Prove there is no $x, y in mathbb Z^+ text satisfying fracxy +fracy+1x=4$

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Prove that there is no $x, y in mathbb Z^+$ satisfying
$$fracxy +fracy+1x=4$$
I solved it as follows but I seek better or quicker way:

$text Assume x, y in mathbb Z^+\ 1+fracy+1y+fracxy +fracy+1x=1+fracy+1y+4 \
Rightarrow left(1+fracxyright)left(1+fracy+1xright)=6+frac1y\
Rightarrow (x+y)(x+y+1)=x(6y+1)\
Rightarrow xmid (x+y) ;text or ; xmid (x+y+1)\
Rightarrow xmid y ;text or ; xmid (y+1)\
textPut; y=nx ,n in mathbb Z^+;Rightarrow; fracxnx +fracnx+1x=4 ;Rightarrow; frac1n +frac1x=4-n ;rightarrow;(1)\
textBut; frac1n +frac1x gt 0 ;Rightarrow; 4-n gt 0 ;Rightarrow; n lt 4\
textAlso; frac1n,frac1xle 1 ;Rightarrow; frac1n +frac1x le 2 ;Rightarrow; 4-n le 2 ;Rightarrow; n ge 2\
;Rightarrow; n=2 ;text or ; 3, ;textsubstituting in eq. (1), we find no integral values for x.\ textThe same for the other case.\

So is there any other better or intelligent way to get this result?

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  • I think there is a solution. Look at the formula.
    – individ
    Jul 16 at 18:04

  • infinitely many solutions with $x,y < 0$
    – Will Jagy
    Jul 16 at 19:29

  • infinitely many rational solutions with $x,y > 0,$ we can take denominator as $2$
    – Will Jagy
    Jul 16 at 20:39

up vote
down vote


Prove that there is no $x, y in mathbb Z^+$ satisfying
$$fracxy +fracy+1x=4$$
I solved it as follows but I seek better or quicker way:

$text Assume x, y in mathbb Z^+\ 1+fracy+1y+fracxy +fracy+1x=1+fracy+1y+4 \
Rightarrow left(1+fracxyright)left(1+fracy+1xright)=6+frac1y\
Rightarrow (x+y)(x+y+1)=x(6y+1)\
Rightarrow xmid (x+y) ;text or ; xmid (x+y+1)\
Rightarrow xmid y ;text or ; xmid (y+1)\
textPut; y=nx ,n in mathbb Z^+;Rightarrow; fracxnx +fracnx+1x=4 ;Rightarrow; frac1n +frac1x=4-n ;rightarrow;(1)\
textBut; frac1n +frac1x gt 0 ;Rightarrow; 4-n gt 0 ;Rightarrow; n lt 4\
textAlso; frac1n,frac1xle 1 ;Rightarrow; frac1n +frac1x le 2 ;Rightarrow; 4-n le 2 ;Rightarrow; n ge 2\
;Rightarrow; n=2 ;text or ; 3, ;textsubstituting in eq. (1), we find no integral values for x.\ textThe same for the other case.\

So is there any other better or intelligent way to get this result?

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  • I think there is a solution. Look at the formula.
    – individ
    Jul 16 at 18:04

  • infinitely many solutions with $x,y < 0$
    – Will Jagy
    Jul 16 at 19:29

  • infinitely many rational solutions with $x,y > 0,$ we can take denominator as $2$
    – Will Jagy
    Jul 16 at 20:39

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up vote
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Prove that there is no $x, y in mathbb Z^+$ satisfying
$$fracxy +fracy+1x=4$$
I solved it as follows but I seek better or quicker way:

$text Assume x, y in mathbb Z^+\ 1+fracy+1y+fracxy +fracy+1x=1+fracy+1y+4 \
Rightarrow left(1+fracxyright)left(1+fracy+1xright)=6+frac1y\
Rightarrow (x+y)(x+y+1)=x(6y+1)\
Rightarrow xmid (x+y) ;text or ; xmid (x+y+1)\
Rightarrow xmid y ;text or ; xmid (y+1)\
textPut; y=nx ,n in mathbb Z^+;Rightarrow; fracxnx +fracnx+1x=4 ;Rightarrow; frac1n +frac1x=4-n ;rightarrow;(1)\
textBut; frac1n +frac1x gt 0 ;Rightarrow; 4-n gt 0 ;Rightarrow; n lt 4\
textAlso; frac1n,frac1xle 1 ;Rightarrow; frac1n +frac1x le 2 ;Rightarrow; 4-n le 2 ;Rightarrow; n ge 2\
;Rightarrow; n=2 ;text or ; 3, ;textsubstituting in eq. (1), we find no integral values for x.\ textThe same for the other case.\

So is there any other better or intelligent way to get this result?

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Prove that there is no $x, y in mathbb Z^+$ satisfying
$$fracxy +fracy+1x=4$$
I solved it as follows but I seek better or quicker way:

$text Assume x, y in mathbb Z^+\ 1+fracy+1y+fracxy +fracy+1x=1+fracy+1y+4 \
Rightarrow left(1+fracxyright)left(1+fracy+1xright)=6+frac1y\
Rightarrow (x+y)(x+y+1)=x(6y+1)\
Rightarrow xmid (x+y) ;text or ; xmid (x+y+1)\
Rightarrow xmid y ;text or ; xmid (y+1)\
textPut; y=nx ,n in mathbb Z^+;Rightarrow; fracxnx +fracnx+1x=4 ;Rightarrow; frac1n +frac1x=4-n ;rightarrow;(1)\
textBut; frac1n +frac1x gt 0 ;Rightarrow; 4-n gt 0 ;Rightarrow; n lt 4\
textAlso; frac1n,frac1xle 1 ;Rightarrow; frac1n +frac1x le 2 ;Rightarrow; 4-n le 2 ;Rightarrow; n ge 2\
;Rightarrow; n=2 ;text or ; 3, ;textsubstituting in eq. (1), we find no integral values for x.\ textThe same for the other case.\

So is there any other better or intelligent way to get this result?

