Proof of Frullani's theorem

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How can I prove the Theorem of Frullani? I did not even know all the hypothesis that $f$ must satisfy, but I think that this are

Let $,f:left[ 0,infty right) to mathbb R$ be a a continuously differentiable function such that $$
mathop lim limits_x to infty fleft( x right) = 0,
and let $
a,b in left( 0,infty right)$.
Prove that $$
intlimits_0^infty fracfleft( ax right) - fleft( bx right)
xdx = fleft( 0 right)left[ ln fracb
a right]
If you know a more general version please give it to me )= I can´t prove it.

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  • The answers below are all good. There is an AMS article (1990) at: and it's free//available!
    – rrogers
    Apr 21 at 14:27

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How can I prove the Theorem of Frullani? I did not even know all the hypothesis that $f$ must satisfy, but I think that this are

Let $,f:left[ 0,infty right) to mathbb R$ be a a continuously differentiable function such that $$
mathop lim limits_x to infty fleft( x right) = 0,
and let $
a,b in left( 0,infty right)$.
Prove that $$
intlimits_0^infty fracfleft( ax right) - fleft( bx right)
xdx = fleft( 0 right)left[ ln fracb
a right]
If you know a more general version please give it to me )= I can´t prove it.

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  • The answers below are all good. There is an AMS article (1990) at: and it's free//available!
    – rrogers
    Apr 21 at 14:27

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How can I prove the Theorem of Frullani? I did not even know all the hypothesis that $f$ must satisfy, but I think that this are

Let $,f:left[ 0,infty right) to mathbb R$ be a a continuously differentiable function such that $$
mathop lim limits_x to infty fleft( x right) = 0,
and let $
a,b in left( 0,infty right)$.
Prove that $$
intlimits_0^infty fracfleft( ax right) - fleft( bx right)
xdx = fleft( 0 right)left[ ln fracb
a right]
If you know a more general version please give it to me )= I can´t prove it.

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How can I prove the Theorem of Frullani? I did not even know all the hypothesis that $f$ must satisfy, but I think that this are

Let $,f:left[ 0,infty right) to mathbb R$ be a a continuously differentiable function such that $$
mathop lim limits_x to infty fleft( x right) = 0,
and let $
a,b in left( 0,infty right)$.
Prove that $$
intlimits_0^infty fracfleft( ax right) - fleft( bx right)
xdx = fleft( 0 right)left[ ln fracb
a right]
If you know a more general version please give it to me )= I can´t prove it.

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edited Apr 24 at 14:03

GNU Supporter



asked Sep 4 '11 at 14:53




  • The answers below are all good. There is an AMS article (1990) at: and it's free//available!
    – rrogers
    Apr 21 at 14:27

  • The answers below are all good. There is an AMS article (1990) at: and it's free//available!
    – rrogers
    Apr 21 at 14:27

The answers below are all good. There is an AMS article (1990) at: and it's free//available!
– rrogers
Apr 21 at 14:27

The answers below are all good. There is an AMS article (1990) at: and it's free//available!
– rrogers
Apr 21 at 14:27

7 Answers




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We will assume $a<b$.
Let $x,y>0$. We have:
&=int_ax^aydfracf(u)frac uafracdua-
int_bx^bydfracf(u)frac ubfracdub\
Since $displaystyleint_0^+inftydfracf(at)-f(bt)tdt=lim_yto +inftylim_xto 0
int_x^ydfracf(at)-f(bt)tdt$ if these limits exist, we only have to show that the
limits $displaystylelim_xto 0int_ax^bxdfracf(u)udu$ and $displaystylelim_yto +inftyint_ay^bydfracf(u)udu$ exists, by computing them.

For the first, we denote $displaystyle m(x):=min_tinleft[ax,bxright]f(t)$ and
$displaystyle M(x):=max_tinleft[ax,bxright]f(t)$. We have for $x>0$:
$$m(x)lnleft(dfrac baright)leq int_ax^bxdfracf(u)uduleq
M(x)lnleft(dfrac baright) $$ and we get $displaystylelim_xto 0,m(x)=lim_xto 0, M(x)=f(0)$ thanks to the continuity of $f$.

For the second, fix $varepsilon>0$. We can find $x_0$ such that if $ugeq x_0$ then
$|f(u)|leq varepsilon$.
For $ygeq fracx_0a$, we get $displaystyleleft|int_ay^byfracf(u)uduright|
leq varepsilonlnleft(dfrac baright) $.
We notice that we didn't need the differentiability of $f$.

Added later, thanks to Didier's remark: if $f$ has a limit $l$ at $+infty$, then $gcolon
xmapsto f(x)-l$ is still continuous and has a limit $0$ at $+infty$. Then
$$int_0^+inftydfracf(at)-f(tb)tdt =
int_0^+inftydfracg(at)-g(tb)tdt =g(0)lnleft(dfrac baright) =
left(f(0)-lright)lnleft(dfrac baright).$$

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  • 2

    +1. I like your solution. But you should replace lim m = lim M = 0 by lim m = lim M = f(0), to deduce that this part converges to f(0)log(b/a). // An extension is to assume that f has a limit at +oo, say f(+oo). Then your proof shows that the same result holds, with the limit (f(0)+f(+oo))log(b/a).
    – Did
    Sep 4 '11 at 16:45

  • @Didier: yes, it's of course $f(0)$ and I have corrected it. Maybe I should add the extension.
    – Davide Giraudo
    Sep 4 '11 at 16:49

  • 2

    It is enough to assume that $f$ is continuous on $(0,infty)$ and $lim_xto 0+ f(x)=:f(0+)$ is finite (and of course, $f$ has a finite limit in $+infty$). You can replace $f(0)$ by $f(0+)$ in the answer of @Giraudo.
    – vesszabo
    Aug 3 '12 at 20:46

  • 2

    @Davide Giraudo: awesome (+1)
    – user 23571113
    Aug 5 '12 at 14:52

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The result is true under weaker assumptions than you state, but under your conditions, there is a cute proof using double integrals. (To be on the safe side, assume that $f$ is monotone, or at least that $f' in L^1$. This will guarantee that we can change the order of integration.)

Let $D = (x,y) in mathbbR^2 : x ge 0, a le y le b $, and compute the integral
$$iint_D -f'(xy),dx,dy$$
in two different ways.

iint_D -f'(xy),dx,dy &= int_a^b left( int_0^infty -f'(xy),dx right),dy \ &= int_a^b left[ frac-f(xy)yright]^infty_0,dy \
&= int_a^b fracf(0)y,dy = f(0)(ln b - ln a).

On the other hand,
iint_D -f'(xy),dx,dy &= int_0^infty left( int_a^b -f'(xy),dy right),dx\
&= int_0^infty left[ frac-f(xy)x right]_a^b,dx \
&= int_0^infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)x,dx.

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  • (+1), but why do you need $f$ to be monotone? It's enough for $g=f'$ to be continuous, which is what the OP wrote (continuously differentiable)
    – Alex
    Apr 17 '15 at 9:04

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There is a claim that is slightly more general.

Let $f$ be such that $int_a^b f$ exists for each $a,b>0$. Suppose that $$A=lim_xto 0^+xint_x^1 fracf(t)t^2dt\B=lim_xto+inftyfrac 1 xint_1^x f(t)dt$$ exist.

Then $$int_0^inftyfracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=(B-A)log frac ab$$

PROOF Define $xg(x)=displaystyle int_1^x f(t)dt$. Since $g'(x)+dfracg(x)x=dfracf(x)x$ we have $$int_a^b fracf(x)xdx=g(b)-g(a)+int_a^bfracg(x)xdx$$

Thus for $T>0$

$$int_Ta^Tb fracf(x)xdx=g(Tb)-g(Ta)+int_Ta^Tbfracg(x)xdx$$

$$int_Ta^Tbfracg(x)xdx-Bint_a^b fracdxx=int_a^bfracg(Tx)-Bxdx$$

Thus $$lim_Tto+inftyint_Ta^Tbfracg(x)xdx=Blogfrac ba$$ so

$$lim_Tto+inftyint_Ta^Tbfracf(x)xdx=Blogfrac ba$$

It follows, since $$int_1^Tfracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=int_bT^aTfracf(x)xdx+int_a^b fracf(x)xdx$$ (note $a,b$ are swapped) that $$int_1^infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=Blogfrac ab+int_a^b fracf(x)xdx$$

Let $varepsilon >0$, $hat f(x)=f(1/x)$. Then $$intlimits_varepsilon ^1 fracfleft( x right)xdx = intlimits_1^varepsilon ^ - 1 frachat fleft( x right)xdx $$ and $$xintlimits_x^1 fracfleft( t right)t^2dt = frac1x^ - 1intlimits_1^x^ - 1 hat fleft( t right)dt = gleft( x^ - 1 right)$$

So $hat f(t)$ is in the hypothesis of the preceding work. It follows that $$lim_Tto+inftyintlimits_1^T frachat fleft( xa^ - 1 right) - hat fleft( xb^ - 1 right)x dx = Alog frac ba + intlimits_a^ - 1^b^ - 1 frachat fleft( x right)xdx $$

and by a change of variables $xmapsto x^-1$ we get $$intlimits_0^1 fracfleft( ax right) - fleft( bx right)x dx = Alog frac ba - intlimits_a^b fracfleft( x right)xdx $$ and summing gives the desired $$intlimits_0^infty fracfleft( ax right) - fleft( bx right)x dx = left( B - A right)log frac ab$$

This is due to T.M. Apostol.

OBS By L'Hôpital, if the limits at $x=0^+$ and $x=+infty$ exist, they equal $A$ and $B$ respectively.

