaystyle frac12$, but I couldn't figure out why.
– Star Chou
Jul 30 at 3:54

We know that $displaystyle sum_n=0^infty frac(-1)^nn!^k$ converges for any $k>0$. So I try to evaluate the limit as $k$ approaches $0$ numerically. It seems that the limit approaches $displaystyle frac12$, but I couldn't figure out why.
– Star Chou
Jul 30 at 3:54

You should add the background to the body of your question, so that people can see the context as they browse. Many people won't look at the comments and may very possibly vote to close your question. (Not me -- I've upvoted it.)
– saulspatz
Jul 30 at 3:57

You should add the background to the body of your question, so that people can see the context as they browse. Many people won't look at the comments and may very possibly vote to close your question. (Not me -- I've upvoted it.)
– saulspatz
Jul 30 at 3:57



Euler's transformation of alternating series may help. In this case, the first term is $1/2$ for any $k$ and perhaps you can show that the sum of remaining terms goes to $0$.
– saulspatz
Jul 30 at 4:07

Euler's transformation of alternating series may help. In this case, the first term is $1/2$ for any $k$ and perhaps you can show that the sum of remaining terms goes to $0$.
– saulspatz
Jul 30 at 4:07

2 Answers




up vote
down vote


Our main claim is as follows:

Proposition. Let $(lambda_n)$ be an increasing sequence of positive real numbers. If $(lambda_n)$ satisfies
$$lim_Rtoinfty frac1R int_0^R sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](x) , dx = alpha tag1 $$
for some $alpha in [0, 1]$, then
$$lim_sto0^+ sum_n=0^infty (-1)^n e^-lambda_n s = alpha tag2 $$

Here, a sequence $(lambda_n)$ is increasing if $lambda_n leq lambda_n+1$ for all $n$. As a corollary of this proposition, we obtain the following easier criterion.

Corollary. Let $(lambda_n)$ be an increasing sequence of positive real numbers that satisfy

  1. $lim_ntoinfty lambda_n = infty$,

  2. $lim_ntoinfty lambda_n+1/lambda_n = 1$,

  3. $lambda_2n < lambda_2n+2$ hold for all sufficiently large $n$ and
    $$ lim_ntoinfty fraclambda_2n+1 - lambda_2nlambda_2n+2 - lambda_2n = alpha. tag3 $$

Then we have $text(1)$. In particular, the conclusion $text(2)$ of the main claim continues to hold.

Here are some examples:

  • The choice $lambda_n = log(n+1)$ satisfies the assumptions with $alpha = frac12$. In fact, this reduces to the archetypal example $eta(0) = frac12$.

  • OP's conjecture is covered by the corollary by choosing $lambda_n = log(n!)$ and noting that $text(3)$ holds with $alpha = frac12$.

  • If $P$ is a non-constant polynomial such that $lambda_n = P(n)$ is positive, then $(lambda_n)$ must be strictly increasing for large $n$, and using the mean value theorem we find that the assumptions are satisfied with $alpha = frac12$.

Proof of Proposition. Write $F(x) = int_0^x left( sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](t) right) , dt$ and note that

sum_n=0^infty (-1)^n e^-lambda_n s
&= sum_n=0^infty int_lambda_2n^lambda_2n+1 s e^-sx , dx
= int_0^infty s e^-sx , dF(x) \
&= int_0^infty s^2 e^-sx F(x) , dx
stackrelu=sx= int_0^infty s F(u/s) e^-u , du.

Since $0 leq F(x) leq x$, the integrand of the last integral is dominated by $ue^-u$ uniformly in $s > 0$. Also, by the assupmption $text(1)$, we have $s F(u/s) to alpha u$ as $s to 0^+$ for each $u > 0$. Therefore, it follows from the dominated convergence theorem that

$$ lim_sto0^+ sum_n=0^infty (-1)^n e^-lambda_n s
= int_0^infty alpha u e^-u , du
= alpha, $$

which completes the proof. ////

Proof of Corollary. For each large $R$, pick $N$ such that $lambda_2N leq R leq lambda_2N+2$. Then

$$ frac1R int_0^R sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](x) , dx leq fraclambda_2N+2lambda_2N cdot fracsum_n=0^N (lambda_2n+1 - lambda_2n)sum_n=0^N (lambda_2n+2 - lambda_2n) $$

and this upper bound converges to $alpha$ as $Ntoinfty$ by Stolz–Cesàro theorem. Similar argument applied to the lower bound

$$ frac1R int_0^R sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](x) , dx geq fraclambda_2Nlambda_2N+2 cdot fracsum_n=0^N-1 (lambda_2n+1 - lambda_2n)sum_n=0^N-1 (lambda_2n+2 - lambda_2n) $$

proves the desired claim together with the squeezing theorem. ////

share|cite|improve this answer

  • 1

    My calculation suggests $lim_ntoinftyfraclambda_2n+1-lambda_2nlambda_2n+2-lambda_2n+1=1$. Should the final subscript in the denominator be $2n$ instead of $2n+1$?
    – J.G.
    Jul 30 at 11:40

  • 1

    @J.G. You are right, that is one crucial typo :s I fixed it now.
    – Sangchul Lee
    Jul 30 at 11:45

