Show that $int_0^1 4 spaceoperatornameli(x)^3 space (x-1) space x^-3 dx = zeta(3) $

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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My mentor tommy1729 wrote $int_0^1 4 space operatornameli(x)^3 space (x-1) space x^-3 dx = zeta(3) $

I wanted to prove it thus I looked at some methods for computing integrals and also representations of $zeta(3)$ that might be useful.

But nothing was very helpful to me.

In particular the fact that the RHS is so short - Just Apery’s constant - was surprising.
I expected it longer and more complicated.
So I tend to believe that either the integral computation requires many steps and Then Finally we Get a long expression but alot of cancellation until we are left with Apery’s constant only.
Or There is a simple way to get Apery’s constant directly with a trick I missed.

In either case it is amazing I would say.

So How to show that

$$int_0^1 4 space operatornameli(x)^3 space (x-1) space x^-3 dx = zeta(3) $$

I would like to see different ways to show it.
I assume real analysis methods are simpler than complex analysis methods ( on the complex plane like contour integration ).

I Also wondered If not knowing the RHS in advance would change the difficulty of this question.

Also I wonder about

$$ int_0^1 5 space operatornameli(x)^4 space (x-1) space x^-4 dx = ?? $$

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    up vote
    down vote


    My mentor tommy1729 wrote $int_0^1 4 space operatornameli(x)^3 space (x-1) space x^-3 dx = zeta(3) $

    I wanted to prove it thus I looked at some methods for computing integrals and also representations of $zeta(3)$ that might be useful.

    But nothing was very helpful to me.

    In particular the fact that the RHS is so short - Just Apery’s constant - was surprising.
    I expected it longer and more complicated.
    So I tend to believe that either the integral computation requires many steps and Then Finally we Get a long expression but alot of cancellation until we are left with Apery’s constant only.
    Or There is a simple way to get Apery’s constant directly with a trick I missed.

    In either case it is amazing I would say.

    So How to show that

    $$int_0^1 4 space operatornameli(x)^3 space (x-1) space x^-3 dx = zeta(3) $$

    I would like to see different ways to show it.
    I assume real analysis methods are simpler than complex analysis methods ( on the complex plane like contour integration ).

    I Also wondered If not knowing the RHS in advance would change the difficulty of this question.

    Also I wonder about

    $$ int_0^1 5 space operatornameli(x)^4 space (x-1) space x^-4 dx = ?? $$

    share|cite|improve this question

      up vote
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      up vote
      down vote



      My mentor tommy1729 wrote $int_0^1 4 space operatornameli(x)^3 space (x-1) space x^-3 dx = zeta(3) $

      I wanted to prove it thus I looked at some methods for computing integrals and also representations of $zeta(3)$ that might be useful.

      But nothing was very helpful to me.

      In particular the fact that the RHS is so short - Just Apery’s constant - was surprising.
      I expected it longer and more complicated.
      So I tend to believe that either the integral computation requires many steps and Then Finally we Get a long expression but alot of cancellation until we are left with Apery’s constant only.
      Or There is a simple way to get Apery’s constant directly with a trick I missed.

      In either case it is amazing I would say.

      So How to show that

      $$int_0^1 4 space operatornameli(x)^3 space (x-1) space x^-3 dx = zeta(3) $$

      I would like to see different ways to show it.
      I assume real analysis methods are simpler than complex analysis methods ( on the complex plane like contour integration ).

      I Also wondered If not knowing the RHS in advance would change the difficulty of this question.

      Also I wonder about

      $$ int_0^1 5 space operatornameli(x)^4 space (x-1) space x^-4 dx = ?? $$

      share|cite|improve this question

      My mentor tommy1729 wrote $int_0^1 4 space operatornameli(x)^3 space (x-1) space x^-3 dx = zeta(3) $

      I wanted to prove it thus I looked at some methods for computing integrals and also representations of $zeta(3)$ that might be useful.

      But nothing was very helpful to me.

      In particular the fact that the RHS is so short - Just Apery’s constant - was surprising.
      I expected it longer and more complicated.
      So I tend to believe that either the integral computation requires many steps and Then Finally we Get a long expression but alot of cancellation until we are left with Apery’s constant only.
      Or There is a simple way to get Apery’s constant directly with a trick I missed.

      In either case it is amazing I would say.

      So How to show that

      $$int_0^1 4 space operatornameli(x)^3 space (x-1) space x^-3 dx = zeta(3) $$

      I would like to see different ways to show it.
      I assume real analysis methods are simpler than complex analysis methods ( on the complex plane like contour integration ).