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edited Jul 16 at 19:53

Will Jagy



asked Jul 16 at 17:54




  • I think there is a solution. Look at the formula.
    – individ
    Jul 16 at 18:04

  • infinitely many solutions with $x,y < 0$
    – Will Jagy
    Jul 16 at 19:29

  • infinitely many rational solutions with $x,y > 0,$ we can take denominator as $2$
    – Will Jagy
    Jul 16 at 20:39

  • I think there is a solution. Look at the formula.
    – individ
    Jul 16 at 18:04

  • infinitely many solutions with $x,y < 0$
    – Will Jagy
    Jul 16 at 19:29

  • infinitely many rational solutions with $x,y > 0,$ we can take denominator as $2$
    – Will Jagy
    Jul 16 at 20:39

I think there is a solution. Look at the formula.
– individ
Jul 16 at 18:04

I think there is a solution. Look at the formula.
– individ
Jul 16 at 18:04

infinitely many solutions with $x,y < 0$
– Will Jagy
Jul 16 at 19:29

infinitely many solutions with $x,y < 0$
– Will Jagy
Jul 16 at 19:29

infinitely many rational solutions with $x,y > 0,$ we can take denominator as $2$
– Will Jagy
Jul 16 at 20:39

infinitely many rational solutions with $x,y > 0,$ we can take denominator as $2$
– Will Jagy
Jul 16 at 20:39

4 Answers




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For $x,yin Bbb Z^+$ we have $$frac xy+frac y+1x=4implies x^2-4xy+y^2+y=0implies x=2ypm sqrt 3y^2-yimplies$$ $$implies exists zin Bbb Z^+;( z^2=3y^2-y=y(3y-1))implies$$ $$ impliesexists a,b in Bbb Z^+;( y=a^2 land 3y-1=b^2)implies$$ $$impliesexists a,bin Bbb Z^+;(3a^2-1=b^2)implies$$ $$ implies exists bin Bbb Z^+;(b^2equiv -1 mod 3).$$ The 1st (displayed) line uses the Quadratic Formula.

In the 2nd line, $zne 0$ because $yin Bbb Z^+implies y(3y-1)>0.$

In the 3rd line, $a$ and $b$ exist because $y$ and $3y-1$ are co-prime members of $Bbb Z^+$ and their product is the square of the positive integer $z.$

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  • Many thx for your answer, this is a nice complete solution.
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 21 at 3:12

  • My first impulse is to get rid of denominators. And whenever I see a quadratic form I apply the Quadratic Formula to see what can be found with it.
    – DanielWainfleet
    Jul 21 at 3:20

  • Actually, this is a normal action with quadratic eq. but I stopped at the last step like another solution here. But it was that simple memorizing that the square of any number is either divisible by 3 or has a remainder of 1 :D
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 21 at 3:23

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$$fracxy +fracy+1x=4to fracxy+fracyx+frac1x=4$$

Call $x/y=tin Bbb Q$.
$$t+frac1t+frac1x=4to xt^2+t(1-4x)+x=0$$

By Rational Roots Theorem the candidates to be a rational root, $t$, are $pm1,pm x,pm 1/x$.

Now, test every root and check the value of $x$ you get.

Can you finish?

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  • thx for the hint, but I have no idea of Rational Roots Theorem
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 16 at 18:06

    – Arnaldo
    Jul 16 at 18:07

  • @Wolfdale: It is simple and very useful.
    – Arnaldo
    Jul 16 at 18:17

  • 1

    The rational root theorem doesn't help as much as you suggest unless $x$ is prime; for example, so far as it's concerned, $t$ could be any factor of $x$. It's probably better to note that your quadratic has discriminant $1-4x$. So if $x$ is a positive integer the quadratic cannot have rational solutions.
    – Micah
    Jul 16 at 18:23

  • 1

    @Micah, I can't get this discriminant value, it should be $1-8x+12x^2=(2x-1)(6x-1)$
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 16 at 18:40

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down vote

Rewrite the equation: $x^2 - 4yx + y^2+y = 0impliestriangle'=(-2y)^2-1(y^2+y)= 4y^2-y^2-y = 3y^2-y=k^2 implies y(3y-1)=k^2$ . Observe that $textgcd(y,3y-1) = 1$ since if $d = textgcd implies d mid y, d mid 3y-1 implies y = md, 3y-1 = ndimplies 1 = 3y -nd= 3md - nd = d(3m-n)implies d = 1implies y = u^2, 3y-1 = v^2, uv = kimplies 3u^2-v^2=1$ . This is a Pell equation and it either has infinitely many solutions or no solutions at all. Please check its status via google.

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  • 1

    infinitely many solutions with $x,y < 0$
    – Will Jagy
    Jul 16 at 19:17

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down vote

I include a proof for the original question. It is between the first two pictures.