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  • Sorry for the (absurdly) late comment, but $ g $ may not be differentiable, so your justification of $int_a^bf(x)/x,dx=g(b)-g(a)+int_a^bg(x)/x,dx $, I think, is not quite right. It can be made more accurate, though. We have $int_a^b g(x)/x,dx=int_a^b x,g(x),d(-1/x)$, the last integral being Riemann-Stieltjes. Now, by integration by parts, $int_a^b g(x)/x,dx=g(a)-g(b)+int_a^bx^-1 ,d(x,g(x))$. Now, invoke Theorem 7.26 (Apostol's Analysis) to get $ int_a^b x^-1,d(x,g(x))=int_a^b f(x)/x,dx $.
    – user149844
    Jun 24 '17 at 4:06

  • @user149844 True. If $f$ is continuous then we're good.
    – Pedro Tamaroff♦
    Jun 24 '17 at 4:09

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You might be interested in an approach to Frullani's theorem I came across online. It is proven for the Lebesgue integral and the Denjoy-Perron integral. We are looking to prove the integral

where $A$ is a constant. For the Lebesgue integral, the substitution $x=e^t,~alpha=ln(alpha),~beta=ln(b)$ is used to get
int^+infty_-infty f(e^t+alpha)-f(e^t+beta)dt=A(alpha-beta)
which is equivalent to Frullani's theorem. Then verifying the integral
int^+infty_-infty g(x+alpha)-g(x+beta)dx=A(alpha-beta)
for a Lebesgue integrable function $g:mathbbRtomathbbR~forall alpha,betain mathbbR$ will suffice. This is proved by setting an integrable function on the real line
and applying the Fourier transform (as well as a little manipulation).

The Denjoy-Perron integral is used instead of the Lebesgue integral to avoid the problem of a locally integrable function $f:mathbbRtomathbbC$ admitting a derivative $f'(x)~forall xinmathbbR$ without $f'$ being locally integrable.
The case for the Denjoy-Perron integral is proved in a similar fashion.

Check out the following paper by J. Reyna

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    up vote
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    The following theorem is a beautiful generalization of Frullani’s integral theorem.

    Let $f(x)-f(infty)=sum_k=0^inftyfracu(k)(-x)^kk!$ and $g(x)-g(infty)=sum_k=0^inftyfracv(k)(-x)^kk!$


    Let f, and g be continuous function on $[0,infty),$ assume that $f(0)=g(0)$ and $f(infty)=g(infty)$. Then if $a,b>0$

    $$lim_n to 0+I_nequiv lim_n to 0+ int_0^inftyx^n-1lbrace f(ax)-g(bx) rbrace dx=lbrace f(0)-f(infty)rbrace bigg lbrace log bigg(fracba bigg)+fracddsbigg(logbigg(fracv(s)u(s)bigg) bigg)_s=0 bigg rbrace$$

    if $f(x)=g(x),$ this theorem reduces to the Frullani’s theorem

    $$int_0^infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=lbrace f(0)-f(infty) rbrace log bigg(fracba bigg).$$

    Let prove $Theorem1$, To do this we need to use Ramanujan's master theorem , Which lies in the fact that

    $$int_0^infty x^n-1sum_k=0^infty frac phi(k)(-x)^kk!dx= Gamma(n)phi(-n).$$

    Applying the Master Theorem with $0<n<1,$ we find

    $$I_n=int_0^infty x^n-1( f(ax)-g(bx))dx=int_0^infty x^n-1( lbrace f(ax)-f(infty) rbrace-lbrace g(bx)-g(infty) rbrace) dx$$

    $$=Gamma(n)lbrace a^-nu(-n)-b^-nv(-n) rbrace$$

    $$=Gamma(n+1) bigg lbrace fraca^-nu(-n)-b^-nv(-n)n bigg rbrace

    Letting $n$ tend to $0$, using L'Hospital's Rule and fact that $u(0)=v(0)=f(0)-f(infty).$ we deduce that

    $$lim_n to inftyI_n=lim_n to infty bigg lbrace fracb^nv(n)-a^nu(n)n bigg rbrace$$

    $$=lim_n to infty lbrace b^nv(n) log b+ b^nv'(n)-a^nu(n)log a-a^nu'(n)rbrace$$

    $$= lbrace f(0)-f(infty) rbrace log bigg(fracba bigg)+v'(0)-u'(0)$$

    $$=lbrace f(0)-f(infty) rbrace bigg lbrace log bigg(fracba bigg)+fracddsbigg(logbigg(fracv(s)u(s)bigg) bigg)_s=0 bigg rbrace$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • 2

      This is incredible! May I ask is there a source for this? I'd like to know about some related analysis.
      – Lee David Chung Lin
      Mar 9 at 11:29

    up vote
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    On the assumption that $f$ is differentiable and $a,b>0$, an application of Fubini's theorem gives the result.

    $$int_(0,infty) fracf(ax)-f(bx)x dx$$

    $$=int_(0,infty) int_[bx,ax] f'(y) frac1x dy dx$$

    Let $0<bx leq y leq ax$.

    $$=int_(0,infty) int_frac1a y^frac1b y f'(y) frac1x dx dy$$

    $$=int_(0,infty) f'(y) ln (fracab) dy$$

    $$=(f(0)-f(infty)) ln fracba$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      The following is just a speeded-up version of the answer by Davide Giraudo.

      Let $f(x)$ be a real-valued function defined for $xgeq 0$.
      Suppose that $f(x)$ is Riemann integrable on every bounded interval
      of nonnegative real numbers,
      that $f(x)$ is continuous at $x=0$,
      and that the limit $f(infty):=lim_xtoinfty f(x)$ exists
      (as a finite quantity).
      If $a>0$ and $b>0$, then the integral
      int_,0^,infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)x dx tag1
      exists and is equal to $bigl(f(infty)-f(0)bigr),ln(a/b)$.

      The assertion that the integral $(1)$ exists means
      that the following limit exists,
      lim_lto0,,htoinfty int_,l^,h fracf(ax)-f(bx)x dx
      where $l$ approaches $0$ independently of $h$ approaching $infty$,
      and that this limit is the integral $(1)$.

      Proof.$,$ Assume that $ageq b,$; this does not lose us any generality.
      Let $0<l<h,$.
      The change of variables $ax=by$ shows that
      ~=~ int_,l/b^,h/bfracf(by)ydy~,
      so we have
      &~=~ int_,l/b^,h/bfracf(bx)xdx
      ~-~ int_,l/a^,h/afracf(bx)xdx \
      &~=~ int_,h/a^,h/bfracf(bx)xdx
      ~-~ int_,l/a^,l/bfracf(bx)xdx~;
      we write the difference in the second line as $I(h) - I(l)$.

      Let $varepsilon>0$.
      There exists $l_varepsilon>0$ such that
      $f(0)-varepsilonleq f(bx)leq f(0)+varepsilon$
      for $0leq xleq l_varepsilon/b$.
      Since by assumption $l/aleq l/b$ for every $l>0$, we obtain the estimate
      ~leq~ I(l)
      ~leq~ int_,l/a^,l/bfracf(0)+varepsilonxdx
      qquadqquad textfor $0<lleq l_varepsilon$~,
      that is,
      ~leq~ I(l)
      ~leq~ bigl(f(0)+varepsilonbigr),lnfracab
      qquadqquad textfor $0<lleq l_varepsilon$~.
      In other words, $I(l)$ converges to $f(0),ln(a/b)$ as $l$ approaches $0$.
      In the same way we see that $I(h)$ converges to $f(infty)$
      as $h$ approaches $infty$.$,$ Done.

      share|cite|improve this answer

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        7 Answers




        7 Answers










        up vote
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        We will assume $a<b$.
        Let $x,y>0$. We have:
        &=int_ax^aydfracf(u)frac uafracdua-
        int_bx^bydfracf(u)frac ubfracdub\
        Since $displaystyleint_0^+inftydfracf(at)-f(bt)tdt=lim_yto +inftylim_xto 0
        int_x^ydfracf(at)-f(bt)tdt$ if these limits exist, we only have to show that the
        limits $displaystylelim_xto 0int_ax^bxdfracf(u)udu$ and $displaystylelim_yto +inftyint_ay^bydfracf(u)udu$ exists, by computing them.

        For the first, we denote $displaystyle m(x):=min_tinleft[ax,bxright]f(t)$ and
        $displaystyle M(x):=max_tinleft[ax,bxright]f(t)$. We have for $x>0$:
        $$m(x)lnleft(dfrac baright)leq int_ax^bxdfracf(u)uduleq
        M(x)lnleft(dfrac baright) $$ and we get $displaystylelim_xto 0,m(x)=lim_xto 0, M(x)=f(0)$ thanks to the continuity of $f$.

        For the second, fix $varepsilon>0$. We can find $x_0$ such that if $ugeq x_0$ then
        $|f(u)|leq varepsilon$.
        For $ygeq fracx_0a$, we get $displaystyleleft|int_ay^byfracf(u)uduright|
        leq varepsilonlnleft(dfrac baright) $.
        We notice that we didn't need the differentiability of $f$.

        Added later, thanks to Didier's remark: if $f$ has a limit $l$ at $+infty$, then $gcolon
        xmapsto f(x)-l$ is still continuous and has a limit $0$ at $+infty$. Then
        $$int_0^+inftydfracf(at)-f(tb)tdt =
        int_0^+inftydfracg(at)-g(tb)tdt =g(0)lnleft(dfrac baright) =
        left(f(0)-lright)lnleft(dfrac baright).$$

        share|cite|improve this answer

        • 2

          +1. I like your solution. But you should replace lim m = lim M = 0 by lim m = lim M = f(0), to deduce that this part converges to f(0)log(b/a). // An extension is to assume that f has a limit at +oo, say f(+oo). Then your proof shows that the same result holds, with the limit (f(0)+f(+oo))log(b/a).
          – Did
          Sep 4 '11 at 16:45

        • @Didier: yes, it's of course $f(0)$ and I have corrected it. Maybe I should add the extension.
          – Davide Giraudo
          Sep 4 '11 at 16:49

        • 2

          It is enough to assume that $f$ is continuous on $(0,infty)$ and $lim_xto 0+ f(x)=:f(0+)$ is finite (and of course, $f$ has a finite limit in $+infty$). You can replace $f(0)$ by $f(0+)$ in the answer of @Giraudo.
          – vesszabo
          Aug 3 '12 at 20:46

        • 2

          @Davide Giraudo: awesome (+1)
          – user 23571113
          Aug 5 '12 at 14:52

        up vote
        down vote


        We will assume $a<b$.
        Let $x,y>0$. We have:
        &=int_ax^aydfracf(u)frac uafracdua-
        int_bx^bydfracf(u)frac ubfracdub\
        Since $displaystyleint_0^+inftydfracf(at)-f(bt)tdt=lim_yto +inftylim_xto 0
        int_x^ydfracf(at)-f(bt)tdt$ if these limits exist, we only have to show that the
        limits $displaystylelim_xto 0int_ax^bxdfracf(u)udu$ and $displaystylelim_yto +inftyint_ay^bydfracf(u)udu$ exists, by computing them.