  • @i707107, Thank you for proofreading and pointing out typos. I fixed them. :)
    – Sangchul Lee
    Jul 30 at 14:24

  • 1

    By the same method, for any $kgeq 1$, $$lim_xrightarrow 1- sum_n=0^infty(-1)^n x^n^k=frac 12.$$
    – i707107
    Jul 30 at 14:51

  • 1

    @Saudman97, This is the indicator notation. For a subset $A$ of $mathbbR$, we define $$mathbf1_A(x) = begincases 1, & textif x in A \ 0, & textif x notin A endcases $$
    – Sangchul Lee
    Aug 1 at 5:56

up vote
down vote

Define $S(x,,y):=sum_nge 0frac(-1)^nn!^xe^-ny$, which converges for any $x>0$ with $yge 0$ and any $y>0$ with $xge 0$. Grandi's series $sum_nge 0(-1)^n$ doesn't converge to any specific value (although its partial sums also don't tend to $pminfty$ either), but it is said to Abel summable to $frac12$ in the sense $lim_yto 0^+S(0,,y)=frac12$, which you can easily prove with geometric series. The proof you're looking for is $$lim_xto 0^+S(x,,0)=lim_xto 0^+lim_yto 0^+S(x,,y)=lim_yto 0^+lim_xto 0^+S(x,,y)=lim_yto 0^+S(0,,y)=frac12.$$The part that requires a careful explanation is why we can commute the limits at the second $=$ sign. Again, the key insight is that the leftmost limit is computed for a non-zero argument, and that implies varying the rightmost limit towards $0$ has it continuously converge to a finite value.

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  • 1

    Where does this proof use the fact that it's $n!$ in the denominator there rather than some other increasing function of $n$ (increasing to ensure convergence)? Are you saying it's the same if we replace $n!$ by $17^n$? Are you saying it comes out $1/2$ regardless of what's there?
    – Alon Amit
    Jul 30 at 10:45

  • @AlonAmit Pretty much. What we have is something whose "obvious limit" where you just substitute $x=0$ is in turn a series that "should" converge to $1/2$ in the sense that, although it doesn't converge with the usual definition of summing an infinite series, an alternative that lets it converge will give that value. I used Abel summation in this example (which makes Grandi's series $eta(0)=1/2$), but Cesàro summation of Grandi's series does the same thing. So genuinely convergent variants on the series have to respect that.
    – J.G.
    Jul 30 at 10:53

  • 1

    I understand, but proving such things can be pretty subtle (e.g. Tauberian theorems). I'm not sure I see why the limit exchange there is justified, but I'm happy to think about it more.
    – Alon Amit
    Jul 30 at 10:56

  • @AlonAmit In light of Sangchul Lee's answer, the reason $1/2$ comes up so often is because $lambda_2n+2-lambda_2napprox 2(lambda_2n+1-lambda_2n)$ is to be expected when we linearise.
    – J.G.
    Jul 30 at 11:48

  • @J.G. For many other cases, $lambda_2n+2-lambda_2n$ may not asymptotic to $alpha(lambda_2n+1-lambda_2n)$. For example, $lambda_n=exp(n)$.
    – i707107
    Jul 30 at 14:49

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2 Answers




2 Answers










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down vote


Our main claim is as follows:

Proposition. Let $(lambda_n)$ be an increasing sequence of positive real numbers. If $(lambda_n)$ satisfies
$$lim_Rtoinfty frac1R int_0^R sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](x) , dx = alpha tag1 $$
for some $alpha in [0, 1]$, then
$$lim_sto0^+ sum_n=0^infty (-1)^n e^-lambda_n s = alpha tag2 $$

Here, a sequence $(lambda_n)$ is increasing if $lambda_n leq lambda_n+1$ for all $n$. As a corollary of this proposition, we obtain the following easier criterion.

Corollary. Let $(lambda_n)$ be an increasing sequence of positive real numbers that satisfy

  1. $lim_ntoinfty lambda_n = infty$,

  2. $lim_ntoinfty lambda_n+1/lambda_n = 1$,

  3. $lambda_2n < lambda_2n+2$ hold for all sufficiently large $n$ and
    $$ lim_ntoinfty fraclambda_2n+1 - lambda_2nlambda_2n+2 - lambda_2n = alpha. tag3 $$

Then we have $text(1)$. In particular, the conclusion $text(2)$ of the main claim continues to hold.

Here are some examples:

  • The choice $lambda_n = log(n+1)$ satisfies the assumptions with $alpha = frac12$. In fact, this reduces to the archetypal example $eta(0) = frac12$.

  • OP's conjecture is covered by the corollary by choosing $lambda_n = log(n!)$ and noting that $text(3)$ holds with $alpha = frac12$.

  • If $P$ is a non-constant polynomial such that $lambda_n = P(n)$ is positive, then $(lambda_n)$ must be strictly increasing for large $n$, and using the mean value theorem we find that the assumptions are satisfied with $alpha = frac12$.

Proof of Proposition. Write $F(x) = int_0^x left( sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](t) right) , dt$ and note that

sum_n=0^infty (-1)^n e^-lambda_n s
&= sum_n=0^infty int_lambda_2n^lambda_2n+1 s e^-sx , dx
= int_0^infty s e^-sx , dF(x) \
&= int_0^infty s^2 e^-sx F(x) , dx
stackrelu=sx= int_0^infty s F(u/s) e^-u , du.