There are infinitely many solutions with both $x,y leq 0.$ This comes under the heading of Vieta Jumping. Given a solution to $x^2 - 4xy + y^2 + y = 0,$ we can create new solutions by alternately taking mappings on the hyperbola,
$$ (x,y) mapsto (x, 4x-y - 1) ; ; ; , $$
$$ (x,y) mapsto (4x-y,y) ; ; ; . $$

The solutions on the hyperbola branch that is (mostly) in the third quadrant begin
$$ (0,0); ; (0,-1); ; (-4,-1); ; (-4,-16); ; (-60,-16); ; (-60,-225); ; ldots $$

There are infinitely many rational solutions with both $x,y > 0.$
$$ left(frac12,frac12right); ; ; left(frac32,frac12right); ; ; left(frac32,frac92right); ; ; left(frac332,frac92right); ; ; left(frac332,frac1212right); ; ; left(frac4512,frac1212right); ; ; left(frac4512,frac16812right); ; ; ldots $$

The $y$ values above are of the form $fracb_n^22,$ where $b_n+2 = 4 b_n+1 - b_n ; , ;$ giving $1,3,11,41,153,571,...$

If there were any integer solutions in the first quadrant, these same mappings would take us to an integer solution with both $x,y$ fairly small obeying certain explicit inequalities.

enter image description here

The following diagram goes with the inequality part:

If there were an integer solution with $x,y > 0$ and $x+y geq 10,$ we are going to show that one of the mappings given reduces $x+y$ by at least two; therefore a finite number of steps would take us to an integer solution with $x,y > 0$ and $x+y < 10.$ One can quickly inspect and find that there are no integer solutions with such small numbers. So that is it.

If $x+y geq 10$ and both positive, one case, closer to the positive $x$ axis, has $x > y$ and $y > 2.$ From the quadratic formula and the inequalities we find $x = 2y + sqrt3y^2 - y.$ Note that $3y^2 - y > 1.$ At this point, we have $x+y = 3y + sqrt3y^2 - y.$ Now, after we apply the mapping $ colormagenta (x,y) mapsto (4x-y,y) ; ; ; , $ the replacement value for $x+y$ is $3y - sqrt3y^2 - y,$ so it has shrunk by at least $2.$

The second case is closer to the positive $y$ axis, $y > x$ and $x > 2.$ We find $y = frac4x-1 + sqrt12x^2 - 8x+12.$ After applying the other mapping $ colormagenta (x,y) mapsto (x,4x-1-y) ; ; ; , $ The new $y$ value is $y = frac4x-1 - sqrt12x^2 - 8x+12.$ Therefore the sum we keep calling $x+y$ has decreased by $sqrt12x^2 - 8x+1$ which is larger than $2$ when $x > 2.$ Again, we have shrunken $x+y$ by at least $2.$

That's it. There cannot be any integer solutions with $x,y > 0$ because there are none with $x+y leq 10.$

$$ bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc $$

enter image description here

I found out how to draw line segments in desmos. One can put in a short table of points and have it connect them in order. Here is the hyperbola in the first quadrant, showing the first four of the half integer points and how a stairway connects them, beginning an infinite process. The next point on this staircase, which goes up and to the right, would be $left(frac332,frac1212right);$

enter image description here

Alright, here is the hyperbola with the first few points in the third quadrant that have integer coordinates, joined up with green line segments, beginning with the origin and $(0,-1).$ The next point in this downward stairway would be $(-60,-16)$

enter image description here

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  • thx for this great analysis.
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 17 at 1:09

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4 Answers




4 Answers










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For $x,yin Bbb Z^+$ we have $$frac xy+frac y+1x=4implies x^2-4xy+y^2+y=0implies x=2ypm sqrt 3y^2-yimplies$$ $$implies exists zin Bbb Z^+;( z^2=3y^2-y=y(3y-1))implies$$ $$ impliesexists a,b in Bbb Z^+;( y=a^2 land 3y-1=b^2)implies$$ $$impliesexists a,bin Bbb Z^+;(3a^2-1=b^2)implies$$ $$ implies exists bin Bbb Z^+;(b^2equiv -1 mod 3).$$ The 1st (displayed) line uses the Quadratic Formula.

In the 2nd line, $zne 0$ because $yin Bbb Z^+implies y(3y-1)>0.$

In the 3rd line, $a$ and $b$ exist because $y$ and $3y-1$ are co-prime members of $Bbb Z^+$ and their product is the square of the positive integer $z.$

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  • Many thx for your answer, this is a nice complete solution.
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 21 at 3:12

  • My first impulse is to get rid of denominators. And whenever I see a quadratic form I apply the Quadratic Formula to see what can be found with it.
    – DanielWainfleet
    Jul 21 at 3:20

  • Actually, this is a normal action with quadratic eq. but I stopped at the last step like another solution here. But it was that simple memorizing that the square of any number is either divisible by 3 or has a remainder of 1 :D
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 21 at 3:23

up vote
down vote


For $x,yin Bbb Z^+$ we have $$frac xy+frac y+1x=4implies x^2-4xy+y^2+y=0implies x=2ypm sqrt 3y^2-yimplies$$ $$implies exists zin Bbb Z^+;( z^2=3y^2-y=y(3y-1))implies$$ $$ impliesexists a,b in Bbb Z^+;( y=a^2 land 3y-1=b^2)implies$$ $$impliesexists a,bin Bbb Z^+;(3a^2-1=b^2)implies$$ $$ implies exists bin Bbb Z^+;(b^2equiv -1 mod 3).$$ The 1st (displayed) line uses the Quadratic Formula.