        For the first, we denote $displaystyle m(x):=min_tinleft[ax,bxright]f(t)$ and
        $displaystyle M(x):=max_tinleft[ax,bxright]f(t)$. We have for $x>0$:
        $$m(x)lnleft(dfrac baright)leq int_ax^bxdfracf(u)uduleq
        M(x)lnleft(dfrac baright) $$ and we get $displaystylelim_xto 0,m(x)=lim_xto 0, M(x)=f(0)$ thanks to the continuity of $f$.

        For the second, fix $varepsilon>0$. We can find $x_0$ such that if $ugeq x_0$ then
        $|f(u)|leq varepsilon$.
        For $ygeq fracx_0a$, we get $displaystyleleft|int_ay^byfracf(u)uduright|
        leq varepsilonlnleft(dfrac baright) $.
        We notice that we didn't need the differentiability of $f$.

        Added later, thanks to Didier's remark: if $f$ has a limit $l$ at $+infty$, then $gcolon
        xmapsto f(x)-l$ is still continuous and has a limit $0$ at $+infty$. Then
        $$int_0^+inftydfracf(at)-f(tb)tdt =
        int_0^+inftydfracg(at)-g(tb)tdt =g(0)lnleft(dfrac baright) =
        left(f(0)-lright)lnleft(dfrac baright).$$

        share|cite|improve this answer

        • 2

          +1. I like your solution. But you should replace lim m = lim M = 0 by lim m = lim M = f(0), to deduce that this part converges to f(0)log(b/a). // An extension is to assume that f has a limit at +oo, say f(+oo). Then your proof shows that the same result holds, with the limit (f(0)+f(+oo))log(b/a).
          – Did
          Sep 4 '11 at 16:45

        • @Didier: yes, it's of course $f(0)$ and I have corrected it. Maybe I should add the extension.
          – Davide Giraudo
          Sep 4 '11 at 16:49

        • 2

          It is enough to assume that $f$ is continuous on $(0,infty)$ and $lim_xto 0+ f(x)=:f(0+)$ is finite (and of course, $f$ has a finite limit in $+infty$). You can replace $f(0)$ by $f(0+)$ in the answer of @Giraudo.
          – vesszabo
          Aug 3 '12 at 20:46

        • 2

          @Davide Giraudo: awesome (+1)
          – user 23571113
          Aug 5 '12 at 14:52

        up vote
        down vote


        up vote
        down vote


        We will assume $a<b$.
        Let $x,y>0$. We have:
        &=int_ax^aydfracf(u)frac uafracdua-
        int_bx^bydfracf(u)frac ubfracdub\
        Since $displaystyleint_0^+inftydfracf(at)-f(bt)tdt=lim_yto +inftylim_xto 0
        int_x^ydfracf(at)-f(bt)tdt$ if these limits exist, we only have to show that the
        limits $displaystylelim_xto 0int_ax^bxdfracf(u)udu$ and $displaystylelim_yto +inftyint_ay^bydfracf(u)udu$ exists, by computing them.

        For the first, we denote $displaystyle m(x):=min_tinleft[ax,bxright]f(t)$ and
        $displaystyle M(x):=max_tinleft[ax,bxright]f(t)$. We have for $x>0$:
        $$m(x)lnleft(dfrac baright)leq int_ax^bxdfracf(u)uduleq
        M(x)lnleft(dfrac baright) $$ and we get $displaystylelim_xto 0,m(x)=lim_xto 0, M(x)=f(0)$ thanks to the continuity of $f$.

        For the second, fix $varepsilon>0$. We can find $x_0$ such that if $ugeq x_0$ then
        $|f(u)|leq varepsilon$.
        For $ygeq fracx_0a$, we get $displaystyleleft|int_ay^byfracf(u)uduright|
        leq varepsilonlnleft(dfrac baright) $.
        We notice that we didn't need the differentiability of $f$.

        Added later, thanks to Didier's remark: if $f$ has a limit $l$ at $+infty$, then $gcolon
        xmapsto f(x)-l$ is still continuous and has a limit $0$ at $+infty$. Then
        $$int_0^+inftydfracf(at)-f(tb)tdt =
        int_0^+inftydfracg(at)-g(tb)tdt =g(0)lnleft(dfrac baright) =
        left(f(0)-lright)lnleft(dfrac baright).$$

        share|cite|improve this answer

        We will assume $a<b$.
        Let $x,y>0$. We have:
        &=int_ax^aydfracf(u)frac uafracdua-
        int_bx^bydfracf(u)frac ubfracdub\
        Since $displaystyleint_0^+inftydfracf(at)-f(bt)tdt=lim_yto +inftylim_xto 0
        int_x^ydfracf(at)-f(bt)tdt$ if these limits exist, we only have to show that the
        limits $displaystylelim_xto 0int_ax^bxdfracf(u)udu$ and $displaystylelim_yto +inftyint_ay^bydfracf(u)udu$ exists, by computing them.

        For the first, we denote $displaystyle m(x):=min_tinleft[ax,bxright]f(t)$ and
        $displaystyle M(x):=max_tinleft[ax,bxright]f(t)$. We have for $x>0$:
        $$m(x)lnleft(dfrac baright)leq int_ax^bxdfracf(u)uduleq
        M(x)lnleft(dfrac baright) $$ and we get $displaystylelim_xto 0,m(x)=lim_xto 0, M(x)=f(0)$ thanks to the continuity of $f$.

        For the second, fix $varepsilon>0$. We can find $x_0$ such that if $ugeq x_0$ then
        $|f(u)|leq varepsilon$.
        For $ygeq fracx_0a$, we get $displaystyleleft|int_ay^byfracf(u)uduright|
        leq varepsilonlnleft(dfrac baright) $.
        We notice that we didn't need the differentiability of $f$.

        Added later, thanks to Didier's remark: if $f$ has a limit $l$ at $+infty$, then $gcolon
        xmapsto f(x)-l$ is still continuous and has a limit $0$ at $+infty$. Then
        $$int_0^+inftydfracf(at)-f(tb)tdt =
        int_0^+inftydfracg(at)-g(tb)tdt =g(0)lnleft(dfrac baright) =
        left(f(0)-lright)lnleft(dfrac baright).$$

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        edited Sep 4 '11 at 17:00

        answered Sep 4 '11 at 16:18

        Davide Giraudo



        • 2

          +1. I like your solution. But you should replace lim m = lim M = 0 by lim m = lim M = f(0), to deduce that this part converges to f(0)log(b/a). // An extension is to assume that f has a limit at +oo, say f(+oo). Then your proof shows that the same result holds, with the limit (f(0)+f(+oo))log(b/a).
          – Did
          Sep 4 '11 at 16:45

        • @Didier: yes, it's of course $f(0)$ and I have corrected it. Maybe I should add the extension.
          – Davide Giraudo
          Sep 4 '11 at 16:49

        • 2

          It is enough to assume that $f$ is continuous on $(0,infty)$ and $lim_xto 0+ f(x)=:f(0+)$ is finite (and of course, $f$ has a finite limit in $+infty$). You can replace $f(0)$ by $f(0+)$ in the answer of @Giraudo.
          – vesszabo
          Aug 3 '12 at 20:46

        • 2

          @Davide Giraudo: awesome (+1)
          – user 23571113
          Aug 5 '12 at 14:52

        • 2

          +1. I like your solution. But you should replace lim m = lim M = 0 by lim m = lim M = f(0), to deduce that this part converges to f(0)log(b/a). // An extension is to assume that f has a limit at +oo, say f(+oo). Then your proof shows that the same result holds, with the limit (f(0)+f(+oo))log(b/a).
          – Did
          Sep 4 '11 at 16:45

        • @Didier: yes, it's of course $f(0)$ and I have corrected it. Maybe I should add the extension.
          – Davide Giraudo
          Sep 4 '11 at 16:49

        • 2

          It is enough to assume that $f$ is continuous on $(0,infty)$ and $lim_xto 0+ f(x)=:f(0+)$ is finite (and of course, $f$ has a finite limit in $+infty$). You can replace $f(0)$ by $f(0+)$ in the answer of @Giraudo.
          – vesszabo
          Aug 3 '12 at 20:46

        • 2

          @Davide Giraudo: awesome (+1)
          – user 23571113
          Aug 5 '12 at 14:52



        +1. I like your solution. But you should replace lim m = lim M = 0 by lim m = lim M = f(0), to deduce that this part converges to f(0)log(b/a). // An extension is to assume that f has a limit at +oo, say f(+oo). Then your proof shows that the same result holds, with the limit (f(0)+f(+oo))log(b/a).
        – Did
        Sep 4 '11 at 16:45

        +1. I like your solution. But you should replace lim m = lim M = 0 by lim m = lim M = f(0), to deduce that this part converges to f(0)log(b/a). // An extension is to assume that f has a limit at +oo, say f(+oo). Then your proof shows that the same result holds, with the limit (f(0)+f(+oo))log(b/a).
        – Did
        Sep 4 '11 at 16:45

        @Didier: yes, it's of course $f(0)$ and I have corrected it. Maybe I should add the extension.
        – Davide Giraudo
        Sep 4 '11 at 16:49

        @Didier: yes, it's of course $f(0)$ and I have corrected it. Maybe I should add the extension.
        – Davide Giraudo
        Sep 4 '11 at 16:49



        It is enough to assume that $f$ is continuous on $(0,infty)$ and $lim_xto 0+ f(x)=:f(0+)$ is finite (and of course, $f$ has a finite limit in $+infty$). You can replace $f(0)$ by $f(0+)$ in the answer of @Giraudo.
        – vesszabo
        Aug 3 '12 at 20:46

        It is enough to assume that $f$ is continuous on $(0,infty)$ and $lim_xto 0+ f(x)=:f(0+)$ is finite (and of course, $f$ has a finite limit in $+infty$). You can replace $f(0)$ by $f(0+)$ in the answer of @Giraudo.
        – vesszabo
        Aug 3 '12 at 20:46



        @Davide Giraudo: awesome (+1)
        – user 23571113
        Aug 5 '12 at 14:52

        @Davide Giraudo: awesome (+1)
        – user 23571113
        Aug 5 '12 at 14:52

        up vote
        down vote

        The result is true under weaker assumptions than you state, but under your conditions, there is a cute proof using double integrals. (To be on the safe side, assume that $f$ is monotone, or at least that $f' in L^1$. This will guarantee that we can change the order of integration.)