Since $0 leq F(x) leq x$, the integrand of the last integral is dominated by $ue^-u$ uniformly in $s > 0$. Also, by the assupmption $text(1)$, we have $s F(u/s) to alpha u$ as $s to 0^+$ for each $u > 0$. Therefore, it follows from the dominated convergence theorem that

$$ lim_sto0^+ sum_n=0^infty (-1)^n e^-lambda_n s
= int_0^infty alpha u e^-u , du
= alpha, $$

which completes the proof. ////

Proof of Corollary. For each large $R$, pick $N$ such that $lambda_2N leq R leq lambda_2N+2$. Then

$$ frac1R int_0^R sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](x) , dx leq fraclambda_2N+2lambda_2N cdot fracsum_n=0^N (lambda_2n+1 - lambda_2n)sum_n=0^N (lambda_2n+2 - lambda_2n) $$

and this upper bound converges to $alpha$ as $Ntoinfty$ by Stolz–Cesàro theorem. Similar argument applied to the lower bound

$$ frac1R int_0^R sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](x) , dx geq fraclambda_2Nlambda_2N+2 cdot fracsum_n=0^N-1 (lambda_2n+1 - lambda_2n)sum_n=0^N-1 (lambda_2n+2 - lambda_2n) $$

proves the desired claim together with the squeezing theorem. ////

share|cite|improve this answer

  • 1

    My calculation suggests $lim_ntoinftyfraclambda_2n+1-lambda_2nlambda_2n+2-lambda_2n+1=1$. Should the final subscript in the denominator be $2n$ instead of $2n+1$?
    – J.G.
    Jul 30 at 11:40

  • 1

    @J.G. You are right, that is one crucial typo :s I fixed it now.
    – Sangchul Lee
    Jul 30 at 11:45

  • @i707107, Thank you for proofreading and pointing out typos. I fixed them. :)
    – Sangchul Lee
    Jul 30 at 14:24

  • 1

    By the same method, for any $kgeq 1$, $$lim_xrightarrow 1- sum_n=0^infty(-1)^n x^n^k=frac 12.$$
    – i707107
    Jul 30 at 14:51

  • 1

    @Saudman97, This is the indicator notation. For a subset $A$ of $mathbbR$, we define $$mathbf1_A(x) = begincases 1, & textif x in A \ 0, & textif x notin A endcases $$
    – Sangchul Lee
    Aug 1 at 5:56

up vote
down vote


Our main claim is as follows:

Proposition. Let $(lambda_n)$ be an increasing sequence of positive real numbers. If $(lambda_n)$ satisfies
$$lim_Rtoinfty frac1R int_0^R sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](x) , dx = alpha tag1 $$
for some $alpha in [0, 1]$, then
$$lim_sto0^+ sum_n=0^infty (-1)^n e^-lambda_n s = alpha tag2 $$

Here, a sequence $(lambda_n)$ is increasing if $lambda_n leq lambda_n+1$ for all $n$. As a corollary of this proposition, we obtain the following easier criterion.

Corollary. Let $(lambda_n)$ be an increasing sequence of positive real numbers that satisfy

  1. $lim_ntoinfty lambda_n = infty$,

  2. $lim_ntoinfty lambda_n+1/lambda_n = 1$,

  3. $lambda_2n < lambda_2n+2$ hold for all sufficiently large $n$ and
    $$ lim_ntoinfty fraclambda_2n+1 - lambda_2nlambda_2n+2 - lambda_2n = alpha. tag3 $$

Then we have $text(1)$. In particular, the conclusion $text(2)$ of the main claim continues to hold.

Here are some examples:

  • The choice $lambda_n = log(n+1)$ satisfies the assumptions with $alpha = frac12$. In fact, this reduces to the archetypal example $eta(0) = frac12$.

  • OP's conjecture is covered by the corollary by choosing $lambda_n = log(n!)$ and noting that $text(3)$ holds with $alpha = frac12$.

  • If $P$ is a non-constant polynomial such that $lambda_n = P(n)$ is positive, then $(lambda_n)$ must be strictly increasing for large $n$, and using the mean value theorem we find that the assumptions are satisfied with $alpha = frac12$.

Proof of Proposition. Write $F(x) = int_0^x left( sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](t) right) , dt$ and note that

sum_n=0^infty (-1)^n e^-lambda_n s
&= sum_n=0^infty int_lambda_2n^lambda_2n+1 s e^-sx , dx
= int_0^infty s e^-sx , dF(x) \
&= int_0^infty s^2 e^-sx F(x) , dx
stackrelu=sx= int_0^infty s F(u/s) e^-u , du.