In the 2nd line, $zne 0$ because $yin Bbb Z^+implies y(3y-1)>0.$

In the 3rd line, $a$ and $b$ exist because $y$ and $3y-1$ are co-prime members of $Bbb Z^+$ and their product is the square of the positive integer $z.$

share|cite|improve this answer

  • Many thx for your answer, this is a nice complete solution.
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 21 at 3:12

  • My first impulse is to get rid of denominators. And whenever I see a quadratic form I apply the Quadratic Formula to see what can be found with it.
    – DanielWainfleet
    Jul 21 at 3:20

  • Actually, this is a normal action with quadratic eq. but I stopped at the last step like another solution here. But it was that simple memorizing that the square of any number is either divisible by 3 or has a remainder of 1 :D
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 21 at 3:23

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


For $x,yin Bbb Z^+$ we have $$frac xy+frac y+1x=4implies x^2-4xy+y^2+y=0implies x=2ypm sqrt 3y^2-yimplies$$ $$implies exists zin Bbb Z^+;( z^2=3y^2-y=y(3y-1))implies$$ $$ impliesexists a,b in Bbb Z^+;( y=a^2 land 3y-1=b^2)implies$$ $$impliesexists a,bin Bbb Z^+;(3a^2-1=b^2)implies$$ $$ implies exists bin Bbb Z^+;(b^2equiv -1 mod 3).$$ The 1st (displayed) line uses the Quadratic Formula.

In the 2nd line, $zne 0$ because $yin Bbb Z^+implies y(3y-1)>0.$

In the 3rd line, $a$ and $b$ exist because $y$ and $3y-1$ are co-prime members of $Bbb Z^+$ and their product is the square of the positive integer $z.$

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For $x,yin Bbb Z^+$ we have $$frac xy+frac y+1x=4implies x^2-4xy+y^2+y=0implies x=2ypm sqrt 3y^2-yimplies$$ $$implies exists zin Bbb Z^+;( z^2=3y^2-y=y(3y-1))implies$$ $$ impliesexists a,b in Bbb Z^+;( y=a^2 land 3y-1=b^2)implies$$ $$impliesexists a,bin Bbb Z^+;(3a^2-1=b^2)implies$$ $$ implies exists bin Bbb Z^+;(b^2equiv -1 mod 3).$$ The 1st (displayed) line uses the Quadratic Formula.

In the 2nd line, $zne 0$ because $yin Bbb Z^+implies y(3y-1)>0.$

In the 3rd line, $a$ and $b$ exist because $y$ and $3y-1$ are co-prime members of $Bbb Z^+$ and their product is the square of the positive integer $z.$

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answered Jul 21 at 2:51




  • Many thx for your answer, this is a nice complete solution.
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 21 at 3:12

  • My first impulse is to get rid of denominators. And whenever I see a quadratic form I apply the Quadratic Formula to see what can be found with it.
    – DanielWainfleet
    Jul 21 at 3:20

  • Actually, this is a normal action with quadratic eq. but I stopped at the last step like another solution here. But it was that simple memorizing that the square of any number is either divisible by 3 or has a remainder of 1 :D
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 21 at 3:23

  • Many thx for your answer, this is a nice complete solution.
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 21 at 3:12

  • My first impulse is to get rid of denominators. And whenever I see a quadratic form I apply the Quadratic Formula to see what can be found with it.
    – DanielWainfleet
    Jul 21 at 3:20

  • Actually, this is a normal action with quadratic eq. but I stopped at the last step like another solution here. But it was that simple memorizing that the square of any number is either divisible by 3 or has a remainder of 1 :D
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 21 at 3:23

Many thx for your answer, this is a nice complete solution.
– Wolfdale
Jul 21 at 3:12

Many thx for your answer, this is a nice complete solution.
– Wolfdale
Jul 21 at 3:12

My first impulse is to get rid of denominators. And whenever I see a quadratic form I apply the Quadratic Formula to see what can be found with it.
– DanielWainfleet
Jul 21 at 3:20

My first impulse is to get rid of denominators. And whenever I see a quadratic form I apply the Quadratic Formula to see what can be found with it.
– DanielWainfleet
Jul 21 at 3:20

Actually, this is a normal action with quadratic eq. but I stopped at the last step like another solution here. But it was that simple memorizing that the square of any number is either divisible by 3 or has a remainder of 1 :D
– Wolfdale
Jul 21 at 3:23

Actually, this is a normal action with quadratic eq. but I stopped at the last step like another solution here. But it was that simple memorizing that the square of any number is either divisible by 3 or has a remainder of 1 :D
– Wolfdale
Jul 21 at 3:23

up vote
down vote


$$fracxy +fracy+1x=4to fracxy+fracyx+frac1x=4$$

Call $x/y=tin Bbb Q$.
$$t+frac1t+frac1x=4to xt^2+t(1-4x)+x=0$$

By Rational Roots Theorem the candidates to be a rational root, $t$, are $pm1,pm x,pm 1/x$.

Now, test every root and check the value of $x$ you get.

Can you finish?

share|cite|improve this answer

  • thx for the hint, but I have no idea of Rational Roots Theorem
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 16 at 18:06

    – Arnaldo
    Jul 16 at 18:07

  • @Wolfdale: It is simple and very useful.
    – Arnaldo
    Jul 16 at 18:17

  • 1

    The rational root theorem doesn't help as much as you suggest unless $x$ is prime; for example, so far as it's concerned, $t$ could be any factor of $x$. It's probably better to note that your quadratic has discriminant $1-4x$. So if $x$ is a positive integer the quadratic cannot have rational solutions.
    – Micah
    Jul 16 at 18:23

  • 1

    @Micah, I can't get this discriminant value, it should be $1-8x+12x^2=(2x-1)(6x-1)$
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 16 at 18:40

up vote
down vote


$$fracxy +fracy+1x=4to fracxy+fracyx+frac1x=4$$

Call $x/y=tin Bbb Q$.
$$t+frac1t+frac1x=4to xt^2+t(1-4x)+x=0$$

By Rational Roots Theorem the candidates to be a rational root, $t$, are $pm1,pm x,pm 1/x$.

Now, test every root and check the value of $x$ you get.