      I Also wondered If not knowing the RHS in advance would change the difficulty of this question.

      Also I wonder about

      $$ int_0^1 5 space operatornameli(x)^4 space (x-1) space x^-4 dx = ?? $$

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      edited Jul 30 at 18:42




      asked Jul 30 at 3:11




          2 Answers




          up vote
          down vote

          This solution reduces the expression to an integral that Mathematica knows how to solve. Use a shift in the integrand of Gradshteyn & Rhyzhik 4.351.3 and rewrite the Ei function in terms of li:
          $$ frac12 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^2 = int_0^infty x^t log(1+t)fracdt2+t .$$
          Use the expansion (B) as given by ComplexYetTrivial. Interchange sums and integral to find
          $$int_0^1 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^2 Big( fracli(x)x Big) (x-1) dx= 2int_0^infty dt , fraclog(1+t)2+tsum_k=0^inftyfrac1k+1int_0^1 x^t L_k(-logx)(x-1)dx
          Use the well-known evaluation, below, twice
          $$int_0^1 x^t L_k(-logx) = t^k/(1+t)^k+1$$
          to get
          $$int_0^1 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^3(x-1)dx = 2int_0^infty dt , fraclog(1+t)2+t sum_k=0^inftyfrac1k+1Big(frac1t+1 big(fract+1t+2big)^k+1 - frac1t big(fractt+1big)^k+1 Big)$$
          The sums have closed-forms in terms of log. Collect and simplify the integrand to get
          $$int_0^1 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^3(x-1)dx =
          2int_0^infty dt , fraclog(1+t)2+tBig(fraclog(t+1)t
          where the single integral has been performed by Mathematica.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          • 1

            Nice answer! Note that by the substitution $1 + t = mathrme^s$ the last integral can be reduced to $$ int_0^infty fracs^2sinh(s) , mathrmd s - 2 int_0^infty fracs^2mathrme^s +1 , mathrmd s - 2 sum_k,n=1^infty frac(-1)^n+kk (n+k)^2 = frac72 zeta(3) - 3 zeta(3) - frac14 zeta(3) , . $$ The value of the double series can be deduced from robjohn's answer to this question, so we don't even need Mathematica.
            – ComplexYetTrivial
            Jul 31 at 13:21

          • @ComplexYetTrivial Thanks for completing the proof. ( I have a tendency to rely on Mathematica but also do the integral numerically to make sure the analytic answer pans out.)
            – skbmoore
            Jul 31 at 17:01

          up vote
          down vote

          This is not a complete answer, but just a description of two ideas that might help with the evaluation of the integral
          $$ I equiv 4 int limits_0^1 left(fracoperatornameli(x)xright)^3 (x-1) , mathrmd x , . $$
          They are based on methods that can be applied to find the easier integral
          $$ J equiv int limits_0^1 left(fracoperatornameli(x)xright)^2 , mathrmd x , . $$

          The first approach relies on integration by parts and the series
          $$ x-1 = sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! ln^k (x) , , , x > 0 , .$$
          In order to evaluate $J$ we can use the antiderivative $x mapsto 1-frac1x$ of $x mapsto frac1x^2$ to avoid problems with the singularity of $operatornameli(x)$ at $x = 1$ . We get
          J &= 2 int limits_0^1 fracoperatornameli(x)x frac1-xln(x) , mathrmd x = - 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! int limits_0^1 fracoperatornameli(x)x ln^k-1 (x) , mathrmd x\
          &= 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! k int limits_0^1 ln^k-1 (x) , mathrmd x = 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! k (-1)^k-1 (k-1)! \
          &= 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac(-1)^k-1k^2 = 2 eta (2) = zeta(2) = fracpi^26 , .
          Similarly, we can use the antiderivative $x mapsto frac(x-1)^22 x^2$ of $x mapsto fracx-1x^3$ to find
          I &= - frac32 int limits_0^1 left(fracoperatornameli(x)xright)^2 frac(x-1)^2ln(x) , mathrmd x \
          &= frac32 sum limits_k=0^infty frac1k! int limits_0^1 operatornameli^2 (x) frac1-xx fracln^k-1 (x)x , mathrmd x , . tagA
          We can now integrate by parts once more to obtain at least one term that reduces to a multiple of $zeta(3)$ as in the simpler case. However, I have not managed to solve the remaining integrals yet. We could of course use the series again to express the remaining $1-x$ in terms of logarithm powers, but that does not seem to solve the problem.