Since $0 leq F(x) leq x$, the integrand of the last integral is dominated by $ue^-u$ uniformly in $s > 0$. Also, by the assupmption $text(1)$, we have $s F(u/s) to alpha u$ as $s to 0^+$ for each $u > 0$. Therefore, it follows from the dominated convergence theorem that

$$ lim_sto0^+ sum_n=0^infty (-1)^n e^-lambda_n s
= int_0^infty alpha u e^-u , du
= alpha, $$

which completes the proof. ////

Proof of Corollary. For each large $R$, pick $N$ such that $lambda_2N leq R leq lambda_2N+2$. Then

$$ frac1R int_0^R sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](x) , dx leq fraclambda_2N+2lambda_2N cdot fracsum_n=0^N (lambda_2n+1 - lambda_2n)sum_n=0^N (lambda_2n+2 - lambda_2n) $$

and this upper bound converges to $alpha$ as $Ntoinfty$ by Stolz–Cesàro theorem. Similar argument applied to the lower bound

$$ frac1R int_0^R sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](x) , dx geq fraclambda_2Nlambda_2N+2 cdot fracsum_n=0^N-1 (lambda_2n+1 - lambda_2n)sum_n=0^N-1 (lambda_2n+2 - lambda_2n) $$

proves the desired claim together with the squeezing theorem. ////

share|cite|improve this answer

  • 1

    My calculation suggests $lim_ntoinftyfraclambda_2n+1-lambda_2nlambda_2n+2-lambda_2n+1=1$. Should the final subscript in the denominator be $2n$ instead of $2n+1$?
    – J.G.
    Jul 30 at 11:40

  • 1

    @J.G. You are right, that is one crucial typo :s I fixed it now.
    – Sangchul Lee
    Jul 30 at 11:45

  • @i707107, Thank you for proofreading and pointing out typos. I fixed them. :)
    – Sangchul Lee
    Jul 30 at 14:24

  • 1

    By the same method, for any $kgeq 1$, $$lim_xrightarrow 1- sum_n=0^infty(-1)^n x^n^k=frac 12.$$
    – i707107
    Jul 30 at 14:51

  • 1

    @Saudman97, This is the indicator notation. For a subset $A$ of $mathbbR$, we define $$mathbf1_A(x) = begincases 1, & textif x in A \ 0, & textif x notin A endcases $$
    – Sangchul Lee
    Aug 1 at 5:56

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


Our main claim is as follows:

Proposition. Let $(lambda_n)$ be an increasing sequence of positive real numbers. If $(lambda_n)$ satisfies
$$lim_Rtoinfty frac1R int_0^R sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](x) , dx = alpha tag1 $$
for some $alpha in [0, 1]$, then
$$lim_sto0^+ sum_n=0^infty (-1)^n e^-lambda_n s = alpha tag2 $$

Here, a sequence $(lambda_n)$ is increasing if $lambda_n leq lambda_n+1$ for all $n$. As a corollary of this proposition, we obtain the following easier criterion.

Corollary. Let $(lambda_n)$ be an increasing sequence of positive real numbers that satisfy

  1. $lim_ntoinfty lambda_n = infty$,

  2. $lim_ntoinfty lambda_n+1/lambda_n = 1$,

  3. $lambda_2n < lambda_2n+2$ hold for all sufficiently large $n$ and
    $$ lim_ntoinfty fraclambda_2n+1 - lambda_2nlambda_2n+2 - lambda_2n = alpha. tag3 $$

Then we have $text(1)$. In particular, the conclusion $text(2)$ of the main claim continues to hold.

Here are some examples:

  • The choice $lambda_n = log(n+1)$ satisfies the assumptions with $alpha = frac12$. In fact, this reduces to the archetypal example $eta(0) = frac12$.

  • OP's conjecture is covered by the corollary by choosing $lambda_n = log(n!)$ and noting that $text(3)$ holds with $alpha = frac12$.

  • If $P$ is a non-constant polynomial such that $lambda_n = P(n)$ is positive, then $(lambda_n)$ must be strictly increasing for large $n$, and using the mean value theorem we find that the assumptions are satisfied with $alpha = frac12$.

Proof of Proposition. Write $F(x) = int_0^x left( sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](t) right) , dt$ and note that

sum_n=0^infty (-1)^n e^-lambda_n s
&= sum_n=0^infty int_lambda_2n^lambda_2n+1 s e^-sx , dx
= int_0^infty s e^-sx , dF(x) \
&= int_0^infty s^2 e^-sx F(x) , dx
stackrelu=sx= int_0^infty s F(u/s) e^-u , du.

Since $0 leq F(x) leq x$, the integrand of the last integral is dominated by $ue^-u$ uniformly in $s > 0$. Also, by the assupmption $text(1)$, we have $s F(u/s) to alpha u$ as $s to 0^+$ for each $u > 0$. Therefore, it follows from the dominated convergence theorem that

$$ lim_sto0^+ sum_n=0^infty (-1)^n e^-lambda_n s
= int_0^infty alpha u e^-u , du
= alpha, $$

which completes the proof. ////

Proof of Corollary. For each large $R$, pick $N$ such that $lambda_2N leq R leq lambda_2N+2$. Then

$$ frac1R int_0^R sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](x) , dx leq fraclambda_2N+2lambda_2N cdot fracsum_n=0^N (lambda_2n+1 - lambda_2n)sum_n=0^N (lambda_2n+2 - lambda_2n) $$

and this upper bound converges to $alpha$ as $Ntoinfty$ by Stolz–Cesàro theorem. Similar argument applied to the lower bound

$$ frac1R int_0^R sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](x) , dx geq fraclambda_2Nlambda_2N+2 cdot fracsum_n=0^N-1 (lambda_2n+1 - lambda_2n)sum_n=0^N-1 (lambda_2n+2 - lambda_2n) $$

proves the desired claim together with the squeezing theorem. ////

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Our main claim is as follows:

Proposition. Let $(lambda_n)$ be an increasing sequence of positive real numbers. If $(lambda_n)$ satisfies
$$lim_Rtoinfty frac1R int_0^R sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](x) , dx = alpha tag1 $$
for some $alpha in [0, 1]$, then
$$lim_sto0^+ sum_n=0^infty (-1)^n e^-lambda_n s = alpha tag2 $$

Here, a sequence $(lambda_n)$ is increasing if $lambda_n leq lambda_n+1$ for all $n$. As a corollary of this proposition, we obtain the following easier criterion.