Can you finish?

share|cite|improve this answer

  • thx for the hint, but I have no idea of Rational Roots Theorem
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 16 at 18:06

    – Arnaldo
    Jul 16 at 18:07

  • @Wolfdale: It is simple and very useful.
    – Arnaldo
    Jul 16 at 18:17

  • 1

    The rational root theorem doesn't help as much as you suggest unless $x$ is prime; for example, so far as it's concerned, $t$ could be any factor of $x$. It's probably better to note that your quadratic has discriminant $1-4x$. So if $x$ is a positive integer the quadratic cannot have rational solutions.
    – Micah
    Jul 16 at 18:23

  • 1

    @Micah, I can't get this discriminant value, it should be $1-8x+12x^2=(2x-1)(6x-1)$
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 16 at 18:40

up vote
down vote

up vote
down vote


$$fracxy +fracy+1x=4to fracxy+fracyx+frac1x=4$$

Call $x/y=tin Bbb Q$.
$$t+frac1t+frac1x=4to xt^2+t(1-4x)+x=0$$

By Rational Roots Theorem the candidates to be a rational root, $t$, are $pm1,pm x,pm 1/x$.

Now, test every root and check the value of $x$ you get.

Can you finish?

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$$fracxy +fracy+1x=4to fracxy+fracyx+frac1x=4$$

Call $x/y=tin Bbb Q$.
$$t+frac1t+frac1x=4to xt^2+t(1-4x)+x=0$$

By Rational Roots Theorem the candidates to be a rational root, $t$, are $pm1,pm x,pm 1/x$.

Now, test every root and check the value of $x$ you get.

Can you finish?

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edited Jul 16 at 18:06

answered Jul 16 at 18:03




  • thx for the hint, but I have no idea of Rational Roots Theorem
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 16 at 18:06

    – Arnaldo
    Jul 16 at 18:07

  • @Wolfdale: It is simple and very useful.
    – Arnaldo
    Jul 16 at 18:17

  • 1

    The rational root theorem doesn't help as much as you suggest unless $x$ is prime; for example, so far as it's concerned, $t$ could be any factor of $x$. It's probably better to note that your quadratic has discriminant $1-4x$. So if $x$ is a positive integer the quadratic cannot have rational solutions.
    – Micah
    Jul 16 at 18:23

  • 1

    @Micah, I can't get this discriminant value, it should be $1-8x+12x^2=(2x-1)(6x-1)$
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 16 at 18:40

  • thx for the hint, but I have no idea of Rational Roots Theorem
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 16 at 18:06

    – Arnaldo
    Jul 16 at 18:07

  • @Wolfdale: It is simple and very useful.
    – Arnaldo
    Jul 16 at 18:17

  • 1

    The rational root theorem doesn't help as much as you suggest unless $x$ is prime; for example, so far as it's concerned, $t$ could be any factor of $x$. It's probably better to note that your quadratic has discriminant $1-4x$. So if $x$ is a positive integer the quadratic cannot have rational solutions.
    – Micah
    Jul 16 at 18:23

  • 1

    @Micah, I can't get this discriminant value, it should be $1-8x+12x^2=(2x-1)(6x-1)$
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 16 at 18:40

thx for the hint, but I have no idea of Rational Roots Theorem
– Wolfdale
Jul 16 at 18:06

thx for the hint, but I have no idea of Rational Roots Theorem
– Wolfdale
Jul 16 at 18:06

– Arnaldo
Jul 16 at 18:07
– Arnaldo
Jul 16 at 18:07

@Wolfdale: It is simple and very useful.
– Arnaldo
Jul 16 at 18:17

@Wolfdale: It is simple and very useful.
– Arnaldo
Jul 16 at 18:17



The rational root theorem doesn't help as much as you suggest unless $x$ is prime; for example, so far as it's concerned, $t$ could be any factor of $x$. It's probably better to note that your quadratic has discriminant $1-4x$. So if $x$ is a positive integer the quadratic cannot have rational solutions.
– Micah
Jul 16 at 18:23

The rational root theorem doesn't help as much as you suggest unless $x$ is prime; for example, so far as it's concerned, $t$ could be any factor of $x$. It's probably better to note that your quadratic has discriminant $1-4x$. So if $x$ is a positive integer the quadratic cannot have rational solutions.
– Micah
Jul 16 at 18:23



@Micah, I can't get this discriminant value, it should be $1-8x+12x^2=(2x-1)(6x-1)$
– Wolfdale
Jul 16 at 18:40

@Micah, I can't get this discriminant value, it should be $1-8x+12x^2=(2x-1)(6x-1)$
– Wolfdale
Jul 16 at 18:40

up vote
down vote

Rewrite the equation: $x^2 - 4yx + y^2+y = 0impliestriangle'=(-2y)^2-1(y^2+y)= 4y^2-y^2-y = 3y^2-y=k^2 implies y(3y-1)=k^2$ . Observe that $textgcd(y,3y-1) = 1$ since if $d = textgcd implies d mid y, d mid 3y-1 implies y = md, 3y-1 = ndimplies 1 = 3y -nd= 3md - nd = d(3m-n)implies d = 1implies y = u^2, 3y-1 = v^2, uv = kimplies 3u^2-v^2=1$ . This is a Pell equation and it either has infinitely many solutions or no solutions at all. Please check its status via google.