        Let $D = (x,y) in mathbbR^2 : x ge 0, a le y le b $, and compute the integral
        $$iint_D -f'(xy),dx,dy$$
        in two different ways.

        iint_D -f'(xy),dx,dy &= int_a^b left( int_0^infty -f'(xy),dx right),dy \ &= int_a^b left[ frac-f(xy)yright]^infty_0,dy \
        &= int_a^b fracf(0)y,dy = f(0)(ln b - ln a).

        On the other hand,
        iint_D -f'(xy),dx,dy &= int_0^infty left( int_a^b -f'(xy),dy right),dx\
        &= int_0^infty left[ frac-f(xy)x right]_a^b,dx \
        &= int_0^infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)x,dx.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        • (+1), but why do you need $f$ to be monotone? It's enough for $g=f'$ to be continuous, which is what the OP wrote (continuously differentiable)
          – Alex
          Apr 17 '15 at 9:04

        up vote
        down vote

        The result is true under weaker assumptions than you state, but under your conditions, there is a cute proof using double integrals. (To be on the safe side, assume that $f$ is monotone, or at least that $f' in L^1$. This will guarantee that we can change the order of integration.)

        Let $D = (x,y) in mathbbR^2 : x ge 0, a le y le b $, and compute the integral
        $$iint_D -f'(xy),dx,dy$$
        in two different ways.

        iint_D -f'(xy),dx,dy &= int_a^b left( int_0^infty -f'(xy),dx right),dy \ &= int_a^b left[ frac-f(xy)yright]^infty_0,dy \
        &= int_a^b fracf(0)y,dy = f(0)(ln b - ln a).

        On the other hand,
        iint_D -f'(xy),dx,dy &= int_0^infty left( int_a^b -f'(xy),dy right),dx\
        &= int_0^infty left[ frac-f(xy)x right]_a^b,dx \
        &= int_0^infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)x,dx.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        • (+1), but why do you need $f$ to be monotone? It's enough for $g=f'$ to be continuous, which is what the OP wrote (continuously differentiable)
          – Alex
          Apr 17 '15 at 9:04

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        The result is true under weaker assumptions than you state, but under your conditions, there is a cute proof using double integrals. (To be on the safe side, assume that $f$ is monotone, or at least that $f' in L^1$. This will guarantee that we can change the order of integration.)

        Let $D = (x,y) in mathbbR^2 : x ge 0, a le y le b $, and compute the integral
        $$iint_D -f'(xy),dx,dy$$
        in two different ways.

        iint_D -f'(xy),dx,dy &= int_a^b left( int_0^infty -f'(xy),dx right),dy \ &= int_a^b left[ frac-f(xy)yright]^infty_0,dy \
        &= int_a^b fracf(0)y,dy = f(0)(ln b - ln a).

        On the other hand,
        iint_D -f'(xy),dx,dy &= int_0^infty left( int_a^b -f'(xy),dy right),dx\
        &= int_0^infty left[ frac-f(xy)x right]_a^b,dx \
        &= int_0^infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)x,dx.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        The result is true under weaker assumptions than you state, but under your conditions, there is a cute proof using double integrals. (To be on the safe side, assume that $f$ is monotone, or at least that $f' in L^1$. This will guarantee that we can change the order of integration.)

        Let $D = (x,y) in mathbbR^2 : x ge 0, a le y le b $, and compute the integral
        $$iint_D -f'(xy),dx,dy$$
        in two different ways.

        iint_D -f'(xy),dx,dy &= int_a^b left( int_0^infty -f'(xy),dx right),dy \ &= int_a^b left[ frac-f(xy)yright]^infty_0,dy \
        &= int_a^b fracf(0)y,dy = f(0)(ln b - ln a).

        On the other hand,
        iint_D -f'(xy),dx,dy &= int_0^infty left( int_a^b -f'(xy),dy right),dx\
        &= int_0^infty left[ frac-f(xy)x right]_a^b,dx \
        &= int_0^infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)x,dx.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        edited Jan 16 '13 at 22:46

        answered Dec 30 '12 at 13:57




        • (+1), but why do you need $f$ to be monotone? It's enough for $g=f'$ to be continuous, which is what the OP wrote (continuously differentiable)
          – Alex
          Apr 17 '15 at 9:04

        • (+1), but why do you need $f$ to be monotone? It's enough for $g=f'$ to be continuous, which is what the OP wrote (continuously differentiable)
          – Alex
          Apr 17 '15 at 9:04

        (+1), but why do you need $f$ to be monotone? It's enough for $g=f'$ to be continuous, which is what the OP wrote (continuously differentiable)
        – Alex
        Apr 17 '15 at 9:04

        (+1), but why do you need $f$ to be monotone? It's enough for $g=f'$ to be continuous, which is what the OP wrote (continuously differentiable)
        – Alex
        Apr 17 '15 at 9:04

        up vote
        down vote

        There is a claim that is slightly more general.

        Let $f$ be such that $int_a^b f$ exists for each $a,b>0$. Suppose that $$A=lim_xto 0^+xint_x^1 fracf(t)t^2dt\B=lim_xto+inftyfrac 1 xint_1^x f(t)dt$$ exist.

        Then $$int_0^inftyfracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=(B-A)log frac ab$$

        PROOF Define $xg(x)=displaystyle int_1^x f(t)dt$. Since $g'(x)+dfracg(x)x=dfracf(x)x$ we have $$int_a^b fracf(x)xdx=g(b)-g(a)+int_a^bfracg(x)xdx$$

        Thus for $T>0$

        $$int_Ta^Tb fracf(x)xdx=g(Tb)-g(Ta)+int_Ta^Tbfracg(x)xdx$$

        $$int_Ta^Tbfracg(x)xdx-Bint_a^b fracdxx=int_a^bfracg(Tx)-Bxdx$$

        Thus $$lim_Tto+inftyint_Ta^Tbfracg(x)xdx=Blogfrac ba$$ so

        $$lim_Tto+inftyint_Ta^Tbfracf(x)xdx=Blogfrac ba$$

        It follows, since $$int_1^Tfracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=int_bT^aTfracf(x)xdx+int_a^b fracf(x)xdx$$ (note $a,b$ are swapped) that $$int_1^infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=Blogfrac ab+int_a^b fracf(x)xdx$$

        Let $varepsilon >0$, $hat f(x)=f(1/x)$. Then $$intlimits_varepsilon ^1 fracfleft( x right)xdx = intlimits_1^varepsilon ^ - 1 frachat fleft( x right)xdx $$ and $$xintlimits_x^1 fracfleft( t right)t^2dt = frac1x^ - 1intlimits_1^x^ - 1 hat fleft( t right)dt = gleft( x^ - 1 right)$$

        So $hat f(t)$ is in the hypothesis of the preceding work. It follows that $$lim_Tto+inftyintlimits_1^T frachat fleft( xa^ - 1 right) - hat fleft( xb^ - 1 right)x dx = Alog frac ba + intlimits_a^ - 1^b^ - 1 frachat fleft( x right)xdx $$

        and by a change of variables $xmapsto x^-1$ we get $$intlimits_0^1 fracfleft( ax right) - fleft( bx right)x dx = Alog frac ba - intlimits_a^b fracfleft( x right)xdx $$ and summing gives the desired $$intlimits_0^infty fracfleft( ax right) - fleft( bx right)x dx = left( B - A right)log frac ab$$

        This is due to T.M. Apostol.

        OBS By L'Hôpital, if the limits at $x=0^+$ and $x=+infty$ exist, they equal $A$ and $B$ respectively.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        • Sorry for the (absurdly) late comment, but $ g $ may not be differentiable, so your justification of $int_a^bf(x)/x,dx=g(b)-g(a)+int_a^bg(x)/x,dx $, I think, is not quite right. It can be made more accurate, though. We have $int_a^b g(x)/x,dx=int_a^b x,g(x),d(-1/x)$, the last integral being Riemann-Stieltjes. Now, by integration by parts, $int_a^b g(x)/x,dx=g(a)-g(b)+int_a^bx^-1 ,d(x,g(x))$. Now, invoke Theorem 7.26 (Apostol's Analysis) to get $ int_a^b x^-1,d(x,g(x))=int_a^b f(x)/x,dx $.
          – user149844
          Jun 24 '17 at 4:06

        • @user149844 True. If $f$ is continuous then we're good.
          – Pedro Tamaroff♦
          Jun 24 '17 at 4:09

        up vote
        down vote

        There is a claim that is slightly more general.

        Let $f$ be such that $int_a^b f$ exists for each $a,b>0$. Suppose that $$A=lim_xto 0^+xint_x^1 fracf(t)t^2dt\B=lim_xto+inftyfrac 1 xint_1^x f(t)dt$$ exist.