Corollary. Let $(lambda_n)$ be an increasing sequence of positive real numbers that satisfy

  1. $lim_ntoinfty lambda_n = infty$,

  2. $lim_ntoinfty lambda_n+1/lambda_n = 1$,

  3. $lambda_2n < lambda_2n+2$ hold for all sufficiently large $n$ and
    $$ lim_ntoinfty fraclambda_2n+1 - lambda_2nlambda_2n+2 - lambda_2n = alpha. tag3 $$

Then we have $text(1)$. In particular, the conclusion $text(2)$ of the main claim continues to hold.

Here are some examples:

  • The choice $lambda_n = log(n+1)$ satisfies the assumptions with $alpha = frac12$. In fact, this reduces to the archetypal example $eta(0) = frac12$.

  • OP's conjecture is covered by the corollary by choosing $lambda_n = log(n!)$ and noting that $text(3)$ holds with $alpha = frac12$.

  • If $P$ is a non-constant polynomial such that $lambda_n = P(n)$ is positive, then $(lambda_n)$ must be strictly increasing for large $n$, and using the mean value theorem we find that the assumptions are satisfied with $alpha = frac12$.

Proof of Proposition. Write $F(x) = int_0^x left( sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](t) right) , dt$ and note that

sum_n=0^infty (-1)^n e^-lambda_n s
&= sum_n=0^infty int_lambda_2n^lambda_2n+1 s e^-sx , dx
= int_0^infty s e^-sx , dF(x) \
&= int_0^infty s^2 e^-sx F(x) , dx
stackrelu=sx= int_0^infty s F(u/s) e^-u , du.

Since $0 leq F(x) leq x$, the integrand of the last integral is dominated by $ue^-u$ uniformly in $s > 0$. Also, by the assupmption $text(1)$, we have $s F(u/s) to alpha u$ as $s to 0^+$ for each $u > 0$. Therefore, it follows from the dominated convergence theorem that

$$ lim_sto0^+ sum_n=0^infty (-1)^n e^-lambda_n s
= int_0^infty alpha u e^-u , du
= alpha, $$

which completes the proof. ////

Proof of Corollary. For each large $R$, pick $N$ such that $lambda_2N leq R leq lambda_2N+2$. Then

$$ frac1R int_0^R sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](x) , dx leq fraclambda_2N+2lambda_2N cdot fracsum_n=0^N (lambda_2n+1 - lambda_2n)sum_n=0^N (lambda_2n+2 - lambda_2n) $$

and this upper bound converges to $alpha$ as $Ntoinfty$ by Stolz–Cesàro theorem. Similar argument applied to the lower bound

$$ frac1R int_0^R sum_n=0^infty mathbf1_[lambda_2n, lambda_2n+1](x) , dx geq fraclambda_2Nlambda_2N+2 cdot fracsum_n=0^N-1 (lambda_2n+1 - lambda_2n)sum_n=0^N-1 (lambda_2n+2 - lambda_2n) $$

proves the desired claim together with the squeezing theorem. ////

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edited Jul 30 at 19:17

answered Jul 30 at 11:22

Sangchul Lee



  • 1

    My calculation suggests $lim_ntoinftyfraclambda_2n+1-lambda_2nlambda_2n+2-lambda_2n+1=1$. Should the final subscript in the denominator be $2n$ instead of $2n+1$?
    – J.G.
    Jul 30 at 11:40

  • 1

    @J.G. You are right, that is one crucial typo :s I fixed it now.
    – Sangchul Lee
    Jul 30 at 11:45

  • @i707107, Thank you for proofreading and pointing out typos. I fixed them. :)
    – Sangchul Lee
    Jul 30 at 14:24

  • 1

    By the same method, for any $kgeq 1$, $$lim_xrightarrow 1- sum_n=0^infty(-1)^n x^n^k=frac 12.$$
    – i707107
    Jul 30 at 14:51

  • 1

    @Saudman97, This is the indicator notation. For a subset $A$ of $mathbbR$, we define $$mathbf1_A(x) = begincases 1, & textif x in A \ 0, & textif x notin A endcases $$
    – Sangchul Lee
    Aug 1 at 5:56

  • 1

    My calculation suggests $lim_ntoinftyfraclambda_2n+1-lambda_2nlambda_2n+2-lambda_2n+1=1$. Should the final subscript in the denominator be $2n$ instead of $2n+1$?
    – J.G.
    Jul 30 at 11:40

  • 1

    @J.G. You are right, that is one crucial typo :s I fixed it now.
    – Sangchul Lee
    Jul 30 at 11:45