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  • 1

    infinitely many solutions with $x,y < 0$
    – Will Jagy
    Jul 16 at 19:17

up vote
down vote

Rewrite the equation: $x^2 - 4yx + y^2+y = 0impliestriangle'=(-2y)^2-1(y^2+y)= 4y^2-y^2-y = 3y^2-y=k^2 implies y(3y-1)=k^2$ . Observe that $textgcd(y,3y-1) = 1$ since if $d = textgcd implies d mid y, d mid 3y-1 implies y = md, 3y-1 = ndimplies 1 = 3y -nd= 3md - nd = d(3m-n)implies d = 1implies y = u^2, 3y-1 = v^2, uv = kimplies 3u^2-v^2=1$ . This is a Pell equation and it either has infinitely many solutions or no solutions at all. Please check its status via google.

share|cite|improve this answer

  • 1

    infinitely many solutions with $x,y < 0$
    – Will Jagy
    Jul 16 at 19:17

up vote
down vote

up vote
down vote

Rewrite the equation: $x^2 - 4yx + y^2+y = 0impliestriangle'=(-2y)^2-1(y^2+y)= 4y^2-y^2-y = 3y^2-y=k^2 implies y(3y-1)=k^2$ . Observe that $textgcd(y,3y-1) = 1$ since if $d = textgcd implies d mid y, d mid 3y-1 implies y = md, 3y-1 = ndimplies 1 = 3y -nd= 3md - nd = d(3m-n)implies d = 1implies y = u^2, 3y-1 = v^2, uv = kimplies 3u^2-v^2=1$ . This is a Pell equation and it either has infinitely many solutions or no solutions at all. Please check its status via google.

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Rewrite the equation: $x^2 - 4yx + y^2+y = 0impliestriangle'=(-2y)^2-1(y^2+y)= 4y^2-y^2-y = 3y^2-y=k^2 implies y(3y-1)=k^2$ . Observe that $textgcd(y,3y-1) = 1$ since if $d = textgcd implies d mid y, d mid 3y-1 implies y = md, 3y-1 = ndimplies 1 = 3y -nd= 3md - nd = d(3m-n)implies d = 1implies y = u^2, 3y-1 = v^2, uv = kimplies 3u^2-v^2=1$ . This is a Pell equation and it either has infinitely many solutions or no solutions at all. Please check its status via google.

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edited Jul 16 at 18:49

answered Jul 16 at 18:10




  • 1

    infinitely many solutions with $x,y < 0$
    – Will Jagy
    Jul 16 at 19:17

  • 1

    infinitely many solutions with $x,y < 0$
    – Will Jagy
    Jul 16 at 19:17



infinitely many solutions with $x,y < 0$
– Will Jagy
Jul 16 at 19:17

infinitely many solutions with $x,y < 0$
– Will Jagy
Jul 16 at 19:17

up vote
down vote

I include a proof for the original question. It is between the first two pictures.

There are infinitely many solutions with both $x,y leq 0.$ This comes under the heading of Vieta Jumping. Given a solution to $x^2 - 4xy + y^2 + y = 0,$ we can create new solutions by alternately taking mappings on the hyperbola,
$$ (x,y) mapsto (x, 4x-y - 1) ; ; ; , $$
$$ (x,y) mapsto (4x-y,y) ; ; ; . $$

The solutions on the hyperbola branch that is (mostly) in the third quadrant begin
$$ (0,0); ; (0,-1); ; (-4,-1); ; (-4,-16); ; (-60,-16); ; (-60,-225); ; ldots $$

There are infinitely many rational solutions with both $x,y > 0.$
$$ left(frac12,frac12right); ; ; left(frac32,frac12right); ; ; left(frac32,frac92right); ; ; left(frac332,frac92right); ; ; left(frac332,frac1212right); ; ; left(frac4512,frac1212right); ; ; left(frac4512,frac16812right); ; ; ldots $$

The $y$ values above are of the form $fracb_n^22,$ where $b_n+2 = 4 b_n+1 - b_n ; , ;$ giving $1,3,11,41,153,571,...$

If there were any integer solutions in the first quadrant, these same mappings would take us to an integer solution with both $x,y$ fairly small obeying certain explicit inequalities.

enter image description here

The following diagram goes with the inequality part:

If there were an integer solution with $x,y > 0$ and $x+y geq 10,$ we are going to show that one of the mappings given reduces $x+y$ by at least two; therefore a finite number of steps would take us to an integer solution with $x,y > 0$ and $x+y < 10.$ One can quickly inspect and find that there are no integer solutions with such small numbers. So that is it.

If $x+y geq 10$ and both positive, one case, closer to the positive $x$ axis, has $x > y$ and $y > 2.$ From the quadratic formula and the inequalities we find $x = 2y + sqrt3y^2 - y.$ Note that $3y^2 - y > 1.$ At this point, we have $x+y = 3y + sqrt3y^2 - y.$ Now, after we apply the mapping $ colormagenta (x,y) mapsto (4x-y,y) ; ; ; , $ the replacement value for $x+y$ is $3y - sqrt3y^2 - y,$ so it has shrunk by at least $2.$

The second case is closer to the positive $y$ axis, $y > x$ and $x > 2.$ We find $y = frac4x-1 + sqrt12x^2 - 8x+12.$ After applying the other mapping $ colormagenta (x,y) mapsto (x,4x-1-y) ; ; ; , $ The new $y$ value is $y = frac4x-1 - sqrt12x^2 - 8x+12.$ Therefore the sum we keep calling $x+y$ has decreased by $sqrt12x^2 - 8x+1$ which is larger than $2$ when $x > 2.$ Again, we have shrunken $x+y$ by at least $2.$

That's it. There cannot be any integer solutions with $x,y > 0$ because there are none with $x+y leq 10.$

$$ bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc $$

enter image description here

I found out how to draw line segments in desmos. One can put in a short table of points and have it connect them in order. Here is the hyperbola in the first quadrant, showing the first four of the half integer points and how a stairway connects them, beginning an infinite process. The next point on this staircase, which goes up and to the right, would be $left(frac332,frac1212right);$

enter image description here

Alright, here is the hyperbola with the first few points in the third quadrant that have integer coordinates, joined up with green line segments, beginning with the origin and $(0,-1).$ The next point in this downward stairway would be $(-60,-16)$

enter image description here

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  • thx for this great analysis.
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 17 at 1:09

up vote
down vote

I include a proof for the original question. It is between the first two pictures.