        Then $$int_0^inftyfracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=(B-A)log frac ab$$

        PROOF Define $xg(x)=displaystyle int_1^x f(t)dt$. Since $g'(x)+dfracg(x)x=dfracf(x)x$ we have $$int_a^b fracf(x)xdx=g(b)-g(a)+int_a^bfracg(x)xdx$$

        Thus for $T>0$

        $$int_Ta^Tb fracf(x)xdx=g(Tb)-g(Ta)+int_Ta^Tbfracg(x)xdx$$

        $$int_Ta^Tbfracg(x)xdx-Bint_a^b fracdxx=int_a^bfracg(Tx)-Bxdx$$

        Thus $$lim_Tto+inftyint_Ta^Tbfracg(x)xdx=Blogfrac ba$$ so

        $$lim_Tto+inftyint_Ta^Tbfracf(x)xdx=Blogfrac ba$$

        It follows, since $$int_1^Tfracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=int_bT^aTfracf(x)xdx+int_a^b fracf(x)xdx$$ (note $a,b$ are swapped) that $$int_1^infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=Blogfrac ab+int_a^b fracf(x)xdx$$

        Let $varepsilon >0$, $hat f(x)=f(1/x)$. Then $$intlimits_varepsilon ^1 fracfleft( x right)xdx = intlimits_1^varepsilon ^ - 1 frachat fleft( x right)xdx $$ and $$xintlimits_x^1 fracfleft( t right)t^2dt = frac1x^ - 1intlimits_1^x^ - 1 hat fleft( t right)dt = gleft( x^ - 1 right)$$

        So $hat f(t)$ is in the hypothesis of the preceding work. It follows that $$lim_Tto+inftyintlimits_1^T frachat fleft( xa^ - 1 right) - hat fleft( xb^ - 1 right)x dx = Alog frac ba + intlimits_a^ - 1^b^ - 1 frachat fleft( x right)xdx $$

        and by a change of variables $xmapsto x^-1$ we get $$intlimits_0^1 fracfleft( ax right) - fleft( bx right)x dx = Alog frac ba - intlimits_a^b fracfleft( x right)xdx $$ and summing gives the desired $$intlimits_0^infty fracfleft( ax right) - fleft( bx right)x dx = left( B - A right)log frac ab$$

        This is due to T.M. Apostol.

        OBS By L'Hôpital, if the limits at $x=0^+$ and $x=+infty$ exist, they equal $A$ and $B$ respectively.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        • Sorry for the (absurdly) late comment, but $ g $ may not be differentiable, so your justification of $int_a^bf(x)/x,dx=g(b)-g(a)+int_a^bg(x)/x,dx $, I think, is not quite right. It can be made more accurate, though. We have $int_a^b g(x)/x,dx=int_a^b x,g(x),d(-1/x)$, the last integral being Riemann-Stieltjes. Now, by integration by parts, $int_a^b g(x)/x,dx=g(a)-g(b)+int_a^bx^-1 ,d(x,g(x))$. Now, invoke Theorem 7.26 (Apostol's Analysis) to get $ int_a^b x^-1,d(x,g(x))=int_a^b f(x)/x,dx $.
          – user149844
          Jun 24 '17 at 4:06

        • @user149844 True. If $f$ is continuous then we're good.
          – Pedro Tamaroff♦
          Jun 24 '17 at 4:09

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        There is a claim that is slightly more general.

        Let $f$ be such that $int_a^b f$ exists for each $a,b>0$. Suppose that $$A=lim_xto 0^+xint_x^1 fracf(t)t^2dt\B=lim_xto+inftyfrac 1 xint_1^x f(t)dt$$ exist.

        Then $$int_0^inftyfracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=(B-A)log frac ab$$

        PROOF Define $xg(x)=displaystyle int_1^x f(t)dt$. Since $g'(x)+dfracg(x)x=dfracf(x)x$ we have $$int_a^b fracf(x)xdx=g(b)-g(a)+int_a^bfracg(x)xdx$$

        Thus for $T>0$

        $$int_Ta^Tb fracf(x)xdx=g(Tb)-g(Ta)+int_Ta^Tbfracg(x)xdx$$

        $$int_Ta^Tbfracg(x)xdx-Bint_a^b fracdxx=int_a^bfracg(Tx)-Bxdx$$

        Thus $$lim_Tto+inftyint_Ta^Tbfracg(x)xdx=Blogfrac ba$$ so

        $$lim_Tto+inftyint_Ta^Tbfracf(x)xdx=Blogfrac ba$$

        It follows, since $$int_1^Tfracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=int_bT^aTfracf(x)xdx+int_a^b fracf(x)xdx$$ (note $a,b$ are swapped) that $$int_1^infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=Blogfrac ab+int_a^b fracf(x)xdx$$

        Let $varepsilon >0$, $hat f(x)=f(1/x)$. Then $$intlimits_varepsilon ^1 fracfleft( x right)xdx = intlimits_1^varepsilon ^ - 1 frachat fleft( x right)xdx $$ and $$xintlimits_x^1 fracfleft( t right)t^2dt = frac1x^ - 1intlimits_1^x^ - 1 hat fleft( t right)dt = gleft( x^ - 1 right)$$

        So $hat f(t)$ is in the hypothesis of the preceding work. It follows that $$lim_Tto+inftyintlimits_1^T frachat fleft( xa^ - 1 right) - hat fleft( xb^ - 1 right)x dx = Alog frac ba + intlimits_a^ - 1^b^ - 1 frachat fleft( x right)xdx $$

        and by a change of variables $xmapsto x^-1$ we get $$intlimits_0^1 fracfleft( ax right) - fleft( bx right)x dx = Alog frac ba - intlimits_a^b fracfleft( x right)xdx $$ and summing gives the desired $$intlimits_0^infty fracfleft( ax right) - fleft( bx right)x dx = left( B - A right)log frac ab$$

        This is due to T.M. Apostol.

        OBS By L'Hôpital, if the limits at $x=0^+$ and $x=+infty$ exist, they equal $A$ and $B$ respectively.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        There is a claim that is slightly more general.

        Let $f$ be such that $int_a^b f$ exists for each $a,b>0$. Suppose that $$A=lim_xto 0^+xint_x^1 fracf(t)t^2dt\B=lim_xto+inftyfrac 1 xint_1^x f(t)dt$$ exist.

        Then $$int_0^inftyfracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=(B-A)log frac ab$$

        PROOF Define $xg(x)=displaystyle int_1^x f(t)dt$. Since $g'(x)+dfracg(x)x=dfracf(x)x$ we have $$int_a^b fracf(x)xdx=g(b)-g(a)+int_a^bfracg(x)xdx$$

        Thus for $T>0$

        $$int_Ta^Tb fracf(x)xdx=g(Tb)-g(Ta)+int_Ta^Tbfracg(x)xdx$$

        $$int_Ta^Tbfracg(x)xdx-Bint_a^b fracdxx=int_a^bfracg(Tx)-Bxdx$$

        Thus $$lim_Tto+inftyint_Ta^Tbfracg(x)xdx=Blogfrac ba$$ so

        $$lim_Tto+inftyint_Ta^Tbfracf(x)xdx=Blogfrac ba$$

        It follows, since $$int_1^Tfracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=int_bT^aTfracf(x)xdx+int_a^b fracf(x)xdx$$ (note $a,b$ are swapped) that $$int_1^infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=Blogfrac ab+int_a^b fracf(x)xdx$$

        Let $varepsilon >0$, $hat f(x)=f(1/x)$. Then $$intlimits_varepsilon ^1 fracfleft( x right)xdx = intlimits_1^varepsilon ^ - 1 frachat fleft( x right)xdx $$ and $$xintlimits_x^1 fracfleft( t right)t^2dt = frac1x^ - 1intlimits_1^x^ - 1 hat fleft( t right)dt = gleft( x^ - 1 right)$$

        So $hat f(t)$ is in the hypothesis of the preceding work. It follows that $$lim_Tto+inftyintlimits_1^T frachat fleft( xa^ - 1 right) - hat fleft( xb^ - 1 right)x dx = Alog frac ba + intlimits_a^ - 1^b^ - 1 frachat fleft( x right)xdx $$

        and by a change of variables $xmapsto x^-1$ we get $$intlimits_0^1 fracfleft( ax right) - fleft( bx right)x dx = Alog frac ba - intlimits_a^b fracfleft( x right)xdx $$ and summing gives the desired $$intlimits_0^infty fracfleft( ax right) - fleft( bx right)x dx = left( B - A right)log frac ab$$

        This is due to T.M. Apostol.

        OBS By L'Hôpital, if the limits at $x=0^+$ and $x=+infty$ exist, they equal $A$ and $B$ respectively.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        edited Jul 23 '13 at 1:47

        answered Jul 23 '13 at 1:32

        Pedro Tamaroff♦



        • Sorry for the (absurdly) late comment, but $ g $ may not be differentiable, so your justification of $int_a^bf(x)/x,dx=g(b)-g(a)+int_a^bg(x)/x,dx $, I think, is not quite right. It can be made more accurate, though. We have $int_a^b g(x)/x,dx=int_a^b x,g(x),d(-1/x)$, the last integral being Riemann-Stieltjes. Now, by integration by parts, $int_a^b g(x)/x,dx=g(a)-g(b)+int_a^bx^-1 ,d(x,g(x))$. Now, invoke Theorem 7.26 (Apostol's Analysis) to get $ int_a^b x^-1,d(x,g(x))=int_a^b f(x)/x,dx $.
          – user149844
          Jun 24 '17 at 4:06

        • @user149844 True. If $f$ is continuous then we're good.
          – Pedro Tamaroff♦
          Jun 24 '17 at 4:09

        • Sorry for the (absurdly) late comment, but $ g $ may not be differentiable, so your justification of $int_a^bf(x)/x,dx=g(b)-g(a)+int_a^bg(x)/x,dx $, I think, is not quite right. It can be made more accurate, though. We have $int_a^b g(x)/x,dx=int_a^b x,g(x),d(-1/x)$, the last integral being Riemann-Stieltjes. Now, by integration by parts, $int_a^b g(x)/x,dx=g(a)-g(b)+int_a^bx^-1 ,d(x,g(x))$. Now, invoke Theorem 7.26 (Apostol's Analysis) to get $ int_a^b x^-1,d(x,g(x))=int_a^b f(x)/x,dx $.
          – user149844
          Jun 24 '17 at 4:06