  • @i707107, Thank you for proofreading and pointing out typos. I fixed them. :)
    – Sangchul Lee
    Jul 30 at 14:24

  • 1

    By the same method, for any $kgeq 1$, $$lim_xrightarrow 1- sum_n=0^infty(-1)^n x^n^k=frac 12.$$
    – i707107
    Jul 30 at 14:51

  • 1

    @Saudman97, This is the indicator notation. For a subset $A$ of $mathbbR$, we define $$mathbf1_A(x) = begincases 1, & textif x in A \ 0, & textif x notin A endcases $$
    – Sangchul Lee
    Aug 1 at 5:56



My calculation suggests $lim_ntoinftyfraclambda_2n+1-lambda_2nlambda_2n+2-lambda_2n+1=1$. Should the final subscript in the denominator be $2n$ instead of $2n+1$?
– J.G.
Jul 30 at 11:40

My calculation suggests $lim_ntoinftyfraclambda_2n+1-lambda_2nlambda_2n+2-lambda_2n+1=1$. Should the final subscript in the denominator be $2n$ instead of $2n+1$?
– J.G.
Jul 30 at 11:40



@J.G. You are right, that is one crucial typo :s I fixed it now.
– Sangchul Lee
Jul 30 at 11:45

@J.G. You are right, that is one crucial typo :s I fixed it now.
– Sangchul Lee
Jul 30 at 11:45

@i707107, Thank you for proofreading and pointing out typos. I fixed them. :)
– Sangchul Lee
Jul 30 at 14:24

@i707107, Thank you for proofreading and pointing out typos. I fixed them. :)
– Sangchul Lee
Jul 30 at 14:24



By the same method, for any $kgeq 1$, $$lim_xrightarrow 1- sum_n=0^infty(-1)^n x^n^k=frac 12.$$
– i707107
Jul 30 at 14:51

By the same method, for any $kgeq 1$, $$lim_xrightarrow 1- sum_n=0^infty(-1)^n x^n^k=frac 12.$$
– i707107
Jul 30 at 14:51



@Saudman97, This is the indicator notation. For a subset $A$ of $mathbbR$, we define $$mathbf1_A(x) = begincases 1, & textif x in A \ 0, & textif x notin A endcases $$
– Sangchul Lee
Aug 1 at 5:56

@Saudman97, This is the indicator notation. For a subset $A$ of $mathbbR$, we define $$mathbf1_A(x) = begincases 1, & textif x in A \ 0, & textif x notin A endcases $$
– Sangchul Lee
Aug 1 at 5:56

up vote
down vote

Define $S(x,,y):=sum_nge 0frac(-1)^nn!^xe^-ny$, which converges for any $x>0$ with $yge 0$ and any $y>0$ with $xge 0$. Grandi's series $sum_nge 0(-1)^n$ doesn't converge to any specific value (although its partial sums also don't tend to $pminfty$ either), but it is said to Abel summable to $frac12$ in the sense $lim_yto 0^+S(0,,y)=frac12$, which you can easily prove with geometric series. The proof you're looking for is $$lim_xto 0^+S(x,,0)=lim_xto 0^+lim_yto 0^+S(x,,y)=lim_yto 0^+lim_xto 0^+S(x,,y)=lim_yto 0^+S(0,,y)=frac12.$$The part that requires a careful explanation is why we can commute the limits at the second $=$ sign. Again, the key insight is that the leftmost limit is computed for a non-zero argument, and that implies varying the rightmost limit towards $0$ has it continuously converge to a finite value.

share|cite|improve this answer

  • 1

    Where does this proof use the fact that it's $n!$ in the denominator there rather than some other increasing function of $n$ (increasing to ensure convergence)? Are you saying it's the same if we replace $n!$ by $17^n$? Are you saying it comes out $1/2$ regardless of what's there?
    – Alon Amit
    Jul 30 at 10:45

  • @AlonAmit Pretty much. What we have is something whose "obvious limit" where you just substitute $x=0$ is in turn a series that "should" converge to $1/2$ in the sense that, although it doesn't converge with the usual definition of summing an infinite series, an alternative that lets it converge will give that value. I used Abel summation in this example (which makes Grandi's series $eta(0)=1/2$), but Cesàro summation of Grandi's series does the same thing. So genuinely convergent variants on the series have to respect that.
    – J.G.
    Jul 30 at 10:53

  • 1

    I understand, but proving such things can be pretty subtle (e.g. Tauberian theorems). I'm not sure I see why the limit exchange there is justified, but I'm happy to think about it more.
    – Alon Amit
    Jul 30 at 10:56

  • @AlonAmit In light of Sangchul Lee's answer, the reason $1/2$ comes up so often is because $lambda_2n+2-lambda_2napprox 2(lambda_2n+1-lambda_2n)$ is to be expected when we linearise.
    – J.G.
    Jul 30 at 11:48