          The second suggestion employs the Fourier-Laguerre series
          $$ operatornameli (x) = - x sum_n=0^infty fracmathrmL_n (-ln(x))n+1 , , , x in (0,1) , , tagB$$
          of the logarithmic integral. It can be proved by deriving a recurrence relation for the coefficients from that of the Laguerre polynomials.

          Using the substitution $x = mathrme^-t$ and the orthogonality relation of the Laguerre polynomials we immediately obtain
          $$ J = sum limits_p=0^infty sum limits_q=0^infty frac1(p+1)(q+1) int limits_0^infty mathrmL_p (t) mathrmL_q (t) mathrme^-t , mathrmd t = sum limits_p=0^infty frac1(n+1)^2 = zeta(2) = fracpi^26 , .$$
          Similarly, we have
          $$ I = 4sum limits_p=0^infty sum limits_q=0^infty sum limits_r=0^infty frac1(p+1)(q+1)(r+1) int limits_0^infty mathrmL_p (t) mathrmL_q (t) mathrmL_r (t) (1- mathrme^-t) mathrme^-t , mathrmd t , .$$
          General formulas for integrals involving three Laguerre polynomials appear to be known (see this paper or this one for a generalisation). I do not know whether they are nice enough to reduce the triple series to a representation of $zeta(3)$ though.

          Remark: After doing some numerical calculations I now suspect that the triple series diverges. This is probably due to the fact the original series $(mathrmB)$ only converges in $L^2$, so it cannot be used here. For the simpler integral everything works out though.

          It is of course possible to combine the two methods by applying the Laguerre series $(mathrmB)$ in equation $(mathrmA)$. I do not know if these ideas can be used to get the final result, but maybe they can help someone else to find a way.

          share|cite|improve this answer

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            2 Answers




            2 Answers










            up vote
            down vote

            This solution reduces the expression to an integral that Mathematica knows how to solve. Use a shift in the integrand of Gradshteyn & Rhyzhik 4.351.3 and rewrite the Ei function in terms of li:
            $$ frac12 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^2 = int_0^infty x^t log(1+t)fracdt2+t .$$
            Use the expansion (B) as given by ComplexYetTrivial. Interchange sums and integral to find
            $$int_0^1 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^2 Big( fracli(x)x Big) (x-1) dx= 2int_0^infty dt , fraclog(1+t)2+tsum_k=0^inftyfrac1k+1int_0^1 x^t L_k(-logx)(x-1)dx
            Use the well-known evaluation, below, twice
            $$int_0^1 x^t L_k(-logx) = t^k/(1+t)^k+1$$
            to get
            $$int_0^1 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^3(x-1)dx = 2int_0^infty dt , fraclog(1+t)2+t sum_k=0^inftyfrac1k+1Big(frac1t+1 big(fract+1t+2big)^k+1 - frac1t big(fractt+1big)^k+1 Big)$$
            The sums have closed-forms in terms of log. Collect and simplify the integrand to get
            $$int_0^1 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^3(x-1)dx =
            2int_0^infty dt , fraclog(1+t)2+tBig(fraclog(t+1)t
            where the single integral has been performed by Mathematica.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • 1

              Nice answer! Note that by the substitution $1 + t = mathrme^s$ the last integral can be reduced to $$ int_0^infty fracs^2sinh(s) , mathrmd s - 2 int_0^infty fracs^2mathrme^s +1 , mathrmd s - 2 sum_k,n=1^infty frac(-1)^n+kk (n+k)^2 = frac72 zeta(3) - 3 zeta(3) - frac14 zeta(3) , . $$ The value of the double series can be deduced from robjohn's answer to this question, so we don't even need Mathematica.
              – ComplexYetTrivial
              Jul 31 at 13:21

            • @ComplexYetTrivial Thanks for completing the proof. ( I have a tendency to rely on Mathematica but also do the integral numerically to make sure the analytic answer pans out.)
              – skbmoore
              Jul 31 at 17:01