        • @user149844 True. If $f$ is continuous then we're good.
          – Pedro Tamaroff♦
          Jun 24 '17 at 4:09

        Sorry for the (absurdly) late comment, but $ g $ may not be differentiable, so your justification of $int_a^bf(x)/x,dx=g(b)-g(a)+int_a^bg(x)/x,dx $, I think, is not quite right. It can be made more accurate, though. We have $int_a^b g(x)/x,dx=int_a^b x,g(x),d(-1/x)$, the last integral being Riemann-Stieltjes. Now, by integration by parts, $int_a^b g(x)/x,dx=g(a)-g(b)+int_a^bx^-1 ,d(x,g(x))$. Now, invoke Theorem 7.26 (Apostol's Analysis) to get $ int_a^b x^-1,d(x,g(x))=int_a^b f(x)/x,dx $.
        – user149844
        Jun 24 '17 at 4:06

        Sorry for the (absurdly) late comment, but $ g $ may not be differentiable, so your justification of $int_a^bf(x)/x,dx=g(b)-g(a)+int_a^bg(x)/x,dx $, I think, is not quite right. It can be made more accurate, though. We have $int_a^b g(x)/x,dx=int_a^b x,g(x),d(-1/x)$, the last integral being Riemann-Stieltjes. Now, by integration by parts, $int_a^b g(x)/x,dx=g(a)-g(b)+int_a^bx^-1 ,d(x,g(x))$. Now, invoke Theorem 7.26 (Apostol's Analysis) to get $ int_a^b x^-1,d(x,g(x))=int_a^b f(x)/x,dx $.
        – user149844
        Jun 24 '17 at 4:06

        @user149844 True. If $f$ is continuous then we're good.
        – Pedro Tamaroff♦
        Jun 24 '17 at 4:09

        @user149844 True. If $f$ is continuous then we're good.
        – Pedro Tamaroff♦
        Jun 24 '17 at 4:09

        up vote
        down vote

        You might be interested in an approach to Frullani's theorem I came across online. It is proven for the Lebesgue integral and the Denjoy-Perron integral. We are looking to prove the integral

        where $A$ is a constant. For the Lebesgue integral, the substitution $x=e^t,~alpha=ln(alpha),~beta=ln(b)$ is used to get
        int^+infty_-infty f(e^t+alpha)-f(e^t+beta)dt=A(alpha-beta)
        which is equivalent to Frullani's theorem. Then verifying the integral
        int^+infty_-infty g(x+alpha)-g(x+beta)dx=A(alpha-beta)
        for a Lebesgue integrable function $g:mathbbRtomathbbR~forall alpha,betain mathbbR$ will suffice. This is proved by setting an integrable function on the real line
        and applying the Fourier transform (as well as a little manipulation).

        The Denjoy-Perron integral is used instead of the Lebesgue integral to avoid the problem of a locally integrable function $f:mathbbRtomathbbC$ admitting a derivative $f'(x)~forall xinmathbbR$ without $f'$ being locally integrable.
        The case for the Denjoy-Perron integral is proved in a similar fashion.

        Check out the following paper by J. Reyna

        share|cite|improve this answer

          up vote
          down vote

          You might be interested in an approach to Frullani's theorem I came across online. It is proven for the Lebesgue integral and the Denjoy-Perron integral. We are looking to prove the integral

          where $A$ is a constant. For the Lebesgue integral, the substitution $x=e^t,~alpha=ln(alpha),~beta=ln(b)$ is used to get
          int^+infty_-infty f(e^t+alpha)-f(e^t+beta)dt=A(alpha-beta)
          which is equivalent to Frullani's theorem. Then verifying the integral
          int^+infty_-infty g(x+alpha)-g(x+beta)dx=A(alpha-beta)
          for a Lebesgue integrable function $g:mathbbRtomathbbR~forall alpha,betain mathbbR$ will suffice. This is proved by setting an integrable function on the real line
          and applying the Fourier transform (as well as a little manipulation).

          The Denjoy-Perron integral is used instead of the Lebesgue integral to avoid the problem of a locally integrable function $f:mathbbRtomathbbC$ admitting a derivative $f'(x)~forall xinmathbbR$ without $f'$ being locally integrable.
          The case for the Denjoy-Perron integral is proved in a similar fashion.

          Check out the following paper by J. Reyna

          share|cite|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            You might be interested in an approach to Frullani's theorem I came across online. It is proven for the Lebesgue integral and the Denjoy-Perron integral. We are looking to prove the integral

            where $A$ is a constant. For the Lebesgue integral, the substitution $x=e^t,~alpha=ln(alpha),~beta=ln(b)$ is used to get
            int^+infty_-infty f(e^t+alpha)-f(e^t+beta)dt=A(alpha-beta)
            which is equivalent to Frullani's theorem. Then verifying the integral
            int^+infty_-infty g(x+alpha)-g(x+beta)dx=A(alpha-beta)
            for a Lebesgue integrable function $g:mathbbRtomathbbR~forall alpha,betain mathbbR$ will suffice. This is proved by setting an integrable function on the real line
            and applying the Fourier transform (as well as a little manipulation).

            The Denjoy-Perron integral is used instead of the Lebesgue integral to avoid the problem of a locally integrable function $f:mathbbRtomathbbC$ admitting a derivative $f'(x)~forall xinmathbbR$ without $f'$ being locally integrable.
            The case for the Denjoy-Perron integral is proved in a similar fashion.

            Check out the following paper by J. Reyna


            share|cite|improve this answer

            You might be interested in an approach to Frullani's theorem I came across online. It is proven for the Lebesgue integral and the Denjoy-Perron integral. We are looking to prove the integral

            where $A$ is a constant. For the Lebesgue integral, the substitution $x=e^t,~alpha=ln(alpha),~beta=ln(b)$ is used to get
            int^+infty_-infty f(e^t+alpha)-f(e^t+beta)dt=A(alpha-beta)
            which is equivalent to Frullani's theorem. Then verifying the integral
            int^+infty_-infty g(x+alpha)-g(x+beta)dx=A(alpha-beta)
            for a Lebesgue integrable function $g:mathbbRtomathbbR~forall alpha,betain mathbbR$ will suffice. This is proved by setting an integrable function on the real line
            and applying the Fourier transform (as well as a little manipulation).

            The Denjoy-Perron integral is used instead of the Lebesgue integral to avoid the problem of a locally integrable function $f:mathbbRtomathbbC$ admitting a derivative $f'(x)~forall xinmathbbR$ without $f'$ being locally integrable.
            The case for the Denjoy-Perron integral is proved in a similar fashion.

            Check out the following paper by J. Reyna


            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            answered Jun 20 '15 at 20:32

            George Simpson



                up vote
                down vote

                The following theorem is a beautiful generalization of Frullani’s integral theorem.

                Let $f(x)-f(infty)=sum_k=0^inftyfracu(k)(-x)^kk!$ and $g(x)-g(infty)=sum_k=0^inftyfracv(k)(-x)^kk!$


                Let f, and g be continuous function on $[0,infty),$ assume that $f(0)=g(0)$ and $f(infty)=g(infty)$. Then if $a,b>0$

                $$lim_n to 0+I_nequiv lim_n to 0+ int_0^inftyx^n-1lbrace f(ax)-g(bx) rbrace dx=lbrace f(0)-f(infty)rbrace bigg lbrace log bigg(fracba bigg)+fracddsbigg(logbigg(fracv(s)u(s)bigg) bigg)_s=0 bigg rbrace$$

                if $f(x)=g(x),$ this theorem reduces to the Frullani’s theorem

                $$int_0^infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=lbrace f(0)-f(infty) rbrace log bigg(fracba bigg).$$

                Let prove $Theorem1$, To do this we need to use Ramanujan's master theorem , Which lies in the fact that

                $$int_0^infty x^n-1sum_k=0^infty frac phi(k)(-x)^kk!dx= Gamma(n)phi(-n).$$

                Applying the Master Theorem with $0<n<1,$ we find

                $$I_n=int_0^infty x^n-1( f(ax)-g(bx))dx=int_0^infty x^n-1( lbrace f(ax)-f(infty) rbrace-lbrace g(bx)-g(infty) rbrace) dx$$

                $$=Gamma(n)lbrace a^-nu(-n)-b^-nv(-n) rbrace$$

                $$=Gamma(n+1) bigg lbrace fraca^-nu(-n)-b^-nv(-n)n bigg rbrace

                Letting $n$ tend to $0$, using L'Hospital's Rule and fact that $u(0)=v(0)=f(0)-f(infty).$ we deduce that

                $$lim_n to inftyI_n=lim_n to infty bigg lbrace fracb^nv(n)-a^nu(n)n bigg rbrace$$

                $$=lim_n to infty lbrace b^nv(n) log b+ b^nv'(n)-a^nu(n)log a-a^nu'(n)rbrace$$

                $$= lbrace f(0)-f(infty) rbrace log bigg(fracba bigg)+v'(0)-u'(0)$$

                $$=lbrace f(0)-f(infty) rbrace bigg lbrace log bigg(fracba bigg)+fracddsbigg(logbigg(fracv(s)u(s)bigg) bigg)_s=0 bigg rbrace$$

                share|cite|improve this answer

                • 2

                  This is incredible! May I ask is there a source for this? I'd like to know about some related analysis.
                  – Lee David Chung Lin
                  Mar 9 at 11:29

                up vote
                down vote

                The following theorem is a beautiful generalization of Frullani’s integral theorem.