  • @J.G. For many other cases, $lambda_2n+2-lambda_2n$ may not asymptotic to $alpha(lambda_2n+1-lambda_2n)$. For example, $lambda_n=exp(n)$.
    – i707107
    Jul 30 at 14:49

up vote
down vote

Define $S(x,,y):=sum_nge 0frac(-1)^nn!^xe^-ny$, which converges for any $x>0$ with $yge 0$ and any $y>0$ with $xge 0$. Grandi's series $sum_nge 0(-1)^n$ doesn't converge to any specific value (although its partial sums also don't tend to $pminfty$ either), but it is said to Abel summable to $frac12$ in the sense $lim_yto 0^+S(0,,y)=frac12$, which you can easily prove with geometric series. The proof you're looking for is $$lim_xto 0^+S(x,,0)=lim_xto 0^+lim_yto 0^+S(x,,y)=lim_yto 0^+lim_xto 0^+S(x,,y)=lim_yto 0^+S(0,,y)=frac12.$$The part that requires a careful explanation is why we can commute the limits at the second $=$ sign. Again, the key insight is that the leftmost limit is computed for a non-zero argument, and that implies varying the rightmost limit towards $0$ has it continuously converge to a finite value.

share|cite|improve this answer

  • 1

    Where does this proof use the fact that it's $n!$ in the denominator there rather than some other increasing function of $n$ (increasing to ensure convergence)? Are you saying it's the same if we replace $n!$ by $17^n$? Are you saying it comes out $1/2$ regardless of what's there?
    – Alon Amit
    Jul 30 at 10:45

  • @AlonAmit Pretty much. What we have is something whose "obvious limit" where you just substitute $x=0$ is in turn a series that "should" converge to $1/2$ in the sense that, although it doesn't converge with the usual definition of summing an infinite series, an alternative that lets it converge will give that value. I used Abel summation in this example (which makes Grandi's series $eta(0)=1/2$), but Cesàro summation of Grandi's series does the same thing. So genuinely convergent variants on the series have to respect that.
    – J.G.
    Jul 30 at 10:53

  • 1

    I understand, but proving such things can be pretty subtle (e.g. Tauberian theorems). I'm not sure I see why the limit exchange there is justified, but I'm happy to think about it more.
    – Alon Amit
    Jul 30 at 10:56

  • @AlonAmit In light of Sangchul Lee's answer, the reason $1/2$ comes up so often is because $lambda_2n+2-lambda_2napprox 2(lambda_2n+1-lambda_2n)$ is to be expected when we linearise.
    – J.G.
    Jul 30 at 11:48

  • @J.G. For many other cases, $lambda_2n+2-lambda_2n$ may not asymptotic to $alpha(lambda_2n+1-lambda_2n)$. For example, $lambda_n=exp(n)$.
    – i707107
    Jul 30 at 14:49

up vote
down vote

up vote
down vote

Define $S(x,,y):=sum_nge 0frac(-1)^nn!^xe^-ny$, which converges for any $x>0$ with $yge 0$ and any $y>0$ with $xge 0$. Grandi's series $sum_nge 0(-1)^n$ doesn't converge to any specific value (although its partial sums also don't tend to $pminfty$ either), but it is said to Abel summable to $frac12$ in the sense $lim_yto 0^+S(0,,y)=frac12$, which you can easily prove with geometric series. The proof you're looking for is $$lim_xto 0^+S(x,,0)=lim_xto 0^+lim_yto 0^+S(x,,y)=lim_yto 0^+lim_xto 0^+S(x,,y)=lim_yto 0^+S(0,,y)=frac12.$$The part that requires a careful explanation is why we can commute the limits at the second $=$ sign. Again, the key insight is that the leftmost limit is computed for a non-zero argument, and that implies varying the rightmost limit towards $0$ has it continuously converge to a finite value.

share|cite|improve this answer

Define $S(x,,y):=sum_nge 0frac(-1)^nn!^xe^-ny$, which converges for any $x>0$ with $yge 0$ and any $y>0$ with $xge 0$. Grandi's series $sum_nge 0(-1)^n$ doesn't converge to any specific value (although its partial sums also don't tend to $pminfty$ either), but it is said to Abel summable to $frac12$ in the sense $lim_yto 0^+S(0,,y)=frac12$, which you can easily prove with geometric series. The proof you're looking for is $$lim_xto 0^+S(x,,0)=lim_xto 0^+lim_yto 0^+S(x,,y)=lim_yto 0^+lim_xto 0^+S(x,,y)=lim_yto 0^+S(0,,y)=frac12.$$The part that requires a careful explanation is why we can commute the limits at the second $=$ sign. Again, the key insight is that the leftmost limit is computed for a non-zero argument, and that implies varying the rightmost limit towards $0$ has it continuously converge to a finite value.

share|cite|improve this answer

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answered Jul 30 at 5:53




  • 1

    Where does this proof use the fact that it's $n!$ in the denominator there rather than some other increasing function of $n$ (increasing to ensure convergence)? Are you saying it's the same if we replace $n!$ by $17^n$? Are you saying it comes out $1/2$ regardless of what's there?
    – Alon Amit
    Jul 30 at 10:45

  • @AlonAmit Pretty much. What we have is something whose "obvious limit" where you just substitute $x=0$ is in turn a series that "should" converge to $1/2$ in the sense that, although it doesn't converge with the usual definition of summing an infinite series, an alternative that lets it converge will give that value. I used Abel summation in this example (which makes Grandi's series $eta(0)=1/2$), but Cesàro summation of Grandi's series does the same thing. So genuinely convergent variants on the series have to respect that.
    – J.G.
    Jul 30 at 10:53