There are infinitely many solutions with both $x,y leq 0.$ This comes under the heading of Vieta Jumping. Given a solution to $x^2 - 4xy + y^2 + y = 0,$ we can create new solutions by alternately taking mappings on the hyperbola,
$$ (x,y) mapsto (x, 4x-y - 1) ; ; ; , $$
$$ (x,y) mapsto (4x-y,y) ; ; ; . $$

The solutions on the hyperbola branch that is (mostly) in the third quadrant begin
$$ (0,0); ; (0,-1); ; (-4,-1); ; (-4,-16); ; (-60,-16); ; (-60,-225); ; ldots $$

There are infinitely many rational solutions with both $x,y > 0.$
$$ left(frac12,frac12right); ; ; left(frac32,frac12right); ; ; left(frac32,frac92right); ; ; left(frac332,frac92right); ; ; left(frac332,frac1212right); ; ; left(frac4512,frac1212right); ; ; left(frac4512,frac16812right); ; ; ldots $$

The $y$ values above are of the form $fracb_n^22,$ where $b_n+2 = 4 b_n+1 - b_n ; , ;$ giving $1,3,11,41,153,571,...$

If there were any integer solutions in the first quadrant, these same mappings would take us to an integer solution with both $x,y$ fairly small obeying certain explicit inequalities.

enter image description here

The following diagram goes with the inequality part:

If there were an integer solution with $x,y > 0$ and $x+y geq 10,$ we are going to show that one of the mappings given reduces $x+y$ by at least two; therefore a finite number of steps would take us to an integer solution with $x,y > 0$ and $x+y < 10.$ One can quickly inspect and find that there are no integer solutions with such small numbers. So that is it.

If $x+y geq 10$ and both positive, one case, closer to the positive $x$ axis, has $x > y$ and $y > 2.$ From the quadratic formula and the inequalities we find $x = 2y + sqrt3y^2 - y.$ Note that $3y^2 - y > 1.$ At this point, we have $x+y = 3y + sqrt3y^2 - y.$ Now, after we apply the mapping $ colormagenta (x,y) mapsto (4x-y,y) ; ; ; , $ the replacement value for $x+y$ is $3y - sqrt3y^2 - y,$ so it has shrunk by at least $2.$

The second case is closer to the positive $y$ axis, $y > x$ and $x > 2.$ We find $y = frac4x-1 + sqrt12x^2 - 8x+12.$ After applying the other mapping $ colormagenta (x,y) mapsto (x,4x-1-y) ; ; ; , $ The new $y$ value is $y = frac4x-1 - sqrt12x^2 - 8x+12.$ Therefore the sum we keep calling $x+y$ has decreased by $sqrt12x^2 - 8x+1$ which is larger than $2$ when $x > 2.$ Again, we have shrunken $x+y$ by at least $2.$

That's it. There cannot be any integer solutions with $x,y > 0$ because there are none with $x+y leq 10.$

$$ bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc $$

enter image description here

I found out how to draw line segments in desmos. One can put in a short table of points and have it connect them in order. Here is the hyperbola in the first quadrant, showing the first four of the half integer points and how a stairway connects them, beginning an infinite process. The next point on this staircase, which goes up and to the right, would be $left(frac332,frac1212right);$

enter image description here

Alright, here is the hyperbola with the first few points in the third quadrant that have integer coordinates, joined up with green line segments, beginning with the origin and $(0,-1).$ The next point in this downward stairway would be $(-60,-16)$

enter image description here

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  • thx for this great analysis.
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 17 at 1:09

up vote
down vote

up vote
down vote

I include a proof for the original question. It is between the first two pictures.

There are infinitely many solutions with both $x,y leq 0.$ This comes under the heading of Vieta Jumping. Given a solution to $x^2 - 4xy + y^2 + y = 0,$ we can create new solutions by alternately taking mappings on the hyperbola,
$$ (x,y) mapsto (x, 4x-y - 1) ; ; ; , $$
$$ (x,y) mapsto (4x-y,y) ; ; ; . $$

The solutions on the hyperbola branch that is (mostly) in the third quadrant begin
$$ (0,0); ; (0,-1); ; (-4,-1); ; (-4,-16); ; (-60,-16); ; (-60,-225); ; ldots $$

There are infinitely many rational solutions with both $x,y > 0.$
$$ left(frac12,frac12right); ; ; left(frac32,frac12right); ; ; left(frac32,frac92right); ; ; left(frac332,frac92right); ; ; left(frac332,frac1212right); ; ; left(frac4512,frac1212right); ; ; left(frac4512,frac16812right); ; ; ldots $$

The $y$ values above are of the form $fracb_n^22,$ where $b_n+2 = 4 b_n+1 - b_n ; , ;$ giving $1,3,11,41,153,571,...$

If there were any integer solutions in the first quadrant, these same mappings would take us to an integer solution with both $x,y$ fairly small obeying certain explicit inequalities.

enter image description here

The following diagram goes with the inequality part:

If there were an integer solution with $x,y > 0$ and $x+y geq 10,$ we are going to show that one of the mappings given reduces $x+y$ by at least two; therefore a finite number of steps would take us to an integer solution with $x,y > 0$ and $x+y < 10.$ One can quickly inspect and find that there are no integer solutions with such small numbers. So that is it.