            up vote
            down vote

            This solution reduces the expression to an integral that Mathematica knows how to solve. Use a shift in the integrand of Gradshteyn & Rhyzhik 4.351.3 and rewrite the Ei function in terms of li:
            $$ frac12 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^2 = int_0^infty x^t log(1+t)fracdt2+t .$$
            Use the expansion (B) as given by ComplexYetTrivial. Interchange sums and integral to find
            $$int_0^1 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^2 Big( fracli(x)x Big) (x-1) dx= 2int_0^infty dt , fraclog(1+t)2+tsum_k=0^inftyfrac1k+1int_0^1 x^t L_k(-logx)(x-1)dx
            Use the well-known evaluation, below, twice
            $$int_0^1 x^t L_k(-logx) = t^k/(1+t)^k+1$$
            to get
            $$int_0^1 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^3(x-1)dx = 2int_0^infty dt , fraclog(1+t)2+t sum_k=0^inftyfrac1k+1Big(frac1t+1 big(fract+1t+2big)^k+1 - frac1t big(fractt+1big)^k+1 Big)$$
            The sums have closed-forms in terms of log. Collect and simplify the integrand to get
            $$int_0^1 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^3(x-1)dx =
            2int_0^infty dt , fraclog(1+t)2+tBig(fraclog(t+1)t
            where the single integral has been performed by Mathematica.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • 1

              Nice answer! Note that by the substitution $1 + t = mathrme^s$ the last integral can be reduced to $$ int_0^infty fracs^2sinh(s) , mathrmd s - 2 int_0^infty fracs^2mathrme^s +1 , mathrmd s - 2 sum_k,n=1^infty frac(-1)^n+kk (n+k)^2 = frac72 zeta(3) - 3 zeta(3) - frac14 zeta(3) , . $$ The value of the double series can be deduced from robjohn's answer to this question, so we don't even need Mathematica.
              – ComplexYetTrivial
              Jul 31 at 13:21

            • @ComplexYetTrivial Thanks for completing the proof. ( I have a tendency to rely on Mathematica but also do the integral numerically to make sure the analytic answer pans out.)
              – skbmoore
              Jul 31 at 17:01

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            This solution reduces the expression to an integral that Mathematica knows how to solve. Use a shift in the integrand of Gradshteyn & Rhyzhik 4.351.3 and rewrite the Ei function in terms of li:
            $$ frac12 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^2 = int_0^infty x^t log(1+t)fracdt2+t .$$
            Use the expansion (B) as given by ComplexYetTrivial. Interchange sums and integral to find
            $$int_0^1 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^2 Big( fracli(x)x Big) (x-1) dx= 2int_0^infty dt , fraclog(1+t)2+tsum_k=0^inftyfrac1k+1int_0^1 x^t L_k(-logx)(x-1)dx
            Use the well-known evaluation, below, twice
            $$int_0^1 x^t L_k(-logx) = t^k/(1+t)^k+1$$
            to get
            $$int_0^1 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^3(x-1)dx = 2int_0^infty dt , fraclog(1+t)2+t sum_k=0^inftyfrac1k+1Big(frac1t+1 big(fract+1t+2big)^k+1 - frac1t big(fractt+1big)^k+1 Big)$$
            The sums have closed-forms in terms of log. Collect and simplify the integrand to get
            $$int_0^1 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^3(x-1)dx =
            2int_0^infty dt , fraclog(1+t)2+tBig(fraclog(t+1)t
            where the single integral has been performed by Mathematica.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            This solution reduces the expression to an integral that Mathematica knows how to solve. Use a shift in the integrand of Gradshteyn & Rhyzhik 4.351.3 and rewrite the Ei function in terms of li:
            $$ frac12 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^2 = int_0^infty x^t log(1+t)fracdt2+t .$$
            Use the expansion (B) as given by ComplexYetTrivial. Interchange sums and integral to find
            $$int_0^1 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^2 Big( fracli(x)x Big) (x-1) dx= 2int_0^infty dt , fraclog(1+t)2+tsum_k=0^inftyfrac1k+1int_0^1 x^t L_k(-logx)(x-1)dx
            Use the well-known evaluation, below, twice
            $$int_0^1 x^t L_k(-logx) = t^k/(1+t)^k+1$$
            to get
            $$int_0^1 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^3(x-1)dx = 2int_0^infty dt , fraclog(1+t)2+t sum_k=0^inftyfrac1k+1Big(frac1t+1 big(fract+1t+2big)^k+1 - frac1t big(fractt+1big)^k+1 Big)$$
            The sums have closed-forms in terms of log. Collect and simplify the integrand to get
            $$int_0^1 Big( fracli(x)x Big)^3(x-1)dx =
            2int_0^infty dt , fraclog(1+t)2+tBig(fraclog(t+1)t
            where the single integral has been performed by Mathematica.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            answered Jul 30 at 23:40