  • 1

    I understand, but proving such things can be pretty subtle (e.g. Tauberian theorems). I'm not sure I see why the limit exchange there is justified, but I'm happy to think about it more.
    – Alon Amit
    Jul 30 at 10:56

  • @AlonAmit In light of Sangchul Lee's answer, the reason $1/2$ comes up so often is because $lambda_2n+2-lambda_2napprox 2(lambda_2n+1-lambda_2n)$ is to be expected when we linearise.
    – J.G.
    Jul 30 at 11:48

  • @J.G. For many other cases, $lambda_2n+2-lambda_2n$ may not asymptotic to $alpha(lambda_2n+1-lambda_2n)$. For example, $lambda_n=exp(n)$.
    – i707107
    Jul 30 at 14:49

  • 1

    Where does this proof use the fact that it's $n!$ in the denominator there rather than some other increasing function of $n$ (increasing to ensure convergence)? Are you saying it's the same if we replace $n!$ by $17^n$? Are you saying it comes out $1/2$ regardless of what's there?
    – Alon Amit
    Jul 30 at 10:45

  • @AlonAmit Pretty much. What we have is something whose "obvious limit" where you just substitute $x=0$ is in turn a series that "should" converge to $1/2$ in the sense that, although it doesn't converge with the usual definition of summing an infinite series, an alternative that lets it converge will give that value. I used Abel summation in this example (which makes Grandi's series $eta(0)=1/2$), but Cesàro summation of Grandi's series does the same thing. So genuinely convergent variants on the series have to respect that.
    – J.G.
    Jul 30 at 10:53

  • 1

    I understand, but proving such things can be pretty subtle (e.g. Tauberian theorems). I'm not sure I see why the limit exchange there is justified, but I'm happy to think about it more.
    – Alon Amit
    Jul 30 at 10:56

  • @AlonAmit In light of Sangchul Lee's answer, the reason $1/2$ comes up so often is because $lambda_2n+2-lambda_2napprox 2(lambda_2n+1-lambda_2n)$ is to be expected when we linearise.
    – J.G.
    Jul 30 at 11:48

  • @J.G. For many other cases, $lambda_2n+2-lambda_2n$ may not asymptotic to $alpha(lambda_2n+1-lambda_2n)$. For example, $lambda_n=exp(n)$.
    – i707107
    Jul 30 at 14:49



Where does this proof use the fact that it's $n!$ in the denominator there rather than some other increasing function of $n$ (increasing to ensure convergence)? Are you saying it's the same if we replace $n!$ by $17^n$? Are you saying it comes out $1/2$ regardless of what's there?
– Alon Amit
Jul 30 at 10:45

Where does this proof use the fact that it's $n!$ in the denominator there rather than some other increasing function of $n$ (increasing to ensure convergence)? Are you saying it's the same if we replace $n!$ by $17^n$? Are you saying it comes out $1/2$ regardless of what's there?
– Alon Amit
Jul 30 at 10:45

@AlonAmit Pretty much. What we have is something whose "obvious limit" where you just substitute $x=0$ is in turn a series that "should" converge to $1/2$ in the sense that, although it doesn't converge with the usual definition of summing an infinite series, an alternative that lets it converge will give that value. I used Abel summation in this example (which makes Grandi's series $eta(0)=1/2$), but Cesàro summation of Grandi's series does the same thing. So genuinely convergent variants on the series have to respect that.
– J.G.
Jul 30 at 10:53

@AlonAmit Pretty much. What we have is something whose "obvious limit" where you just substitute $x=0$ is in turn a series that "should" converge to $1/2$ in the sense that, although it doesn't converge with the usual definition of summing an infinite series, an alternative that lets it converge will give that value. I used Abel summation in this example (which makes Grandi's series $eta(0)=1/2$), but Cesàro summation of Grandi's series does the same thing. So genuinely convergent variants on the series have to respect that.
– J.G.
Jul 30 at 10:53



I understand, but proving such things can be pretty subtle (e.g. Tauberian theorems). I'm not sure I see why the limit exchange there is justified, but I'm happy to think about it more.
– Alon Amit
Jul 30 at 10:56

I understand, but proving such things can be pretty subtle (e.g. Tauberian theorems). I'm not sure I see why the limit exchange there is justified, but I'm happy to think about it more.
– Alon Amit
Jul 30 at 10:56

@AlonAmit In light of Sangchul Lee's answer, the reason $1/2$ comes up so often is because $lambda_2n+2-lambda_2napprox 2(lambda_2n+1-lambda_2n)$ is to be expected when we linearise.
– J.G.
Jul 30 at 11:48

@AlonAmit In light of Sangchul Lee's answer, the reason $1/2$ comes up so often is because $lambda_2n+2-lambda_2napprox 2(lambda_2n+1-lambda_2n)$ is to be expected when we linearise.
– J.G.
Jul 30 at 11:48

@J.G. For many other cases, $lambda_2n+2-lambda_2n$ may not asymptotic to $alpha(lambda_2n+1-lambda_2n)$. For example, $lambda_n=exp(n)$.
– i707107
Jul 30 at 14:49

@J.G. For many other cases, $lambda_2n+2-lambda_2n$ may not asymptotic to $alpha(lambda_2n+1-lambda_2n)$. For example, $lambda_n=exp(n)$.
– i707107
Jul 30 at 14:49


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