If $x+y geq 10$ and both positive, one case, closer to the positive $x$ axis, has $x > y$ and $y > 2.$ From the quadratic formula and the inequalities we find $x = 2y + sqrt3y^2 - y.$ Note that $3y^2 - y > 1.$ At this point, we have $x+y = 3y + sqrt3y^2 - y.$ Now, after we apply the mapping $ colormagenta (x,y) mapsto (4x-y,y) ; ; ; , $ the replacement value for $x+y$ is $3y - sqrt3y^2 - y,$ so it has shrunk by at least $2.$

The second case is closer to the positive $y$ axis, $y > x$ and $x > 2.$ We find $y = frac4x-1 + sqrt12x^2 - 8x+12.$ After applying the other mapping $ colormagenta (x,y) mapsto (x,4x-1-y) ; ; ; , $ The new $y$ value is $y = frac4x-1 - sqrt12x^2 - 8x+12.$ Therefore the sum we keep calling $x+y$ has decreased by $sqrt12x^2 - 8x+1$ which is larger than $2$ when $x > 2.$ Again, we have shrunken $x+y$ by at least $2.$

That's it. There cannot be any integer solutions with $x,y > 0$ because there are none with $x+y leq 10.$

$$ bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc $$

enter image description here

I found out how to draw line segments in desmos. One can put in a short table of points and have it connect them in order. Here is the hyperbola in the first quadrant, showing the first four of the half integer points and how a stairway connects them, beginning an infinite process. The next point on this staircase, which goes up and to the right, would be $left(frac332,frac1212right);$

enter image description here

Alright, here is the hyperbola with the first few points in the third quadrant that have integer coordinates, joined up with green line segments, beginning with the origin and $(0,-1).$ The next point in this downward stairway would be $(-60,-16)$

enter image description here

share|cite|improve this answer

I include a proof for the original question. It is between the first two pictures.

There are infinitely many solutions with both $x,y leq 0.$ This comes under the heading of Vieta Jumping. Given a solution to $x^2 - 4xy + y^2 + y = 0,$ we can create new solutions by alternately taking mappings on the hyperbola,
$$ (x,y) mapsto (x, 4x-y - 1) ; ; ; , $$
$$ (x,y) mapsto (4x-y,y) ; ; ; . $$

The solutions on the hyperbola branch that is (mostly) in the third quadrant begin
$$ (0,0); ; (0,-1); ; (-4,-1); ; (-4,-16); ; (-60,-16); ; (-60,-225); ; ldots $$

There are infinitely many rational solutions with both $x,y > 0.$
$$ left(frac12,frac12right); ; ; left(frac32,frac12right); ; ; left(frac32,frac92right); ; ; left(frac332,frac92right); ; ; left(frac332,frac1212right); ; ; left(frac4512,frac1212right); ; ; left(frac4512,frac16812right); ; ; ldots $$

The $y$ values above are of the form $fracb_n^22,$ where $b_n+2 = 4 b_n+1 - b_n ; , ;$ giving $1,3,11,41,153,571,...$

If there were any integer solutions in the first quadrant, these same mappings would take us to an integer solution with both $x,y$ fairly small obeying certain explicit inequalities.

enter image description here

The following diagram goes with the inequality part:

If there were an integer solution with $x,y > 0$ and $x+y geq 10,$ we are going to show that one of the mappings given reduces $x+y$ by at least two; therefore a finite number of steps would take us to an integer solution with $x,y > 0$ and $x+y < 10.$ One can quickly inspect and find that there are no integer solutions with such small numbers. So that is it.

If $x+y geq 10$ and both positive, one case, closer to the positive $x$ axis, has $x > y$ and $y > 2.$ From the quadratic formula and the inequalities we find $x = 2y + sqrt3y^2 - y.$ Note that $3y^2 - y > 1.$ At this point, we have $x+y = 3y + sqrt3y^2 - y.$ Now, after we apply the mapping $ colormagenta (x,y) mapsto (4x-y,y) ; ; ; , $ the replacement value for $x+y$ is $3y - sqrt3y^2 - y,$ so it has shrunk by at least $2.$

The second case is closer to the positive $y$ axis, $y > x$ and $x > 2.$ We find $y = frac4x-1 + sqrt12x^2 - 8x+12.$ After applying the other mapping $ colormagenta (x,y) mapsto (x,4x-1-y) ; ; ; , $ The new $y$ value is $y = frac4x-1 - sqrt12x^2 - 8x+12.$ Therefore the sum we keep calling $x+y$ has decreased by $sqrt12x^2 - 8x+1$ which is larger than $2$ when $x > 2.$ Again, we have shrunken $x+y$ by at least $2.$

That's it. There cannot be any integer solutions with $x,y > 0$ because there are none with $x+y leq 10.$

$$ bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc bigcirc $$

enter image description here

I found out how to draw line segments in desmos. One can put in a short table of points and have it connect them in order. Here is the hyperbola in the first quadrant, showing the first four of the half integer points and how a stairway connects them, beginning an infinite process. The next point on this staircase, which goes up and to the right, would be $left(frac332,frac1212right);$

enter image description here

Alright, here is the hyperbola with the first few points in the third quadrant that have integer coordinates, joined up with green line segments, beginning with the origin and $(0,-1).$ The next point in this downward stairway would be $(-60,-16)$

enter image description here

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edited Jul 21 at 1:38

answered Jul 16 at 19:09

Will Jagy



  • thx for this great analysis.
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 17 at 1:09

  • thx for this great analysis.
    – Wolfdale
    Jul 17 at 1:09

thx for this great analysis.
– Wolfdale
Jul 17 at 1:09

thx for this great analysis.
– Wolfdale
Jul 17 at 1:09


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