            • 1

              Nice answer! Note that by the substitution $1 + t = mathrme^s$ the last integral can be reduced to $$ int_0^infty fracs^2sinh(s) , mathrmd s - 2 int_0^infty fracs^2mathrme^s +1 , mathrmd s - 2 sum_k,n=1^infty frac(-1)^n+kk (n+k)^2 = frac72 zeta(3) - 3 zeta(3) - frac14 zeta(3) , . $$ The value of the double series can be deduced from robjohn's answer to this question, so we don't even need Mathematica.
              – ComplexYetTrivial
              Jul 31 at 13:21

            • @ComplexYetTrivial Thanks for completing the proof. ( I have a tendency to rely on Mathematica but also do the integral numerically to make sure the analytic answer pans out.)
              – skbmoore
              Jul 31 at 17:01

            • 1

              Nice answer! Note that by the substitution $1 + t = mathrme^s$ the last integral can be reduced to $$ int_0^infty fracs^2sinh(s) , mathrmd s - 2 int_0^infty fracs^2mathrme^s +1 , mathrmd s - 2 sum_k,n=1^infty frac(-1)^n+kk (n+k)^2 = frac72 zeta(3) - 3 zeta(3) - frac14 zeta(3) , . $$ The value of the double series can be deduced from robjohn's answer to this question, so we don't even need Mathematica.
              – ComplexYetTrivial
              Jul 31 at 13:21

            • @ComplexYetTrivial Thanks for completing the proof. ( I have a tendency to rely on Mathematica but also do the integral numerically to make sure the analytic answer pans out.)
              – skbmoore
              Jul 31 at 17:01



            Nice answer! Note that by the substitution $1 + t = mathrme^s$ the last integral can be reduced to $$ int_0^infty fracs^2sinh(s) , mathrmd s - 2 int_0^infty fracs^2mathrme^s +1 , mathrmd s - 2 sum_k,n=1^infty frac(-1)^n+kk (n+k)^2 = frac72 zeta(3) - 3 zeta(3) - frac14 zeta(3) , . $$ The value of the double series can be deduced from robjohn's answer to this question, so we don't even need Mathematica.
            – ComplexYetTrivial
            Jul 31 at 13:21

            Nice answer! Note that by the substitution $1 + t = mathrme^s$ the last integral can be reduced to $$ int_0^infty fracs^2sinh(s) , mathrmd s - 2 int_0^infty fracs^2mathrme^s +1 , mathrmd s - 2 sum_k,n=1^infty frac(-1)^n+kk (n+k)^2 = frac72 zeta(3) - 3 zeta(3) - frac14 zeta(3) , . $$ The value of the double series can be deduced from robjohn's answer to this question, so we don't even need Mathematica.
            – ComplexYetTrivial
            Jul 31 at 13:21

            @ComplexYetTrivial Thanks for completing the proof. ( I have a tendency to rely on Mathematica but also do the integral numerically to make sure the analytic answer pans out.)
            – skbmoore
            Jul 31 at 17:01

            @ComplexYetTrivial Thanks for completing the proof. ( I have a tendency to rely on Mathematica but also do the integral numerically to make sure the analytic answer pans out.)
            – skbmoore
            Jul 31 at 17:01

            up vote
            down vote

            This is not a complete answer, but just a description of two ideas that might help with the evaluation of the integral
            $$ I equiv 4 int limits_0^1 left(fracoperatornameli(x)xright)^3 (x-1) , mathrmd x , . $$
            They are based on methods that can be applied to find the easier integral
            $$ J equiv int limits_0^1 left(fracoperatornameli(x)xright)^2 , mathrmd x , . $$

            The first approach relies on integration by parts and the series
            $$ x-1 = sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! ln^k (x) , , , x > 0 , .$$
            In order to evaluate $J$ we can use the antiderivative $x mapsto 1-frac1x$ of $x mapsto frac1x^2$ to avoid problems with the singularity of $operatornameli(x)$ at $x = 1$ . We get
            J &= 2 int limits_0^1 fracoperatornameli(x)x frac1-xln(x) , mathrmd x = - 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! int limits_0^1 fracoperatornameli(x)x ln^k-1 (x) , mathrmd x\
            &= 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! k int limits_0^1 ln^k-1 (x) , mathrmd x = 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! k (-1)^k-1 (k-1)! \
            &= 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac(-1)^k-1k^2 = 2 eta (2) = zeta(2) = fracpi^26 , .
            Similarly, we can use the antiderivative $x mapsto frac(x-1)^22 x^2$ of $x mapsto fracx-1x^3$ to find
            I &= - frac32 int limits_0^1 left(fracoperatornameli(x)xright)^2 frac(x-1)^2ln(x) , mathrmd x \
            &= frac32 sum limits_k=0^infty frac1k! int limits_0^1 operatornameli^2 (x) frac1-xx fracln^k-1 (x)x , mathrmd x , . tagA
            We can now integrate by parts once more to obtain at least one term that reduces to a multiple of $zeta(3)$ as in the simpler case. However, I have not managed to solve the remaining integrals yet. We could of course use the series again to express the remaining $1-x$ in terms of logarithm powers, but that does not seem to solve the problem.