                Let $f(x)-f(infty)=sum_k=0^inftyfracu(k)(-x)^kk!$ and $g(x)-g(infty)=sum_k=0^inftyfracv(k)(-x)^kk!$


                Let f, and g be continuous function on $[0,infty),$ assume that $f(0)=g(0)$ and $f(infty)=g(infty)$. Then if $a,b>0$

                $$lim_n to 0+I_nequiv lim_n to 0+ int_0^inftyx^n-1lbrace f(ax)-g(bx) rbrace dx=lbrace f(0)-f(infty)rbrace bigg lbrace log bigg(fracba bigg)+fracddsbigg(logbigg(fracv(s)u(s)bigg) bigg)_s=0 bigg rbrace$$

                if $f(x)=g(x),$ this theorem reduces to the Frullani’s theorem

                $$int_0^infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=lbrace f(0)-f(infty) rbrace log bigg(fracba bigg).$$

                Let prove $Theorem1$, To do this we need to use Ramanujan's master theorem , Which lies in the fact that

                $$int_0^infty x^n-1sum_k=0^infty frac phi(k)(-x)^kk!dx= Gamma(n)phi(-n).$$

                Applying the Master Theorem with $0<n<1,$ we find

                $$I_n=int_0^infty x^n-1( f(ax)-g(bx))dx=int_0^infty x^n-1( lbrace f(ax)-f(infty) rbrace-lbrace g(bx)-g(infty) rbrace) dx$$

                $$=Gamma(n)lbrace a^-nu(-n)-b^-nv(-n) rbrace$$

                $$=Gamma(n+1) bigg lbrace fraca^-nu(-n)-b^-nv(-n)n bigg rbrace

                Letting $n$ tend to $0$, using L'Hospital's Rule and fact that $u(0)=v(0)=f(0)-f(infty).$ we deduce that

                $$lim_n to inftyI_n=lim_n to infty bigg lbrace fracb^nv(n)-a^nu(n)n bigg rbrace$$

                $$=lim_n to infty lbrace b^nv(n) log b+ b^nv'(n)-a^nu(n)log a-a^nu'(n)rbrace$$

                $$= lbrace f(0)-f(infty) rbrace log bigg(fracba bigg)+v'(0)-u'(0)$$

                $$=lbrace f(0)-f(infty) rbrace bigg lbrace log bigg(fracba bigg)+fracddsbigg(logbigg(fracv(s)u(s)bigg) bigg)_s=0 bigg rbrace$$

                share|cite|improve this answer

                • 2

                  This is incredible! May I ask is there a source for this? I'd like to know about some related analysis.
                  – Lee David Chung Lin
                  Mar 9 at 11:29

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                The following theorem is a beautiful generalization of Frullani’s integral theorem.

                Let $f(x)-f(infty)=sum_k=0^inftyfracu(k)(-x)^kk!$ and $g(x)-g(infty)=sum_k=0^inftyfracv(k)(-x)^kk!$


                Let f, and g be continuous function on $[0,infty),$ assume that $f(0)=g(0)$ and $f(infty)=g(infty)$. Then if $a,b>0$

                $$lim_n to 0+I_nequiv lim_n to 0+ int_0^inftyx^n-1lbrace f(ax)-g(bx) rbrace dx=lbrace f(0)-f(infty)rbrace bigg lbrace log bigg(fracba bigg)+fracddsbigg(logbigg(fracv(s)u(s)bigg) bigg)_s=0 bigg rbrace$$

                if $f(x)=g(x),$ this theorem reduces to the Frullani’s theorem

                $$int_0^infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=lbrace f(0)-f(infty) rbrace log bigg(fracba bigg).$$

                Let prove $Theorem1$, To do this we need to use Ramanujan's master theorem , Which lies in the fact that

                $$int_0^infty x^n-1sum_k=0^infty frac phi(k)(-x)^kk!dx= Gamma(n)phi(-n).$$

                Applying the Master Theorem with $0<n<1,$ we find

                $$I_n=int_0^infty x^n-1( f(ax)-g(bx))dx=int_0^infty x^n-1( lbrace f(ax)-f(infty) rbrace-lbrace g(bx)-g(infty) rbrace) dx$$

                $$=Gamma(n)lbrace a^-nu(-n)-b^-nv(-n) rbrace$$

                $$=Gamma(n+1) bigg lbrace fraca^-nu(-n)-b^-nv(-n)n bigg rbrace

                Letting $n$ tend to $0$, using L'Hospital's Rule and fact that $u(0)=v(0)=f(0)-f(infty).$ we deduce that

                $$lim_n to inftyI_n=lim_n to infty bigg lbrace fracb^nv(n)-a^nu(n)n bigg rbrace$$

                $$=lim_n to infty lbrace b^nv(n) log b+ b^nv'(n)-a^nu(n)log a-a^nu'(n)rbrace$$

                $$= lbrace f(0)-f(infty) rbrace log bigg(fracba bigg)+v'(0)-u'(0)$$

                $$=lbrace f(0)-f(infty) rbrace bigg lbrace log bigg(fracba bigg)+fracddsbigg(logbigg(fracv(s)u(s)bigg) bigg)_s=0 bigg rbrace$$

                share|cite|improve this answer

                The following theorem is a beautiful generalization of Frullani’s integral theorem.

                Let $f(x)-f(infty)=sum_k=0^inftyfracu(k)(-x)^kk!$ and $g(x)-g(infty)=sum_k=0^inftyfracv(k)(-x)^kk!$


                Let f, and g be continuous function on $[0,infty),$ assume that $f(0)=g(0)$ and $f(infty)=g(infty)$. Then if $a,b>0$

                $$lim_n to 0+I_nequiv lim_n to 0+ int_0^inftyx^n-1lbrace f(ax)-g(bx) rbrace dx=lbrace f(0)-f(infty)rbrace bigg lbrace log bigg(fracba bigg)+fracddsbigg(logbigg(fracv(s)u(s)bigg) bigg)_s=0 bigg rbrace$$

                if $f(x)=g(x),$ this theorem reduces to the Frullani’s theorem

                $$int_0^infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)xdx=lbrace f(0)-f(infty) rbrace log bigg(fracba bigg).$$

                Let prove $Theorem1$, To do this we need to use Ramanujan's master theorem , Which lies in the fact that

                $$int_0^infty x^n-1sum_k=0^infty frac phi(k)(-x)^kk!dx= Gamma(n)phi(-n).$$

                Applying the Master Theorem with $0<n<1,$ we find

                $$I_n=int_0^infty x^n-1( f(ax)-g(bx))dx=int_0^infty x^n-1( lbrace f(ax)-f(infty) rbrace-lbrace g(bx)-g(infty) rbrace) dx$$

                $$=Gamma(n)lbrace a^-nu(-n)-b^-nv(-n) rbrace$$

                $$=Gamma(n+1) bigg lbrace fraca^-nu(-n)-b^-nv(-n)n bigg rbrace

                Letting $n$ tend to $0$, using L'Hospital's Rule and fact that $u(0)=v(0)=f(0)-f(infty).$ we deduce that

                $$lim_n to inftyI_n=lim_n to infty bigg lbrace fracb^nv(n)-a^nu(n)n bigg rbrace$$

                $$=lim_n to infty lbrace b^nv(n) log b+ b^nv'(n)-a^nu(n)log a-a^nu'(n)rbrace$$

                $$= lbrace f(0)-f(infty) rbrace log bigg(fracba bigg)+v'(0)-u'(0)$$

                $$=lbrace f(0)-f(infty) rbrace bigg lbrace log bigg(fracba bigg)+fracddsbigg(logbigg(fracv(s)u(s)bigg) bigg)_s=0 bigg rbrace$$

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                answered Mar 16 '16 at 17:37




                • 2

                  This is incredible! May I ask is there a source for this? I'd like to know about some related analysis.
                  – Lee David Chung Lin
                  Mar 9 at 11:29

                • 2

                  This is incredible! May I ask is there a source for this? I'd like to know about some related analysis.
                  – Lee David Chung Lin
                  Mar 9 at 11:29



                This is incredible! May I ask is there a source for this? I'd like to know about some related analysis.
                – Lee David Chung Lin
                Mar 9 at 11:29

                This is incredible! May I ask is there a source for this? I'd like to know about some related analysis.
                – Lee David Chung Lin
                Mar 9 at 11:29

                up vote
                down vote

                On the assumption that $f$ is differentiable and $a,b>0$, an application of Fubini's theorem gives the result.

                $$int_(0,infty) fracf(ax)-f(bx)x dx$$

                $$=int_(0,infty) int_[bx,ax] f'(y) frac1x dy dx$$

                Let $0<bx leq y leq ax$.

                $$=int_(0,infty) int_frac1a y^frac1b y f'(y) frac1x dx dy$$

                $$=int_(0,infty) f'(y) ln (fracab) dy$$

                $$=(f(0)-f(infty)) ln fracba$$

                share|cite|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  On the assumption that $f$ is differentiable and $a,b>0$, an application of Fubini's theorem gives the result.

                  $$int_(0,infty) fracf(ax)-f(bx)x dx$$

                  $$=int_(0,infty) int_[bx,ax] f'(y) frac1x dy dx$$

                  Let $0<bx leq y leq ax$.

                  $$=int_(0,infty) int_frac1a y^frac1b y f'(y) frac1x dx dy$$

                  $$=int_(0,infty) f'(y) ln (fracab) dy$$

                  $$=(f(0)-f(infty)) ln fracba$$

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    On the assumption that $f$ is differentiable and $a,b>0$, an application of Fubini's theorem gives the result.

                    $$int_(0,infty) fracf(ax)-f(bx)x dx$$

                    $$=int_(0,infty) int_[bx,ax] f'(y) frac1x dy dx$$

                    Let $0<bx leq y leq ax$.

                    $$=int_(0,infty) int_frac1a y^frac1b y f'(y) frac1x dx dy$$

                    $$=int_(0,infty) f'(y) ln (fracab) dy$$

                    $$=(f(0)-f(infty)) ln fracba$$

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    On the assumption that $f$ is differentiable and $a,b>0$, an application of Fubini's theorem gives the result.

                    $$int_(0,infty) fracf(ax)-f(bx)x dx$$

                    $$=int_(0,infty) int_[bx,ax] f'(y) frac1x dy dx$$

                    Let $0<bx leq y leq ax$.

                    $$=int_(0,infty) int_frac1a y^frac1b y f'(y) frac1x dx dy$$

                    $$=int_(0,infty) f'(y) ln (fracab) dy$$

                    $$=(f(0)-f(infty)) ln fracba$$

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    edited Jul 23 '17 at 20:34

                    answered Jul 23 '17 at 20:25

                    Ahmed S. Attaalla



                        up vote
                        down vote

                        The following is just a speeded-up version of the answer by Davide Giraudo.