            The second suggestion employs the Fourier-Laguerre series
            $$ operatornameli (x) = - x sum_n=0^infty fracmathrmL_n (-ln(x))n+1 , , , x in (0,1) , , tagB$$
            of the logarithmic integral. It can be proved by deriving a recurrence relation for the coefficients from that of the Laguerre polynomials.

            Using the substitution $x = mathrme^-t$ and the orthogonality relation of the Laguerre polynomials we immediately obtain
            $$ J = sum limits_p=0^infty sum limits_q=0^infty frac1(p+1)(q+1) int limits_0^infty mathrmL_p (t) mathrmL_q (t) mathrme^-t , mathrmd t = sum limits_p=0^infty frac1(n+1)^2 = zeta(2) = fracpi^26 , .$$
            Similarly, we have
            $$ I = 4sum limits_p=0^infty sum limits_q=0^infty sum limits_r=0^infty frac1(p+1)(q+1)(r+1) int limits_0^infty mathrmL_p (t) mathrmL_q (t) mathrmL_r (t) (1- mathrme^-t) mathrme^-t , mathrmd t , .$$
            General formulas for integrals involving three Laguerre polynomials appear to be known (see this paper or this one for a generalisation). I do not know whether they are nice enough to reduce the triple series to a representation of $zeta(3)$ though.

            Remark: After doing some numerical calculations I now suspect that the triple series diverges. This is probably due to the fact the original series $(mathrmB)$ only converges in $L^2$, so it cannot be used here. For the simpler integral everything works out though.

            It is of course possible to combine the two methods by applying the Laguerre series $(mathrmB)$ in equation $(mathrmA)$. I do not know if these ideas can be used to get the final result, but maybe they can help someone else to find a way.

            share|cite|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              This is not a complete answer, but just a description of two ideas that might help with the evaluation of the integral
              $$ I equiv 4 int limits_0^1 left(fracoperatornameli(x)xright)^3 (x-1) , mathrmd x , . $$
              They are based on methods that can be applied to find the easier integral
              $$ J equiv int limits_0^1 left(fracoperatornameli(x)xright)^2 , mathrmd x , . $$

              The first approach relies on integration by parts and the series
              $$ x-1 = sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! ln^k (x) , , , x > 0 , .$$
              In order to evaluate $J$ we can use the antiderivative $x mapsto 1-frac1x$ of $x mapsto frac1x^2$ to avoid problems with the singularity of $operatornameli(x)$ at $x = 1$ . We get
              J &= 2 int limits_0^1 fracoperatornameli(x)x frac1-xln(x) , mathrmd x = - 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! int limits_0^1 fracoperatornameli(x)x ln^k-1 (x) , mathrmd x\
              &= 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! k int limits_0^1 ln^k-1 (x) , mathrmd x = 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! k (-1)^k-1 (k-1)! \
              &= 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac(-1)^k-1k^2 = 2 eta (2) = zeta(2) = fracpi^26 , .
              Similarly, we can use the antiderivative $x mapsto frac(x-1)^22 x^2$ of $x mapsto fracx-1x^3$ to find
              I &= - frac32 int limits_0^1 left(fracoperatornameli(x)xright)^2 frac(x-1)^2ln(x) , mathrmd x \
              &= frac32 sum limits_k=0^infty frac1k! int limits_0^1 operatornameli^2 (x) frac1-xx fracln^k-1 (x)x , mathrmd x , . tagA
              We can now integrate by parts once more to obtain at least one term that reduces to a multiple of $zeta(3)$ as in the simpler case. However, I have not managed to solve the remaining integrals yet. We could of course use the series again to express the remaining $1-x$ in terms of logarithm powers, but that does not seem to solve the problem.

              The second suggestion employs the Fourier-Laguerre series
              $$ operatornameli (x) = - x sum_n=0^infty fracmathrmL_n (-ln(x))n+1 , , , x in (0,1) , , tagB$$
              of the logarithmic integral. It can be proved by deriving a recurrence relation for the coefficients from that of the Laguerre polynomials.

              Using the substitution $x = mathrme^-t$ and the orthogonality relation of the Laguerre polynomials we immediately obtain
              $$ J = sum limits_p=0^infty sum limits_q=0^infty frac1(p+1)(q+1) int limits_0^infty mathrmL_p (t) mathrmL_q (t) mathrme^-t , mathrmd t = sum limits_p=0^infty frac1(n+1)^2 = zeta(2) = fracpi^26 , .$$
              Similarly, we have
              $$ I = 4sum limits_p=0^infty sum limits_q=0^infty sum limits_r=0^infty frac1(p+1)(q+1)(r+1) int limits_0^infty mathrmL_p (t) mathrmL_q (t) mathrmL_r (t) (1- mathrme^-t) mathrme^-t , mathrmd t , .$$
              General formulas for integrals involving three Laguerre polynomials appear to be known (see this paper or this one for a generalisation). I do not know whether they are nice enough to reduce the triple series to a representation of $zeta(3)$ though.

              Remark: After doing some numerical calculations I now suspect that the triple series diverges. This is probably due to the fact the original series $(mathrmB)$ only converges in $L^2$, so it cannot be used here. For the simpler integral everything works out though.

              It is of course possible to combine the two methods by applying the Laguerre series $(mathrmB)$ in equation $(mathrmA)$. I do not know if these ideas can be used to get the final result, but maybe they can help someone else to find a way.

              share|cite|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                This is not a complete answer, but just a description of two ideas that might help with the evaluation of the integral
                $$ I equiv 4 int limits_0^1 left(fracoperatornameli(x)xright)^3 (x-1) , mathrmd x , . $$
                They are based on methods that can be applied to find the easier integral
                $$ J equiv int limits_0^1 left(fracoperatornameli(x)xright)^2 , mathrmd x , . $$

                The first approach relies on integration by parts and the series
                $$ x-1 = sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! ln^k (x) , , , x > 0 , .$$
                In order to evaluate $J$ we can use the antiderivative $x mapsto 1-frac1x$ of $x mapsto frac1x^2$ to avoid problems with the singularity of $operatornameli(x)$ at $x = 1$ . We get
                J &= 2 int limits_0^1 fracoperatornameli(x)x frac1-xln(x) , mathrmd x = - 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! int limits_0^1 fracoperatornameli(x)x ln^k-1 (x) , mathrmd x\
                &= 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! k int limits_0^1 ln^k-1 (x) , mathrmd x = 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! k (-1)^k-1 (k-1)! \
                &= 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac(-1)^k-1k^2 = 2 eta (2) = zeta(2) = fracpi^26 , .
                Similarly, we can use the antiderivative $x mapsto frac(x-1)^22 x^2$ of $x mapsto fracx-1x^3$ to find
                I &= - frac32 int limits_0^1 left(fracoperatornameli(x)xright)^2 frac(x-1)^2ln(x) , mathrmd x \
                &= frac32 sum limits_k=0^infty frac1k! int limits_0^1 operatornameli^2 (x) frac1-xx fracln^k-1 (x)x , mathrmd x , . tagA
                We can now integrate by parts once more to obtain at least one term that reduces to a multiple of $zeta(3)$ as in the simpler case. However, I have not managed to solve the remaining integrals yet. We could of course use the series again to express the remaining $1-x$ in terms of logarithm powers, but that does not seem to solve the problem.

                The second suggestion employs the Fourier-Laguerre series
                $$ operatornameli (x) = - x sum_n=0^infty fracmathrmL_n (-ln(x))n+1 , , , x in (0,1) , , tagB$$
                of the logarithmic integral. It can be proved by deriving a recurrence relation for the coefficients from that of the Laguerre polynomials.

                Using the substitution $x = mathrme^-t$ and the orthogonality relation of the Laguerre polynomials we immediately obtain
                $$ J = sum limits_p=0^infty sum limits_q=0^infty frac1(p+1)(q+1) int limits_0^infty mathrmL_p (t) mathrmL_q (t) mathrme^-t , mathrmd t = sum limits_p=0^infty frac1(n+1)^2 = zeta(2) = fracpi^26 , .$$
                Similarly, we have
                $$ I = 4sum limits_p=0^infty sum limits_q=0^infty sum limits_r=0^infty frac1(p+1)(q+1)(r+1) int limits_0^infty mathrmL_p (t) mathrmL_q (t) mathrmL_r (t) (1- mathrme^-t) mathrme^-t , mathrmd t , .$$
                General formulas for integrals involving three Laguerre polynomials appear to be known (see this paper or this one for a generalisation). I do not know whether they are nice enough to reduce the triple series to a representation of $zeta(3)$ though.