                        Let $f(x)$ be a real-valued function defined for $xgeq 0$.
                        Suppose that $f(x)$ is Riemann integrable on every bounded interval
                        of nonnegative real numbers,
                        that $f(x)$ is continuous at $x=0$,
                        and that the limit $f(infty):=lim_xtoinfty f(x)$ exists
                        (as a finite quantity).
                        If $a>0$ and $b>0$, then the integral
                        int_,0^,infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)x dx tag1
                        exists and is equal to $bigl(f(infty)-f(0)bigr),ln(a/b)$.

                        The assertion that the integral $(1)$ exists means
                        that the following limit exists,
                        lim_lto0,,htoinfty int_,l^,h fracf(ax)-f(bx)x dx
                        where $l$ approaches $0$ independently of $h$ approaching $infty$,
                        and that this limit is the integral $(1)$.

                        Proof.$,$ Assume that $ageq b,$; this does not lose us any generality.
                        Let $0<l<h,$.
                        The change of variables $ax=by$ shows that
                        ~=~ int_,l/b^,h/bfracf(by)ydy~,
                        so we have
                        &~=~ int_,l/b^,h/bfracf(bx)xdx
                        ~-~ int_,l/a^,h/afracf(bx)xdx \
                        &~=~ int_,h/a^,h/bfracf(bx)xdx
                        ~-~ int_,l/a^,l/bfracf(bx)xdx~;
                        we write the difference in the second line as $I(h) - I(l)$.

                        Let $varepsilon>0$.
                        There exists $l_varepsilon>0$ such that
                        $f(0)-varepsilonleq f(bx)leq f(0)+varepsilon$
                        for $0leq xleq l_varepsilon/b$.
                        Since by assumption $l/aleq l/b$ for every $l>0$, we obtain the estimate
                        ~leq~ I(l)
                        ~leq~ int_,l/a^,l/bfracf(0)+varepsilonxdx
                        qquadqquad textfor $0<lleq l_varepsilon$~,
                        that is,
                        ~leq~ I(l)
                        ~leq~ bigl(f(0)+varepsilonbigr),lnfracab
                        qquadqquad textfor $0<lleq l_varepsilon$~.
                        In other words, $I(l)$ converges to $f(0),ln(a/b)$ as $l$ approaches $0$.
                        In the same way we see that $I(h)$ converges to $f(infty)$
                        as $h$ approaches $infty$.$,$ Done.

                        share|cite|improve this answer

                          up vote
                          down vote

                          The following is just a speeded-up version of the answer by Davide Giraudo.

                          Let $f(x)$ be a real-valued function defined for $xgeq 0$.
                          Suppose that $f(x)$ is Riemann integrable on every bounded interval
                          of nonnegative real numbers,
                          that $f(x)$ is continuous at $x=0$,
                          and that the limit $f(infty):=lim_xtoinfty f(x)$ exists
                          (as a finite quantity).
                          If $a>0$ and $b>0$, then the integral
                          int_,0^,infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)x dx tag1
                          exists and is equal to $bigl(f(infty)-f(0)bigr),ln(a/b)$.

                          The assertion that the integral $(1)$ exists means
                          that the following limit exists,
                          lim_lto0,,htoinfty int_,l^,h fracf(ax)-f(bx)x dx
                          where $l$ approaches $0$ independently of $h$ approaching $infty$,
                          and that this limit is the integral $(1)$.

                          Proof.$,$ Assume that $ageq b,$; this does not lose us any generality.
                          Let $0<l<h,$.
                          The change of variables $ax=by$ shows that
                          ~=~ int_,l/b^,h/bfracf(by)ydy~,
                          so we have
                          &~=~ int_,l/b^,h/bfracf(bx)xdx
                          ~-~ int_,l/a^,h/afracf(bx)xdx \
                          &~=~ int_,h/a^,h/bfracf(bx)xdx
                          ~-~ int_,l/a^,l/bfracf(bx)xdx~;
                          we write the difference in the second line as $I(h) - I(l)$.

                          Let $varepsilon>0$.
                          There exists $l_varepsilon>0$ such that
                          $f(0)-varepsilonleq f(bx)leq f(0)+varepsilon$
                          for $0leq xleq l_varepsilon/b$.
                          Since by assumption $l/aleq l/b$ for every $l>0$, we obtain the estimate
                          ~leq~ I(l)
                          ~leq~ int_,l/a^,l/bfracf(0)+varepsilonxdx
                          qquadqquad textfor $0<lleq l_varepsilon$~,
                          that is,
                          ~leq~ I(l)
                          ~leq~ bigl(f(0)+varepsilonbigr),lnfracab
                          qquadqquad textfor $0<lleq l_varepsilon$~.
                          In other words, $I(l)$ converges to $f(0),ln(a/b)$ as $l$ approaches $0$.
                          In the same way we see that $I(h)$ converges to $f(infty)$
                          as $h$ approaches $infty$.$,$ Done.

                          share|cite|improve this answer

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            The following is just a speeded-up version of the answer by Davide Giraudo.

                            Let $f(x)$ be a real-valued function defined for $xgeq 0$.
                            Suppose that $f(x)$ is Riemann integrable on every bounded interval
                            of nonnegative real numbers,
                            that $f(x)$ is continuous at $x=0$,
                            and that the limit $f(infty):=lim_xtoinfty f(x)$ exists
                            (as a finite quantity).
                            If $a>0$ and $b>0$, then the integral
                            int_,0^,infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)x dx tag1
                            exists and is equal to $bigl(f(infty)-f(0)bigr),ln(a/b)$.

                            The assertion that the integral $(1)$ exists means
                            that the following limit exists,
                            lim_lto0,,htoinfty int_,l^,h fracf(ax)-f(bx)x dx
                            where $l$ approaches $0$ independently of $h$ approaching $infty$,
                            and that this limit is the integral $(1)$.

                            Proof.$,$ Assume that $ageq b,$; this does not lose us any generality.
                            Let $0<l<h,$.
                            The change of variables $ax=by$ shows that
                            ~=~ int_,l/b^,h/bfracf(by)ydy~,
                            so we have
                            &~=~ int_,l/b^,h/bfracf(bx)xdx
                            ~-~ int_,l/a^,h/afracf(bx)xdx \
                            &~=~ int_,h/a^,h/bfracf(bx)xdx
                            ~-~ int_,l/a^,l/bfracf(bx)xdx~;
                            we write the difference in the second line as $I(h) - I(l)$.

                            Let $varepsilon>0$.
                            There exists $l_varepsilon>0$ such that
                            $f(0)-varepsilonleq f(bx)leq f(0)+varepsilon$
                            for $0leq xleq l_varepsilon/b$.
                            Since by assumption $l/aleq l/b$ for every $l>0$, we obtain the estimate
                            ~leq~ I(l)
                            ~leq~ int_,l/a^,l/bfracf(0)+varepsilonxdx
                            qquadqquad textfor $0<lleq l_varepsilon$~,
                            that is,
                            ~leq~ I(l)
                            ~leq~ bigl(f(0)+varepsilonbigr),lnfracab
                            qquadqquad textfor $0<lleq l_varepsilon$~.
                            In other words, $I(l)$ converges to $f(0),ln(a/b)$ as $l$ approaches $0$.
                            In the same way we see that $I(h)$ converges to $f(infty)$
                            as $h$ approaches $infty$.$,$ Done.

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                            The following is just a speeded-up version of the answer by Davide Giraudo.

                            Let $f(x)$ be a real-valued function defined for $xgeq 0$.
                            Suppose that $f(x)$ is Riemann integrable on every bounded interval
                            of nonnegative real numbers,
                            that $f(x)$ is continuous at $x=0$,
                            and that the limit $f(infty):=lim_xtoinfty f(x)$ exists
                            (as a finite quantity).
                            If $a>0$ and $b>0$, then the integral
                            int_,0^,infty fracf(ax)-f(bx)x dx tag1
                            exists and is equal to $bigl(f(infty)-f(0)bigr),ln(a/b)$.

                            The assertion that the integral $(1)$ exists means
                            that the following limit exists,
                            lim_lto0,,htoinfty int_,l^,h fracf(ax)-f(bx)x dx
                            where $l$ approaches $0$ independently of $h$ approaching $infty$,
                            and that this limit is the integral $(1)$.

                            Proof.$,$ Assume that $ageq b,$; this does not lose us any generality.
                            Let $0<l<h,$.
                            The change of variables $ax=by$ shows that
                            ~=~ int_,l/b^,h/bfracf(by)ydy~,
                            so we have
                            &~=~ int_,l/b^,h/bfracf(bx)xdx
                            ~-~ int_,l/a^,h/afracf(bx)xdx \
                            &~=~ int_,h/a^,h/bfracf(bx)xdx
                            ~-~ int_,l/a^,l/bfracf(bx)xdx~;
                            we write the difference in the second line as $I(h) - I(l)$.

                            Let $varepsilon>0$.
                            There exists $l_varepsilon>0$ such that
                            $f(0)-varepsilonleq f(bx)leq f(0)+varepsilon$
                            for $0leq xleq l_varepsilon/b$.
                            Since by assumption $l/aleq l/b$ for every $l>0$, we obtain the estimate
                            ~leq~ I(l)
                            ~leq~ int_,l/a^,l/bfracf(0)+varepsilonxdx
                            qquadqquad textfor $0<lleq l_varepsilon$~,
                            that is,
                            ~leq~ I(l)
                            ~leq~ bigl(f(0)+varepsilonbigr),lnfracab
                            qquadqquad textfor $0<lleq l_varepsilon$~.
                            In other words, $I(l)$ converges to $f(0),ln(a/b)$ as $l$ approaches $0$.
                            In the same way we see that $I(h)$ converges to $f(infty)$
                            as $h$ approaches $infty$.$,$ Done.

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                            answered Jan 3 '17 at 14:57





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