                Remark: After doing some numerical calculations I now suspect that the triple series diverges. This is probably due to the fact the original series $(mathrmB)$ only converges in $L^2$, so it cannot be used here. For the simpler integral everything works out though.

                It is of course possible to combine the two methods by applying the Laguerre series $(mathrmB)$ in equation $(mathrmA)$. I do not know if these ideas can be used to get the final result, but maybe they can help someone else to find a way.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                This is not a complete answer, but just a description of two ideas that might help with the evaluation of the integral
                $$ I equiv 4 int limits_0^1 left(fracoperatornameli(x)xright)^3 (x-1) , mathrmd x , . $$
                They are based on methods that can be applied to find the easier integral
                $$ J equiv int limits_0^1 left(fracoperatornameli(x)xright)^2 , mathrmd x , . $$

                The first approach relies on integration by parts and the series
                $$ x-1 = sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! ln^k (x) , , , x > 0 , .$$
                In order to evaluate $J$ we can use the antiderivative $x mapsto 1-frac1x$ of $x mapsto frac1x^2$ to avoid problems with the singularity of $operatornameli(x)$ at $x = 1$ . We get
                J &= 2 int limits_0^1 fracoperatornameli(x)x frac1-xln(x) , mathrmd x = - 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! int limits_0^1 fracoperatornameli(x)x ln^k-1 (x) , mathrmd x\
                &= 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! k int limits_0^1 ln^k-1 (x) , mathrmd x = 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac1k! k (-1)^k-1 (k-1)! \
                &= 2 sum limits_k=1^infty frac(-1)^k-1k^2 = 2 eta (2) = zeta(2) = fracpi^26 , .
                Similarly, we can use the antiderivative $x mapsto frac(x-1)^22 x^2$ of $x mapsto fracx-1x^3$ to find
                I &= - frac32 int limits_0^1 left(fracoperatornameli(x)xright)^2 frac(x-1)^2ln(x) , mathrmd x \
                &= frac32 sum limits_k=0^infty frac1k! int limits_0^1 operatornameli^2 (x) frac1-xx fracln^k-1 (x)x , mathrmd x , . tagA
                We can now integrate by parts once more to obtain at least one term that reduces to a multiple of $zeta(3)$ as in the simpler case. However, I have not managed to solve the remaining integrals yet. We could of course use the series again to express the remaining $1-x$ in terms of logarithm powers, but that does not seem to solve the problem.

                The second suggestion employs the Fourier-Laguerre series
                $$ operatornameli (x) = - x sum_n=0^infty fracmathrmL_n (-ln(x))n+1 , , , x in (0,1) , , tagB$$
                of the logarithmic integral. It can be proved by deriving a recurrence relation for the coefficients from that of the Laguerre polynomials.

                Using the substitution $x = mathrme^-t$ and the orthogonality relation of the Laguerre polynomials we immediately obtain
                $$ J = sum limits_p=0^infty sum limits_q=0^infty frac1(p+1)(q+1) int limits_0^infty mathrmL_p (t) mathrmL_q (t) mathrme^-t , mathrmd t = sum limits_p=0^infty frac1(n+1)^2 = zeta(2) = fracpi^26 , .$$
                Similarly, we have
                $$ I = 4sum limits_p=0^infty sum limits_q=0^infty sum limits_r=0^infty frac1(p+1)(q+1)(r+1) int limits_0^infty mathrmL_p (t) mathrmL_q (t) mathrmL_r (t) (1- mathrme^-t) mathrme^-t , mathrmd t , .$$
                General formulas for integrals involving three Laguerre polynomials appear to be known (see this paper or this one for a generalisation). I do not know whether they are nice enough to reduce the triple series to a representation of $zeta(3)$ though.

                Remark: After doing some numerical calculations I now suspect that the triple series diverges. This is probably due to the fact the original series $(mathrmB)$ only converges in $L^2$, so it cannot be used here. For the simpler integral everything works out though.

                It is of course possible to combine the two methods by applying the Laguerre series $(mathrmB)$ in equation $(mathrmA)$. I do not know if these ideas can be used to get the final result, but maybe they can help someone else to find a way.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                edited Jul 30 at 19:25

                answered Jul 30 at 18:49





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